Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 585: Activists

Even if there are some things, snow and tears are not personally experienced, but there are some rumors more or less; at their point, the news has been well-informed to a certain extent, and the past experience of the same level masters must be particularly careful. If there are no rumors, then the huge intelligence network of Donghuangtian will also make up for it.

Anyone who has been imagining before and has been confused can be found in the handbook of Yuan Tian.

This handwritten book, for the snow and tears, is a treasure trove of information!

He was able to interpret many things from the beginning of the line...

Many of the doubts, many puzzles, can have an answer! However, Chu Yang can feel that the answer that Snow Tears can get here is infinitely cruel to him. It is undoubtedly cruel to use this cruelty in exchange for the truth of the year.

However, it is imperative.

Chu Yang can only do it now and only wait quietly. Although the current practice of snow and tears is no longer necessary to worry about him, Chu Yang is still silently praying.

I hope that the snow and tears will be able to hold it, because there is not only the things of Xuejia, but also the things of Zihao Tiandi Zihao.

That is the life of the snow and tears, the only friend, the brother of death!

Wait for the snow and tears to read this handwritten book, and then consider the next specific action.

For a long time, the room was silent.

It’s really quiet, it seems that the snow and tears are just looking at it.

The figure at the door suddenly flashed, and the figure of Mo Tianji appeared. When I wanted to walk in, it was a sigh of sorrow. Snow tears at the moment the gas field refused anyone to enter, the six parents did not recognize.

Chu Yang grinned and had to go out. Sure enough, he only went out, and the gas field automatically shielded him.

This will be impossible even if you want to go in again.

"I rely on, who is inside? How is it so exaggerated, this is too strong! I feel how it seems to be stronger than Yuan Tian limit? Is it an illusion?" Mo Tianji was really surprised, just contacted But the master feels that the moment is enough, only the result of the judgment is really horrible, only have this question!

Chu Yang said: "It is not an illusion, inside is the East Emperor. He is watching the handbook of Yuan Tian."

Concise and concise, explain everything in one sentence.

Mo Tianji heard the news and was shocked!

Actually, the East Emperor personally came to Mo Yuntian. For this news, Mo Tianji was somewhat unacceptable at a time: When did the relationship between us and the East Emperor have already reached such a point?

This seems to be too unexpected, right? !

If it is said that the demon is suddenly coming, Mo Tianji must be surprised, but it will not be as surprised as it is today.

It is too illusory to know that Chu Yang and the two people are too illusory. It is completely incomprehensible. It is the origin of his relationship with the snow and tears. It is always secret, even if it is a brother who is a stranger, he just said that he had a coincidence. Under the rescue of the Emperor's confession, after the snow and tears to see Chu Yang, see Chu Yang root bones Qiqi, talent extraordinary, more chivalrous and soft, heart, heart, favor, very, right Chu Anode is admired and sees the same...

However, the real relationship between the two sides, in addition to Chu Yang, Mo light dance, in fact, it is just the same, any of the nine heavenly Emperor, the Emperor, has survived countless years of life, even if you have Love is the only way to cherish the talent, but if he really wants to go out and give full help, it is not optimistic for the superpower who is at the same level and even higher level.

"East Huang Xue tears cold ... should be related to the snow house in the handwriting ..." Chu Yang frowned, gently sighed.

Mo Tianji looked shocked and said: "If this is the case, is it not more conducive to our plan..."

Chu Yang some blame for a look at the Mo Tianji, said: "It is affirmation for us here, but ... this is a very important blow to the snow and tears... Heavenly, sometimes, You should probably consider more of this."

"People's feelings are often the most vulnerable, but they are also the most precious things. Once they are missed, it is hard to find them..." Chu Yang is a bit stunned.

Mo Tianji snorted, thoughtfully said: "All the time, my decision has indeed lost some of my heart... too much."

Chu Yang hesitated a moment and said: "Tianji, in fact, I really can't say clearly, whether this kind of decision is good or bad."

Mo Tianji is also silent.

Yes, cruel is a must, whether as a commander or as a military division. Sometimes it is necessary to give up, sometimes to sacrifice, no matter what decision, as long as it involves fighting and life and death, there is almost no way to achieve the best of both worlds.

A real-time decision maker always needs to make a choice, and when it is necessary to make a choice, it is usually a dilemma!

Since ancient times, you have not been a soldier!

This is the law.

However, sometimes, because of such problems, it cannot be ignored or considered.

Mo Tianji thought for a long time and finally sighed and said: "If one day, the way you and I are two, can be harmonious and perfect. It may be the most perfect in the world... Unfortunately, this is the case. The way is never there."

Chu Yang smiled bitterly and nodded: "So, you only need to stick to you when you make a decision, and even if we have objections, it doesn't matter, at most, it's just a punch and kick for you personally..."

How come the world is the best of both worlds?

Reality is never a novel. How can everything be perfect? !

That is really impossible.

Chu Yang also figured out at the moment, if it is really necessary to change the cruelty in the body of Mo Tianji, I am afraid that Mo Tianji can not become a qualified military division...

In this world, everything that is paid for victory, including the victory of any industry in any way, must be cruel!

This is helpless and real!

Two people stood quietly in a corner outside the courtyard, waiting, and the face of Mo Tianji’s Jun still had some hesitation. There seems to be something to say, but I can’t say it.

Chu Yang thought about a turn, suddenly understood, and couldn’t help but pass a trace of narrowness.

"What are you thinking about?" Chu Yang asked a heavy look.

"I was thinking... I asked you a question..." Mo Tianji was a little swallowed and said: " and the light dance are childhood... This, that, although you are not, but the light dance is..."

Chu Yang mouth has a hint of vague smile, said: "What do you want to say?"

"I will never object to you and the light dance..." Mo Tianji coughed and said.

Chu Yang snorted and squinted at him, very domineering: "Even if you object... useful?"

This sentence is really sharp, and there is no room left!

Mo Tianji completely lost.

Although he is the second brother of Mo light dance, but in the heart of that girl, it is far less important than the status of Chu Yang. As Chu Yang said, even if he opposed it, it would be useless.

The only consequence is that the brothers are violently screaming for a few times, and then they have been blamed for many years...

After a long time, Mo Tianji said this: "But you and Tie Tian, ​​Qian Qianqian... How did you get in touch?" Mo Tianji period Ai Ailiang for a long time, finally asked this sentence.

"Contact? No contact." Chu Yang looked stunned and seemed to completely understand the meaning of Mo Tianji.

Mo Tianji almost crazy, distressed and scratched his head: "I mean... how did you start?"

Chu Yang’s eyes turned and said: “In fact, I didn’t start very much, but I can feel that they have a good impression on me... So one day, I resolutely launched a sudden attack... In fact, I kissed them. So it started, it seems to be very radical, in fact, it is very simple, very simple..."

Chu Yang continued to follow the temptation and said: "World affairs, especially between men and women, the most fear is to break that layer of window paper... As long as you understand it, everything is justified, believe me, this is my experience. Talk..."

Chu Yang’s remarks, but there may be some truth in terms of words, but for Chu Yang’s own emotional experience, it is pure fart.

He has always been passive, what is the initiative to attack? How come experience!

However, regarding these things, it may be clear that Gu is alone, but Mo Tianji absolutely never knows Chu Yang’s original experience!

Mo Tianji knows that there are already four girls who have settled with Chu Yang. It is natural to assume that Chu Yang is not a sage in love, but also a master of love. This will obviously feel very good, and he will relish: "Well, kiss." Look, then?"

"And then? Then naturally go to bed." Chu Yang said crisply and neatly: "So you are a talented person... Qinshen and Ming, the case is eyebrows..."

Chu Yang is ready to meet the violent attack and thorough contempt of Mo Tianji. In the end, Chu Yang himself felt that he should be despised, but he is really a very young brother, and he really can't make a more eloquent statement!

But what I never expected was that Mo Tianji had some intentions after listening to it, and even some eagerness to try...

"Some things... always need to try... only take the first step..." Chu Yang has a long heart.

Mo Tianji nodded and listened. Lao Cheng said with a heavy voice: "Yes, right. Well, the Emperor of the East has a time to come out. I am a little urgent now, I need to deal with it immediately, and leave for a while."

In the eyes of Chu Yang, Mo Tianji turned and sneaked away. The faster and faster, the disappearance of the figure has completely disappeared.

"This goods... will not go to action after the second time? Do you know if it will kill people?" Chu Yang stunned and looked at the back of Mo Tianji, muttering: "I didn't expect this product to actually Still an action party..."

Speaking, it is very pious to pray: "May heaven bless you... I hope not to be too miserable*"


Write and delete, delete and write, one chapter three thousand words, overturned several times... three thousand words, wrote eight hours... or write a little easier first, other ones, I can't decide, think again (unfinished To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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