Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 592: The love test of Qionghua's place is witnessed!

This day.

The sun is shining and the sun is shining.

Over the sky of Moyuntian, the white clouds blossomed; the Asahi Rising Sun rises and dyes the whole sky, and the white clouds become colorful clouds.

At this time, a melodious bell rang.

The bell vibrates the universe, but it is more than a bell, but a total of ninety-nine large bronze bells, which sound in ninety-nine different directions. At the same time, it was ringing and sounding a neat to the extreme. It seemed that only one bell was ringing.

Only this first bell rang, it has already given people a strong sense of shock.

First of all!

The bells in all directions gradually converge toward Tianchantai under the control of the master. Then, on the Tianchan stage, the rumored ‘the clock of heaven and earth’ sounded.

No one took the initiative to beat, but it was because of the sound of the ninety-nine big bronze bells, which caused the resonance of the clock of heaven and earth!

At this moment, the bells were extraordinarily melodious and resounding for thousands of miles. All the people who heard the influence of Zhong Ming felt that the mind suddenly became clear, and the mind returned to peace. It seemed that they had experienced a spiritual wash in this moment.

If the bell sounds, it will be under nine hundred and eighty-one!

In addition to the sound of the clock in nine hundred and eighty-one, the entire Mo Yuntian suddenly fell into a sea of ​​cheering and shouting.

Countless people jumped and shouted, excited and full of face redness; countless flowers were thrown in the air, fragrant, alleys, singing and dancing, full of joy.

At this time, an unusually loud voice sounded, one word at a time: "Nine Heavens, Moyun Tiandi, Qionghua Emperor, the throne ceremony, start now!"

With this sentence, the main entrance of Qionghua Emperor Palace slowly opened, the two teams were divided into two columns, the fish came out, the armor was bright, and the sunlight seemed to have lost its color.

The two teams of men and horses came out of the palace, without any chaos, walking quietly along the way, endlessly general, and formed two uniform steel torrents, between the Qionghua Imperial Palace and the distant Tianzentai It formed a wide walled road with a width of nine feet.

The two walls are like two indestructible dams, which will completely contain the floods flowing south to the north!

If you have a heart, you can see that the number of teams that have come out one after another is at least 100,000, and none of them is not a first-class warrior! Between the Qionghua Emperor's Palace and Tianchantai, the road is not close, but the long-distance journey, but between them half a quarter of an hour, has already reached the end of the other side, when the two people who are the first two people reach the Tianzen stage At the moment, the entire team stopped at the same time.

In the next moment, all the personnel of the two teams simultaneously turned to the people near their side.

Facing the squatting flow on both sides, one by one is like a mainstay, and it does not move.

In front of them, there are endless crowds of people, behind them, it is the empty road! No one dares to break through this blockade at this time.

"The guardian of Qionghua is dispatched, paving the way!" The sound that had been ringing before resounded in the air again, full of a sense of seriousness.

At the same time, a bright red appeared suddenly from the palace.

The bright red is gradually expanding on the ground. It is a red carpet. It starts from the direction of the palace. It is nine feet wide and fits perfectly with the avenues separated by two walls. There is not much, a lot of it; The road behind the Qionghua Guardian stretched out all the way.

No one has any movements, but this red carpet extends so autonomously that it seems to have no end at all.

Throughout the world, I was immersed in silence due to the abnormality in front of me.

All the eyes that can see this strange shape are extended along with the red carpet... extended... extended...

It continued until the bright red carpet extended to the front of Tianzen.

When it bordered the bright yellow sky road carpet, it stopped abruptly.

Stepping on the red carpet that carries the hopes and wishes of all the people of Moyuntian, set foot on the position of this Emperor Yunyun!

That's what I mean.

Under the eyes of the public, the bells and drums rang in the palace, and the serious voice screamed: "Please come and drive!"

The shouts of the tremors rang, first, 999 yellow-shirted teenagers walked out from the left side, and then 999 white-dressed girls walked out from the right side.

Everyone is full of energy and enthusiasm.

Then there were countless flags waving, coming out of the palace, thousands of horses, along the two sides of the road, quietly moving forward.

Then, a golden scorpion finally appeared.

The Moyun Tianqixing guards, after the three fronts and fours, formed the battle of the Big Dipper to surround the imperial concubine. The dragon beast in front of the eight horses took the reins and dragged the cymbals slowly.

The sun shines out of the clouds at the right time. There is only one line of skylight, but it is always illuminating the imperial concubine. Wherever the scorpion goes, the sun shines.

Above the royal palace, it is a white jade platform. On the high platform, there are two chairs arranged side by side.

A bright yellow robe, the face of the quiet Yunyun Emperor calmly sat in one of the chairs, the peerless face, at this moment a calm, not shocked.

Handsome, chic, beautiful, steady, majestic, solemn, calm, graceful, elegant...

At this moment, everyone feels that it seems that all the praises of the world are not overemphasized at the moment of the Yunyun Tianqionghua Emperor, and even far from it!

There are some passionate ink cloud girls, excited to burst into tears.

On the chair on the right side of Xie Danqiong, there was a phoenix robes, and the face was dignified and beautiful. Accompanied by Xie Danqiong sitting here, his face was slightly excited, but more is happy and moved.

Everyone noticed that the right hand of Qionghua Emperor, and the national color of the fragrance, the left hand of the master of the world, always hold tight.

"Our great ink cloud Emperor! Our great ink cloud queen!" The voice of Wei Wei was heard again, and at these moments, these two words were used to completely ignite the vibrating atmosphere of the entire Mo Yuntian!

The cheering voice instantly shocked the entire sky.

"The car is the wife of the Emperor Yunyun Emperor Qionghua, the wife of Meiyun, the Mei Queen of China, the only queen of Mo Yuntian, the mother of the world, Ze was born!"

"Under the Qionghua and the Empress of the Queen, they will endure in the end, and they will never leave it; in the good days of Qionghua Emperor's ascension, enjoy the glory of the world with the Empress of the Queen! Love the couple, this is the best. The world witnesses, the whole day celebrates!"

The sound of the master of ceremonies resounded through the sky.

The cheers of everyone at this moment almost shouted the blind man. Countless teenagers, looking at the handsome Emperor, the Queen of Li, thought in their hearts: I don't know when I can do this?

Or: If I am the Emperor of the Clouds, will this decision be made?

A lot of girls screamed almost mad at this moment.

The foreground of the eye is not the most dreamy scene of the girls in the world: one day, with their sweethearts, join hands to climb the peaks of the world, and enjoy the cheers of the people; face the millions of people in the vast earth, declare their happiness and happiness!

Witness your love!

This situation is the deepest dream.

The most beautiful dream!

The queen who is holding hands with Qionghua Emperor at the moment is really a blessing!

Countless girls envied their eyes and red eyes, but their hearts were broken, but they were also sweet and drunk at the same time...

Mrs. Mei sat side by side with Xie Danqiong, and the happiness in her heart was almost overflowing.

Life can be at this time, enough!

No matter how many hardships have been experienced, no matter how long the separation has been, no matter how much the auscultation has been suffered... It is enough!

This situation is the peak moment of the most beautiful dream of the woman in the world.

She held Xie Danqiong's hand tightly and could clearly feel that she had held the happiness of her life!

Mrs. Mei was filled with all her mind and body by happiness. I don’t know that Xie Danqiong holds his wife’s hand at this moment, and there are many emotions in his heart.

Once upon a time, I once said that I want to take you to the peak of my life, and share the scenery with you at the moment I climb to the top.

That is the promise made to you on the wedding night, do you still remember?

I remember that!

I did it.

I really did it!

Fortunately, there are you around!

When we are displaced, hardships and dangers, you will never give up; when we are separated from each other, long-term love, your weight loss, your lovesickness... all your efforts.

You have no regrets.

Yours... everything persists.

I know all, remember all!

Therefore, all my glory and scenery today belong to you!

Anything that belongs to me belongs to you.

Today is just the beginning, the future, and the long days, I will spend time with you and walk side by side.

In the future, there is greater glory, waiting for you in front.

Because, you deserve it!

Everything that belongs to me, only you share it!

Feel the thoughts of the sages around the world. Although Xie Danqiong knows that today's crisis is in jeopardy, there is a danger of corruption. Today is certainly the most beautiful day of his life, but it is also the most dangerous day.

It is highly probable that if you can get to the peak of the glory in the future, you must first fall into the boundless hell.

But at the moment, he was calm in his heart, but he felt the incomparable safety and tranquility.

Because the brothers are there.

This overwhelming confession is precisely the power of the nine robbers from the brothers!

Boss said: Brother is next to me, I am invincible!

Xie Danqiong’s face was calm and peaceful, sitting on the top of the imperial concubine, and slowly moving forward with the dragon beast.

At this moment, even if the sky falls, we can stand it!

The team slowly moved forward in the solemn music, and the sun shines.

The Zen Zen Terrace on the other side is getting closer and closer.

The voices of the people around us are always a wave higher than a wave, and no slowdown.

Chuyang is mixed in the crowd, and as the team moves forward slowly, the fish swims over the dense crowd, paying close attention to all the movements around, no doubt.

Not only him, but also Mo Tianji, Gu Zhixing, Dong Wushou, Ji Mo, Wu Tongtong, proud evil cloud, Mo light dance, purple evil feelings, ink tears, tiger brother, Wang knife and other killer guards, even Also includes the soul of the catastrophe...

And, just last night, I talked about it.

For the first time, all the staff joined hands and made the best effort for the first time!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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