Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 599: Trouble is coming

It’s just this general Qionghua Emperor, but it’s already another person.

East Emperor, snow tears cold.

Snow tears itself is temperament and elegance, Xie Danqiong is also a child of the family, in addition to the temperament of the two kings, the temperament of the two is not much different.

If Xie Danqiong is now posing as a tear and tears, the difficulty is not as big as it is, but the snow and tears are full of thanks to Dan Dan, but it is completely vivid. Don't say other people, even the nine-robbery brothers can't see the true and false.

Only Mrs. Mei, the wife of Xie Danqiong, looked at the fake Qionghua Emperor, but she could tell it at a glance. Because... In the eyes of this fake Xie Danqiong, there is no deep love for himself.

Moreover, I don't have the urge to pounce on my mind when I see it.

This is especially important.

But in any case, this time, the package has been completely successful.

In this way, between the silent and the silent, in front of the heroes of the world, the nine emperors are waiting for each other, and they are so successful!

Even after the demon that had already been clear about this matter, I did not find a mystery.

There is a murderous violent flash in the eyes of the snow and tears. This time, the East Emperor has made up his mind to use the face of Xie Danqiong to kill!

Kill all the blood that will dare to come to the chaos at this moment!

"For many years, I didn't open the killing ring. It seems to be a little missed... It also makes people forget the style of Weiling in the world after the nine emperors... It seems that the practice of Zihao is right, the person who kills, don't have to be soft."

"Let me make today, let the world tremble once!"

- Snow tears cold into the Xie Danqiong's face with a gentle smile, calm and chic, no one can see, in this gentle and chic face, there is also meaning meaning cold cold killing.

Once this killing has broken out, it can kill the world!


The voice of the master of ceremonies was full of excitement and screamed: "Mo Yuntian was tortured, and the people of Moyuntian people finally ushered in the true son of Heaven and the Son of Heaven, and ushered in the true master of Mo Yuntian! Jiuzhong, it is exactly what Yunyuntian has come to expect from the public, and the people of the world are all convinced..."

In the cicada of the ceremonial screaming, a fake Qionghua Emperor is about to embark on the first stage.

Suddenly, some people thundered and thundered.

"I don't accept it!"

The footsteps of Qionghua Emperor suddenly stopped.

Then someone laughed and said: "I don't want a Xie Danqiong to be a party emperor, I don't accept it!"

The next moment, another person said: "What is called no sorrow and conviction? I will not accept it! The erection of He De He, how can it be done, the smuggling of the position of one of the Emperor, is so cold!"

If this series of sounds made the entire venue, a total of millions of people fell into an unprecedented silence.

At the next moment, a holy light in the air suddenly blooms, and a long rainbow flashes across the sky. Several figures appear in the sky, one in the east, one in the south, one in the north, and one in the west.

Although these four people came from different directions, they gathered in one place, standing together and standing in the sky, looking at Xie Danqiong, who was posing in the snow and tears in a slap in the face of the world.

This sudden change has made everyone feel heartfelt mistakes, including even a few of them who are ignorant of this.

It is necessary to know that on the day of the emperor's enthronement, when the nine emperors gathered together, there was actually a jump out of the flag to express the will of the audience. It is directly equivalent to the slap in the face of the nine emperors. ... This should be said that this group of people with brain damage or should it be said that brain damage or should be said to be brain damage?

But whether it is brain damage or ulterior motives, the four people who come here are super masters. If you don’t say anything else, then the means of handing Changhong is already a different matter, but only senior saints. The general level of Putian light that is above the level!

In other words, the four people who came here have at least reached the level of senior saints! It may even be infinitely close to the peak of the saint.

Such a master, any one, no matter which side of the world, is the top role of the top; although this level can not be compared with the nine emperors, but compared to the seven stars of the world The guards are not inferior to the break.

"Well, wait for this to disturb the ceremony, what is the intention?" Muxi took a deep breath and screamed with anger.

He asked ‘What is the intention?’ However, I did not ask the origins of these people. This undoubtedly shows that Mudu knows these people, and the origin of these people is completely clear. Moreover, my heart is still inexplicable. At least, I am not sure that I can deal with these people. Otherwise, it is not an inquiry, but a direct action.

Even the strongest people such as Lianmu have known that they are invincible. The strength of these four people is superb!

One person in the north is in white, looks elegant and handsome, and is graceful. He whispered and smiled: "Let's change the sky, change the land, and establish a new emperor. The end is a big event. So the grand ceremony, I can't come and join in the fun. Eyes?"

He smiled softly and said: "Not to mention, a million-year-old battle with Yuan Tian, ​​was deceived by the konjac that day, such shame, can you not wash the snow, this cause and effect?"

Mudu cold and cold road: "Zhuang Xiaochen, if you want to wash the snow shame, broke the cause and effect, why not go to Yuantian early to get a win or lose, but it should not be after the Yuantian limit, come here to mess, There is no one you are looking for here!"

Zhuang Xiaochen smiled: "Mu Shuai's words are the same. Although Yuan Tian has become a dead ghost, he has always been the Emperor of the Clouds. Although the former generation of the Yunyun Emperor died, the successor is especially, I naturally Is to find him to decide the male and female, and again, Mo Yuntian re-established the Emperor of Heaven, then, the repair of the new Emperor of Heaven should be able to serve the public at least? I am standing out now, but I intend to be in the face of the heroes of the world. Let's throw a brick to attract jade, let the Emperor of Heaven show off his own peerless cultivation, the real deserved name, the truth is a good heart, how come chaos."

Zhuang Xiaochen’s generous speech, the smile is so gentle and honest, a look that is not humble.

Muxi hated biting his teeth, although he knew that this person was arrogant, but when the Emperor of Heaven came to the throne, there was indeed such a saying of Li Wei, but this time the situation is special, different from the past... ...

This Zhuang Xiaochen is a peerless master of Mo Yuntian. He was once in the same name as the Seven Kings. In the battle for the Emperor of Heaven, he was defeated by Yuan Tian and was seriously injured. Since then, it has disappeared; Mikimoto thought that this guy had already fallen, but never imagined that at this critical moment, this guy actually jumped out of thin air, and even challenged Xie Danqiong, wanting to fall Qionghua Emperor The meaning of the words is undoubtedly unpredictable.

The raft sighed with anger and turned to ask the person from the east: "Su Yuncheng, what are you doing?"

That Su Yuncheng is a big ear, the dough group is like a rich family, but the eyes are flashing with a cold light, saying: "The ancient law of Tianzhu, the strong king, the weak minister, the position of the emperor, must have the power to cover the world. Being able to live, Yuan Tian can be able to stabilize the position of the Emperor on the same day. It is precisely because he has all the people who compete for the throne on that day. What can Xie Danqiong do, dare to steal this position, if I defeated Xie Danqiong, then this Heavenly Emperor will be If I do it, if I can't stand the goods of the emperor, how can I protect the peace of the world?!"

In the West, the man clap his hands and praise: "Not bad, my Nie Qianlong is the same idea. Heavenly Emperor takes turns to do it. Now I am at my house. If you do it, can I do it? If I want to let me dispel my mind, unless Xie Danqiong personally takes me. beat."

The people of the South are also a beautiful man in white fluttering, the three long squats drifting in the wind, a piece of dust floating, the sacred wind bones, at this moment, a faint smile, a handsome and graceful said: "This is the case, I am also a general idea."

These four people appeared and reported their names. All of the following people who knew these four people were all shocked.

God electric cream Wang Zhuang laughs dust.

Golden Knife King Su Yuncheng.

The skygun Wang Nie Qianlong.

Dalushan Wang Qu is infinite.

These people are all well-known Moyun Tianwang class-level powerhouses, and the original heart king, soul king, book king, painting king and other people are all famous people, not inferior.

A million years ago, in the battle to determine the ownership of the Emperor, even though the people on the cloud personally pressed against each other, these four people still stood up and challenged Yuan Tian.

The cultivation of these people is all about the top.

It seems that the surface seems to be sloppy, but in reality every one is unruly and incompetent.

After the demon, the demon spirits show a slight brow, and faintly said: "You four people, actually dare to let this in front of this?"

After the demon, this sentence is equivalent to forcing yourself to take advantage of it.

But listening to the hearts of these four people, but instead a happy, all the heart: This Xie Danqiong really did not improve, the demon is so nervous, do not hesitate to pay for himself, forcibly shot...

The goddess of power, Wang Zhuang, and the dusty respectful body, said: "The demon squats under the Ming dynasty, the celestial emperors are millions of blood berths, and thousands of times have been killed. How can Xie Danqiong be the exception? Besides, this ceremony is the Emperor of the Clouds In the finals of the throne, it is always the housework of Mo Yuntian. Although the demon is repaired to the depths, Ze is the world; but... we are the housework of Mo Yuntian... If the demon is to intervene, it seems that some of them are more and more embarrassing... not suitable. ""

After the demon heard the words and angered: "Do you mean that you don't know the depths?"

After the demon is a heavenly emperor, it has always been the way to follow the law, why have anyone dared to face her in person, Zhuang Xiaochen is still euphemistic, it is always said that after the demon, the dog takes the noisy man, how to be angry after the demon!

Moreover, the process of the real and false emperor exchanges was too magical. Everyone was blinded. After the demon, I thought that Xie Danqiong was still there. I was going to use the title now, and Zhuang Xiaochen’s words just gave the demon.

There are reasons for worry.


Yesterday, my comrades drank together and drank directly. Later, I directly smashed the film. I don’t know how to go home. After a while, I will share with you the lively situation of yesterday... Cough, it’s really not vomiting, I often crave Someone shared. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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