Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 612: Loyal soul

"Mo Yuntian Emperor!" The two men struggled to stand up when they appeared in Yuantian. Although they were already tired, they still stood straight! On the face, there is still that kind of pride.

Although it is facing a generation of Emperor, but here, they both represent the purple sky!

Zi Yantian, the pride of the Purple Emperor, is not tolerated whenever and wherever, and will never be weak when faced with anyone!

Although they are very difficult to do, the spirit, the style of the purple-colored sky, is clearly expressed!

I don't know why, when I saw this scene, Chu Yang suddenly felt that her eyes were hot and her nose was a little bit worried.

Even the person who is not so serious with the snow seven, at the moment of seeing the scene in front of him, is unconsciously straightening the spine.

The eyes are dignified.

In the picture of the black hole.

"You are here." Yuan Tian’s voice is very cold: "What is the situation with Zi Yantian now?"

"Zizitian is still insisting!" One of them looked directly at Yuantian, and the voice was weak, but he said: "We will definitely keep going! We will wait forever, waiting for the arrival of the reinforcements!"

"Can you still hold it?" Yuan Tian's voice is full of embarrassing meaning.

"As long as the brothers of Zixiaotian are still alive, even if they are alone, we will stick to the end and never give up!" The person on the left has some grief and indignation: "I just want to ask the Emperor Mo Yuntian, the supporter of Mo Yuntian, When will it be?"

Yuan Tianjun was silent and asked: "What is the situation of Zihao's individual now?"

The two stood up together and screamed: "Under the armpit!"

"Invincible..." Yuan Tianji sneered: "If you are truly invincible, what other reinforcements do you ask for?"

The two voices were cold and cold: "If it wasn’t for the promise of my brother, the Emperor of the Clouds had promised to my brother that day, we will not come here at the moment!"

"Promise... Hahaha..." Yuan Tianjun laughed.

In the laughter. The eyes of the two men gradually became cold.

The faint, deep in the eye, there is a trace of despair, but still holding the last hope, not willing to give up. Said: "The invasion of the demon, is it true that the Emperor Moyun Tiandi wants to stand by and stay out of the way?"

"The whole ink cloud, all have to stand by and watch?"

"We have a total of 70,000 subjects in Zishen, and each one is fighting in the blood. Every one is fighting bravely. In this regard, Mo Yuntian is completely indifferent?"

Yuan Tian is silent, for a long time, suddenly said: "Why can't you stand by, why can't you stay out of it, I can't wait for Zihao to die soon! Why is he still not dead now! Why?!"

The faces of the two men suddenly cooled down. One word at a time: "The singer of the Purple Emperor will never die, even if you are dead, your Majesty will not die!"

Another person is indifferent: "It seems that we are taking this humiliation this time... I will wait for this. We are no longer expecting what kind of reinforcements will be sent by Moyuntian... oh... even the Emperor of the Clouds Such a narrow-minded person can still count on what you do in the sky..."

"Farewell?" Yuan Tianji finally sneered coldly: "You two thought, are you still going?"

"What do you mean by this? Are you trying to kill us?" The two were unbelievable: "You don't help, but everyone is always a Scorpio compatriot. You want to kill us at this time?"

"Sisters? Who told you that I am from the Scorpio?" Yuan Tianji suddenly sneered.

No warning. His face suddenly changed, brushing, the wings came out, and the fangs and fangs appeared, and a thick black gas suddenly rose.

The opposite of the two people exclaimed at the same time: "Heaven, you are the incarnation of the demon?!"

But the voice of this cry, but it is far worse than the anger and despair!

Yuan Tian is a demon. It proves that this time the aid completely failed! The entrustment of His Majesty is not finished...

Immediately, the two of them calmed down, inhaled deeply, and prepared to fight.

A sudden and insignificant meaning, from these two endless roads to the people who have done their best.

Gas is like a bullfight. Straight to the Han!

One of them closed his eyes tightly, and two lines of tears dripped from the dry eyes, deeply sighing: "Your Majesty, I am sorry!"

"Your Majesty! Not dying in the battle with you, it is my brother, the regret of my life!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to be alive, I am fortunate to be your guard again!"

The two sighed at the same time.

But in my heart, there is still hope: I hope that other brothers will be able to send the Holy King to the army as soon as possible to save the crisis of Zixiaotian.

If that is the case, even if the two brothers are dead, they can feel at ease. Even if the soul goes to Jiuquan, it can be noticed.

"Reading in a meeting, I will tell you one more thing, you must not hope to be in the clouds." Yuan Tian limited ridiculous laugh.

"What? What do you say?" Both of them shouted at the same time.

"Because the Holy King will not send troops at the same time." Yuan Tianjun smirked: "Do you know why Qiu Tiantian has been fighting for so long, but he has never received official support from Tianzhu?"

The two eyes condensed and their bodies trembled: "Why? Why?!"

"The reason is very simple. First of all, because of me, I am always controlling the output of intelligence. Also because of the people on the cloud, he will completely suppress the battle of Zi Zitian! Zihao, this time will die! Why are you always there? It’s not because of the East Emperor’s Day, because I and St. Jun have completely intercepted the road to Zixiaotian.”

"Why did the snow and tears not help, because the last time the Saint was deliberately leaking a glimpse of the sky. The snow and tears are now breaking through, and he will definitely not come out in ten or eight years."

"Although leaking the truth, it may create a person who can contend with him in the future. However, the invincible combination of Zihao and Snow Tears will disappear from here, and the benefits will always outweigh the disadvantages!"

"In fact, before the attack on Zixiaotian, the people on the cloud already knew that the devils outside the field were going to send troops. All this is for the layout of Zixiaotian..."

In the case of Yuan Tian, ​​the wording of the word is in the hearts of the two people, so that the two are completely desperate!

And this time, at the same time hit the heart of the tears in the snow.

The snow is now cold and the body is shaking, shaking with extreme anger.

"Cloud people! I **** your mother!! You two **** a thousand times, 10,000 times the bastard!" The two men were extremely angry and arrogant, and at the same time they rushed up!

This is obviously an absolutely asymmetrical battle.

A well-prepared, sturdy Heavenly Emperor, squats against the seven-star guards who have exhausted all the oil and bruises.

But the two people are already crazy, and they are desperate to go crazy...

When one person is killed under the limit of Yuan Tian, ​​another person is hit by Fei Tian, ​​and when he is embedded in the deep snow layer, Chu Yang and others almost turn their heads!

I can't bear to see it again.

But can't help but watch!

The seven-star guard was in tears when he was dying. He couldn’t move with his body. He whispered in his mouth: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... You have to take care... you have to live alive... ”

In the picture, Yuan Tianji smirked and completely destroyed the souls of the two men, and then plunged the body into the glacier land, under a thousand feet.

"This will solve you, break the last possible way of asking for help, I will go to the purple sky. Look at the last end of Zihao... hahaha..." Yuan Tian limitedly laughed, satisfied, full of satisfaction The ground flies away.

Under the Qianzhang Glacier, the body of the lord who has lost the soul has actually moved.

Climb up a little bit.

I broke through the layers of ice rock and climbed all the way. At the end, his whole body bones were already grated and drenched all the way, but he still climbed up and kept crawling up...

I want to climb out with perseverance and never stop.

The picture followed the body and moved slowly.

Finally, when it was about 30 feet from the ground, the bones of the body of the corpse were completely worn, and even the teeth were already ground and broken...

The corpse finally quietly lie there... no longer moving...

"This is a grievance in driving the body, carrying out the original idea of ​​the original Lord ... has nothing to do with the soul of life..." The sound of Snow Seven is a little choked.

The snow-capped mountains are flying all the year round, and I don’t know how many years have passed. The bodies of the two seven-star guards, one under a thousand feet and one under thirty feet, quietly do not move...

However, the aura contained in the bodies of the two people is constantly moistening the place.

Finally, not far away, a snow-white thing was born.

"Nine turn Xuan jade!" Snow seven sighed in the sky.

This will change the picture very quickly, and the snow will be full of fluttering. For a moment, I don’t know how many years have passed...

Finally one day, a figure fluttering in white came to the snowy mountain and was looking for something.

"It’s actually a demon. How did she come here?" Chu Yang had some doubts in his heart.

After seeing the demon, I kept picking up a mountain range. It seemed to be looking for something. Finally, she saw the nine-turned black jade. The look behind the demon is obviously a bit of a surprise. Even if it is the strongest of the nine emperors, the nine-turned jade jade is still a rare good thing. After the demon, he carefully took the nine-turned jade jade into it. Then she saw the body.

I looked at it intentionally or unintentionally, but unexpectedly found that there was a hint of crystal in the bones of that person.

After the demon suddenly surprised, looked up carefully and looked at the position, muttered in the mouth: "This is not one of Zihao's seven-star guards... This scar, I still played against him, because he was too It’s hot, only to leave him with this scar, but to give him a lesson that can’t be erased for life... Besides, no one should have left a similar scar in this place...”

"If it is really the guard of Zihao, how can he die here? But not in the purple sky?"


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