Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 614: Morning wind, flowing clouds

This voice is very elegant and peaceful, but it seems to be out of thin air. Before that, even Chu Yang did not feel the same.

The face of Snow Seven is also full of unexpected colors. Although he discovered the arrival of the voice master, it is undoubtedly an accident that this person can come so close.


Peak master!

Chu Yang’s heart has already been settled.

Moreover, if you can talk to the East Emperor, the tone is considered to be respectful, but it is undoubted that the coming person is a master among the masters!

However, the snow and tears seem to have already known that this person has arrived. I don’t see any sorrow. I laughed lightly: "I know you can’t do it... The cultivation of the sage couple is really fast, short time before and after. It’s already at this level. It’s really gratifying.”

In the darkness, the two figures fluttered like the wind, and they fell in front of everyone. They smiled and said: "The Emperor of the East has won the prize."

Chu Yang looked up and saw that these two people had a long eyebrow, handsome and handsome, and another body was a beautiful woman, just a brow like a sword, and a heroic look.

Somehow, Chu Yang actually had a familiar feeling about the coming.

It seems that I have seen these two people in general. This makes Chu Yang feel a bit puzzled, such a person, as long as I have seen it, will never forget. Is it an illusion? !

If it was not an illusion, where did I see such two people from?

The snow was like a stunned first, then he smiled again. This is what I said: "You two are the heads of the ten underground worlds where the nine heavens are in charge of the great sorrows?"

The handsome middle-aged man said with a wry smile: "Don't dare to act, the so-called supervising the underground world of the ten parties, it seems that the scenery is infinite. In fact... In this piece of the nine heavens, it is really a chicken rib, at best, it is just some souls. Managers, how can they be called the master of a world."

Xue Qi heard the words laughing, nodding his head, apparently agreeing with the middle-aged man's words.

The words spoken by the middle-aged people are undoubtedly very direct and abnormally honest, and it is true. In this nine-day sky, the subordinates of the small world can still be stronger, and most people can leave a trace of soul after death. Reincarnation...

However, the nine-day scorpio is too martial, and the master is even more odd. In order to avoid the aftermath, the enemy often uses the way to destroy the soul. The last trace of the soul is completely destroyed. Breaking the cause and effect, the underground world is incapable of interference.

Although compared with the base between the warrior and the ordinary people, there are still many ordinary people, but it is only inconspicuous with the comparison of the total base of the population of the entire nine-day population. In fact, often a battle between the strong, The turmoil will cause the souls of all the ordinary people within a few hundred miles to disappear in an instant, thus losing the chance of reincarnation!

Ordinary people end after the end of the day. After passing through the underground world, the soul will completely destroy the spirit of life. Reincarnation, but compared to the repairer, as long as the body is repaired beyond the heavenly level, the spirit of the self will have the ability to detach, even if it is the end of the day, it will try to win the life, and will not enter the underground world.

Therefore, the work of the ghost is seemingly infinite and powerful, but when the real people can really receive the soul of the strong, it is very rare. Even though it is the owner of the underground ten-party world, it is at best a manager of a large institution.

However, if there is no such place between the heavens and the earth, it will not work...

When Mo light dance and purple evil feelings suddenly learned the identity of the two people in front of me, their faces changed a bit: Supervisor Yin? !

Ghost, this kind of thing, for women, is always a particularly horrible thing.

Even if its own strength is amazing, there are no exceptions!

The middle-aged man’s eyes looked at the hiding place of the catastrophe in the air, and smiled bitterly: “For example, like the soul of the strong man above, even if we let it into the underground world, we still have to brave The risk, because of the strength of such a catastrophe, is enough to make the entire underground world of the earth turn upside down, and even break through the underground blockade, it is not too difficult to re-enter the world."

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "Although the soul of the strong end is always incomplete or completely destroyed, on the other hand, it can be said that the strong is paying for the pursuit of its own strength. Generations of people are born, or predecessors are weak, but as time goes by, many of the original weak, but eventually become strong..."

"And the strong, always born from the weak. Or this is the truth."

"Although these powerful people who formed later did not know that their predecessors were a miserable deed...hehe..."

Snow seven is also a haha ​​smile.

The graceful character of the woman smiled and said: "This is justified. Because... as long as it is a strong person who has not yet reached the level of eternal immortality, it can never be called a real strong. ""

Snow and tears smile: "The so-called eternal eternal..."

He sighed: "It's easy to talk."

"Sincerely." The stunning woman admits: "At the moment, there has never been such a strong person in the Nine Heavens."

Snow tears faintly said: "In fact, it is the same. The strong has reached a certain level, and the soul has grown and grown. But if the body is destroyed and the soul is weakened to a certain extent, it would be better to blew it up. It is also better than being a remnant soul, accepting the control of others... This is also a pride of the strong..."

"Or it can be said to be a kind of awkwardness." Chu Yang said quietly.

The middle-aged man looked at Chu Yang and his eyes were mild. He gently said: "The Lord of the Nine Robbers, our husband and wife, express our heartfelt gratitude to you."

Said, the two men bent down at the same time, and bowed to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang thought between the electric turn, Ming Wu Yu: "You are the two extremes of the morning breeze and the flowing clouds?"

He finally understood the other person's familiar feelings from where he came from, and died in the middle of the nine-day continent. There are two supreme statues.

Chu Yang still remembers that the two statues of the original statues radiated from the world.

At the same time, I understand why these two people should thank themselves: because. Dance the city.

Dancing the city, it is the descendants of the couple, and the last blood of the two strong people to stay in the world, the last inheritance.

And because of the identity of the nine robbery swords, because of some entangled sources, they have unleashed the knot in the heart of the dance city; let the city dance with courage and purpose to live...

"Do your best. It's not enough." Chu Yang is very respectful: "The two predecessors are too polite."

When it comes to dancing in the city, Chu Yang involuntarily recalls the Chu Leer who went to see Master, and the Mo Tianji who accompanied him... and... those who fought against the demon in the battlefield outside the country. people.

Chu Yang sighed unconsciously. There was too much thought in one mind, and I didn’t know what it was like in my heart.

Many of the nine robbers and predecessors, breaking through the limits of life, boarded the legendary nine-day Scorpio. Just to destroy the magic. However, for the people of the Nine Heavens, the legendary nine-folded Scorpio and the higher-level Nine Scorpio, but often have many unbearable people, even one of the heavenly emperors can actually be the incarnation of the demon, even the so-called first person of the Scorpio, the true essence It’s also so unbearable, it’s really amazing!

Dancing the morning breeze, a handsome middle-aged man among the two. He looked at Chu Yang with great depth and whispered: "For the Chu Sword Lord or just raise your hand. But for both of us, it is the grace of the heavens and the earth. I know that the Chu Sword Lord is generous and generous, bold and generous, and never forgotten Newspapers, fools and couples are not swearing, only one word to tell, if the sword master has his day, you can go back to the lake for three days."

"Hmm?" Chu Yang stunned and looked up at the dance morning wind.

The dance of the morning wind is really abrupt, even inexplicable. The nine-fold heaven and the earth are descending. It seems that the person who can raise the hand can return to the place. Of course, the dance of the morning wind is the exception, or there will be no dance. City, but it seems very difficult to return to the Nine Heavens. If you say this, I know what you mean! ?

Chu Yang was asked to ask more questions. I didn’t want to dance the morning breeze, but I immediately turned my head and talked with Snow Tear.

Don't look at the status of the dance morning wind, but if you just want to be in his identity, but still on the back of the nine emperors, even enough to be equal with the only person on the cloud, he and the snow Cold exchange, Chu Yang can not rush into the situation!

Lord of the Ghost!

I saw that both of them had a heavy face. But they can't hear it completely. What are they talking about?

Only Chen Yunyun, who was next to a white-shirted singer, was laughing at him slightly.

There seems to be a deep meaning in the smile.

This smile is also beautiful.

Chu Yang looked at Chen Liuyun, but his heart was thinking hard: the three days of death in the lake? Is there anything special about it... or is it a special meaning?

I was thinking about it. Suddenly, my left waist suddenly burst into pain. This hit was too abrupt. Chu Yang was surprised that there were enemies here and there, and in this case, the confidant was hurt. It was simply unbelievable. Actually, the soft meat on the right side of the waist was also twisted into a twist.

Chu Yang couldn't stand it anymore, and screamed and jumped up, but he saw that the hot hand was purple and evil, and the two beautiful people stood by his side, two small hands were at his waist. The effort is strong.

Obviously, Chu Yang stared at Chen Liuyun’s intense squint, causing the strong vinegar of the two women...

Under the universal sky, it is possible to reinvent Chu Yang so quietly and understatement that there is no five fingers. It is no coincidence that there are two people here...

The opposite of Chen Liuyun couldn’t help but smile, and she still didn’t know where the two women were applying the hot hand, and the channel: “Chu Jianzhu... Sometimes men look at beautiful women will cause big trouble... ”

Chu Yangkou’s painful ‘嘶嘶’ sucked and nodded, and Philip said with a strong smile: “It’s extremely polar...”


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"Mysterious Devil"

Qingyun Zongxiaoyu, the demon **** pointed in the painting, repaired the supernatural powers, the war demon king, defeated the demon saint, destroyed the mysterious god, the name of the world. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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