Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 621: Upgrade downgrade

Snow seven thought, if it is not the few who are born in Xian, the slaughter will be slaughtered, this really does not matter. But if it is the few who are born in Xian... then the old goods are slaughtered by themselves! It is one thing to admit that you don't recognize the girl, but...the outsider...this is still there.

The purple evil is calm: "No."

Snow tears gratified nodded: "I know that you will not agree... How can Zihao's daughter manage to scream at others? Even if it is my snow and tears, it will not work, is it that?"

Purple evil show Yan Yixiao: "I can call your uncle."

Snow tears and cold words, haha ​​laughed, the original smooth chin actually grew a long beard, made the uncle's money, just laughing, a beard blowing straight, said: "Of course Of course... you can also call my uncle. Hahahaha... this is too much."

The purple evil said quietly: "Actually, I am more willing to call you Xue Big Brother..."

She blinked and said: "People say that marrying a chicken and a chicken to accompany a dog, although I am the daughter of your righteous brother, but now I have to marry another brother... Of course, I will call it with Chu Yang. Otherwise, I will pull Chu Yang and my sisters down for a generation. I can't afford this sin."

Everyone smells it, all of them are dumb, and they are all shocked by the ecstasy of purple evil.

Will the purple evil that has always been cold and solitary still have such a "cute" side? !

"Snow... Snow Big Brother??" A pair of eyes with snow and tears slid round, and there was some stuttering. He was the only one who did not notice the purple evil feelings. It was mainly the words of purple evil. Stunned!

啥米? Zihao's daughter, call me big brother?

If I talked about it, wouldn't I still call Zihao... Uncle?

"Reverse!" Snow tears cold and angered: "No, no! It is absolutely impossible. How many million years have passed, my generation has actually fallen a generation! Absolutely not!"

Mo light dance called: "Snow brother... If you say this, you can’t talk about it from Chuyang’s door. Purple sister is my sister. I’m called from my side... I have to call you big brother...”

"You don't count!" Snow tears cold face.

"I definitely should count this. It must be counted!" Chu Yang old **** is there, come together to join in the fun.

"What to count, this thing does not blame your kid!" Snow tears do not hit a place, one foot will Chu Yang the whole person smashed out: "All blame your kid too fancy, all come not Refused, inclusive... Now even the emperor has followed you downgrade..."

Chu Yang licked his ass. I broke into the bone marrow and shouted: "Snow and tears, you bastard, you are waiting... One day, my repair is more than you... I have to wait... you wait!"

"When do you have to? Do you have to do?" Snow tears and sorrowful smile, asked a white mouth with a mouth to ask Chu Yang. The eyes are very dangerous, and this will not be disguised.

I can tell. As long as Chu Yang said that he couldn’t listen to a word, and greeted Chu’s seat, was it a violent, or tyrannical? Hey? !

Seeing that Chu Yang, who is about to be "violent", will raise the exemption card, in the spirit of the hero who does not eat the loss before the eyes, and raises his hand: "I have to wait for a good have to drink a glass of wine! We have to A drunk party, who makes everyone a brother. Where is the accounting more than these ones..."

Mo light dance and purple evil feelings are giggling, and the color is moving.

Xue Qi looked up at the sky and murmured: "This guy with no bones..." I have long forgotten that when I faced my older brother, it was far more rude than the current Chuyang...

People, the demands of others are always lower than their own!

For a time, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Snow tears haha ​​laughed, turned to the purple evil feelings: "Good! No matter what I call, I hope you... live well! Practice well, then, well... walk between the heavens and the earth! No matter what I call... But no matter what happens, you must let me know... or that sentence. Even if you will only kill all the sons of the other saints and the nine emperors, I am also holding it for you!"

He laughed and said proudly: "The daughter of Zixiao Emperor is born to be such a noble identity! Even if Zihao is not here now, as long as the East Emperor Snow is still cold! It is still so noble!"

"This. No doubt!"

The words of snow and tears are extremely domineering, upscale!

Chu Yang nodded on the side, agreeing to admire: "Snow big brother said too right! Purple big sister is so noble! Even if the East East Snow tears are not there, but as long as I have this husband, there is no People dare to bully you! Even if you even slaughter the sons of the Saints and the nine emperors, all of them will not be separated from each other, and my husband will take care of you!"

The snow and tears are the result of the gas: "What... What is the name of the East Emperor is not there... Are you kidding me to die?"

Chu Yang hurriedly laughed: "I am jealous of my wife, have a relationship with you? You don't join in the fun!"

Snow and tears are more frowning: "Good boy, you dare say that I join in the fun, the skin is itchy?!"

Chu Yang's face is sour: "Big brother, can't you leave me some face? Are your two younger brothers here?!"

Snow tears and a sigh of joy: "You kid wants to face, happy to say it, you don't say it, how do I know that you want to face?"

Chu Yang’s face is crying and tears, and he’s only half a sigh: “Why are you ruthless and ignorant, why do you want to make fun of me?!”

"Ha ha ha..." Everyone burst into laughter.

A meal to eat, everyone has some open mind, snow and tears finally left a trace of God in the purple evil spirits; although usually do not feel anything, but as long as the purple evil encounters the danger, snow and tears I will be able to know in the first place and will come over in the first time!

Everyone can see the determination to protect the purple evil by the snow and tears. It is a kind of protection that cannot be described by words!

Everyone absolutely believes that it is true that one day, the son of Saint Jun is not good enough to be killed by the purple evil, so no matter how reasonable, snow and tears will definitely launch the sky, and the only Saint A deadly battle. Not dead end!

This is the only blood of Zihao, snow and tears are absolutely not allowed to accident!


After this event finally came to an end, Chu Yang finally asked another thing of concern.

"I said, go to the nine heavens, how do you go back?"

this matter. There is no doubt that only the snow and tears have the most say, because the people in the field, and even the entire nine-day Scorpio, are the most experienced in the snow and tears.

"You want to go to the lake of death now?" Snow tears and asked him.

"Yes." Chu Yang nodded and admitted.

"In fact, it is very simple. When you arrive at Donghuangtian, I can open a passage for you..." Snow tears and a cold face: "At the beginning. In order to ensure that the nine-robbery of the sword is not leaked, I am in the mainland. Space turbulence has been set in the sky to shield the possibility of strong external forces entering. If it does not pass through the channel, I am afraid there will be damage..."

The purple evil sentiment widened his eyes: "I was originally set up by the turbulent space that I almost returned to the original shape?"

Snow tears cold face, squatting: "Yes, yeah. Where do I know that you will be so reckless? I will not know your identity at the beginning... Forgive me forgiveness... oh..."

The purple evil screams.

In fact, there is nothing unhappy in the heart, because it is because of that weakness that he met Chu Yang and found this person worthy of his life.

From here, it is also a blessing in disguise, even in a sense. Snow and tears can be regarded as your own big matchmaker.


"Shantou, take care!" Snow Tears and Snow Seven finally quit, in the snow, snow and tears cold hands, and whispered: "Shantou, your father's purple day, still waiting for you!"

Purple evil bites his lips, no response, just nodded slowly.

Snow and tears burst into laughter and said: "I am so happy! For millions of years. I finally felt the joy of being happy again. Chu Yang, take good care of my family... I will go."

The body is so vacant, in the blink of an eye, it has already reached the height of Baizhang.

Snow seven shouted: "Big brother, what are you doing so urgently? Wait for me..."

As soon as I got out, I quickly caught up.

In the blink of an eye, the figures of the two have disappeared at high altitude.

On the silent snowy mountains, the laughter of the snow and tears is still echoing, but people have already disappeared.

"Where are we going to go? Go to Donghuangtian, or go back to Jiuzhongtian?" Mo light dance looked at Chuyang and purple evil.

Obviously, Mo Qingwu is very happy with the idea of ​​returning to Jiuzhongtian. After all, for Mo Qingwu, all the relatives except the big brother Mo Tianji are in Jiuzhongtian. If they can go back, they can solve the problem of homesickness.

The purple evil sentiment sank a bit, Shen Sheng said: "Chuyang, you accompany the light dance back to the nine heavens to see it, I want to go to the purple sky and turn around."

Chu Yang heard a moment of silence for a moment, said: "We will accompany you in the past." Mo light dance is also nodded with concern, with the current state of the spirit of purple evil, if it is to the purple day, what is the stimulus? Things, where the land is the place of the demon, it is... unimaginable.

The purple evil spirit shook his head and solemnly said: "I want to go alone."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "I said that I want to accompany you, not to worry about you, but to be really curious about this place in Zixiaotian. Besides, there is a place where my father-in-law fights, how is it? Go and see."

The purple evil sentiment smiled.

“And...” Chu Yangdao: “You may not know, I got the inheritance of the Purple Emperor... Three days on the mainland of Jiuzhongtian.”

He slowly said: "In a certain way, I am still his successor, or a rumor. So I have more reason than you to go and see the purple day."

The purple evil is full of violent shock!


<Temporarily received a notice, on the 27th, I have to go to the starting point of Shanghai starting point, things are more hasty... I have to work overtime in the past few days, get some deposits, or else I have no time code words. Up...>

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