Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 631: Hometown, hometown

"Nothing to say, I will wait for myself to take a pound and put it on my bed and drink it slowly." Jin Yi Dahan danced and excitedly flushed his face: "Get up in the morning and have a drink at night. ......"

Xuanyuan has some small excitement in the sky, but it is still pretending to be calm and disdainful: "In this white mist, can you share the morning and evening? One cup, one cup late? You can do it."

"Oh..." Jin Dai Da Han was beaten up.

With these teas, the relationship between Chu Yang and the three people has once again warmed up! upgrade! Violent!

From the original stranger, to the first time before the acquaintance, it is now half-baked tea, just like sitting on a rocket and reaching the intimate point of the brother.

"Brother ~!" On the left side, Jinyi Dahan took a slap in the left shoulder of Chuyang: "You are so funny! I Yanfei recognized your brother! Thank you... hahaha... how good tea."

"Buddy!" On the right, Jinyi Dahan took a slap in the right shoulder of Chuyang: "Yes, I will not say thank you to Yang Zong, and I will put it in my heart!"

The two slaps of the slap in the face, directly let Chu Yang "slap" and sat down on the ground. Although his body can still hold a huge force, but the chair sitting under the **** is unable to hold. So I still sit down.

Someone with a cold **** can't help but have a black line.

"Ha ha ha..." Seeing the situation of Wuyang's wolverines, everyone laughed loudly, and the two women laughed even more, as if they were swaying.

Between the crowds, I suddenly felt that there was no sense of alienation.

"Brother, you are going to tell us about what is Jiuzhongtian now?"

The three asked at the same time.

"Nine heavens, this is a very long story..." Chu Yang began to scream.

The three listened with gusto.

It depicts the mountainous terrain, depicts the human geography, and depicts the customs and customs... The Chuyang mouth is like a river, and it seems that it can always be said without any margin.

The three people were very interested in the beginning. Slowly becoming interested, but also a bit stunned.

Because this product is just a description of this... For the human geography of Jiuzhongtian mainland, or the customs, there is no point involved at all... or, the three people really want to hear, this product is actually nothing Say.

even. There is no meaning of any shadow involvement.

Xuanyuan can still stand in the sky, although it is a calm face, but still listening carefully.

However, on the one side, Yan Fei and Yang Zong were obviously unable to hold their breath, and for a long while, Yan Fei finally opened the opening of Ai Ai. The picture is like the uncomfortable sitting on the bottom of the buttocks: "The amount, besides these... Is there anything else... heroic deeds? Or the century war... the heroes?"

"Heroes? Are those legendary myths or something?" Chu Yang's face is unclear: "The majority are exaggerated, blowing nothing, there is nothing to say... you want to listen to this related ?"

Yan Fei was stunned and couldn't stop swallowing, but what he really wanted to say was not dare to say it for a while, but he took the eyes and floated the sky.

"When we are there, there are some legends and legends. Although they are exaggerated, they are not too outrageous..." Under the urging of two brothers, Xuanyuan’s sky finally reluctantly opened, but an opening The original clear voice was a little hoarse, and there was a cough in the meantime.

"...At that time, we remembered. At that time, there will be...and...and..." Xuanyuan said in a long and hard way: "There are... the nine masters of the sword, and the legend of the nine brothers." ... Those people may not be enough to be legendary, but always a choice. Do you know if the little brothers have heard similar rumors?"

This sentence is said, the three people looked at Chu Yang with a burning gaze at the same time. There is boundless tension in the infinite expectation...

Although deceived.

Although deceived by one person!

Although the victim was killed, it was almost used to death...

But they are still... want to know, some things.

For example... the brothers who were hurting at the beginning are scattered... Boss... How is it now?

In the rivers and lakes. But what about his legend...?

In this battlefield, many of the warriors fighting against the devils are the same people who have suffered the same experience as their brothers.

They know each other's identity with each other, but ... deep communication, but there is basically no, especially the experience of the past that was painful in the past, and no one is willing to mention it.

The past is unbearable, but I still want to know that the old man is not there!

Nowadays, this Chu Yang is a person who is soaring. It should be different from other people from the Nine Heavens. I don’t know the people who are inside the ruins. Instead, they have the courage to inquire about some related matters.

But of course they wouldn't have thought that they had inquired about this time, they had accidentally hit the wrong and completely found the Lord - they dare not ask about the nine robberies of the past. But suddenly asked the head of the contemporary nine robbery sword!

"You are asking this! You said this..." Chu Yang’s face showed a sad look and said: "This thing... the inside is really miserable. My head is really deliberately avoiding this topic, but where To talk about the legends and legends of our nine heavens, we can't skip the legend of the nine robbers anyway, but this legend is so miserable, so I have been avoiding mentioning this tragic problem, but I did not expect... you are still active. Asked about this question... Hey."

"Tragic? Too tragic? How do you say this?" The three men sat up straight at the same time, and their eyes were big.

That thing... shouldn't that person preach it out? He should be infinitely beautiful, how can it be miserable?

And it seems to be the best in the world?

"Now the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, almost everyone knows about it... but everyone is holding the same attitude, that is, not talking about it; because every time you talk, you will feel your heart hurts, The Nine Heavens, the Purple Emperor, the Purple Emperor, is a recognized hero, but in the world of Jiuzhongtian, the legend that is recognized by everyone, there are only nine legends..."

Chu Yang is deeply sighed and full of emotions.

"What? Heartache? Legend? You hurry and talk about it, what is it?" The three felt that their heart almost jumped out of their throat and couldn't wait to ask.

"It's hard to say a word. You didn't want to ask again. I really don't want to mention it again. Such a hero of the world, such a peerless hero... So sadly reminded of the grievances of tragic death... Even, the death of the dead, the soul flies... Chu Yang continued to sigh.

The three of them gasped at the same time.

Is this what we say? It’s hard to be... The things of the past are actually already in the world?

"Brother, please also ask us... I will tell you carefully, what is it, can actually shake the entire nine heavens up and down..." Xuanyuan looked out to see that Chu Yang did not want to say, suddenly got up, long-haired, swearing A turn, the right color said: "This matter is very important to us, please..."

Yan Fei and Yang Zong made a request at the same time.

"Whenever." Chu Yang said: "Heroes can't be blind forever... Since you said that this matter is related to you, I will say the last time, but you have to be patient. I will elaborate on the reasons for this matter in detail... ..."

"Reassured, we must have patience!" The three men nodded in a hurry: "Great patience."

"Things say it, we still have to start from the ninth generation of the nine robbery sword master..." Chu Yang said.

At the beginning, it was interrupted by Yan Fei: "Ah? The ninth generation? The nine-huntred inheritance has already reached the ninth generation?"

"You shut me up!" Xuanyuan Sky and Yang Zong looked at Yan Fei wickedly, while exporting reprimands.

Yan Fei’s sat down and scratched his head: “I’m sorry, I’m a little anxious...”

"Hurry up and shut up!" The two men were drinking at the same time: "Stop the point and listen!! Then go out with a word!"

Yan Feiqi took his head and didn't talk.

"You continue to say, continue to say." The two turned to look at Chu Yang at the same time.

"Well... the ninth-generation nine-robbery sword master is a very ordinary martial art from the next three days... This person is a handsome boy. When he was only fifteen or six years old, he became a contemporary nine-rocket sword. The Lord... Moreover, this child is talented, handsome, handsome, and arrogant. It is really a dragon among the people, and it is the ultimate talent of the nine heavens.” Chu Yang began to complain.

After listening to this series of praises, the three people are thinking: "What is strange about this... The nine masters of the nine generations of the sword are such people, otherwise how to collect the hearts of everyone..."

"This ninth-generation nine-robbery sword master took his brothers, from the next three days, how to... how to turn the tide, and help the building to pour... Dan Xin Zhao Zhao, the spirit of the stars ......"

Chu Yang's voice gently describes the art processing plus the fact that the story is slightly exaggerated. Anyway, the protagonist of the story is simply a flower-filled, human-loving "complete person."

Mo light dance leaned his head on the purple evil spirits. It seemed that he was already asleep. The purple evil spirits also buried his face in the Mo light dance hair. Both women are trying to control their emotions...

But the two women have already had a stomachache...

It’s really... I have never seen someone who is so shameless.

I boast that I can actually do it without changing my color and not jumping. I can do it with my heart and soul... Where are the two women who dare to raise their faces, and when they raise their faces, the face can’t control the smile, I’m afraid Will reveal the stuffing on the spot...

"...So, the nine robbery sword master arrived in the middle of three days, how is the nine robbery sword master... Xia bones and soft sausages, swords and gallbladders, righteousness, righteousness, loyalty... How to... I rushed for the last three days..."

Chu Yang’s tone changed: “But after three days, I discovered that things are going to be quite serious...”

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