Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 651: At all costs! Third more!

In order to match the formation, the brothers screamed and followed, and the formation remained undisturbed!

Chu Yang was passively wrapped in the core position at the moment, and at the same time felt something wrong.

Until now, Chu Yang has never shot.

Because, at this stage, it is not the right moment to shoot.

The Heavenly Devils have been fighting tens of thousands of years with Jinyi Tianwei, and they know a lot about each other's strength. After thoroughly testing the road, it is even more confident.

Nowadays, the posture that has been put up should be absolutely determined, and all efforts should be made to annihilate all the sixty-four people of the nine robbers.

On the basis of real strength comparison and mutual quantity comparison, the two sides have no comparability at all, and even the time and place are all on the side of the demon. If there are no great variables, the nine robbers and others will die, and the dead will be dead. !

However, the variables in it are naturally Mo-light dance, purple evil spirits, and Chu Yang.

But now, in order to perfect the nine-game catastrophe, Mo Qingwu and Zijiu have already participated in the war. That is to say, the variables that belong to them, or the influence they can exert, have all been revealed. They also It is no longer able to further influence the existence of subsequent battles.

Today, only the Chuyang is a person who does not know the variables of the demon.

Of course, there are tiger brothers and catastrophes that have not been shot until now.

Chu Yang only has one person, even though the strength is not bad, but in terms of real cultivation, I am afraid that it is not as good as any one of the nine robbers who have been there. Even if they hide their strength and preserve their full strength, how much can they play?

This is because Chu Yang is not only Chu Yang, but also has a status of nine robbers.

For the big robbery of the nine robbers, the nine robbers are the real core!

The current nine-robbery seven-star array, although it can be regarded as a perfect shape, but in fact it is no eye.

In other words, the nine robbery is still a flaw, and there is only one flaw!

And the nine robbery sword master, Zhengzheng is this array of eyes, to make up the only flaw of the nine robbery!

Although Chu Yang has never shot, but he rushed out in the middle, he has already placed himself in this position. You can start up at any time!

The nine robbery sword master and the nine robbery sword, once appeared at some of the most critical time points, instantly boosted the nine robbery to a multiplier of energy!

In this way, we can reach the point where the nine robbers are in perfection, and play the strongest force in the history of the nine robberies.

Chu Yang wants to preserve its own strength, that is, at a critical moment, in one fell swoop, to maximize the impact of the situation and reverse the situation.

So you can take everyone back to the first bridge!

However, if Chu Yang rushed out and exposed his true card in advance, there were at least tens of thousands of miles ahead, and the enemy could make a targeted response; it was only then that it was over.

Chu Yang's self-confidence is: Although he is not as good as the nine brothers in the past, if he talks about the combat power, once the nine robbers are out, it is really not much worse.

There is also: Tiger brother and the soul of the disaster!

This is another card of Chu Yang!

Therefore, Chu Yang has not been in a hurry.

But now, the savage retreat of the demon is clearly prepared.

What is the other party doing?

Between the mind and the flash, I saw all directions, and there was a wave of sorcerers in all directions, such as the singularity of the old-fashioned screaming, the face of the decisive, the look of the face.

That desperate roar, the kind of desperate warfare, came to the surface.

Chu Yang can't help but be shocked. He rushed to pass the sound of Jun Wei: "Be careful, the devil must be desperate... It is very likely to be a self-destructive tactic!"

Jun did not hesitate to scream out loudly: "Everyone is careful! This gangster must use self-destruction tactics!"

Although other teams don't know yet, but Jun Weiling and others have already known Chu Yang's nine-robbery master identity from the dance city! To Chu Yang’s words, there is no doubt at all, just like the command of the boss. No hesitation, no doubt!

At the same time, Zuoqiu Yuncai and Ximen Wanli and others also woke up at the same time, and shouted: "Gathering the formation!"

At this moment, the nine robbing think tanks of the past are the same and the most correct choices without exception!

Dispersed in all directions, the nine robbers who chased the devils at the same time flew at a rapid speed.

At the moment when the last person returned to the team, a dark-faced demon had already taken the lead and flew over. Immediately, it was an earth-shattering explosion that suddenly detonated!


Immediately, countless days of magic, one after another, rushed over and took a desperate decision, in the nine robbery defense camp, blew himself!


The sound of the explosion became a piece.

Smoke and dust, rising from the sky, the square of the world, at this moment staged a grand show of bombs blossoming!

Countless dust, stones... everything, but also mixed with countless broken limbs, skyrocketing!

In such a chaos, even if it was repaired by the sky, I did not see the situation of the explosion center in the end.

In the sky, the Golden Crown Devil frowned and looked at the scene in front of him. He suddenly asked: "How do these sixty-four people compare with the purple scorpion guards of the year?"

All the hearers of heaven and earth face each other.

No one can answer this question.

In that year's war, but all the demons who participated in the war basically died, even if there are a few lucky ones who are not dead, most of them are also scarred, go back to recuperation, or go back and wait to die.

To this day, the vast majority of those survivors have come to an end, and the rest of the people who are still alive have almost become the top of the demon power; they will not appear here.

The people involved in this cofferdam are all "up-and-coming stars" who have risen in this million years. I don’t know what the real situation of the war was. Although I have heard many legends and legends, I have never seen them before. No right to speak.

And now every sentence, every judgment may affect the success or failure of the current situation, who dares to speak rashly?

The Golden Crown Devil frowned, said: "... Although this is not certain, but these Jinyi Tianwei have blocked us for so many years, the strength of each of them, I believe that even though it is not comparable to the purple guardian of the year, but It’s definitely not far away.”

"Adults are wise." The nine devils will be flattering together. Their identity is not as good as this golden crown, and naturally it is touting Shangguan.

"That is to say ... the comprehensive combat power of these people is definitely much higher than that of a single purple guardian. In particular, they are still in a certain position, and their defense capabilities have increased considerably... "The Golden Crown is muttering to himself."

"Adults, there is such a saying in the legend that I heard. The family of the jade is the same as the army of the sables of the sables. But I have never heard of it. There used to be a smashing army against the sables." The devil said weakly.

"Hmm?" The Golden Crown Devil frowned.

The following explosion has come to an end.

The result of the battle has appeared _-

In the dusty smoke that permeates the sky, I saw a team of people, like a raging dragon, which was suddenly protruding, and once again facing the depths of the Tiandeng army, lightning was inserted obliquely.

One two three...

After careful counting, the muscles on the face of the Golden Crown can't help but twitch.

Subconsciously whispered a sentence: "Dad brother!"

The nine-day demon war will look at the people who are surrounded by smoke and smoke, and they can’t help but scream: "Dad brother!"

Because, the total number of sixty-four people, actually one has not decreased!

This unbelievable result of the magic naturally makes the devils have to arrogantly say: Dad...

After so many soldiers were sacrificed before and after, even a wound was not caused?

This result is too frustrating for the devils!

The golden crown goddess looked solemnly, biting his teeth and said: "The next wave of preparation! This seat does not believe, so many people's suicide attacks, can not help them. Suzuki Jun, the next wave, you!"

The face of the 'Suzuki Jun' suddenly became a bitter gourd, stuttering: "I...?"

Mind, does that mean let me die?

"Yes, it's up to you." The golden crown is like iron: "Just go in person and try to test their bottom line... Suzuki became the second general, I represent the emperor, thank you."

The 'Suzuki Cheng Er' general squinted, opened his mouth, and roared in his heart: You can represent the emperor when you are paralyzed... Actually, thank you on behalf of the emperor... Your sister, I knew you didn’t see Laozi. By the way...

However, after opening his mouth, he finally agreed to come down, a straightforward, one nod: "Awkward!" (The author translates: '蛤咦 fart' is the language of the demon, translated into the words of Tianzhu is: 'Yes!'. )

The Golden Crown demon nodded and turned to another demon to say: "Tianzhong Xiaogan General, 'Suzuki into the second' general is responsible for the main attack, you help the hand to sweep, pay attention to observe each other's abnormalities, do not let go of any clues! ”

The ‘Tanzhong Xiaogan’ general was standing upright and said seriously: “Ass!”

"Go." Golden Crown Tian nodded.

Two figures flew together.

Only one of them has some pity and sympathy for the other, and the other is very desperate.

"Tian Zhongjun, after this battle, I will die undoubtedly... Everyone in the family will come to Tian Zhongjun." Suzuki became the second to the ground. When I got up straight, the tears flowed.

Tanaka said seriously: "Suzuki Jun please rest assured! Everything is on me!"

Suzuki scored a fixed look at him and said awkwardly: "Really please!"

Not waiting for Tanaka and Xiaogan to return, the path turned away, the figure was full of resolute decision, but there are still some bleak.

The black figure "brushed" across the sky and had already gone to his own camp.

Immediately, the next moment I saw that the black army of the team moved, and the tide rushed up.

A full 200,000 elite is directly under the squad!


The third is sent. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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