Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 659: Unspoken

This matter completely destroys the war of the demon army!

"General...? Really a general... No..."

"Then you? Really the general's devil!"

"The general is dead!? Really dead!?"

"How can this be……"

"What should I do?"

"Then you... then you..."

The beginning of the unexpected defeat, finally opened at this moment, and out of control.

In the large-scale battle between the two armies, the Lord will always be the military heart and the daring, but in the case of the emergence of the Lord will be killed, the morale of the soldiers will be inevitably hit hard, and there may be a complete collapse at any time.

When these few heads appeared, the only surviving Golden Crown Demon did not appear to preside over the overall situation, and the Tianmo Army’s heart was instantly dispersed, and there was no fighting spirit. There are also dozens of high-level saints who are fully charged. Millions of people suddenly make birds and beasts scattered, and they flee in the air. Instead, they attacked the rear line.

The Lord will kill all the information as if it were a plague. It spreads all the demons in a fast speed, and all the hearts of the demons are instantly disintegrated.

In the face of such favorable situations, Chu Yang and others are naturally morale high, triumphant all the way, mad chasing!

So there is a strange phenomenon to the extreme: a total of dozens of people, actually rushed to kill millions of days of magic! These situations are really strange and make people scalp!

If anyone sees this scene, I believe there is only one question in my heart - how many of these people should be...

While chasing and killing, Chu Yang regrets at the bottom of his heart: this fact is a pity today. Just use poison, why not Chu Leer himself! ?

If my own cousin is here, the effect that can be caused is definitely more than just this point of the game... After all, I am afraid that even amateurs can’t count on the use of drugs, that is, they are full of people. It is the professional level, the industry has specialization, just right...

If the gods know the idea of ​​Chu Yang’s heart at the moment, I am afraid that the tens of millions of troops will not use the nine robbers to fight for it. They will have to vomit a **** death at the same time, and collectively go to Huangquan!

You have a water bladder, a **** plan that can't get on the countertop, and it has wiped out all our high-level nets, causing a total defeat of millions of troops. It is still so unsatisfied... I want to be like this...

People, can't be so shameless, have a little limit!


After the gang has rushed out for a while, the demon army has been completely ruined. Apart from a handful of sporadic squadrons and many corpses, the big crowds don’t know where to go.

Until now, all the talents stopped and gasped.

The alarm was lifted and suddenly relaxed. I was shocked to see that the tired and resounding brains that had accumulated since the end of the war had been top-heavy. Many people sat down on the ground and gasped.

People's energy, physical strength, cultivation, and even vitality can all be compensated by external forces. Only when the spirit is not good, once the excitement is over, the spirits are dissipated, and the fatigue that has been neglected before will be doubled. This is These people have been cultivated to a very high level. Before that, there were Jiu Dan and the Fountain of Life to nourish them. Otherwise, it would not be a rare thing to suddenly kill a few!

"Hey!" The season swayed back and walked over, and a slap of "squeaky" slammed on Chuyang's shoulder: "Good boy, you are going to get it! Just a water bag, so that thousands of troops will instantly collapse! Really Good calculation! It’s got it! Admire! Good!”

Chu Yang touched his nose and smiled: "Where is it..."

The humility of a rare king, he also knows that his own water tank strategy is really rough, it is really not such a high evaluation, this time can be a success, it is completely a dog.

This point of self-awareness is still there!

"Where, where is it, absolutely powerful! It's amazing!" Another guy squeezed his eyebrows and his thumb raised high above Chu Yang's nose: "I said buddy, I tell you the truth, I was in my heart all the way." Hey, you didn't stop, you said that this road, you didn't have a hand, it's not as good as two girls... I didn't expect you to come up with an earth-shattering big move, the buns are not in the fold, the people have ghosts. My heart is not on my face... It’s amazing, it’s amazing!”

Chu Yang listened to the black line of a brain, is this buddy boasting me? !

In the season, I laughed and laughed. I couldn’t help but slap the shoulders of Chuyang. I said nothing, "Is there a sputum in the water bag? What magical things are there? Actually let a senior The saints fled directly and fled, and there were six or seven intermediate sages at the level of the generals who died and died. This is the richness of the fart, and the whole thing is done, it’s too overbearing!"

Chu Yang touched his nose and smiled: "Oh, the water bladder is an ordinary water bladder. There is really no organ... there... I just put a little bit of innate poison, so that..."

"Glutinous rice? Congenital poison!" Everyone screamed!

That thing has been lost, I don’t know how many years of legendary poison, this guy actually has! ?

"Yeah, I am afraid that the effect is not good, so I put a little bit of poisonlessness..." Chuyang coughed.

Everyone is eye-catching: I am going to go? The shadowless poison is the legendary means of poisonous deity a few million years ago? Recognized as the first poison in the world of nine heavens? The prestige of the name, especially on the innate poison!

No wonder... This gang of gods died so fast, the two big poisons were shot at the same time, and it’s really impossible to say no to death...

Everyone is sighing in their hearts. I only heard that Chu Yang said something awkwardly: "After all, there is a senior saint in the target, I have to have two kinds of virulence. I am afraid that it may not be enough... So I added some poison of the carrion..."

"嘶~~~~" Everyone is very neat and wide-eyed, mad!

I only feel a bit of a toothache!

Looking at Chu Yang’s eyes is like seeing a legendary prehistoric monster that popped up suddenly!

To say that the poison of the carrion is in the name of Wei, far from the two toxins in the front, it is almost impossible to speak the same language, but whether it is congenital poison or no poison, it is the best poison, taking life. At the moment of the fingertips, the poison of the carrion has a residual effect, but the main one is a corrosive persistent virulence. The sustained lethality is its main use. If the poison is poisonous, the poison of the carrion is The crown of the three.

After all, the first two are just human life. The poison of the carrion is not only life-threatening, but also the death of people.

And by combining these three virulences, the degree of terror and murder of the initiators can be imagined, obviously!

"Really... really... really..." In the mouth, it’s really a long time, and it’s said: “It’s really...very vicious, too sinister, too poisonous... too stunned...”

"That is." Yan Fei excitedly rushed up: "I told you brothers, I can't really let a few people in my life, but now you are definitely the number one person! This is really... The sinister method of ruining the family and breaking the grandchildren, what do you think of in the end? Is it usual to do this kind of activity?"

Chu Yang is another black line of the brain, and does not hide the anger of this goods.

Almost to throw this goods to Nantianmen! Will you speak loudly? Will it boast? Is it so ugly to say so straightforward?

"That's right..." There are more than 20 nine-robbery brothers nodding their heads together: "It's too poisonous. It's too sinister. It's really too human. It's really only a life, an unprecedented role." what……"

Then everyone went out and laughed: "But I like it! Hahahaha..."

Chu Yang was black with a handsome face glaring at this group of unruly people, only one face smiled.

Some people who did not participate in the "praise" Chuyang made up everything, Zuoqiu Yuncai, Ximen Wanli, Xuanyuan Sky, Zhuge smile; Oriental solo dance; alone and no tears; these six nine-hundred think tanks stepped forward step by step.

Chu Yang suddenly looked up.

In the eyes of Simon Wanli, there is a deep respect; while the other five people, the eyes are shining with incredible excitement.

Just looking at him, but it seems to be watching another person, another long-lost person.

Zuoqiu moved the throat and moved, and said dryly: "Very good! Really good! Thank you!"

His voice had a slight tremor.

Then, six people were all together.

A trip to the ground!

Can't afford it for a long time.

Chu Yang felt a shock in his heart and hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Why are you doing this? It’s also a part of this battle. It’s the matter of the enemy. Isn’t it supposed to be?”

Six people straightened up and smiled at the same time, and their face was full of excited blush.

But after all, they know that they still have no real identity to break Chu Yang. It’s just a look in the eyes, but it tells Chu Yang clearly: We already know your true identity.

Chu Yang heart smiled a bit: These people, which one is not through the Tianwei land? Turning the wisdom of the world? Which one will be inferior to any hero in the world, any wise man?

If you don’t always shoot yourself. However, he shot twice in a row, and arranged for a light dance and a purple evil to intervene in the nine robbery battles.

There are so many nine-density Dans...

If these six people can't guess their identity,'s really weird.

However, after all, everyone is a wise man, of course, will not expose the identity of Chu Yang at this time: once everyone knows, even if it is completely confidential, the spirit will reveal. It’s not good to be seen by the enemy...

Therefore, although everyone is excited, it is also unanimously kept tacit.

In the next three days, the demon side did not have any movement at all.

However, everyone can clearly feel that, just in front, there will be a more fierce battle waiting for themselves!

It was a feeling of rain.

Everyone is a battlefield veteran, and it feels so clear to this feeling.

Intensive pressure!

In this rare and short time, everyone is also taking the time to restore their self-cultivation. Every moment, every moment, they are building up their strengths. Everyone knows that the next contact will never be like the previous wave. situation.

The next wave of battle is the real battle to decide life and death!

Unavoidable! ! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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