Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 663: Life and death are a moment, a little cold and glory!

There was an unprecedented inexplicable jealousy in the heart of Tianyuan’s heart. The original figure, which had never returned and was unstoppable, still couldn’t hold a little bit of a meal, and then added several layers of magical power to help Wanquan. .

This is the first time in his life against the enemy, so solemn and careful!

Chu Yang's body floated.

As he floated up, the nine generations of brothers behind him, followed closely, as if they were floating without their own opinions.

Sixty-four people formed a huge sword in the air!

The power of all people is integrated into this sword! There is no self-existence!

All the spirits of the sixty-four people will come out with this sword!

nothing left!

Wherever this sword goes, everyone will have a lot to follow!

No one will be absent!

No one will fall behind!

Life and death follow, a sword is eternal!

Because, at this moment, this is already a complete, inseparable whole!

Chu Yang’s heart suddenly flashed.

It was a moment of realization.

Why does the Nine Robbery Swords have a breath of exhalation before each sword is thrown out; call the name of the sword!

Because of this... In fact, in the group battle, give a signal to the brothers behind you!

Inform everyone: I will use this trick after waiting!

Especially... when all the nine robbers are fighting with themselves, it is like this time, when the whole power is turned into a sword.

Without prior notice! As long as you are a robbery, when the sword master uses this trick, you will be natural, seamlessly cooperate!

The tip of the sword moves!

Suddenly made a little cold!

Chu Yang eyes a deep, leisurely long shouted: "Nine robbery swords ... a little cold light - Wan Mang!"

The ultimate nine-robbery sword, in the case of the joint force of these 64 people, was finally impressed!

I saw a position standing in Chuyang, a little cold light suddenly emerged, suddenly became a million roads!

Hey, he’s coming out!

Sweeping the world, vertical and horizontal!

Just like in the middle of the universe, there is a planet that suddenly explodes!

The huge blade formed by sixty-four people turned into one of the most flickering meteors in the air! With a long, light around the whole body, there is no return, and spurs forward!

Countless screams, almost at the same time, endless!

The singer who rushed to a certain extent around him, starting from that moment, is like a stagnation of the stagnation of the sun, but after touching the slashing the earth and the general Jianguang, at most, there is only a scream and a scream. Made fly ash! More, even the last bit of sound has not come out, and the gods are gone, not alive!

The swordsmanship of the Nine Robbery Swords is infinitely swallowed, and the two abilities are simultaneously opened!

I was shocked to see such an amazing power. The eyes of Tianfeng and Cangjing were not both at the same time, and both of them realized the horror of this move! If only one person makes this move, they can confidently greet them without fear!

Smash this trick!

Although I still don't understand the mystery of this trick for the time being, but with the absolute strength to crush the past, there is no question about the skills of swordsmanship!

However, at the moment it is an incomprehensible phenomenon!

It turned out that sixty-four people were completely one!

Everyone's cultivation is integrated into this sword. In addition, there seems to be a strange additive effect! This strange bonus should be the power exerted by the swordsmanship, and the original basic lethality is almost doubled!

Then, the superposition of this repair is no more than the strength of the two great devils. After all, this is the sum of the strengths of more than sixty senior saints, which is really enough to threaten the strongest of the demon king level.

How can there be such a sword in the world? such a man?

If you want to crush the front, it has become impossible!

Can not be crushed on the front, once it is right, there must be damage!

However, the two people also felt that if this move could not be blocked positively, the sword would surely rush into the crowd of one side!

At that time, the killing that can be produced is just impossible to estimate!

Definitely will be a huge loss!

And cordially, by that time, the other side's sharpness is unstoppable, and the momentum is already in place. If you want to stop their breakout, I am afraid it will become impossible!

The two great devils took the initiative and made a cold cry, choosing a positive resistance!

This is not a momentary impulse of a hero, but a burden as a king!

If the first move of the other party begins to retreat and let his subordinates send their lives, then what is the dignity of the king?

The body of Tianyuan in the wind turned into a gust of wind, whistling, and facing the coldness of Chuyang.

Cangjing’s body suddenly rose sharply, and it turned out to be a giant in the sky. The mountain was generally stopped before the sword of Chuyang. One virtual one, the two big devils are blocking the road!

Cut the sword!


Chu Yang faced two great devils, and Li Xiaosheng said that it was late, and at that time, it was already with an unparalleled war, and it flashed!

Long-term cold, 10,000 cold!

The limit broke out! No retreat!

In the face of the two great devils, Chu Yang only has a hard battle!

It can only be hard!

If this is not the case, everyone will die here! No more luck!

The blocking of the two great devils will ruin all the nine robbers!

Kill one by one!

Therefore, Chu Yang has no choice but to fight hard!

If it is only his own strength, this time, it’s hard to be sure! Even if it is used again, it will not be able to rush out!

The two ordinary figures of the nine emperors, together with the smashing, is it a small?

However, at the moment, it is a joint effort of 64 people!

Chuyang master!

Who is born and who is dead, who wins and who loses, a blow!

The gust of the incarnation of the Tianyuan in the wind was the first to wrap up the 10,000-point cold of the nine-robbery sword.

Disc, stripping, grinding, eliminating, all kinds of means, killing nine robbing swords, if the nine robbery swords can not completely defeat the wind in a short time, everyone will be in the hurricane of the wind, annihilation, the shape of God does not exist!

Chuyang, which bears the brunt of it, only feels that a powerful and irresistible wind has been entangled in all directions. For a time, the unstoppable nine-robbery sword is like a carriage caught in a storm, gradually getting into a situation. Being pulled apart in a trend of being torn apart!

It is no longer possible to move forward!

Even, I can't hold my sword and can't keep my body!

Chu Yang can clearly sense that the pressures facing the moment are no more than hundreds of times more than the time when the Yuan Tian limit is faced!

This is a complete superpower of the nine emperors in the peak state!

A sword, a sword composed of 64 people, because of this unprecedented violent hurricane, the full-speed assault cast is actually alive and dead!

Absolutely not let this state continue, we must make the sword move again, otherwise everyone will only be instantly disillusioned!

Chu Yang screamed, the tongue was spring thunder, regardless of the consequences of the detonation after the move!

Filled with all the energy in the meridians, the same time mad out!

More like a desperately handed out the nine robbery sword, breaking through the wind!

At this moment, Chu Yang even felt that his own Dantian was empty, and nine Dantians were no exception! All spiritual power, all cultivation, all the power, all the spiritual power, and even the soul! ......

At this moment, all of them are evacuated by the limit, and there is no more!

With the power of everyone behind you, the limit broke out!

If you are unsuccessful, you will become a benevolent person.


The storm that lingered around the nine robbery swords was screaming out, and there was a faint sigh!

The whole body of the wind, Tianyuan, flew out like a broken kite. Unbelievably looking at the one that broke through from the front and squandered it all the way. It was like a lightning-fast savage sword light, could not help but cough, face plunder After a trace of bright red, a blood came to my lips, but it was forcibly swallowed back!

He never thought that he would actually be injured under the sword of the other side!

But just a fight, the defeat is actually yourself?

And still so fast to win the game!

Almost just a contact, I felt that my body was torn apart. Even though I had already turned into a wind, a storm, or a hurricane, I still couldn’t resist the great swords that swallowed the world and destroyed everything!

This is the first time in my life! I experienced the pain in the internal organs, and there was even a feeling of 'newness' in the wind.

How many years... no injuries?

Although a move failed, but the wind between Tianyuan is still very assured!

Because, he is sure, just the fight, the other party has done all the best!

Even it is absolutely overdrafting a lot of life potential, this can burst out of power, and make yourself lose!

However, no matter who it is, even if it is the Emperor of the Emperor, after such a blow of all power, there will be a fault of succession!

Chu Yang, even though they repelled themselves, but absolutely can not escape the interception of the warehouse!

In particular, the warehouse is not empty or known for its defensiveness. If he is "not moving", he will have no way to defend himself.

It’s absolutely impossible to break through this heavy interception, such as Chu Yang, who is close to the end of the oil!


The speculation of Tianyuan in the wind is completely true! A little good!

Chu Yang did break out the potential of life, only to break through the blockade of the wind in the sky!

It is indeed a little spare power!



At that moment, the situation of the Nine Robbers and other people was fine, but at the same time they felt their body shocked! A feeling of dizziness rises, but then it returns to normal!

The reason why they only have such a negative state is because Chu Yang took the initiative to bear most of the damage -

Under one fight, Chu Yang only used the array method to disperse the damage caused by 70% of the fights, and the remaining 30% were completely stiff with their own body!

With the combined strength of 63 people, there is no big harm in dispersing 70%!

However, Chu Yang himself bears the 30% attack of Tianyuan in the wind, but it almost disappears!

But Chu Yang has no choice.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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