Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 665: No kill!

"Catch!" The two great devils are shy and angry, and turn around!

I can almost feel that the other's heart is bursting at this moment!

"The other side of the sword is weird!" Feng Tianyuan chased and said: "It's very strange! Very wrong!"

"Not bad." Cangjing does not gnash his teeth: "A large part of the problem is on the sword. When I am not moving, this body is the Emperor’s majestic sword, and it may not be able to cut a Blood, but under the other's sword, it is like breaking a hole and breaking a big hole! That sword is definitely the opponent's trump card!"

"Catch over! Be sure to grab it!" The two great devils also saw greedy luster in the eyes of the other party.

"There is another point." Fengyuan Tianyuan said: "It's really weird. Just the other fight, when the other side broke through my hurricane blockade, I clearly felt that they have used quite a lot of life potential to break through. I am off!"

"And, the feeling of weakness in that moment, it is absolutely impossible to deliberately show weakness, because that is meaningless at all!" Feng Tianyuan frowned: "According to common sense, even if you and me, use such taboos After the law, there will also be a state of short-term success and weakness. But the other party can follow the move, and it is still a more powerful trick, which is absolutely unreasonable!"

The two chased each other while talking: "This is really incredible!"

Cangjing is not empty and smiles: "Who said that it is not? This is because of this, we have made a move. If we know that it will be like this, as long as we are wary. From the very beginning, we will go all out, the real joint shot, How could they slip away from our hands?"

"In the desperate situation. Everyone has determined that they are exhausted, the oil is running out, at least there is no more cards left, but suddenly a sword that broke far beyond the known strength limit! This is the most Terrible things."

Tianfeng smiled in the wind: "This matter is even more important than the sword!"

"Yes, this is the case. The young man who is inconspicuous in the intelligence. It is actually the most important role among them. It is really hidden!" Cangjing is not heavy.

The two great devils chased after all, and looked closer to Chu Yang and others in front!

Chu Yang has a desperate attitude. After the release of the whole world, why not take the sword to break through the obstacles, and then take the crowd out of the three thousand feet; then gradually slow down.

At this moment, everyone has broken through the blockade of the devil's tight defense. Came to the top of the mountain.

front. There are only a handful of Tianmo soldiers.

But when the sword went to the end, Chu Yang slammed a large mouth of blood, and almost fell into a coma in an instant!

The aftermath of the two extreme outbreaks finally broke out again; although there was the recovery of Jiu Dan, the nine-robbery space was the best complement, these two powerful sources of supply to support, but still can not be immediately restored, Need to have a relative buffer time!

Mo light dance and purple evil feelings one hand and one hand Chu Yang. Supporting Chuyang, Chuyang has a buffer. In the same season, the two men and the two swords joined the road and continued to advance rapidly.

However, in this way, the speed of this advance is nearly double the speed of flying with everyone with the sword.

This speed is not able to maintain the distance that Chu Yang opened before, but gradually chased by the two great devils coming from behind.

Behind the squally winds, the two kings of the demon have already caught up and chased them up. Two of them are Changhong, just like a meteor, and they will catch up!

The speed of the opponent is almost as fast as it is, but the action posture is still so elegant and chic.

The opportunity to get rid of Chu Yang before, I will be taken back by the other party! The nine robbery brothers are unwilling in everyone’s heart.

The sword master took us at all costs and fled to the day of birth. Didn't we have to die with the sword master?

The season is full of gasping, the eyes are full of blood, but there is nowhere to apply.

This battle, let the heart of the high-spirited Jinyi Tianwei, really see the terrible of the super king of the demon king! Everyone knows that once you get caught up, it will be dead!

Moreover, it must be a group!

The season screamed: "I will go back and block them, you will take a step!"

After that, I will go back.

The season has already made up his mind, saying something, and can't let the nine robbers die here! If you are dead, as long as the nine robbers are still there, the brothers will have the backbone!

At the very least, there is spiritual support!

The other brothers also had the same intentions, so they did not dissuade them.

Even everyone has such a plan in mind: If the first day of the season is dead, then you will be the second person after the break! Even if you have all your brothers here, you can't let the nine robbers die here!

Especially the nine robbery swords, definitely can not fall into the hands of the demon!

Chu Yang struggled with a scream: "Don't go, there are opportunities!"

Mo light dances and talks, grabs the season back to the sky, still burying himself.

When I said that it was too late, I saw that the two great demon kings were going to chase, and suddenly they suddenly stopped without warning. It seemed that they had discovered what was wrong, and they appeared in the air to appear indiscriminate bombing.

The reason is actually very simple - the soul of the disaster!

The soul of the catastrophe is the key to Chu’s plan, and it is an indispensable part. There is such a real immortal body as the final card, how can we win the time for the Chuyang group of people!

Sure enough, the two great devils suffered a completely unexpected blockade, and they screamed and shot at the same time.

The soul of the catastrophe is also thinking about using the exhaustive fighting method of the exhaustion to prove the feelings of these days, whether there is a gap between the two and the nine elites. Therefore, it is also unavoidable, turning into a group of gray fog and welcoming it up, hitting it!

However, after the shot, Tianyuan Yuanyuan immediately pulled out. Let Cangjing not be alone in the battle with the spirit of the catastrophe, and he will not be able to break through the fog and obstruction. The speed of the volley dropped, the target pointed to Chu Yang and his party!

I heard another shout, a strange body with a size of a hundred feet, and a strange cat like a tiger suddenly appeared to intercept.

Tiger brother!

At this critical moment, Tiger Brother finally appeared!

Meet the wind in the sky!

Chu Yang and others in this critical moment, flying in general forward; Chu Yang looked up, very simply swallowed two Jiuzhong Dan.

This is the first time he swallowed so many Jiu Dan in the battle. There are already six in the front and back!

However, Chu Yang has no choice.

The most important thing now is to recover in the first time! otherwise. Without the full speed of the nine robbery swords, no matter how brilliant the previous results, there is still no meaning, everyone will still die here!

The first bridge is from here. But only three hundred miles!

But this is three hundred miles. It’s just like being separated from the infinite limits of life and the world. It’s just that out of reach...

Only the full speed 御 makes the nine robbery sword, it is possible to cross this line!

The tiger brother and the catastrophe soul can't obstruct the two people for too long, they will be defeated. The problem of the soul of the catastrophe is not big, and there is no problem with the whole body, but the tiger brother can't.

At least serious injuries are almost certain.

I am afraid that it will be the limit.

Sure enough, a "snap" sounded, a small yellow object flew quickly. The moment I fell into the arms of Chu Yang, I was completely comatose!

The current Tiger Brother is still not the opponent of a generation of Devils. After trying hard to push back the other side, I have already exhausted my coma and escaped with the last strength, but I have no power at all, and I am in a deep coma!

Even you can't even open your eyes.

There was also a bang from the distance.

There was another scream, a strange call.

Chu Yang feels that he has a weak soul!

It is the soul of the catastrophe!

Although he is not dead, he has a large degree of entry into the country, but the real strength is still quite a long distance compared to the demon king who has already been at the level of the nine emperors! At the moment, the front side of the fire, although supported for a moment, was still completely defeated, even the body of the spirit fog, almost crushed!

I fled back to Chuyang in the first time, but I have lost the power to fight again!

At this point, Chuyang all the way to hide the two big cards, at the same time lost the power!

However, the time of the catastrophe and the time that the tiger brother won, it’s just a matter of full! Chu Yang and others have been desperately running away, but now, from the first bridge, there are at least two hundred miles, and the Tiangao Devil who is chasing afterwards is almost close!

"I just need to have another time! I can re-launch the nine robbery sword!" Chu Yang's infinite resentment!

Heaven, is this a time of breathing, are you so embarrassed?

After the wind between Tianyuan and Cangjing was not empty, after repelling the catastrophe and the tiger brother, they did not waste any more breathing time and chased them up.

The two great devils are all people who have fought in battle. Where do you not know the truth of night dreams?

Such an opponent, if you can get rid of it in the first time, you must kill it in the first time. Even if you say more than one sentence, the time of one word may produce unnecessary variables!

The two great devils are obviously aware of one thing: these Jinyi Tianwei, or there will be progress, but the space for progress has been slow. However, the real biggest threat at the moment is the little guy who is known as the ‘Nine Robber Sword Lord’!

The potential of that young man is truly terrible!

If he is allowed to survive and grow up, one day his cultivation can be further, and with the sword in his hands, even if he is such a strong man, he may not be his opponent!

In that case, it is not the same as the emergence of a strong enemy, even a terrible enemy than the Purple Emperor of the Year!

Such an enemy is still the first step to eliminate the bud!

The demon family is absolutely not allowed to do such a thing, because this is undoubtedly a disaster for the demon family!

Chu Yang, the nine robbery sword master, can not kill!


<Write the first chapter, upload the point to publish, and then write the second chapter, and then write the second chapter, log in the author backstage, only to find the starting point is drawn... The first chapter is still under review, no release success.

I rushed to cancel, then re-uploaded once... It was released successfully...

Oh... tears in tears - this doesn't blame me...

I am really ah...> (To be continued, please search for Astronomical Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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