Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 670: Go out and have fun.

Woman who woman.

Listening to the laughter from the front, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji sighed, smiled and looked at each other.

I was waiting for a sigh of relief, and I took another breath, but I heard the two women in front seem to be arguing again... blushing neck thick. Then the two hearts raised it again... and then after a while, the two beautiful heads were put together again, and the sly fingers pointed...

This way, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji are completely in the air: I breathe a sigh of relief, I want to breathe a breath... Then breathe a sigh of relief, take another breath... and slam the gas again! - In such an infinite vicious circle.

Two men who are invincible and arrogant in their respective fields feel that their brains are about to become a paste. The neuropathy will break out at any time, and it will soon reach a point of brain damage...

A man with high IQ, emotional intelligence is really not high!

The two people with high IQs have to choose to shift the topic and discuss other issues with deafness.

"Why are you waiting here?"

"I am waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

"Yes... We saw the city before the dance. The strength of the dance was very fast during this time... I knew the first bridge from his mouth... But the first bridge, now I don't want to go ""

"Yes, got it."

"So I am here waiting for you."

"Well, what the three worlds are all about?"

"Oh... Waiting for you is actually to say this."


Chu Yang frowned and looked at Mo Tianji, because from this sentence alone, he could hear it. It seems to provoke the culprit of these three world rebellions, and now stands in front of himself?

"I didn't think that I was facing the three sides of the world so quickly. It was mainly on the side of the singularity... The cloth stayed suddenly, and it also killed Wu’s mad sergeant, the big West Tian official shock, several times killed. As a result, Daxitian was fully mobilized; during this period, Gu’s chances of fighting him for several battles eventually led to a fire, and they became wanted criminals...”

Mo Tianji smiled faintly: "And after I heard the news, I suddenly thought of a word that didn't do two."

Chu Yang wrinkles and frowns: "Oh?"

"I want to do it. I will use this idea as a starting point and use all the current use. I started to engage in the rain in the Tianji Intelligence Department. The first step is to unite the strength of the Tianbing Pavilion around the nine heavens and the earth. Sending secret masters to dispatch, all the official civilian intelligence forces on the Great Western Heaven and Earth will be wiped out."

There is a kind of arrogance on the face of Mo Tianji: "In fact, I did not expect that it was so easy to get it. Since it is not a second end... I will give the intelligence of Zhongjitian and Qingyitian Uprooted."

Mo Tianji sighed and greeted Chu Yang to see the madman's gaze. "In fact, you also know that sometimes the strength is too strong, but it will feel very awkward... no opponent. It is really a distress, invincible. It’s a very lonely thing, I didn’t mean it, why is it invincible...”

Chu Yang's face is distorted, and it seems that he wants to spit out.

"Since things have already happened, the war in the middle of the sky must be up; so even Qingyitian has done it together, and I will not do it twice!" Mo Tianji said in an understatement.

"Since you are invincible, then even the other big worlds have done a good job together, why not only engage in these three? Is not afraid to use the knife to kill the chicken?" Chu Yang asked sarcastically.

"For the time being, don't think about eating a fat man in one breath, or you will die." Mo Tianji said that he said: "It's not desirable to take a sip. The rice has to be eaten bit by bit. The road has to go step by step. I thought you know this. Reasonable..."

"Voice." Chu Yang finally could not help but spit out: "You also understand this truth, then you still fight the battle of the three worlds in one breath, who is going to die?!"

"Not so, not so, although the current strength is still a little lacking, but there are other heaven and earth brothers to help, can handle it..." Mo Tianji smiled faintly: "If this can be done, of course, the best, even if you can't Cheng, I want to... find out where to come in these days."

Chu Yang slammed his head: "That place? Your real purpose is actually..."

"Not bad." Mo Tianji said: "After careful calculation, I think that the base camp of the true spirit... can only exist in the three worlds of Zhongjitian, Qinglantian and Daxitian! Now Have the opportunity, of course, you have to start, the sooner you solve this huge hidden danger, the better!"

Chu Yang was silent, and said cautiously: "Reliable?"

"There is ... 70% grasp." Mo Tianji indulged a bit, and gave this number.

Chu Yang silently, nodded slowly.

Mo Tianji said that 70% of the grasp, then, prove the reliability of this matter, I am afraid that it has exceeded 90%!

Mo Tianji, never said anything full.

"If this is true... then, this battle will be earth-shattering, because this is undoubtedly the foundation of the digging of the prince." Chu Yang took a long sigh of relief.

"So, when you have to pass the boss, you must contact the East Emperor and the demon to play, and then have a certain chance of winning." Mo Tianji said: "This is the main reason why I am waiting for you here."

Chu Yang nodded silently.

"And... During this time, apart from Gu’s loyalty and arrogance and Dong’s injury, the other brothers’ secrets can secretly participate in the help, but they can’t appear!”

Mo Tianji solemnly said: "Including you, me, light dance...and others must not appear, so as not to stun the snake!"

Chu Yang frowned: "In that case, I only have the strength of the three of them. I want to fight against the three heavens. I am afraid that I am too stubborn and too weak."

Mo Tianji said: "I am watching, the Tianbing Intelligence Department is watching... there should be nothing." Mo Tiandao said: "If you can't grow up in adversity... Why do you do the world supreme?"

Chu Yang long sighed, after a long time, said: "Alright."

"I can live with it, but you may not be able to." Mo Tian said: "Once you have a lonely or Dong no harm, you must be shot."

"And when you shoot, you will definitely involve too many people. When the brothers see you, they will not sit idly by."

"So, the other purpose of waiting for you here is..."

Mo Tianji decided to look at Chuyang for a long while and said: "Expel you... out of the nine heavens. You go out and have fun..."

"I... rely on!" Chu Yang said: "If you understand it, let me find a place to be honest for a while?"

Mo Tianji smiled a little: "Yes. When we have confirmed that place... you can turn the tide to turn the tide..."

Chu Yang did not say for a long time, after a long while, he said: "You bastard, it is the world's first yin!"

Mo Tianji smiled: "Don't dare to act, don't dare to be a tribute, but it's not just you. I have to clamp the tail drop. I haven't rushed to appear on the rivers and lakes for a while... On the bright side, all three of them let the wind go to the wind, and most of the other forces must be hidden in the dark. According to the official statement, my celestial intelligence department and the three of them still have a lot of hatred. During this time, we also have a lot of 'loss'."

Chu Yang is awkward: "You are this person, God is you, ghost is also you, continue to be your behind the scenes!"

Mo Tianji smiled still: "I like it. When I am the favorite of this person, let the enemy sink into death in ignorance and ignorance. It has always been my favorite thing to do!"

Chu Yang indulged for a moment and said: "If this is the case... the safety of the brothers, you must be sure!"

Mo Tianji shook his head: "I can't guarantee this."

Chu Yang hates tooth itch: "Mo Tianji, you really intend to stand by and watch this? Even if you are addicted to the black hand behind the scenes, can you not let the dispensers so?"

Mo Tianji heard that it was silent for a long time, and then said with a smile: "Boss, you are not aware of the current situation... The situation is very subtle, tell you the truth, even if I have the ability to guarantee, I also There is no guarantee, or it should be said that it should not be guaranteed. Because... now we have all reached a relatively high level..."

"Go ahead one step further, everyone is the hero of the world's dominant level."

In the voice of Mo Tianji, there is an unspeakable dullness.

"At this point, the bones are no longer in the presence of anyone. So, although everyone has a common goal, they all work for the common goal, but each has its own way of doing things, We cannot rush into interference and intervene."

"The blessings of life and death, only oneself bears."

"Across this level, there will be a longer road... Those who need us to go." Mo Tianji looked up seriously at Chu Yang: "If you and I are so protected, then... The consequences are not optimistic or even unimaginable."

"Our crisis is actually even bigger than the crisis experienced by the nine generations of brothers in the past. It has long been different." Mo Tianji sighed.

Chu Yang is also silent.

Mo Tianji’s remarks are very embarrassing, and there are even some metaphors in the fog.

But Chu Yang can understand.

Yes, this has always been protected, and the protection will continue. One day, one day, there will still be people who are out of date.

The obsolescence at that time... is a complete irreparable deficiency.

In the long run, all the maintenance, in the long run, will harm them and prompt them to go to the culprits of the desperate situation.

"Alright, there are still many roads in the future. It is really necessary for everyone to go on their own and be able to go down." Chu Yang nodded silently.


The idea is very confusing, and today it is more rational (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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