Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 678: My surname Chu!

"Chuyang will not want to take this opportunity to turmoil the military power of the Eastern Emperor?" Mo Qingwu was shocked by a sentence he said casually.

"It is not impossible to have this." Iron made a faint saying.

"Or else... in the face of such awkwardness, you will get it if you kill it. There is really no need to make such a huge momentum. Everyone knows it... but he did it... think"

The voice of Tiebutian is very small, but Chu Yang’s face is a little smile, and it’s worthy of being an emperor. This is really accurate and thorough.

The three women are negotiating in a low voice.

Time is quiet.

Finally, the former people on the first floor of Dongtian shouted the horse, and it seemed that there were neat army movements coming from afar. There was also a rush of flying air in the air. Obviously, a large number of masters came.

At this time, as Chu Yang released his own murderous blockade, the two young people opposite were finally able to move and move around.

Only when I got out of the room door, I immediately saw such a "grand" scene between the corridors. Everyone stood like a clay sculpture, and they didn't dare to move.

These scenes are really rare.

On the ground, it is full of crystal-clear granules. It is the result of Chu Yang freezing and smashing people directly; it is impossible to see that it is a human body. It seems that the relationship between the two is difficult to contact... ...

The two young people are inexplicably intimate.

Oh my god! What strength does this have to make such a scene? ! I am afraid that ordinary senior saints may not be able to make such a big scene?

At the same time look at Chu Yang.

At the same time, the two young people are even more puzzled. This person seems to be too young, right? Although most of the high-level warriors are stationed in Yan, they can maintain their own image, but they rarely fix their image in the face of teenagers. Most of them are set in middle-aged and even strong years, which is more graceful and graceful.

The other reason is also because during the boyhood, it may not be true that there is a deep strength, it is difficult to maintain the status of the beauty of the face, and today, this practice for most people is broken by the young people in front of you. How many people are in their twenties, how can they be so amazing? !

When I saw the two men coming out, the others present were sighed with relief. I can't think of today's three big and small people gathered in the first floor of Dongtian... There are two people coming out, how should things be relieved?

No matter how the faces and hearts of the three big and young people are not in harmony, but at this time, there will always be no more nests... Again, this is also the face of Donghuangtian.

On the other hand, the "overbearing" disproportionate young people should also converge, even if you don't care about offending one of the three giants of the East Emperor, but now the spokesperson of the three giants of the East Emperor, gather together, you dare Are you offended? !

Chu Yang still sat high on his big chair with his legs crossed, and his eyes stared at the two people with a playful look.

"You two... is probably the other two of the so-called Eastern Emperor Tiantai princelings?" Chu Yang smiled: "The blue son? The son of the son? Is the blue general and the descendants of the blasphemy? Well?"

Under the two people's words, the heart is a sudden.

In fact, when the two of them were out of the house, there was no other person’s thoughts in their hearts. Even if the perpetrators were tyrannical, would they have the guts to offend the three giants of the East Emperor? As long as there are some rational people, they will not choose this way!

But the idea is wonderful, but the reality is very bone!

The other party’s words, the toughness expressed in the tone, did not hide, clearly and clearly: even the Blue General and the blame and the White Generals are really together, in the eyes of the other party!

Whether it is the arrogant words of the high-handed hands, or the words of self-confidence in the heart, this pride is already heartbreaking!

"Under the blue Cheng Zhi."

"Under the home."

At the same time, the two men clenched their fists and did not dare to have the slightest scorn. The grandeur of the family was cautious. The first thing to say: "This son...this...white waves are offensive to you, but the so-called killing is just the beginning, he will I have got the punishment I deserve. You see this... Can you sell us a face? Today's things are here."

Guijiasong’s attitude is very low, and the tone is as euphemistic as possible. When he wants to come, he is so low-profile, the other party should be on the slopes, leave a little face for everyone, leave everything in the line, and then be in the future. see.

"Sell you a face?" Chu Yang smiled coldly: "Who would... give me face? If it wasn’t for me, it’s a bit of a slogan, but now it’s terrible, it’s just down, I’m even ten times worse. A hundred times is not an impossible thing?!"

"Friends." Lan Chengzhi said faintly: "We also know that you have good strength, presumably, you have other embarrassment; but ... here is always the East Emperor, to make things too big, you will be confident Can you get the field?!"

After returning to the low profile of Jiasong Song, Lan Chengzhi changed his words of intimidation, but when Lan Chengzhi wanted to come, he could not be intimidated, but only stated a fact. After all, the three giants of Donghuangtian really joined hands. Its influence will definitely make Donghuangtian move a few times!

The people around him were convinced: these two white faces and one red face are the perfect match.

"The whole East Emperor Tian? So terrible strength... Hehe..." Chu Yang smiled faintly: "Just... no matter whether it is Donghuangtian, or what day... If someone insults my woman and I have to give face The words... then I am afraid that I am not worthy of being a man, or if you have something to come to, there are other choices. I am only the choice nowadays, is it silly?"

He raised his eyes and looked at the two people in front of him, whispering; "The person who handles this thing should be coming... If you don't want to squat and go in, just rush to the side."

In his voice, the toughness of the command is full.

When the buzz sounded, a group of people broke through the window and slammed in. Although the floor of Chuyang and others is high, but for the real master, it is just a leap, and that is all.

Seeing these people coming in, Bai Da Shao, who was being lifted up, just like seeing the savior, immediately yelled: "Kill him! Kill him! Kill me! I must kill him." !......"

Come, it is the manpower of the white family.

One of the middle-aged people was probably the leader of the trip. The sharp eyes only briefly glanced at the scene, and said coldly: "Put the big and the young down first."

Actually, I completely ignored Chu Yang, as if Chu Yang did not exist.

"Yes." Several warriors leaped up and rushed to the white.

However, the next moment, the murderousness was once again emptied, and the few people who had just jumped up immediately fell down and screamed.

The middle-aged man’s pupils shrank and looked at Chuyang in the middle for the first time.

Chu Yang lazily looked up, faintly said: "Put the person down? Have you asked me? Is it too serious to take yourself seriously?"

Everyone on the scene didn't see how Chu Yang came out, but everyone knows that it must be Chu Yang's hand!

"This official is the chief of the East Emperor City City Health Department, is it right? What do you need to do in the East Emperor City area? Do you need your consent?" The middle-aged man squats in Chu Yang with awe-inspiring color. Don't cover up: "Come, take this madman! If there is resistance, kill it!"

Thousands of people suddenly flew out.

Chu Yang still sat still, but the stagnation atmosphere in the air grew a little longer.

Dozens of people flew to a place about a foot away from Chuyang. Suddenly it seemed to have hit a thick wall that was invisible but indestructible. It was ringing all the way, and all of them were all bleed and bleed down. Obviously five. The inside was traumatized and the injury was not light.

This time, the head of the City Health Department was clearly shocked: "Who is the Lord? What is the intention of the Emperor?"

Obviously it was a means of shocking and Chu Yang, and even a lot of politeness,

Chu Yang hates to lift the eyelids: "Don't dare to stand on the side of the beam. Don't make me angry again... If you have already photographed, just wait for the generals of the White General, The people at the top of Donghuangtian are coming."

"哗啦", the later people seemed to be forcibly bound by an invisible force, and they were clearly divided into two sides. Even, because of the crowded relationship, some people have been squeezed out of breath. Up...

On the other side, Lan Chengzhi and Guijiasong, the jealousy of these two people is getting stronger and stronger.

Who is this person?

So young, repaired to such a high, but the work is so absolute, this means is too embarrassing!

After the White General, he was beaten on the spot and even ravaged. The face of the blame and the generals of the Blue, do not give. The City Health Department, its status may not be very high, but it is the official force directly under the East Emperor, the same disdain.

Who is this person? What is the basis for this, can it be so arrogant?

"This son..." Jiasong Song's face is solemn and cautious: "Since Bailang is self-defeating, the attitude of the son is so determined, I don't want to be boring here. I just want to ask more: the name of the son. ?"

Chu Yang’s eyes still looked at two people with a lot of fun, and said faintly: "My surname Chu."

My name is Chu.

With this short three words, Guijiasong and Lan Chengzhi have changed their faces.

The sweat on his face leaked out.

The two of them thought of a person at the same time, a person who was never masked but could never be offended.

That person... dare to do this, have this strength, seemingly done more than once in a similar way... and only him!

Chu Yang!

Sure enough, he!

Really him? !

This is a crazy guy!

When his strength is especially weak, even the sons of the Emperor of Heaven will dare to kill. What else is this person afraid to do?

When you get rid of others, you can always reason, but in the female color, you have provoked Chu Yang, which is more than a sorrowful sorrow - this is the consensus of all the great emperors!

I never thought that the white Dagongzi was provoked today, and it was actually the first killing star in the sky!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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