Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 680: Who dares to do it? !

In a twinkling of an eye, four people have already arrived at the first floor of Dongtian. At the same time, the four people were surprised. The scene in front of them seemed too spectacular and too grand.

I saw this front and rear of the first floor, has been completely surrounded by many soldiers and horses, there are at least tens of thousands of soldiers and horses here, surrounded by an unusually large first floor.

Look carefully and look at it, all the people are all under the command of General Bai. In the distance, there are still military masters flying forward.

In this case, the snow and tears of the brow are lightly wrinkled.

This old white is really unlucky. Unlucky enough to be there...

The blame and the generals of the blue sighed at the same time.

No matter what happens, it’s not a big deal for you to send a master in the middle of the house... But it’s too taboo to dispatch troops on such a large scale. The troops are always in the name of the Eastern Emperor's Heaven, not the private army of your old white family. It is a fact that you can command and act, but it is a bit too much to use!

Especially... it was also seen by the Emperor Huang. This is simply an indescribable tragedy. Your family has such a shackled ancestor’s goods, and the ancestral graves are black smoke, but now they have done this...

The generals of Blue and the blasphemy seem to have said nothing and did not express any opinions. But my heart is a bit embarrassed: it seems that after this incident, no matter what the final result, General Bai’s unfortunate is certain. However, for the time being, I am still not sure what will happen to me, to what extent...

When General White saw such a grand scene, he did not fight for a fight. He generally yelled: "Who will let you out of the army? A bunch of bastards! Who gave you the military order? Who gave you the guts?! ”

An officer suddenly stood up: "Reporting to the generals, this action is the military command of the generals who took the generals and dispatched troops to rescue them. They are not willing to follow."

When General White heard this, he slammed into his throat and almost died.

The sentence just now is intended to clarify something. I know that when I encounter such an honest man, I come back with a big truth and intentionally or unintentionally push myself to a more embarrassing step.

The military order is placed at home? Can family members use it casually? And still very good to make it effective? !

This, this is really a good thing to say.

Turning around, Snow Tears and General Blues have no idea where they are going.

General Bai Da stunned the general and glanced at him: "You, take the old man up, I want to see, who is so eager to eat the leopard, dare to do so!"

Things are already like this, or see how to end it, I hope that the madman upstairs can give yourself a chance!

General Bai Da can only comfort himself!


Chu Yang listened to the outside and never stopped. He suddenly quieted down and immediately knew that the heavyweight figure finally appeared.

But he was still sitting in a chair, keeping his previous state, his face as ice.

Just lifted his eyes slightly and looked at the entrance quietly.

"Call", the general of Bai Dajun has stood in front of Chu Yang, Yuan Yu Yue, Wei Wei.

Someone at the scene saw a glimpse of the heart: General Bai Da came in person!

It has always been rumored that General Bai Da is very valued to this descendant of his family, but still did not expect that he would personally come forward today.

"Put the white waves down." General White waved his hand and said faintly, as if he was talking to Chu Yang, and he seemed to be telling his men.

Immediately, the two men came out.

Military master, senior saint, both are!

Chu Yang’s heart angered, cold and cold: "Go back!"

The murderous murderousness finally turned into a overwhelming sword at this moment!

Surging out!

It is only by murderous blockade that it is no longer able to block these two senior saints.


For a time, the swordsmanship was vertical and horizontal. The two military masters rose and fell several times, but they couldn’t cross the pool for half a step. After a while, the blood line gradually appeared in the air.

Obviously, under the nine-robbery of Chu Yang, these two senior saints have been injured.

The strength of the two sides is distinct, but the military life is difficult to violate. The two military masters know how to win, but they still try their best to make a forward move, rather than die.


The generals of the White General looked at Chu Yang with their eyes, but they still maintained a faint tone. "Who is you?"

Chu Yang did not sit still, cold and cold: "You are the white general who raised a nest of unspeakable children?"



Several people angered at the exit.

On the face of General White, a layer of youthfulness emerged, but he forcibly resisted the temper that was about to erupt. He said: "What happened here? With your strength, you have to do something like this. Identity?"

Chu Yang snorted and said: "You have to ask your own people. What they have done, they are the only ones who know best."

The generals of the White General turned their eyes and turned to the followers who followed the white and the young. The few people suddenly trembled and swayed.

"Say! What happened in the end!" General White was keenly pre-feeling.

From the beginning of the palace, and then pulled out, all the way to the emperor is still there, the informant has no chance to explain the reason for the beginning and end of the matter, until now, there is a chance to ask, this is led by others, passive The feeling of the extreme makes him very uncomfortable.

In the eyes of the public, the few people dare to lie, the original book has said this thing again, although some are evasive, but the basics are still true.

General White was only able to hear his face violently.

Their own descendants, the most valued descendants, under the blue sky, blatantly grab the wife of others? Moreover, it is still necessary to grab all three at once? This has provoked people to fight? The party is a hard-nosed hard-core, the world's top master!

This is really a faceless!

Don't say that it's a matter of reason, not even a little bit.

"Useless little beast!" The generals of the White General hate.

"My grandfather saved me..." Bai Daxiao screamed in disappointment. The blood on the face and the sweat from the pain fell.

The generals of the White General are like submerged water. They said: "This is indeed a white wave. But if you hit the fight, you will be fined, and the penalty will be fined. People will kill it. I am afraid it is too much."

He indulged a moment and said: "It’s just that this thing is always the fault of my white family. I have no face to pursue it. Everything ends here. The old man makes Bailang apologize to you. Just, you have to bear the killing of you. The compensation of the people... Let each other make a step, how about this?"

In the view of General Bai Bai, it is absolutely super good to give Chu Yang face.

The white big and the small over there have been hanged for so long, and now the biggest backing finally comes in person, and seeing that it will be saved, the heart of the heart is overjoyed, and both eyes look at Chu Yang, the heart, as long as the grandfather can live back today. Immediately dispatch the manpower and grab the guy at all costs.

Together with the three beautiful ladies, all must be dealt with in the most cruel and cruel way, kill this guy!

Let you survive, you can't die!

Chu Yang's weird smile, hehe smirked: "White General, how did you become the general? In the end, if anyone wants to touch your wife, can you give in one step?"

The general of the White General heard a sigh of relief and immediately screamed: "What are you talking about? Are you bold?"

Chu Yang did not care about the anger of General Bai Da, still laughing and laughing: "What to say? To tell the truth, the so-called do not want to do, do not apply to others, you can not do what the generals can do, but strong Others follow it, and it seems that they still think that they are putting down their postures. They give me a face. I wonder why you can say such words. Today, let me open my eyes again!"

The white general’s eyes burst into a flash, Shen Sheng said: "What do you want?"

"Kill!" Chu Yang said faintly, it seems to be a very simple, very simple question.

With this word, the waves of the murderous Yangtze River are generally surging and screaming in the air.

"Kill?" White General laughed weirdly. "You know, I know that I have given you face?"

Chu Yang sneered aloud: "I used to indulge the act of robbing a wife, actually still give people face? Really is the world's anecdote!"

General White General has a cold face: "Boy, you are arrogant!"

Chu Yang faintly said: "Let's not? Not counting! What is this arrogance! You know, I have waited for so long, until you come to kill, just to not give you face?"

General White General has a stiff face: "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "I don't know if you know that you don't know the things that the grandchildren of dozens of generations like to do most, but in front of other people's faces, playing with their wives... and I like to do it. The thing is to kill him bit by bit in the face of the biggest backer of this kind of person!"

General White General is even colder: "You dare!"

Chu Yang Hehe a joy: "A big military power, I am courageous, and I am most threatened by others. I will let people go now, I will release people several times!"

The voice did not fall, Chu Yang palm wave.

The white light suddenly shook!

Bai Da Shao screamed.

One hand has already flown out of the body, and it has fallen to the ground in the future. It has been pulled by an invisible force and pulled to the front of the White General.

Chu Yang’s predecessor: “Send the first part first, and then send back the other parts one after another! Please also ask General Bai’s general, don’t worry.”

General White General shivered and groaned, screaming and shouting: "Come, come and give me this madman! At all costs, you must win!"

The four blasted.

However, a faint voice suddenly sounded: "Who dares to do it?"

The voice has not fallen.

The blasphemy and the generals of the Blues have already drifted away; no one has seen how the two of them came, and they don’t know where they were hiding before, so they have no signs and they suddenly emerged.

The entire first floor of Dongtian, instantaneous vibration!


Recommend a book of God: The starting point of Platinum God's arrogant and extraordinary fantasy "I only God God", will never let everyone down. Please go check it out and add a collection. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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