Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 689: Inverse space

Chu Yang touched his chin and suddenly his interest was full. Under such changes, there is still no change in the past. If there is no eccentricity, how can it be said? !

With a "plop", four people jumped into the lake at the same time.

In addition to the initial "pump" in the lake is still normal, the latter changes are a bit strange, the lake is like an automatic separation to the two sides, four people split the waves into the bottom of the lake.

The temperature of the touched lake is very warm, and it feels very pleasant. At the bottom of the lake, neatly rushing out a string of bubbles.

It’s just that the situation is basically the same as when Chu Yang was down, and there are no abnormalities.

Of course, this is only for Chu Yang, the other three women are amazed at such "into the lake."

In the lake of death, the lake is still named, there is nothing, even the water and grass are not, there is no fish, shrimp, crab, no life.

Clean pure transparent water.

"This is the legendary lake of death?" Wu Qianqian and Tie Butian, Mo Qingwu three women are the first time to come, can not help but feel the strange situation of this lake: "This is the name is a decisive battle The desperate lake of the land? Thousands of corpses rushed into the lake of death? This is not like this."

According to rumors, this lake is the home of countless corpses. Because of this, the three women were still very resistant to the lake. Until they came here, they carefully observed the lake and then confirmed that they would accompany Chuyang. Into the lake.

Chu Yang is also touching his head: "It is not like, but it is indeed."

Unlike the three women, Chu Yang had witnessed the situation in which many bodies were buried in the lake of death. It is still vivid and vivid, but this time I dare not say it. Don’t look at the three women’s murder. However, it is necessary to know that the place where you are at the moment is actually an alternative corpse, and it is very likely that you will go straight away.

Tiebu Tian meditated and said: "Look at the situation around the lake, the shape of the lake, and the things at the bottom of the lake. It is like a place dedicated to bathing. The water quality is excellent. How can it accommodate the body?"

Chu Yang is ridiculous, and the woman’s thoughts are really unrestrained and difficult to keep up with. However, it is not wrong to say that it is iron-filled... It’s really like a big bathhouse that is heated at any time, just looking at the bottom of the lake. The temperature is quite comfortable...

All the way to sneak at the bottom of the lake, with the repair of these four people, but it is Anbu, the car, calm, as on land, has not been subject to environmental factors.

In a blink of an eye, I have already arrived at the place where Chu Yang was last.

Here is a portal-like thing at the bottom of the lake.

Although there has been a long period of time in the past, Chu Yang still feels that his heart suddenly trembles when he reaches this moment. Although the last experience was just a fantasy, but such a fantasy, Chu Yang really did not want to experience it again.

Different from Chuyang who stayed in front of the portal, the three women were the first to come to the lake of death. It was a bit curious to look for the specificity of the lake. It was not a big deal. The three women had already turned the bottom of the lake. all over. But no specific place has been found.

The only thing that is special is that there is only one stomata at the bottom of the lake, and bubbles are constantly coming out. Others are really awkward.

"This is amazing." Chu Yang scratched his head, the three women were extraordinary, and their eyesight was extraordinary. Since they did not find out, they could not find more gains even if they found it themselves, but the problem came. -

What is the status of the morning wind and the clouds, it is really no reason to lie to yourself!

At this time, the dead people felt the water undulating at the same time, and the strength was good. A special vortex of the lake gradually formed from the bottom of the lake. Slowly, the lake of the whole lake seemed to rotate with it.

The four people in Chuyang urged themselves to cultivate themselves, forcibly set their bodies, and did not follow the tide. They carefully observed the sudden vortex, and they were ready to fight at any time.

The whirlpool swelled at a high speed and ran out toward the four sides.

Because of the high-speed operation of this vortex, a large piece of flat land appeared in the center of the lake, in the center.

This piece of flat land that appeared out of thin air was actually a drop of water.

Immediately, there was another change that began to take place, and a white jade door rose from the ground.

Unexpectedly radiant, dazzling.

In a holy white light, holding a huge white jade door, together with the pedestal, quietly, quietly rises silently, the next moment, the two closed white jade gates are open without wind.

Inside, there is a faint sound of silk and bamboo, more and more clear.

In the melodious music, the two bands played with each other, from far and near, and went out in two columns.

A clear-eyed voice laughed: "The guests are coming, there is a far-reaching welcome."

Speaking, a person smiled and walked out, this person looks like a forty-five-year-old look, face and group, a look of anger, and even clenched fists: "The villain is the steward here... I heard that there are When you come, rush to meet, scorn, and ask your guests to forgive."

Mo Qingwu and Wu Qianqian almost looked at the changes in this scene.

I can't think of anything. Under such a lake, is there such a existence?

In the three days of the district, is there such a specific existence? !

Chu Yang did not move, said: "Dare to ask what is this place? How will the home portal be set up at the bottom of the lake?"

The man smiled and said: "Here, it is... the outer space of the temple of the heart. It is ... belongs to the universe of thousands of space, there are very few ... life and death yin and yang reversal space. And this heart is also an adult expectation Places to go."

"Life and death yin and yang reversing the space?" Chu Yang muttered: "The temple of the heart? Why is this heart?"

This name is really the first time I heard about this life.

"Life and death yin and yang reversing the space? Very weird name, what role can this space play?" Chu Yang asked.

The man smiled and said: "Guests come in and know."

Chu Yang nodded: "Good!"

"Please!" The man stood side by side.

Chu Yang was unceremonious, and took the three women, such as Mo Qingwu, and strode in.

In the sound of a peaceful and peaceful silk bamboo, four people walked into the white jade door.

In front, it is a big road with shining lights. On both sides of the main road, there are green, green and green plants, full of vitality.

Here, it seems to be an incomparably vast land space.

However, at the moment when the four people walked in, they felt at the same time and turned their heads. They saw that the white jade door in the position behind them slowly closed, and then quietly sank, as before. At that time, only the process is completely opposite.

Chu Yang can not help but stunned, saying that the space changes, Chu Yang knows far more than the three women, the white jade portal from the rise to the fall disappears, seemingly simple, but in fact there is a mystery, actually a connection between the nine heavens and A spatial channel in this situation. And it's still a space channel that is controlled by people, and it's the same!

However, there is a clear change in space, and the light in this space has not been affected.

Chu Yang’s heart was horrified, but on the surface, he did not care about it. He walked forward and smiled and said: “Which dances and Chen Liuyun’s two seniors can be here?”

The housekeeper’s face showed a respectful look. Christine said: “The two masters are not present at the moment, and they have gone to the extraterrestrial battlefield to collect the dead soul. I am afraid I will return later...”

"Oh ~~" Chu Yang has a deep sigh of relief.

It is true that I really feel a sigh of relief. Since the butler knows both the dance morning and Chen Liuyun, and is quite respectful to these two people, this means that in any case, the people in this situation and their own will not be enemies!

At this time, I only felt that I was inexplicably trembled in Dantian.

Chu Yang could not help but move.

"The two masters have solemnly passed away when they left. If the sword master is coming, let me wait carefully, I have already arranged according to the instructions of the two adults. Only the sword master can pass three gates and can see. People who want to meet, know what they want to know."

The butler accompanied the laughter and said with caution at 120,000 points.

"Over three levels? How is this three levels?" Chu Yang frowned.

The housekeeper suddenly felt a little scared, and slowly said: "This is the case... The so-called three levels, in fact, have nothing to do with the two of us who dominate the adults... It is the trial level that has always existed in this space... The ancient times have existed... ...even the two of us who dominate the adults want to cancel, it is impossible. This level of authority is extremely high, even if the two masters want to get to the other side from this road, it is necessary to pass these three levels."

Chu Yang’s heart moved and said: “Have you ever passed the two masters?”

The housekeeper’s face showed a sigh of color: “The wood has.”

Chu Yang grinned, smiled bitterly.

Mo light dance is also a grin, Wu Qianqian frowns, iron supplements pondering.

Is this three levels so difficult? Even the legendary morning wind and the two legends are incompetent?

Even they can't do it, can Chu Yang pass? !

"Is it past?" asked Chu Yang.

"This... I don't know the little man." The housekeeper smiled bitterly: "The villain is just a housekeeper. It is very good at repairing it. Where is the qualification to know this mysterious thing... After a while, the villain will send the sword master to the checkpoint. In the details, the sword master will know it."

“Hmmm?” Chu Yang suddenly remembered one thing: “How do you know that I am the Lord of the Nine Robbers?”

The housekeeper laughed and said: "The two masters have once confessed that the other side of the passage, from the ancient times to the present, only one person can open. Only the nine masters of the nine robbers."

"Under the whole ages, I can really see me..." Chu Yang took a long breath and categorically said: "Take me there."


The butler took the lead in the front, Chu Yang and so on, and slowly discovered that this housekeeper is actually not simple, he walks... is floating.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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