Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 692: The second level of the red face! [Second more! 】

Silence grievances are about to cry out!

In this life, I have been concise and concise, and I have been reluctant to speak forever in my life. The most annoying thing in my life is the words, that is, the embarrassment.

But I still have to bear such a level... read the letter!

Isn’t this what he is doing?

It also requires that every word and every word must be read!

And you have to carefully read carefully and really read it!


In the midst of extreme sorrow and anger, I saw the gentle smile of the black boy on the opposite side and said: "You open the door, we will pass the customs! We have accepted it! Thank you very much."

"Who said that you have passed? I want to shred all of you guys, mad at me, ah..." Silently yelling at the sky, the corner of his eye, but seeing the door that he is responsible for, looks like Maybe it should be... already open.

"Oh..." The silence stood still.

Just let them pass! ?

"I am too wronged... I am too dissatisfied..." The silence burst into tears. God, are you not playing with me?

That is so bullying!

At this time, a white light descended from the sky, all covered in silence, the whole body of silence, the whole person, as if suddenly lightened, slowly floating upwards, floating like a fairy.

Gradually, even his face became blurred, and the scream of anger and grievance came: "You wait... I must find you... You can't toss me like this... This is not finished... I... ..."

The more you float, the farther and farther you are, the more you can't see it at all, and the sound can't be heard.

"Through the customs, pass the customs." Chu Yang looked at the black door opened by the hole, haha ​​laughed, suddenly hugged the iron patch, a loud kiss.

The iron-filled face was flushed and hurriedly struggling. I didn’t want Chu Yang to let her go, and quickly caught Mo Qingwu and Wu Qianqian, let’s take a kiss.

It is a sweet taste!

Suddenly, the faces of the three national colors are all the same color.


"My Majesty, how did you think of this method, it is too high, high, it is high..." Chu Yang does not admire, especially after reading the letter, I feel like I am about to collapse. Up...

And Tie Tiantian, the generation of female emperors, can actually think of such a way, the real talent can not!

"This is also a way to do nothing. I have previously listened to the butler and said... I have to do the opposite. The person we are facing is obviously a generation of reluctant words." Said: "So I volunteered and did the opposite, because Chu Yang, you have always been working hard, without any delay, can not write such a letter."

Chu Yang nodded and admitted.

Yes, with your own temperament, if this letter is written for yourself, it must not be written, at least not immediately.

"Why did you write the iron sister?" Mo Guangwu asked curiously. Tiebutian is also a generation of empresses, killing and deciding, no less inferior to men, but how can they write out the letters of this sloppy water? It’s really confusing!

"Oh, in fact, it is much more to see. I have to watch the chapter every day. Naturally, there is no teacher to teach myself..." Tie Tiantian helplessly smiled: "The enthusiasm of the gangsters is only better than this. The letter can't be much stronger. One thing turned over and over again, that is, let the emperor have a headache. As long as the emperor has a headache, he is annoyed, and he will casually say: Well, you can do it. So... what is the authority? All got it..."

"And in the face of such a memorial, you can't get angry... because they dare to do it, they are all old ministers, and there are countless hard-working and hard-working veterans." Tiebu Tian smiled and said: "So, my cultivation, confident break It is much better than this silence. If you change to me to keep this level, Chu Yang, you are afraid that you have to write outside in this life."

Chu Yang subconsciously shuddered, and thought of the terrible consequences that might occur, could not help but have a lingering fear, then angered: "You have to dare to do this, I simply rushed in to a bully hard bow... and then open the door by myself... ..."

After the words have not been finished, they will be chased by the iron-filled blushing face. Chu Yang laughed happily, and took a light dance, and rushed into the black door of the hole!

The second level.

The purpose is to enter a red door.

This piece of heaven and earth in front of us seems to have nothing but the red door.

Only before the gate, it seems that a red man is standing on his own hands.

It was an unusually bright red, like the same fire, burning outside the red gate.

This kind of red is definitely different from the red light of Mo.

The light red dance, although very bright, is with some softness.

The red man in front of me is a burning red!

Even at first glance, it is a hot feeling, it seems to be a bunch of incandescent light.

Just like this, Chu Yang and others feel that this level is absolutely not good!

Imagine the good things that went through the previous move and I was afraid that it would be hard to copy again!

"You have passed the first pass so quickly, but there are a few points." The voice of the red man is soft, but there is a feeling in the bones that can't wait.

"Very good. Silence the guy, but it is someone who will rectify him." The red man slowly turned around: "Looking at the goods every day, he pulled his face, as if all the people in the world owe him money, three The stick can't beat the tiredness of a fart, and it gets angry."

The Chuyang group of people gradually approached and observed the red man at a close distance, but he saw that his body was tall, his face was soft, his face was handsome, and his eyebrows were long.

It turned out to be a very modest middle-aged person.

Chu Yanghehe smiled: "Since the younger generations are called the hearts of the predecessors, then the predecessors may wish to open the door to convenience, let us go directly."

The red man smiled and shook his head: "That can't be done... If that's the case, you will be happy, but I will be punished. I will not do anything that hurts my own people."

He saw four people in his eyes and slowly said: "I am not as good as the previous one."

Chu Yang Su Rongdao: "The conditions for the predecessors to pass the checkpoints are also requested."

The red man smiled: "When you look at me, I will feel that I am not in good contact with this person. In fact, it is not a big deal. My temper is the most gentle, but it is so good to look at people and lose the feathers."

He looked at the four people and saw that none of the four people spoke. He smiled and said with satisfaction: "The blind man can teach! Let me explain this. The clearance conditions for this pass are the three questions I asked. Question, as long as there is one person in your pedestrian who can satisfy me, even if I pass the customs, I will naturally let you go."

"But if your problems can't satisfy me, you can't let me put you in the will, even if you make me into a scum... that's not a pass, and you still can't get anything, just hurt others. Nothing, I said so, do you understand?"

Chu Yang said refreshingly: "Understand that the predecessors are quick and quick, then we will wait for you to ask questions and try to answer them."

"You are afraid of misunderstanding." The red man slowly shook his head: "My problem can only be answered by one person. And... it must not be you, you have been excluded."

Chu Yang is very surprised: "What is this saying? This time, Shaoguan is based on me. Why should I be excluded? I am not going to try my best to let the three girls do the trick for me? It’s too unreasonable!”

The red man smiled: "Whether it makes sense, the rules are the same anyway."

He did not wait for Chu Yang to ask questions, and then continued to explain: "In fact, you will be excluded, but it is because the first level is cracked by your woman, this is because you have derived a way on this road." If you are behind the second and third levels, you must be jealous of your woman."

"Through three levels, and you happen to be carrying three women, Mo Dao is not fixed, the number of days is unpredictable, and the road is no way!"

The Red Man’s Nationality looked deep into Chuyang and said softly: “This is the number of lives in the dark, and non-human can change. If you have to answer, then at the moment you answer the question, you will find You have returned to the shores of the dead lake. And... this dead lake, you can't see it again in your life, this is the limit of this place."

"In this case, it is still our time to go to Shaoguan." Tiebutian said very refreshingly: "Chuyang, anyway, this three-way relationship should have nothing to do with combat power. If you want to come, there will be no danger. Let us break through. The same is true."

Chu Yang nodded: "That is... you are my wife, and it’s up to you to break the customs. It means that I broke the border. I really don’t understand. There are so many restrictions on this."

The red man laughed and said: "The one who spoke, you are not qualified to break the game now, because you have broken a pass before, the sharpness that exists on you is not suitable for me. turn off."

"Now, you can only choose one of the remaining two people to get through. If you can break the barrier, the last one will deal with the last level." Although the voice of the red man is gentle, it is categorical. shake.

Mo Qingwu and Wu Qianqian glanced at each other, revealing a clear and confident smile.

Mo light dance first said: "So, this is the only thing for me to come."

"I still come." Wu Qianqian is also a multi-talented scholar, and he is willing to fall behind.

"This level, I am going to designate a person, her answer is not what I meant, even if you all fail." The red man smiled faintly.

"It doesn't matter, you have appointed it." Chu Yang said with confidence: "There is no mark, it is the two of them who can't get through. Anyone is the same. I believe that they are stronger than believing in myself."

These words are really very eloquent, at least they are the hearts of beautiful women.

Both beautiful women are floating in the eyes of praise and happiness.

"It is up to you to answer." The red man looked at Wu Qianqian and said with a smile.

This choice made everyone unexpected.


Continue to work **** the third, ask for a ticket! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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