Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 700: Strange white people!

Why did you suddenly have such growth? ! This time, the growth rate is as big as sitting on a rocket. It is so horrible and indescribable!

Chu Yang immediately launched a look at the situation of the three women, such as Mo Qingwu, and found that the growth rate of these three gimmicks is even more terrible than themselves!

Although I know that it is because their level of cultivation is inherently weaker than themselves, the same growth situation will certainly be even more horrible. If they only grow by one tenth, then the same share growth will be placed in Mo light dance. It is possible for people to increase by four-fifths or even doubles; however, the reality of the situation has shocked Chu Yang.

This... this result looks too weird!

There is absolutely no astounding growth in the omen, and this seems to be the first time.

I am afraid this change should be related to the strange heart of the temple that I have just walked through!

- Chu Yang suddenly turned back, but once again stunned.

Originally empty, but still can be regarded as a magnificent building, the heart of the temple, now has no trace, do not know where to go. Some of us have just come out from the inside, and it seems that we have not added more than ten steps to add up...

Mo light dance and other people saw him turn back, but also involuntarily followed back, and then exclaimed in unison.

How can a big palace suddenly disappear?

Too mysterious, too bizarre, too mythical? !

The palace suddenly disappeared, and it was suddenly grown, and the bottleneck suddenly shattered. This series of different changes, it seems that no one seems to believe and no one will believe...

Chu Yang seems to feel something, but it is not clear what happened. And for this reason. It is only after a long, long time that he really understands what is happening here today.

Three levels!

Three levels!

Seemingly simple, in fact, it is a stormy wave, washing up and down, it seems that only three women broke. It has nothing to do with Chu Yang, but in fact every level is closely related to Chu Yang.

The first level, Tiebutian broke the ball.

in this life. The first woman in the true sense of Chu Yang is also the only child he is currently.

It seems that the words are broken, and the process is really funny.

But among them, there is a mystery. It’s not true that other people may not be able to do things.

because. Here, I am breaking the barrier with the identity of the woman of Chuyang.

No matter how broken, it will be of great significance for the future of Iron Patch.

Because, the three links are inseparable from each other.

The key to this is the words 'woman of Chuyang'.

This is an identity and an endorsement.

Heaven's recognition!

The second level. Wu Qianqian broke the love.

At this level, the choice of feelings is tormented. Everyone is empathetic. One person broke the border and four people passed.

The third level is the heart.

Chu Yang is born again because of Mo-light dance. The key to happiness in his life is to fall on Mo-Meng, and if Mo-Dance continues to schizophrenic, Chu Yang will have to bear more and more pressure.

Because, the embarrassment of the past life, after all, is unforgettable, such as the skeleton of the bones, difficult to remove.

Until Mo Qingwu saw his heart, he completely solved this problem. The silence of the past life has been silenced, and Chu Yang’s embarrassment has been completely taken away.

Since then, it has been a completely new life.

So to say or some mysterious...

But that's the truth.

As for the break of the three customs, the three women are united and truly open to each other to accept others; it is the ultimate integration.

As for the subsequent heart of the temple, it is even more mysterious.

There is no heart in the world, because this temple is your own heart. After passing through this temple, I passed my heart.

So, the name, the heart!

But if there is any dissatisfaction with any resentment or resentment, this palace will not pass.

Or it will not appear at all.

However, after passing through the heart of the temple, your own heart will be completely clear and transparent.

Whether it is the road of life in the future or the road of martial arts, it is all seven, exquisite, and smooth...

The temple of the heart is the one that has truly passed through your heart!

After these things, it is equal to the general change of the reincarnation. If it is not improved, it is a strange thing.

Although the purple evil sentiment did not come, but it was closely related, and the heart was connected. Secondly, Chu Yang accepted the inheritance of the Purple Emperor, and the third came the purple evil spirit of the Emperor, and the four loved each other. Naturally, it passed at the same time!


The four people continued on their way.

I don't know how long it took.

In short, Chu Yang seems to have been walking on this road for a month, generally long, but did not feel a little bit intolerance. It seems that embarking on this road, walking on this road, the mood is always happy.

Walking is a kind of happiness!

In front, there seems to be a shadowy landscape. There are mountains, water, trees and flowers, but if you want to look at it carefully, you can’t see it clearly. It seems that there is something separated by a layer...

It was only when it got closer and closer that it was discovered that there was actually a film here. It seems to exist and it does not seem to exist. Anyway, those who floated and swayed, the ones who came here, facing the film, could not enter anyway.

Chu Yang went to the front, and simply reached out and touched.

I found that my hand was worn in the past, and there was no block.

In the face of this situation, Chu Yang could not help but say "what", "How come there is no block?"

The three women did not dare to take this lightly and tried one by one, but found that this film was completely undefended, at least four people were free to enter.

Since there is no hindrance, then there is no saying that the four people have entered this mysterious area with ease. There is no such thing as a stagnant feeling of obstruction. What are you waiting for?

If so, the four entered a new space.

At the foot, I stepped on the ground again. This will not have the specific feeling of walking in the shining path, carefully observe the surroundings and find that the standing body is actually on a mountaintop!

Looking down the top of the mountain...

Look at it at a glance. Even the iron can not help but take a deep breath and admire: "It's so beautiful!"

This is a living space for ‘humans’. The four people finally understood why this film had no effect on themselves and others, and the ghosts could not live or die.

Because it is the same as Jiuzhongtian or Jiuzhong, it is full of vitality.

It’s just as you can see it, but see the mountains stacking up and the white clouds lingering. Leisurely come and go, the green trees and safflowers reflect each other, and the unspeakable peace and quiet. Not far away, it is an endless lake, the lake is clear and the waves are rippling.

In a lush greenery. Vaguely hidden several houses.

There are mountains and waters and scenery. Moreover, the overflowing aura in the air seems to have become rich to the point of horrible...

This is an extremely vast site, and it looks like a square, no less than three thousand miles.

In such a vast area, it seems that there are only a few families. Every household is not too big or small, and the total number of houses is only a hundred, it is very elegant.

It seems that there are also contacts between each other. The strips of roads extend in all directions and are connected to each other.

Chu Yang carefully counted. It happens to be seven families.

Well, seven big households.

But at a glance, Chu Yang immediately stopped!

These seven families seem to occupy seven specific positions!

The seven households scattered around the Great Lakes, with the Great Lake as the central reference, occupy seven positions.

That is the seven directions that symbolize the seven stars.

In other words, the seven households are self-contained and ready to go.

If you only look at it, the seven households will have no similarities in the same place, and they will not even see anything that can be implicated in the battle. But in fact, if the position occupied by each household is added to the surrounding area, The words of the households are all in a position to be rushed. Once the points are in accordance with each other, the powers that can be generated can be broken.

"What's wrong?" Tie Butian and others are very surprised to look at Chu Yang. Someone will suddenly fall into a short break, and the three women are not surprised.

Chu Yangqiang self-pressed the heart of the trembling, said: "Nothing. Let's go down."

"Come on, come to the first home closest to us." Chu Yang ran out first. The three women followed, as a gust of wind, rushed down the hill.

When the road went down the mountain, it was discovered that this would stand on the ground and look at the destination. It felt completely different.

The trees here, each plant is almost dozens of people holding the thickness, straight into the sky, but do not know how high. Around each mountain, it is surrounded by such a forest.

There are no fewer than a thousand trees in every forest, and the whole manor is embraced inside, leaving only a few ways to enter and exit.

If you don't look carefully, it's hard to find that there are people in the depths of the woods.

Chu Yang feels a little, and she simply chooses to enter the side near the lake.

I just walked in here and saw a large stump, with a few squares protruding from the surface of the water. On the stump, there was a white man fishing with a raft.

Breethe, blowing a white man's white clothes, although people are fishing, but it gives people a feeling of spotlessness. It seems that he is not sitting on the stump, but sitting on the side of the clouds.

A moment after Chu Yang walked out of the tree, the white man nodded at the same time and said: "The good guys come from afar, there is a long way to meet..." Although his eyes always look at the floating of the water, but the words give people The feeling is to say hello to you with sincerity, no feeling of rudeness.

Chu Yang also said casually: "The uninvited guest, disturbing the Yaxing fishing of Yashi."

The white man smiled elegantly: "Nothing is idle, fishing is only time-consuming. Where is there Yaxing?"

Chu Yanghehe smiled: "Back to the thousand green forest, facing the Wanzhang Lake water, leisurely nothing, fishing in white, sprinkle the golden hook to go, wait for the big fish to come. Love is not shocked, see the flowers before the court, thank you, go to stay inadvertently, look at the sky Yunjuan Yunshu... How comfortable these days are... I am very envious of it."


< Who can guess, who is this white man? >(To be continued.)

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