Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 711: Dong is not hurt, come on!

The drunken and ruthless face was extremely distorted, and the muscles violently beat in a burst of madness, saying, "Since the end of the road, what are you still alive?"

"It’s better to kill it than to live in humiliation!"

"Hahahaha... It’s better to die in my hands now than to die in someone else’s hands! Go all the way to the nine springs, save the quiet road, and be lonely!"

"It’s dead in the morning and evening, early death and early life!"

These extremely ruthless words made the leader of the guard who heard the words screaming. This is true, but... you are killing your loved ones!

"Take them all to the burial ground outside the city, don't need to be sent to the imperial tomb!" Drunk and ruthless laughter, has been crazy confused: "There is death sooner or later, instead of being dug out, and then thrown into the mass grave Let's do it first, save more things... Hahahaha... Finished, finished... In the midst of the sky, I’m going to slap it... Hahaha... It’s so fun!”

this is……

Intermediate Heavenly Emperor, crazy!

This is the only possibility that the leader of the bodyguard can think of.

"Not too fast! Do you want to be buried together?" Drunk and stunned, his eyes are red, like a ghost!

"Yes... this is what the minister will do."

The leader of the guard was rushing out of the cold sweat, lest he should slow down one step and half a step, really buried...

Even though the Emperor is crazy, his strength is still equal to death, and the mad **** of death is actually more terrible than the sober **** of death!


Ruthless Heavenly Emperor is drunk and ruthless!

Spicy hands are ruthless, but between a moment and a moment. I personally slaughtered all the people in the royal family and so on!

The death of everyone in the victims is terrible!

some of. It even includes a wife who has been in love with his husband and wife for a million years, dozens of crickets... together with the Prince’s grandson and so on...

This terrible news, almost in the first time, quickly spread throughout the Imperial City!

Everyone feels like a thunder on the top of the head: How is this? What's happening here?

When the royal carriage pulled the body out, hundreds of thousands of people watched, everyone is incredible!

However, they have to accept it because. This is the truth!

"I really deserve to be a ruthless Emperor. I really can't afford the word 'ruthlessness'. I even kill my wife and children... It's really ruthless! It's quite a realm..."

"His original name is called 'the most ruthless', and as the name suggests, it is naturally the most ruthless person in the world..."

"The so-called madness is nothing more than this!"

"The end of the road is suddenly going crazy, which is actually very understandable..."


A burial ground.

The guard's head sighed, although the emperor could not be violated. These people did not enter the Imperial Tomb.

But, can't you ruin the wilderness?

"It’s all buried." He waved his hand: "It’s safe."

In the dust... everyone is buried in a big pit...


On the night of that day, suddenly the storms covered the entire city, and the torrential rain was like a mad madness, almost drowning the entire imperial city, and there was no one on the opposite side. I can't reach my fingers...

A figure flashed in a darkness and disappeared.

No one has found it.

However, by the second day, someone was surprised to find out. Before the burial ground was just buried in the proper body of the dying of the royal family, all of them were missing and disappeared; It’s not unclear, because it seems that someone has dug the grave, and those bodies that were still human-like have now become a pile of rotten meat...

The cruelty of the scene is incomprehensible and horrifying!

However, when the news reached the direct victim of the drunken ruthless ears, the ruthless Emperor actually performed as ruthless as ever.

Drunk and ruthless, it really is drunk and ruthless!

Most ruthless!

Facing the leader of the guard who came to report, he squinted indifferently: "What's the big deal? It's worth the serious report! People are dead, dead, dead, dead body. Will it be turned into meat residue sooner or later? The graves have been dug, what are the big things, do they have funerary objects... Why do you want to kill the murderer? Why do you want to kill the dead? What is the murderer? Is it worth the waste of manpower and material resources for these little things? Nothing to look for!"

The leader of the guard was cold and unbelievable.

He looked at the monster's eyes and looked at his own loyal Emperor, and for the first time in his life, looking at him face to face!

It is this person who makes himself loyal to his life!

It turns out that this person is so ruthless and insincere, the nature is cool!

In this life, I just blinked my eyes, but I didn’t always see it. It was such a person in my bones.

"Look at what? What is good-looking?" Drunk and ruthlessly said: "Let me kill you, do you believe it or not?"

The head of the guard was retired from the silence and his words.

Forcibly resisted the chest that was about to explode.

He walked out of the palace silently and went to the burial ground alone. Facing the **** sea of ​​the corpse, he solemnly smashed nine heads. Then he began to collect all the scattered flesh and blood. With a punch, he made a deep hole in the mass grave. !

He jumped out of the big hole and continually used his own strong cross-cutting to bombard the violent bombardment!

It seems that he wants to completely blast the land under his feet!

I don't know how deep it is.

At the very least, the depth of thousands of feet... absolutely has!

He jumped up in a row and buried all the scattered flesh and blood that had just been collected into this deep hole.

Then, a lot of the surrounding soil was carried by him, even several mountains, and he was directly smashed. I slammed into it! In the end, he made a sturdy repair and turned it into a flat land!

Then he squatted again.

"Queen, noble. Your Royal Highness... You can rest in peace after that."

"This mausoleum. It is very deep and safe. No one will disturb your peace."

"What I can do is just that. I hope that you will come to life... Don't know the unintentional person. Bless you."

He once again licked nine heads and did not use any repairs to protect the body from the blood on his forehead.

"This life, I am wrong, I am really wrong. I should not be loyal to him. I am leaving... I hope you rest in peace!"

He stood up and the solitary figure flew up. Just a flash, it has disappeared between this world.

Since then, no one has ever seen the guardian leader of this senior saint.

He even lost interest in the upcoming king-to-king battle of the century!

From the full moon night, there are two days!

Nowadays, the whole mid-day is full of a taste of rain.

That pressure made everyone feel so tired and unable to breathe. That is a feeling of being able to collapse at any time.

Outside the city, the innocence of the great soldiers was on the verge of pressure.

In the city, the battlefield of the Imperial City is ready.

This battle cannot be avoided!

This day, finally arrived.

The night of the last night is coming.

The moon has already revealed half of the body. The radiance of the cold began to spread across the earth.

Dong did not hurt the burly figure, appeared in the moonlight, he strode out of his own camp.

Go to the target Imperial City and walk resolutely!

Heavy ink knife. As always, on his shoulders.

Flashing the glory of Mori.

There are only three people accompanying the accompanying person. Ink tears, Li Xiong. Ji Mo.

At this time, Ji Mo finally no longer concealed his existence. However, he still used another form of appearance, appearing as a non-injured guard.

Countless people have even occupied a good position in the past few days, ready to watch this battle!

The bright moon slowly rises.

The final battle is gradual!

A shout, a bright yellow figure, seems to exude thousands of golden light, the first to appear in the top of the palace, the highest palace in the Imperial City!

The whole person, like the sun, exudes the light of the king!

Ruthless Tiandi is drunk and ruthless!

He is ready and waiting for the challenger!

However, if the drunkenness at this moment is still like the sun, it is just like the setting sun and the sun!

The sun is like blood, but it is late!

At the moment when I saw the ruthless stalwart figure appearing outside the city, in a humble dark corner, several women in the rags looked at the ruthless Emperor in the air and suddenly burst into tears. Full face.

Even if it is exposed to people, I believe that no one will believe that these ugly women, women with bloated and unfeeling beauty, are actually ... ruthless Emperor Tiandi drunk and ruthless queen, and a few embarrassed.

They have turned themselves into this way.

Although they are drunk and ruthless, they are still worried. Be sure to watch this battle!

This is the last of our lives... the only chance to see you!

We will not let go!

Will not let go!

The Imperial City!

Drunk and ruthless.

He carried his hands and stood in the sky with a kind of chic gesture, under the moonlight!

Eyes, it is so plain looking at the distant night.

At this moment, everyone can clearly feel a little bit, that is: this world disputes, this blood dyed rivers and lakes, this strong enemy, this is full of love and hate and hatred on the human world ... all with him no longer have a relationship!

He stood alone and stood at the pinnacle of the power of Zhongjitian, standing quietly.

Hold hands and stand.

In the distance, Dong is no longer hurt, and his eyes are in a moment of contact with the ruthless figure. The body can't help but pause!

This situation should never have appeared, just because the person on the other side of the eye is too strange!

The person in front of you, for example, is no longer in the world.

It does not belong to heaven!

It only belongs to a blank.

Absolutely empty, absolutely absent, absolutely illusory, but is it absolutely absent? !

At this moment, the drunken and ruthless voice came from far away: "Dong is not hurt, come on!"


<Tomorrow to Wuhan, thinking that the friend of the publishing house is married... The day after tomorrow, I went to Shenzhen, there is something in the game company... Hey, I still need the code word code word code word! ...>

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