Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 714: Tianjian ruthless knife!

The more this time, the more likely an opponent is to confide in the truth. And this "manuscript" will be a shocking news for the whole world! Everyone has their ears upright, lest they miss the word.

Dong did not hurt and said: "You ask!"

The drunken ruthless sword hangs down and says: "Dong is not hurt, I only ask you... Who is behind you? According to the truth, you have no reason to develop so fast, and one of them must be playing tricks! Tell me ,Who is that?"

Dong said with no disappointment: "It is clear that you have turned Zhongjitian into a mess, the battle of Ziyantian, you don't play, in the hearts of the heroes of the world, you have lost the qualification of the Emperor. So I am battling this time. Behind me, there is no one at all. If there is, there is only God's will, only the heart... Hahaha, and only those of you who play tricks every day, will have such unbearable thoughts!"

Dong did not hurt and slashed, and proudly said: "Just by my Dong is not hurt, with my chest blood, male gas; body bone, knife in hand! Is it necessary to help someone!"

Dong did not hurt these words, naturally filled with a kind of arrogance.

Someone applauded: "Okay! Well said!"

Drunk and ridiculously smiled and said: "Is it not the people of the Ministry of Intelligence?"

Dong Wushou was silent and smiled ridiculously: "The secret intelligence department? They are indeed my people, but my enemy! Why, do you want to shirk the responsibility of defeat? Well, you just think that it is, then That's it!"

Dong did not hurt, although the mouth said yes. But, all the people who heard it. Including the people who are watching the secret in the dark, but also did not think so.

These words are really lack of sincerity.

Drunk and ruthless anger: "Dong is not hurt, I am a hero, you will talk to you in the final battle, you will use this tone to humiliate me!"

He shouted: "Today's decisive battle, it is decided that the battle of the celestial kingdom is in the doldrums. Is it true that you don't even say a truth to Dong's injury?"

Dong did not hurt a faint saying: "I don't hurt my life, I don't bother to lie. But for you, it's an exception! You can see the devil entering the purple sky, but it is always indifferent, hundreds of millions of souls are smeared, and they look at themselves. You are such a person. Do I need to be treated with courtesy! You are not worthy!"

The drunk ruthlessly screamed, the sword stood up, his face screamed: "So, then it will come to a dead battle!"

"Of course, it is necessary to come to a dead battle!" Dong did not hurt and slowly lifted the knife: "Don't you come here, just to find someone to chat with you? Or that sentence, you are not worthy!"

Both of them know that people on the cloud are on the sidelines. Therefore, there is no leakage in the speech, and there is always no scorn!

However, Dong’s heart is not sighing.

For the current drunkenness, he simply does not want to kill, but it is not killing! Have to kill, can't help but kill!

and. It’s obvious that drunk and ruthless is already in love, and I don’t want to live any more.

As he said. When a dog for a lifetime, when enough! Before dying, I want to be a man of righteousness! And this is upright and requires Dong to give it without injury.

There has never been a moment, no one has ever been able to make Dong no hurt so hate!

People on the cloud!

These three words, let Dong no harm completely hate it! This is always the highest rank of the nine-day Scorpio, the sacred sacred priest, who can think of the bones is actually such a sinister sinister, ruthless, mad, despicable hypocrisy!

I believe that even if all the derogatory words in the world are used on him, I can't really describe his despicableness!

Dong has no murder and has always been clean and neat. He never used a second knife. Even if it is an enemy, it will not let people suffer any piecemeal crime!

But at this moment, Dong did not feel that if one day, if he let the people on the cloud die, he will truly be an unforgivable sin!

"Dong is not hurt!" The drunken and ruthless body slowly floated in the air, and the long sword waved wildly.

In an instant, there was a Jianshan in the air that could be lifted to the ground and connected to the ground!

It’s so high!

Between the whole world, there is no trace of the moon in the moon, as if there is only this huge Jianshan between the heavens and the earth, it is here! Exudes a fatal killing.

Obviously, this is a trick that is drunk and ruthless!

A sword is turned into heaven!

This sword, I believe that even if it is a holy monarch, you can't wait to take it easy, but also to avoid its front.

The secret sage, quietly relieved.

It’s so desperate to be drunk and ruthless. It seems that all the arrangements don’t know that there will be no big problems...

The only thing to worry about now is that Dong is not hurt.

Dong has no reason to debut, but he has been a very high-level realm. He is really high in combat literacy. ?

If Dong is not hurt and can't stop it and die under the limit of drunkenness, then his plan can be lost more than half.

The wonders of the world are only fearful of this. At this time and at this time, the cloud people who are the enemy's opponents are actually worried about the life and death of Dong...

Dong Wushou took a deep breath and his burly body seemed to have grown stronger at this moment. On his body, the faint stream overflows with the lavender light!

This is a peculiar phenomenon that has been promoted to its own extreme!

He understands that this is drunk and ruthless in persuading himself, forcing himself to kill him!

He didn't even leave any room for Dong Wu's injury.

Because, under this trick, there is only one result.

Not that you are dead, even if I die!

If you don't hurt, if you don't want to kill me, then you will only die under my trick. Anyway, I will never stay, and after this shot, I want to keep it. It is impossible!

So if you don't want to die and want to live, you will only kill me!

Just do your best!

And my last move will be the last glorious glory of my stay in the world, legend!

This is my drunkenness, staying in this world, only a little dignity!

Please don't worry!

Drunk and ruthless, no more words, but these meanings, Dong is not hurt but fully understand!

More thorough understanding than hearing!

Dong does not hurt, of course, does not want to die. So, whether it is for yourself and for the family or for the brothers... or for the last wish of drunkenness!

This trick, he is not a victory!

Lost, not only sorry for myself, I am sorry, even the opponents are sorry!

If the two tigers fight, there must be a dead end!

Dong did not hurt his feet slightly moved, the ink knife slowly lifted. Dong’s unscrupulous eyes turned into two black holes that swallowed the world at this moment!

"The ruthless knife!"

A knife is decided, not only a decision, but also a slap in the face!

The infinitely magnificent Jianshan in the sky suddenly moved!

A move is to dump!

Pour the world!

Thousands of miles away from the distance, everyone can clearly see this scene, the mountain in the air completely composed of swords and swords, suddenly turned into countless swordsman stream, flooding the world!

It seems that in this night sky, a trillions of meteors suddenly appeared!

Even everyone seems to have heard a loud bang in their own hearts. It is a rock-shattering, stormy sound.

At this moment, the whole world seems to have disappeared with this sound!

Only destruction!

In this battle, there are thousands of martial artists on the sidelines. Before this move, everyone felt great.

After watching this battle, my martial arts training is absolutely able to go further and take it to the next level!

However, at the moment when Jianshan collapsed, at least half of the people suddenly felt that the martial arts in their hearts collapsed at that moment!

Heart shakes!

The conviction of lifelong martial arts, at the moment of the collapse of Jianshan, disappeared!

The collapse of Jianshan collapsed and collapsed at the same time!

From that moment on, these people will end up in their lives, and there will be no further progress in the realm of martial arts!

Even, even if it is hard work and hard work, you can't avoid the day-to-day regression, step by step!

The reason is because of this trick, this moment, this moment.

A generation of Heavenly Emperor tried his best to make a desperate attempt. It was really earth-shattering and shocking! It not only has devastating damage to the human body, but also has the collapse effect of the human spirit and the gods!

In the far corners, in the shadows, the ugly women watched the drunken and ruthless body turned into a magnificent Jianshan, and then they went all night, tears in their eyes, and swaying.

Hundreds of thousands of years of pillow people, can you not know, what kind of mentality is your man now?

After this move, there will be no more ruthless Emperor in the world, no more people will be drunk and ruthless!

Forever, always!

"Fu Jun..." Several women looked at the stream of light in the air, opening their mouths and calling silently.

At this moment, the heartache is like death, and the heart is broken.

At the moment when Jianshan suddenly collapsed, Dong did not hurt a long shout to shake the sky, the burly body stood still, the ink knife in his hand slammed, and an unprecedented tornado that went straight to the sky suddenly formed!

Immediately, Dong’s unharmed figure disappeared completely!

In place, just leave a subtle, flashing light, only the chopsticks, the micro version of the ink knife!

But the flash of light on the knife is unprecedented and unparalleled.

Many military people accidentally saw the light emitted by the knife at this moment, but only a sudden scream, two eyes constantly flowing out of blood.

However, it has been attacked by inadvertently.

Even if it is far from the space of thousands of feet, it is still the case.

The arrogance of the sword is far from near, and it spans all the time, space, and distance!

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