Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 728: Take the initiative!

Of course, there are other geniuses in it, not the geniuses who came out of Chuyang, that is, those who did not have the line and did not mark the Tianbing brand. The little guy who played against it suddenly would suddenly It became a hungry wolf!

Never mercy, the hungry wolf that swallows human life!

I just want to kill him, or kill him, kill him, abolish him, my brothers and sisters in his martial art will have more resources and opportunities!

Only such a small number of ten battles, the scene is considered to be sinister, bloody.

There are only a dozen "indigenous" juvenile geniuses who have lost their lives here.

Let these martial arts are distressed straight teeth.

And these dozens of battles have fully proved that these little guys are definitely not vegetarian animals!

However, no one will accuse them of being brutal. Many old guys are more interested in these little guys who have seen blood and have lost their enemies, killing people, and appreciate that there is such a small age to be able to kill such a decisive decision. It’s the people in my generation, I’m not alone, the sects are followers, and I am very comforted!


At the same time as the exchange of power in the middle pole; the major super-sects are in the ranks of the military;

However, in the Great Western Heaven and the Qing Dynasty, the war was carried out in full swing, and the battle was more intense than ever. It is now a serious decisive battle at the level of millions of legions.

The whole world is trembled.

The bones are like mountains, and the blood flows into the river.


On this evening, the Zhongjitian Palace ushered in a very unexpected visitor.

But definitely not an uninvited guest!

Because the coming visitors are demon.

For the sudden arrival of the demon, except for Chu Yang, everyone else is shocked.

"Ink tears, there is no place to live in the past few days, take the liberty to come and stay, and live with you, you don't mind." Smile after the demon.

Ink tears quickly said: "That is the great opportunity for the younger generation to ask for."

This statement of ink tears is absolutely no exaggeration. Not a compliment, too!

Just kidding, come back after a generation of demon, where can't find a place to live? Even if you go to the Tianmo outside the domain, as long as the demon says, it is just to live! Even, including the Imperial Palace of Heavenly Emperor!

How could she have no place to live?

Now that I am coming. There must be deep meaning in the inner.

After watching the demon and the ink tears go out, Chu Yang and others are all face to face.

Mo Tianji finally breathed a sigh of relief: "I am finally relieved."

With the help of the brothers, Mo Tianji consciously did not have enough to face the people on the cloud, but the strength of the two sides is no longer one-sided, and the arrival of the demon at the moment, the strength of both sides Gradually at the same level. Even though there is still no chance of winning, the hope of winning the tie is already expected.

On the first day, nothing happened, and the next day, it was still peaceful.

But, the third day.

The palace of Zhongjitian stared at it and suddenly it was slammed and slammed. The whole rushed to the sky and instantly turned into a powder.

Immediately, the demon screamed in the blue sky: "The rats! Don't run!"

Chu Yang and others were shocked and rushed to the top of the palace, but only saw the demon standing alone, pale, gasping.

After seeing the demon, everyone can look like this.

Be aware of the strength of the demon. Already be the strongest master in addition to the clouds, snow and tears, some people can be in such a short period of time, so that the demon will appear such a negative situation, the horror of the other party's strength, can be seen.

Or Chu Chuan opened, and asked about the beginning and the end of the incident, the demon gently vomited. His face returned to normal, and faintly said: "I originally thought it was snow and tears, but now it seems that this world. It is really smoldering... especially in this extremely polar world, it is indeed a smashing home."

Such a boring sentence makes everyone feel a little confused.

Only Chu Yang and Mo Tianji gave each other a wink.

In the eyes of both of them, if they have realized.


A black man rushed out like a meteor for thousands of miles, and then he stopped to breathe a sigh of relief, and there was blood flowing out of his mouth.


The black man’s hood is a glimpse, and the appearance of the holy gentleman appears.

Especially from the face of a heart!

His robes brushed the palm-printed pieces of cloth, almost in one piece. Inside the robe, a white vest that doesn't know what material to make, is also a myriad of cracks.

Saints took a breath of air.

"I didn't think of the demon, but I lived there... This time it was really... Fortunately, I didn't reveal my face, and there was room for change."

Shengjun wanted to sneak in quietly this evening, silently controlling the ink tears, and unfolding his slap in the face of Dong’s injury, but never imagined that the demon was just inside, and still Concealed all breath.

I have just approached, and the ink tears are instantly alert, and the moment I have to react, suddenly burst into trouble with my unintentional demon!

That is almost a blow to the soul of all life!

Instant three thousand nine hundred palms!

At that moment, the power of the sky was almost instantaneous!

Under the sorrow of the Holy King, how could I think that there is such a big master hidden in it? I did not expect to be in the status of the demon, but actually will condescend to live here!

Suddenly caught off guard, suddenly suffered a big loss.

After the demon, this shot can be said to be able to wait and go all out, and almost completely rehabilitated the whole body into this hit! However, the holy prince is rushing to fight, and there is no psychological preparation for dealing with such strong enemies. This time, the loss is really unremarkable!

Three thousand nine hundred palms, actually only blocked more than three hundred and seven hundred.

More than a hundred palms, and hit the body.

Although the counterattack of the people on the cloud also caused the demon to be injured, but the injury of the people on the cloud is definitely much heavier than the demon!

The most heart-wrenching thing for the people on the cloud is that... this piece of water and fire that does not invade the guns and smashes the guns that can withstand all external attacks, has even been ruined by the demon!

"If the demon is always here, it is really a trouble... But the more she is, the more it proves that this Dong is harmless and has great value!" .


"Tears... as strong as possible." After the demon returned to the dormitory, facing the ink tears. Slightly sighed.

"Your current cultivation is still far from enough to cope with the battle between super masters."

Ink tears nodded gently.

"I can't protect you all the time." After the demon, he said: "As long as it is in this sky, he has too many opportunities. This time, he did not show his face and left his back hand..."

"Once you are controlled, the result will be overwhelming. Your husband and all his brothers, all the hard work of the past, all the hardships and difficulties will only become a joke."

Ink tears bit his lip tightly and nodded deeply.

This time she actually realized the crisis. Once outside, the palace once. In these two crises, one was forced by Ji Mo, and his husband and wife were able to escape from birth; but they almost lost the brother of Ji Mo forever.

This time, it was helped by the demon, and I was lucky enough to get out of the poison.

Is it really necessary to continue this kind of day?

Has it always been protected by people?

"This is the most grievous right and wrong, no escape, only face!" After the demon seems to see what she is thinking. Heavy said: "It's just that you don't need to blame yourself, you feel inferior. You will one day go to this level. But now... when you are weaker, you must pay more attention."

"Don't leave anyone with a slap in the face, and one negligence can create irreparable consequences!"

After the demon, let the ink tears silence for a long time.

Once you have an accident. The husband’s instant collapse is second, and the most fear is that all the brothers will be involved in it and suffer together!

I am no longer alone.

On the second day, the ink tears and Dong did not hurt his face. It seems that nothing has happened.

However, they invited Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and others to talk about it in secret.

During the period, the demon will attend.

All the processes are just introduced by Mo Tianji. Dong no injury added.

In the end, Chu Yang hammered the sound.

"Proactive attack! Eliminate the trouble!"

Everyone has agreed to it.

On the third day, Daxitian and Qinglan Tianzhan reported that the results of the major sects were also passed to Zhongjitian.

However, for all of this, Mo Tianji and Chu Yang and others have no time to manage, no reason.

All this, for them, is not important!

Because they have already set off.

Together with Dong Wuju, ink tears, this new Tiandi Tianhou, also secretly modified, quietly out of the city, disappeared into the thick night.

The training mission of Zhongjitian was handed over to his own men by Dong Wuwei, and only one goal was left: "Half time! I will only give you half a year!"

"After half a year, I need to see a million troops, fight and fight, and win in a battle! Whether facing any enemy!"

"I only have this goal. As for how you train your troops, it is your business! As long as I get the result, I only need to see a hundred warriors, and there is no victory in the battle."

"Can't do it, kill all the heads! Destroy the Nine!"


When Dong did not finish his speech, he left the military department irresponsibly.

Several of the military officers have just taken office here. It seems that the **** has not yet stabilized. Before they have time to pull out of the joy of sudden promotion, they will be so good!

Everyone is dizzy.

Your Majesty... This is training, it’s not for dinner.... Half a year... Are you dreaming or are we dreaming?

However, the king’s life has been made, and the words and deeds are with you.

Besides, it’s already gone, even if you want to react, you can’t do it.

The next moment, several newly-elected tycoons in the military suddenly rushed out!


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