Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 738: Combat, coming soon

These three days and three nights, almost all the way to hold on to the state of maintaining a cautious state, it is not a day that people can live. For the sake of big things, I didn’t even dare to take the breath, and fortunately everyone was a master at the peak level, and this was patient.

The destination has arrived and everyone has begun the next move.

Under the cover of dense foliage, Mo Tianji quietly squatted in the treetops and carefully observed the opposite mountain. In the palm of your hand, nine bright copper coins spin spontaneously in the drip.

After a while, nine copper coins trembled in the hands of Mo Tian, ​​and the face of Mo Tianji was suddenly heavy.

"I didn't expect this cloud to be a master of the tactics." Mo Tianji said: "There is a nebula locked up here."

The voice of Chu Yang came from the green leaves: "Is this method a quick way to crack it?"

"The world array, there is a law, there is no such thing as a perfect array!" Mo Tiandao said: "Just to crack this nebula to lock the big array, must go to the core of the law, in order to try to crack, there are inside out, by The top-down crack is just there. It is the key position that no master of the array can completely make up. As long as it is destroyed, the operation of this big array will stop immediately and there will be no more. However, the core of this array is It must be set at the height of the peak of this mountain, and there will be guardians there, although there may not be too many guards, but it must be a master."

Mo Tianji breathed a sigh of relief: "There is still a key to be sure. The strength of this Tianganshan mountain is not naturally formed, but it is added by the array method. The nebula locks the big array is the key, and Another feature of this array is that it does not allow any flaws in it. That is to say, this whole mountain has no caves. Therefore, on this side, there is no exit."

Chu Yangyi: "This method is very weird, it can affect the whole mountain!?"

Mo Tianji gently sighed: "This array is difficult to arrange, but the effect is also ambitious. I think that when the cloud chooses this array, most of them are trying to maximize the reinforcement of the mountain and make the mountain. Fill all the caves autonomously. In this way, if there are escapers, you can also avoid the means of hiding the traces to a great extent. If I am him, I will choose this array for this mountain foundation! However, there are advantages and disadvantages, if we Can break the core of this battle in one fell swoop, and the chances of accomplishing a battle can be greatly increased!"

Chu Yang heard a sigh of relief, and Yan Yan smiled: "That's good. Even if it is dangerous to break from above, it is always much stronger than the rat nest here."

Mo Tianji snorted and squatted down.

"We are divided into two groups. You bring a group, I bring a group, I am starting from the left. You start from the right side, then go to the opposite side and merge again. This will form a complete search network, this will be The organization inside is completely surrounded, and there will be no omissions."

"Our mission is to find all the people in the two semi-circles, search for the entrance and exit position! After the opposite cross-match, you can't stop, continue to search the other's range again, then return to the place to re-collect and summarize the harvest. ”

Mo Tianji said: "If one party does not search thoroughly, it has missed the entrance and exit..." He smiled at his white teeth: "Since then, the boss has changed!"

Chu Yang angered: "A big dog, this is only a few days to want to slap my boss's position! Why do you think that I will be leaking here? If you have a leak?"

Mo Tianji shakes the copper money in his hand and smiles calmly: "If there is a leak on my side, I am willing to take the position of the old man who can't get through! You can command me from now on! When I am a brother!"

If you don’t know anything and you are an enemy of Jimo, your eyes are suddenly bright: "Well, just say a word, just say it!"

Mo Tianji’s cold smile made two words, saying: “This time, you are not in my group!”

Ji Mo licks his mouth.

Under the insistence of Mo Tianji, Ji Mo Luo Ke is unreasonable and has returned to the Chu Yang group. Others are Mo Qing Dance, Tie Bu Tian, ​​Wu Qianqian, and Niang Niang, which are a total of eight people.

As for the other eight people, it is another group, which is led by Mo Tianji, the conspiracy.

Sixteen people, divided into two groups, is not the same, naturally it is very good, then, the two groups of people are like two arrows, each minute, quickly shot into the dark.

Chu Yangming knows that this action is definitely a huge project, and the reason why Mo Tianji used the reason of this far-fetched to distribute the seriously wounded Ji Mo to his side is that Mo Tianji himself is not sure.

This can actually be regarded as a hidden reminder of Mo Tianji.

Chu Yang also raised the spirit and concentrated his attention on twelve points.

All the way to search, soon, turned to the Tiangan Mountains, when the people found that the mountain of the mountain is like a cylinder!

The overall description should be... surrounded by mountains, only the middle is an open space, but no matter which side you look at, from top to bottom is a whole, no one can see it, in fact, actually There is also a base, there is no mystery.

When it was almost time to search for the opposite, it was getting more and more desolate. Chu Yang accidentally discovered that there are some places in the grass here, which seem to have been stepped on?

Can not let go of any clues, especially the obvious clues.

Instantly search carefully in this film.

I don't know why, it is completely useless to use God's search here; in the end, it can only be attributed to a little bit of searching with the naked eye.

For a long time, Chu Yang stopped before a big tree born by the mountain.

This tree, tall and strong, is full of more than 30 people holding the thickness, straight up the sky, like a huge pillar of the top! It seems that with this day, with this place, with this mountain, connected together, become a whole, natural.

Chu Yang repeatedly observed the bark and finally showed a smile.

This tree, which seems to be the same as usual, is actually hollow.

In order to be safe, Chu Yang still released the nine robbers and drilled into it. Inside, there is a passage. In the tree with more than 30 people holding the thick and thin, the passage is not narrow, even a large one. The carriage can also pass smoothly.

"It’s really awesome!" Tiebutian looked up at the tall, straight tree, straight into the clouds, still green and lush foliage, could not help but sigh.

The whole tree was hollowed out, leaving only the bark and a small amount of trees, but it can still survive for millions of years! This tree has really created a miracle.

"This is also the result of the addition of the tactics." Chu Yang sighed and said: "The people on the cloud are really a scholarly and versatile person. In this world, there seems to be nothing, he does not understand, but unfortunately, such a shock If you are a brilliant person, you have to embark on such a path! With his talents, even if you follow the right path, you may not be able to climb to the top. Why?"

Tiebutian calmly said: "To be good and evil, to be annihilated, but anyone who is treacherous and wicked, especially able to deceive the world, must be a genius. If not, he can’t do so much. Things, I can’t look down on so many winds and waves, I don’t know!”

"It makes sense, it is true." Chu Yang nodded.

Then everyone continued to move forward, and searched all the way. Until one day later, this was the opposite of Mo Tianji and others. After the two sides exchanged the discovery, they followed the path of the other side and carefully searched the past.

When the reunion was in place, Chu Yang took the lead in exporting: "There is only one."

Mo Tianji also flashed in the eyes: "Yes, there is only one, this is good news."

The two looked at each other and saw the excitement in the other's eyes! There is only one exit, which is the perfect topography to destroy each other!

Of course, building such a place is definitely not suitable for getting out of the entrances and exits...

"The urgent task at the moment is to kill the people who guard the eyes on the top of the mountain first. As long as this can be done, the odds of our trip will increase by more than 50%!" Mo Tiandao said: "Then we can get from this The hole was smashed all the way, and there was no fear of killing and killing all the true spirits in this place!"

Chu Yang nodded and immediately said: "The head guarded here must be a master. Moreover, the trust that can be trusted and entrusted to the sage is inevitably the confidant of the sage. This matter, in order to be safe, needs more Go to a few people."

Chu Yang immediately said: "I can't get through, Xie Danqiong, ink tears, Dong is not hurt; you four people, with me shot! Light dance and the Rocky Enemy is responsible for the squad, in case of being the person To escape, be sure to kill in the first place, and never give this person any chance!"

Everyone is stunned.

The figures of six people, including Chu Yang, passed away.

Others followed, rushing to the top of the cloud.

The clouds are coming and going.

Qu Youfeng sat on the top of the mountain, swallowing the gas, motionless, like a stone statue.

Under the mist of the mountains, I believe no one can see it. Under him, it is not a real place, but an abyss of hundreds of thousands of feet! He was actually sitting on the abyss in the void, quietly moving.

Since he served as a guardian, he has been practicing here for more than 900,000 years! Maybe it will last a long, long time...

"When one day, when the true spirits dominate the world, you are the first hero!"

As long as I think of the words of the Holy One, Qu Youfeng's mouth will not be able to hold a smile full of irony.

What I want is never the first hero, nor the name of the world.

I just want to see, through my hand, let this piece of the film be unified, completely and truly controlled in the hands of one person! That is the greatest significance of my existence.

That is the unparalleled pleasure of the world!

In this way, I will not be able to wait for nearly a hundred years!

............(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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