Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 744: Only death!

"You can't be my opponent! Know the current affairs for Junjie, or surrender. If you are obedient, you may have a chance to survive and live for a long time." The eyes of the cloud are extremely strong and invisible. The charm of the unconcealed, confusing mind, but also mixed with the cruelty.

It's like a healthy cat, watching a group of little mice with nowhere to go.

It is enjoying the fun of playing with the prey, making, swearing, tormenting, to the dead, not endless!

Moreover, after this attack, he held his hand and stood in his eyes, and his eyes were completely stunned. He could feel that the current situation is completely in his own hands! !

Mo Tianji reached out and stopped everyone who was about to rush up. He took a deep breath and said: "The seven stars guards each have their own array! Nine robberies! The mother-in-law tears fill the gap!"

Everyone is moving at the same time.

Everyone’s eyes are completely alert, strong and cautious!

Everyone realizes that this battle is really a real battle for life and death! If this battle is defeated, everyone, I am afraid it will disappear from it!

There is absolutely no second possibility!

A sword reappeared, and the whole person in Chuyang rushed back in lightning; although the corner of his mouth was still bright red, he still stood before the brothers, gradually flashing, and the fierce warfare rushed.

The black knife sighed with the air, and Dong did not hurt the knife to stand sideways on the left side of Chuyang.

In the glamorous Qionghua flying, Xie Danqiong stood on the right side of Chuyang.

In the case of Dong Wu's injury and Xie Danqiong, they are arrogant and arrogant; the red shadow flashes, and the light dances voluntarily, like a dreamy dance, a light and graceful exhibition, standing in Chu The position of the three steps behind the sun.

The white figure of Mo Tianji is in the middle, and the purple jade is shining.

The mother and the ink tears are in the final position, shrinking in the middle, but the wings are protecting the rear.

Chu Yang.

Nothing is wrong, Dong is not hurt. Moshe Danqiong, Rock Enemy.



Mo Tianji


The formation of the whole team is arranged in this way - the formation of the nine robbers!

Even though there are nieces and ink tears to fill the gap, but for the real nine robbery battle, but still lack of a person, behind the 祀 mother and ink tears, there should be one person to do the finishing guard. There are no candidates at this time.

If Ji Mo, who stayed outside the valley, was not seriously injured, he was the right person, but at the moment he said that he was not there. Even if he was there, everyone would not let him go.

Therefore, I had to use the most primitive nine robbery swords against the enemy.

Deal with this unprecedentedly powerful enemy. There is no need to leave any retreat!

If this battle is unsuccessful, everyone can't run, and if there is no way out, it doesn't matter.

If it wins in the end, naturally everything is better to say, and there is no need to retreat.

This battle is a battle for a boat!

The three guards of the Yunyun Tian are on the other side. Make up a small triangle battle array by yourself, and the shape of the corner of the nine-robbery swords of Chuyang, echoing each other, the tip is aimed at the avatar of the cloud!

A fierce murderous temperament has gradually grown and become more and more intense.

"Everyone must go all out!" Chu Yang's gaze is like a solid Jianguang, staring at the opposite person on the cloud, whispering in his mouth.

"It is bound to die together. Life and death are the same!" Mo Tianji, Dong Wuju, Xie Danqiong and others said in unison.

Chu Yang nine robbery sword tip slowly raised, the tip of the sword, that bright and bright light seems to become the cold light of the universe, ready to go.

He sighed: "Nine Heavens!"

The brothers answered in unison: "I am king!"

Chu Yang’s voice gradually became hoarse and resolute. In the eyes of the sword, the lightning flashes: "Brothers are!"

"I am invincible!" Nine people yelled together.

This sudden burst of sound, like thousands of bangs in the clear sky at the same time!

The sound was everywhere, and the entire valley seemed to have shaken a few times.

Next to the three guards, I heard this. Suddenly tears filled!

There are only a short twenty-four words before and after, but it is like the sun and the moon for a long time, generally revealing the war and pride of the nine robbery brothers, and the incomparable and indelible deep friendship that exists among the people!

"Must go all out!"

"Inevitably life and death together!"

"Nine Heavens!"

"I am king!"

"Brothers are here!"

"I am invincible!"

What kind of discouragement is this! !

Chu Yang laughed happily. There was no fear of it. His eyes were sharply and staringly at the avatars of the clouds. The tip of the sword seemed to be a heavy weight that fell a million pounds and lifted up a little.

The avatars of the clouds are standing in the air with their hands on their faces, with a faint disdainful smile on their faces, watching Chu Yang and others.

He has absolute confidence and completely defeats the strongest blow of Chu Yang and others!

Therefore, their confidence will be completely disintegrated, and their spirit will be controlled in the future. From this moment, they will be deeply imprinted! !

With the rise of the Nine Robbery Sword, the momentum has gradually climbed up, and the swordsmanship is flashing, and the whole space is suddenly seen to be flickering!

At this moment, Chu Yang felt his heart, and his self-confidence was unprecedentedly expanded without any sign. Maybe it is a long time, maybe just a moment, with the sword tip finally pointing to the front chest of the cloud, Chu Yang Yang Tianxiaoxiao!

When the whistle is not over, the air in the air is surging, and the heavens and the earth are moving!

There is no word in one sentence, and Chu Yang’s body has already moved!

As soon as it moves, it floats into the air!

Standing opposite the avatars of the clouds, the courts resisted and did not retreat!

The eight people behind him did not have to use force, and they had risen in the air along with Chu Yang.

The next moment, Jianguang suddenly burst!

At this moment, even the people on the opposite side of the cloud, and even the three major guards below, are all suspected of the subsequent development of the matter, which is greatly unexpected.

Each of them thought that Chu Yang was so raised, standing on the opposite side of the cloud, and the unrelenting confrontation, it must be before the battle, there is something to say.

As the saying goes, no matter how you play, in advance, you must first go through the door and say a few words. Come up and die. That kind of thing is rare, even the most succinct rogue fight, but also one side first swear: you are paralyzed!

Then the two sides will really do it?

But Chu Yuzuo apparently broke this unwritten "convention" this time!

At this moment, I just had a full conversation, but I didn’t do it!

Moreover, Jianguang’s gorgeousness at this moment has surpassed all the singular magnificence that can be imagined in the past and the present!

A little cold light burst, Wan Man Han Mang out!

A long, star-shaped fascinating fascination, with a spot on the whole body, the brightness of the extinction. With the momentum of the world. Directly without a front.

Invisible, in the entire sky, there is a delicate red, dancing in the air. It seems that beyond thirty-three days, there is still a singer's voice coming from people, which makes people unclear. But can't help but be fascinated.

And this song and dance, every sound, add a lot of strength to this sword, every move, spurs Jianguang more beautiful dreams are unbreakable!

In the sword light that swept the world, the ink knife of a mad tyrant was reproduced, and the knives came out. There are millions of gorgeous Qionghua colorful companions, a purple jade 箫 followed, the Qing Yue's melodious snoring sounded quietly, the purple jade, you can also see the lavender ears slightly drifting...

When the time is not allowed, the Fengming of the Qing Dynasty rushes into the sky, and a colorful phoenix flies out of the emptiness of a sword. Between the flashing lights, the nine-robbery sword is fully integrated.

There is also a huge blue wolf head. It also flashed, it was the means of the wolf king, and it was played by Chu Yang with nine swords; a black fog, representing the killer means of ink tears, drifting indefinitely!

Everything is everything, with a strong killing!

But, it's all here. In the end, they are all perfectly integrated!

This is a miracle that is impossible to achieve!

All the weapons and techniques of completely different attributes, how can they be merged into one!

Just because of one person, a sword. It is impossible to make it possible. At this moment, it is only from a completely unrelated sword tip, and it is revealed that the miracle is coming!

Spiritual attack, physical attack, water and fire attack...

At the same time!

The avatars of the clouds suddenly felt the extreme depression and anger!

There is only one idea in mind: Estimate the error!

Chu Yang was hit directly into the mountains by his blow, let him have a clear understanding of the strength of these people; fully convinced that even if they join hands, it is impossible to harm themselves!

But in this lesson, he found himself wrong.

What the eyes see, even the observations of the gods, may not be true!

This situation, in his long life, is the first time I met!

At this moment, the avatars of the cloud faced the attack of nine enemies at the same time almost at the same time, but what made him really depressed and wanted to go crazy was... his eyes clearly saw nine different attacks, these attacks At least it should come from nine people, but it feels like telling him that there is only one person he faces!

It is this person who brings him the equivalent of nine people to superimpose the attack and then add two and then double the terror pressure!

And the power of this superposition is more than doubled!

If it is a change, the three big guards below have already seen it.

If this level of attack is facing yourself, I am afraid that it has become a residue in the first time?

There is no resistance at all! Or, even the emotions of resistance may not be able to rise, and you have already fallen! This is the real most terrible place!

Oppositely, it is estimated that the avatar of the wrong person on the cloud can no longer maintain the calmness of the former arrogant, and suddenly screams, the body slams and slams, and fights with all strength!

For a time, countless snow white sacred lotuses bursting out of the air suddenly, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands ... but the moment of the scene, countless lotuses have completely filled this piece of sky, dense and dense!

The prince's avatar has quietly disappeared at this moment. It is equal to Chu Yang's attack and has no target.


<About the game, solemnly say: It doesn't matter if you play for a while, but do what you can. >

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