Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 748: Kill the avatar!

These three real figures, but now all are illusory, and any weapon of the gods can not cause too much damage!

This is undoubtedly the last life-saving trick of the sacred prince, the sacred prince is self-confident, this trick, even if it is intensive, life can be guaranteed!

However, the next change is far beyond the expectations of the sage!

The nine robbery sword suddenly shines!

The three phantoms have already rushed out, but it seems to have been forcibly pulled by an invisible force. The illusion has become a grotesque look because of this invisible force. It is hard to get rid of the pulling force but never get rid of it. !

The faces of the three incarnations were all flattened and distorted, and the screams of screaming together.

In the air, the space of the pieces gradually collapsed, and the cracks in the space suddenly appeared.

The three gods invariably want to escape into the cracks in the space, but they are still pulled by the invisible pulling force. Even though they have become a kind of slender silk, they are still a little bit back. Pull back!

He is absolutely reluctant, not willing, but he can't get rid of it! Can only be pulled back step by step, one inch and one inch, close to his own body!

The nine robbery swords trembled, and there was a kind of calmness and calmness. A faint **** aperture, rapid escape, range and amplitude are getting bigger and bigger.

It seems that I have met the food I have dreamed of, and I can't wait to open my mouth!

Never allow this food to escape from your mouth!

The sacred scream of the sacred priest, finally, seems to have made a difficult decision!

Three phantom gods once again rushed back to their bodies,

The next moment, the whole body suddenly exploded! The whole body was turned into powder!

Countless residual debris is flying in the air!

At the same time, dozens of faint blood, mixed with the power of the soul, divided into dozens of directions.

This is the law that the saints are not willing to implement. Not only do you smash your flesh, but you also have to split your own soul into dozens of copies. This kind of soul is extremely difficult to reunite, and the cost is not too heavy, but as long as it can escape from birth, it is worth it!

Nine robbery swordsmang suddenly burst into madness, it seems that this guy is very dissatisfied with such a hand at the last minute. Very angry!

Swordsman then flew in the air!

Countless small swordsmen are engaged in the explosion of the soul power that blasts and escapes!

The seven or eighty soul forces split by the Holy King were intercepted by the Nine Robbery Swords. Most of them were only one or two, and eventually escaped.

The nine robbery sword stands alone in the air, shining and shining, it seems a little annoyed. But finally flew down, Jianguang flickering, flying also liked into the eyebrows of Chu Yang.


These things are long-lived. In fact, the process is very short-lived. It happens almost in the blink of an eye and between several fingers!

At this time, Chu Yang and others fell from the height of thousands of feet. Already coming into contact with the ground.

In their current state, so free to fall down, the result is no exception, all will be broken bones, liver and brain.

Until now, the three guards finally woke up like a dream, flying fast, shaking hands to send out a series of strength. Supporting the fallen people and slowly letting go of the ground, it was discovered that nine people, without exception, have been unconscious!

I believe that no one knows the final result of this battle!

Place the people properly and lay them down. The three guards have not yet recovered from the war!

Until now, I still can't believe that these people actually eliminated the avatar of a holy prince!

Looks like the strength of this avatar, I am afraid that many of them will be much stronger than the nine emperors...

"This battle..." One of the guards sighed deeply.

Looking at a few boys and girls who are still lying on the ground. There is only a deep admiration in the eyes.

"Yeah... this war, the complicated changes in the situation of the war, but it is so short, it is almost a moment to win the battle!" Another guard has a heart, said: "But, just How much has changed in this short period of time, how much power is automatically used, but how terrible it is..."

The last guardian smiled: "Yeah... In this short period of time, the number of positions that have changed between the two sides... at least 100,000 times! Others can't calculate."

"Chuyang and the Emperor of Heaven have left them. At the beginning, they have moved their minds desperately. Otherwise, they will not fight so much, so absolutely."


"But I always feel... there are some places that I can't figure out."

"I also feel weird, but what is specific, but I can't say it again."

"If it is according to the common sense, this war is definitely not possible to win."

The trio talked about the first battle, and the heart was particularly embarrassed, and when they were dazzled, they had a misunderstanding.

"The first doubt in this battle is that we all know the holy prince, although the holy prince does not necessarily know us... but the celestial plane showed strangeness in the first time, there is no place to do it, is there any place for us? Ignore it..."

One of them frowned: "This phenomenon is somewhat puzzling. Even if we are dressed in a seamless manner, this sacred prince will not be so stupid, can't recognize the status of his body? If so, is it all white? Installed?"

The other two nodded again and again: "Yes, this thing... really does not want to understand the inside."

"Second, the repair of Chu Yuzuo is the highest among us, although it is certainly not the opponent of this holy prince, but it should not be hit by the holy prince in the mountains... This may seem a bit fake, or it may be a light enemy." Another person meditated.

"I think most of it is like this." Another person said: "If there is no such thing, I am afraid that the sacred prince will never wait for the formation of their brothers. If the battle is not formed, then everything will be It’s empty talk. Maybe we’ve died a few hundred times before!”

"But the most crucial thing in this battle is this battle battle! The students have forced the holy king into a special inferior state, and that is the moment when the battle formation is formed, Chu Yuzuo they firmly grasped the first hand and grasped the first. machine!"

The three nodded together.

"But why does the sacred prince's avatar allow the formation of the battlefield to be shot?" One of the guards said: "Isn't that a lot of trouble? If you change me, I will have shot it in the first place."

The other two people sneered in the same breath: "So you can't reach the height of the holy king in your life!"

They don't know.

In a moment, Mo Tianji noticed that it was wrong, so he asked the question "Who are you?" This sentence will make the prince's avatar feel: he does not know me? Or... why didn't he know me?

And Chu Yang is exquisite. Then one sentence: This is the holy prince...

Let the prince's avatar have a feeling of being seen. It is very unreasonable not to know the holy king. But recognized, but there is a secret leak.

Two sentences, let this avatar fluctuate twice in a short period of time. Thus there is a firm belief that these people must not be allowed to escape.

In this case, he himself cannot leave first.

This is a deadly atmosphere; the most fundamental purpose is to put an end to the possibility that the Holy King will leave immediately if the situation is unfavorable.

Then Chu Yang took the lead in the battle, with his cultivation, even if it is definitely not a sacred opponent, it is impossible to lose so badly within one stroke. What's more, being caught by the nine-robbery sword... is even more deliberate.

The sacred prince made a meritorious deed, and so on, it has a complete estimate of the strength of Chu Yang and others. Therefore, there was no fear, and it was time for Chu Yang and others to arrange. Because he also wants to go all out, afraid that someone will escape and leak news.

These people are entangled in themselves, and it is quite certain to escape a few.

This is a subtle psychological tactic ... and wait until the formation of the nine robbers, this all, is a matter of course, for Chu Yang and others, until that moment, there is a real desperate opportunity!

Among them, every sentence, every action expression, everything is indispensable!


The three people waited anxiously. By the way, the valley was cleaned and the corpses were completely disposed of.

Although it can be said that the corpses are piled up like mountains, the broken limbs of the residual limbs can be seen everywhere, and the blood flows into the river. However, for the strong people of the sage level, it is easy to move the mountains and reclaim the sea. It is also a matter of dealing with these things, and a small one is also a sea of ​​mulberry fields. Finished!

After dealing with these unsightly things, then I waited for Chu Yang and others to wake up.

"I have to say... The place where the people on the cloud choose to cultivate the true spirit of the sun is really good, and it is full of beautiful colors." After the three people cleaned up, they were somewhat amazed at the environment, and they were amazed.

"It's really good. When we retire from heaven in the future, we can also do such a place, raise the sky and pass the time." One of them showed a sly expression.

However, this intentional or unintentional sentence, but let the other two are silent.

After a long, long time, I smiled and said: "Let's raise the sky... Let's these people, what other days can we support? Longevity is not dead, it may not be a kind of happiness!"

"The descendants of our descendants, all of them have been turned into a bones hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the love of the red face has long since disappeared. It no longer exists. Supporting the sky, this sentence for us... ...too extravagant."

"Yes, sometimes I am confused, I practice every day, I ignore everything around me. Is it just to ask for one's own life?" Another person sighed: "So lonely, immortal, what is the meaning?" ?"

"Yeah... Hey, this kind of life is not dead, how much loneliness you have to endure, how much life you have to endure..."

"Actually, I feel... the pursuit of longevity, but the white is nothing but fear of death!" The guardian's words, let the other two people turn their eyes together.


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