Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 774: Toxic

"What kind of poison is this? Is there such a characteristic, not suppressing the aura?" Xue Xianer slowly looked up, his eyes looked coldly at Chu Leer, and the word said: "Who is the girl? It is really a good means." However, it’s already a good idea to raise your hand!"

Chu Leer grinned, faintly said: "I don't know if your luck is good or not. This lady is just a new toxin that has just been developed not long ago. It has been spurred by no drug primers. Now you actually have such a match. The condition of the fishing net is simply a perfect match. This is naturally the latest virulence I developed. I just didn’t expect to send a profit to the future after the first move. I still don’t know if this is your luck. Still not good, anyway, my luck is definitely good?"

"The latest poison..." Xue Xianer's rich lips trembled: "What poison?"

"Oh, I haven't taken a specific name yet." Chu Leer said innocently: "There are poisons of carrion, invisible poison, poison without shadow, and congenital poison. Recently, I also added the phantom poison. Then I thought that the virulence of this new mutation is powerful, but there is no suitable medicine to stimulate it... I am looking for a suitable trigger... No think……"

Listening to the kinds of toxins mentioned by Chu Leer, Xue Xianer’s face became a white one. Invisible poison, no shadow poison, poison of carrion, congenital poison, phantom poison...

Xue Xianer does not doubt the authenticity of Chu Leer’s words. It’s really hard to be able to poison himself in this world, even though the poisons mentioned by Chu Leer. If you are alone, you will not be afraid, you will be sure to dispel it! Even a few of them are mixed. I can also handle it myself.

The most unsatisfactory, missed some repairs, and repaired the saints as a direct refining!

But now... I’ve just done a good job of trying to rehabilitate, but I can’t even suppress it. It can be proved that Chu Leer’s statement is by no means a false statement, and the most terrifying poisons in the world are completely mixed. How to resolve it?

In particular, they also added the poison they placed on the fishing net...

This is actually an extreme kind of mutual accompaniment, barely solving one or more of them, and losing restraint. It will only provoke a strong counterattack of all other virulence forces, further accelerating its own death, but it will not try to detoxify, but it will only be delayed. Now this poison should be manipulated by external forces. Temporarily relieved...

Temporary relief? !

This poison bet on me, actually controlled by the little girl's space? !

Who is this little girl? I was able to use my own things and, in turn, easily poison myself.


Xue Xianer looked at the black line on her wrist, and now it has turned into a blue-purple skin, and the heart can't help but tremble.

If she is directly involved in the battle, she will create a lot of trouble for Chu Yang and others. but. She wants to destroy the appearance of Mo Qingwu because of her heart.

This made Chu Leer poisoned by poison. Completely countered!

The woman’s jealousy...sometimes it’s really...a big bad thing!

Chu Leer was very interested, and continued to say with a look of joy: "Until today, I accidentally discovered that you have such a lot of tears in the sky; it really makes me happy..."

Chu Leer’s humility and humility asked: "Where is the Holy Ghost, where is the tear of your online scream, where can you find it? Can you collect so much?! It’s a big deal! This kind of poison, I have already looked for it. For a long time, there has never been any discovery! In this world, there is only a tear in the sky, so that the invisible poison can be mixed so perfectly, the poison of the shadow, the innate capital, the poison of the carrion, and the poison of the phantom become This nine heavens, unprecedented, really no toxins that anyone can resist! You have helped me a lot this time... Of course, if you can tell me where to find the tears of Tianjiao... I will thank you more. Greatly assisted..."

"Nine heavy heavens have never been seen before, no one can compete against the poison!" This sentence, the snow fairy is completely defeated.

"You lied!" Xue Xianer reluctantly smiled: "I am also a master of research poison. You can't really combine these toxins. If you force fusion, you will become completely non-toxic, or It’s just a explosion, there’s no possibility of coexistence; little sister, you’re still too young. If you want to lie, you have to write a professional statement.”

In fact, Xue Zhener did not doubt the truth of those words spoken by Chu Leer, even if it was overstated, but for himself, the virulence is unmatchable. This is an unquestionable fact.

As for whether other people can't resist it, it is not important for Xue Xianer, and she knows this. She still wants to say this. On the one hand, she hopes that Chu Leer will be involved in the rivers and lakes, and the experience of the rivers and lakes is not deep. Under the temptation, there is a chance to reveal the mystery of the poison she has applied. There is more hope for detoxification. On the other hand, Xue Xianer is cheating on herself. Knowing that she is not saved must also improve her self-confidence.

Chu Leer was surprised and widened his eyes: "After that holy, you also play poison? But listening to you, you are an absolute amateur, who told you that you are a master, it seems that you There are a lot of squeaky feet around me... For the simplest example, the 100-year-old nine-death is still a good thing. But if you add another tonic, Ling Yu, These two excellent supplements mix and match everything, and it becomes an absolutely deadly poison. In fact, it is the poison of the phantom in the legend. It is made up of the big and the poison, but it is only the transformation of the Thai Tai..."

"There is definitely a conflict between different kinds of poisons and poisons. However, it may not be possible to reconcile. If you add appropriate media to reconcile, you can coexist. This is the basic knowledge of the master of poison, you will not know. Let's go."

"Of course, you may not know, because I don't think you are like a poison master, so you use the tears of Tianjiao on a large scale, wasteful, and the effect is still very simple. What is more sad is that it will not Fatal, even the extent of the damage is very limited. It is really good to ruin such a good material, if Tianjiao really has tears, I have been crying and crying..."

Chu Leer’s smiling teacher said: “I don’t understand yet? I will give a more obvious example. For example, a man and a woman are very suitable, but they also have other people in the middle. At least they must know each other before they can be together. To be a husband and wife. Two lives and deaths. The reason for enmity is often not because of their own affairs... I am explained so clearly by the Queen, I am still so obvious. Can you still understand the elderly?"

Xue Xianer’s face was stiff, and Chu Leer hated the extreme.

She is indeed using poisonous experts. How can she not understand the truth that Chu Leer said, but the phrase she just said is a set of words. The purpose is to hope that Chu Leer can tell how to reconcile various toxins. How can it be so, or you can understand the way to crack. However, this gimmick not only did not say, but actually cited other classics to educate himself.

Is this the truth that you will not know?

Of course, the cause of the phantom poison, Xue Xianer knows the law, but has not really touched it, but this is nothing to do. The nine dead and returning to the grass, the Tianzhu mainland is also extremely rare. Not to mention the 100,000-year-old fire, as well as the spiritual jade, which is also the best medicine of the celestial beings. Xue Xianer also only asks his name. It is not true. Even if it is true, how can it be extravagant to experiment?

If Chu Leer is not backed by the big rich man of Chu Yang, it is impossible to make this legendary anti-drug reappear!

"Tell me to solve the drug, I can let all of you leave, and promise not to chase you." Xue Xianer took the initiative and gave extremely rich conditions.

Although he is only a avatar, the more he is separated and becomes an independent individual, the more he cherishes his life. If Xue Xianer’s body is poisoned and dead, he can regenerate the soul at any time.

But if one of his avatars is dead, the soul in the avatar will only return to the body of Xue Xianer, and will be digested immediately!

Even if she creates another avatar in the future, she is no longer her own. My own memories, emotions, and everything is annihilated in nothingness!

There are not even opportunities for reincarnation!

Therefore, Xue Xianer really made a **** book, giving a big advantage, a benefit that a lone man can not refuse! ,

Of course, this is the great benefit she thinks!

"Under the Temple of the Holy Father, you are really interesting. You don't think that we still need you to let us go?" Chu Leer laughed and said: "Big brother, can you?"

Then I heard a few shouts and shouts.

In midair, Chu Yang played the solitary emperor and the whole person became a black light group, which exploded instantly.

Just like a sky meteor in the Holy Palace.

Wherever you go, no matter what the master, all the swords are killed!

Under one face, there is no living, no exception.

Several high-ranking sages, together with the joint force, only supported the three strokes, and they were smashed into powder by the nine-robbery swords of Chuyang.

The eight strongest saints in this area have already annihilated two. At this moment, it is being entangled in the roaring enemy and the niece, and the other opponents have already screamed in the sudden fire of Nirvana.

In midair, several screams rang.

Four white clothes were weakly falling. Ji Mozhen smiled and came down from the sky, calm.

In the case of hot hand-destroying flowers, Ji Erye actually didn’t want to do much, but for Xue Xian’s confidant, Ji Mo would not have such a guilty heart, servant-like master shape, how could Xue Xian’s men’s hands There are good people. So as soon as I received the signal, I immediately went all out to kill the killer!

............(To be continued..)

Ps: < given the number 12 aircraft. But one thing happened, I was suddenly angry and almost didn't want to go...

When it comes to the actor candidates, I volunteered and said: Performing Chu Yang should be none of me...

The people of the film and television company were stupid on the phone on the spot. They gave a sentence for a long time: Feng Da, if you want to talk, you can really consider it. Performing Chu Yang...even if...

This guy who is talking about him is also honest! Turning a corner will not!

I'm furious! I'm furious!

What can I consider when I talk about it? That is not to say that I am ugly... and still narcissistic... I am very wronged... I am the kind of person... mad! ! When did I narcissistically? Angry ing...>

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