Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 783: Second brother's sword!

With this sentence, Dong Wu and Xie Danqiong looked at the sea at the same time...

"The two heavenly emperors began negotiations and negotiated the methods of confrontation between the two sides... The lone emperor preferred a small-scale decisive battle, the public witnessed, and the first battle was determined to win. The mad sword celestial empire was inclined to fight for the whole army. The collapse of the battle is the end..."

Six people sighed together.

With the heroic spirit of Gu, I naturally hope that the large-scale battle can be avoided. It is only by myself and Wu. Although there is a certain degree of risk, it is the best ending that is recognized by the independent.

"The final decision is that each side will have 10,000 elites and decisive battles! But, ... at the moment when the Great Western Heaven’s tens of thousands of masters are defeated and will be completely collapsed, they don’t know who ordered it. But in the twinkling of an eye, it will be surrounded by 10,000 people."

"It’s really shameless to do this kind of thing!" Xie Danqiong and Dong did not hurt at the same time!

A generation of Emperor, can actually be in the face of defeat, in front of the tens of millions of people, rumors and fat, this is really unbelievable.

"The subordinates of the singular Emperor of Heaven are furious... At the same time, they rushed up, and a super-large-scale melee broke out!"

This guy looked at Dong Wu's and Xie Danqiong's ugly face. It was very interesting to take the initiative to stand on the side of Gu Zhixing: "...Although the savage swordsman used his tricks, he made a little bit of opportunity for the time being, but in Under the strong offensive of the Tianbing Pavilion of the lone emperor, it was quickly relapsed into a disadvantage; the commander of the Tianbing Pavilion of the Lone Emperor was effective, and the soldiers were dedicated. The soldiers fought hard, and this battle lasted for one day and one night, and the Tianbingge side took the absolute advantage. ... At that time, the entire battlefield was completely stained with blood. Both of them were dead and wounded, and they were devastated. The war situation has reached a clear moment..."

"The lone emperor led his master, and forced the Great Western Heavenly Army. The Sword of the Sword is no longer inevitable. Only come out to fight; but ... at the most critical moment... The mansion of the Holy Palace suddenly appeared and joined the battle!"

"Thousands of senior sage masters on the Holy Palace flew to the battlefield, which instantly changed the situation... But what really played a decisive role was the sacred priest himself! The first shot of the sacred priest, he was the first to hit the lone emperor. ...... Immediately, the battle began to fall. The leader of the Heavenly Emperor Tianbing Pavilion has no heads. The beginning of the defeat... But there are still a thousand masters, using desperate and self-destructive methods to prevent the saints from pursuing the lone emperor, and the lone emperor has not fallen. The whereabouts are unknown."

This section is not the insight of this officer.

It is this conclusion drawn by the masters of the Holy Palace after the war.

This is not the case. Even if there are more general players like this, you can't stop the chasing of the Holy King!

only if. Directly ignite the power of the heavens and the earth, destroy the terrain, let Wang Yang and the land merge into one in a violent explosion, in order to block the powerful gods to trace the blockade!

"Then...the Tianbing Pavilion at the end of the road, the last tens of thousands of masters blew themselves at the same time, and the next day, the mountain will be broken, and more than two hundred peaks will be collapsed... Let the infinite oceans come in... Let the enemy and the enemy fall into the waves Among them..."

"At this point, I finally completely blocked the pursuit of the Lonely Emperor by His Majesty the King... and this time the battle has come to an end."

"All the wounded people trapped in the raging waves, exhausted under the war, and suffered serious injuries, regardless of the enemy, all buried in them... no more hopes."

"The 14 million elite army on the side of the lone emperor...there are less than two million who can finally withdraw from the battlefield... Even these forces have now been broken up and drifted into the rivers and lakes..."

After listening to these stories, Xie Danqiong and Dong did not hurt everything.

Although I knew that Gu’s battle was absolutely fierce, I didn’t expect it to be so tragic!

With more than 10 million troops, fighting more than 20 million, one day and one night, the victory was sealed, but it was destroyed by the only one!

The Holy King is a strong shot, and the masters of the Holy Palace collectively intervene in the battle!

This kind of power... Even though it is not just a lone act, I am afraid that even if there are many of the nine robbers, they may not be able to withstand it!

The defeat of this war, expected, reasonable, but still the heart of the heart.

Only the Holy King has not interfered in any battle in heaven for more than a million years. Who can think of it and will suddenly shoot at this critical moment? Still in this almost sneak attack!

"If it weren't for us... If it wasn't for us that we destroyed a base on the same day, it would have completely angered him, I am afraid... I am afraid that Gu Ge is here, and I have already succeeded..."

Dong did not hurt and sighed.

The victory over his own side, the consequences, but the time when the brothers suffered heavy retaliation...

Is it all worth it, or is it not worth it?

Xie Danqiong said in a deep way: "The true spirit of the Holy Spirit is a hidden danger that cannot be destroyed. Even if it pays a big price, it will be annihilated... As for the Holy King, it will be right in the morning and evening... In other words, such a loss... ...after all, it is unavoidable."

"The only hope now is... Gu Ge brother must not have an accident, as long as people are still there, then we will have a chance to come back!"

"It is imperative now to find Gu Erge as soon as possible. He was severely wounded by the Holy King. The situation is very good and Ji Molei is the same!" Xie Danqiong said deeply. The eyes then fell on the guy in front of him, revealing an undisguised murder...

"I actually admire the lone emperor. I have long wanted to surrender. I just have no good chance. I have to see two heroes today..."

The guy’s touting words have not been finished, and he was shot dead by Xie Danqiong.

"If you are not caught, how can you admire Gu alone? See the wind and the rudder, so repeated people, death is not enough!"

At this point, there was a broken drink in the distance: "Who is there?" Then a search was made.

The six non-injured people were squatting in the face of Gu Zhixing’s whereabouts, and when someone came, they did not panic and greet them, and they greeted them directly.


One day later, Xie Danqiong and Dong Wuju were speechless and full of sadness.

On this day, the killing of dozens of large-scale soldiers and horses can not be defeated by two hundred people. From low to high, officials of all classes have, and the scope of walking has expanded to thousands of miles... ...

However, there has never been any news of a single act.

It seems that the two individuals, who are alone, and who have left the country, have completely disappeared in this world.

Although no news is equal to good news, but Gu is acting hard by the Holy King, the injury is not idle, this section is different from the general situation.

The only thing that has been gained is that I got a message that has nothing to do with Gu’s independence: the black dragon sword of the lone emperor has now confirmed that he has fallen into the hands of the Madonian Emperor! Since Wu also madly claimed to be a mad sword, he naturally has a special liking for the sword. Suddenly he has such a peerless soldier. If it is really a treasure, he will not leave...

"How can the second brother's sword stay in that hand!" Dong was not hurt.

Xie Danqiong and ink tears heard the same anger at the same time, filled with indignation!

However, the real reason is... The hearts of all three are in fear! Are afraid: Gu’s sword alone has always been inseparable! There has always been a saying that "the sword is in the people, the sword is dead and dead"!

Today, the Black Dragon Sword is in the hands of Wu also mad!

So, what about people?

The three didn't even think about it any more, but they felt the tingling in their hearts!

"In any case, I have to take back the second brother's sword!" Dong Wujue and Xie Danqiong gnash their teeth: "Let's go to Wu and mad!"

"You give me a stop!" The ink tears were shocked and hurriedly stopped the two people who were about to leave.

It’s reasonable to think that Dong has no such impulse. However, Xie Danqiong’s disregard at this moment is not surprising, but it is even more surprising.

"Do you both think that people here will recognize your status as a god? The Holy King is here, and you can't find you. You are so frustrated, don't you give someone a dish?" Ink tears dissatisfied.

The two of them gasped: "But, saying that the Black Dragon Sword can't fall in the hands of Wu also mad! Even if it is dead, you must take it back!"

Ink tears looked helpless: "Is your two brains squeezed together by the door? Didn't say that you won't get it back... but you can change another way..."

"What is the way?"

"For example... can... steal?" Ink tears pick eyebrows.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't work here, it's not here..." Dong did not hurt some regrets: "I knew that I would use it to steal and let him follow. The water is hard to save the fire..."

“Is it difficult to steal things?” Ink tears scorned and looked at Dong’s injury: “All the world will only be guilty? You forgot that your wife is dry? How hard is it to steal a sword?!”

In the face of a sudden statement from his wife, Dong was not hurt.

Yes, I just thought that I couldn’t understand this thief, but I ignored the biggest skill of my wife. !

The Dark Lord, the strongest killer of the Nine Heavens in the past, is still not one of them!

Even if it is the nine-day Scorpio, Dong is still confident in his injury, and his wife is the best killer in the sky!

The so-called killer, the first thing to do, is undoubtedly invisible. The more outstanding the killer, the more there is no trace of action. From this point of view, the magical technique of the thief is different!

Moreover, the world's first thief may not kill, but the world's first killer, want to steal something is easy!

"Tonight, five of you go to the five directions to make trouble, try to make the movement bigger, but don't expose your identity. I sneak in and steal the Black Dragon Sword!" Tears said easily.

I didn’t say a word in my heart: If it’s right, I’ll steal the mad mind of Wu Jian’s world.


<Today... continue to break out! This is the first! >(To be continued.)

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