Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 792: found it?

"I didn't find it?... Then you are excited about your fart?" Dong did not understand his face.

Ink tears white someone's eyes, softly asked the little black dragon: "Is there a feeling? I feel that although not necessarily strong, but there is a feeling?"

The little black dragon looked excited and nodded again and again.

"Which direction is that specific?" Ink tears are also a burst of excitement. In a spiral motion, it is not only a 5,000-mile journey, but a considerable amount of distance.

The little black dragon stretched his claws, seemingly hesitant for a long while, finally pointing to the east, and then pointing to the south.

"Should it be in the range here and there?" Ink tears guess.

The little black dragon shook his head and swayed his tail.

"That... is in these two directions...?" Ink tears continue to guess.

The little black dragon nodded happily, turned his head and went back to the black dragon sword.

Dong Wu is very dissatisfied with the attitude of a dragon. He said: "This little color dragon is not something more than the proud evil cloud. It is clearly a heavy color friend! I just asked it to find it, but it shook his head, etc. When you ask it, it nods... This is simply teasing my wife! This little color dragon, after I find Gu alone, I will not take it out of the Black Dragon Sword and learn a lesson!"

Ink tears suddenly turned black and white eyes: "Can you not be shameful? It is clearly that you are stupid, but also blame people's tips are not obvious... You just asked, did you find it? People did not find, of course, shake their heads... ...he is only now identifying two directions that he might find, and he has found a place to share..."

"It is obvious that you have not asked the direction of the problem. Actually, you still blame the little dragon! Holding it is not a matter of reason; actually blaming him for teasing your wife... Is your wife so good to tease?" Discouraged with the black dragon sword, then ignore someone.

Dong did not hurt his head and followed his head. Xie Danqiong and others who are snickering, muttered: "I feel uncomfortable anyway, but your wife is coming, why he is so close to you."

Xie Danqiong, who had never spoken, confirmed the direction of Gu’s behavior at the moment, and his mood was also great. He even made a joke and said: “You are jealous, purely jealous. Moreover, you are still eating a swordsman’s vinegar. . . . It’s a super wonder that has been in the past since the ages... hahahaha...”

He hasn't finished talking yet, just laughed.

Since this road. Although Xie Danqiong is always worried about the safety of Gu’s independence, but with his conscience, he is still very happy!

Dong did not hurt and looked at him with a black face: "Xie Danqiong, good. You have to remember. In the ranks of the brothers, you have to call me brother!"

Xie Danqiong smirked a smile and said solemnly: "Let's go, Gu Erge may be in front of him, but he can't delay it."

Then I took the lead and flew away.

Dong, who was about to pick up the shelf of his fourth brother, suddenly lost his target, scratching his head and keeping up, his heart, when he was free. Should look for the boss to discuss and research. Can you make a Jiu Dan who can make people smart...not eating like this now...

And just above them, a white cloud wandered slowly.

In the white clouds, the clouds morphed into a face silently, looking sideways at the six people who were full of enthusiasm, revealing a cruel sneer expression.

Then it was turned into a white cloud.

Quietly follow.

"Looks like it... I’m going to find Gu alone... I don’t want to wait for these moments...” I’m only stunned, and my heart thought: “The efficiency of these guys is really slow... I thought, you guys. I have to find a last four or five days. I didn’t expect it to be discovered in two days... But the faster you find, the sooner you die, the sooner you die!

"The time of hands-on seems to be coming soon."

Only my sage is murmured. A white cloud suddenly floated and turned into a mask, and another white cloud floated and turned into a masked towel.

The silent and sullen smile on his face, and even his body, has undergone subtle changes...

"I will be the ones when you are most happy and excited. At that time, the performances you show are very sad... It must be very exciting. This is a little reward for my efforts."


Six people, such as Ink Tears and Dong Wushou, walked along the direction that Xiaohei had judged. They couldn’t walk hundreds of miles and found that the destination of Xiaoheilong was actually a blue wave and boundless. Freshwater lake...

The smoke is so vast that it seems to be connected to the end of the sky.

In the face of this scene, six people were simultaneously stunned.

Only the Black Dragon Sword Soul is more excited, very obvious, pointing to a certain direction opposite.

"Is there?" Ink tears gaze, asking a little hesitant.

The little black dragon nodded, shook his head and nodded.

The voice did not fall, Dong Wujue and Xie Danqiong could not wait to fly, and the volley was empty, and flew away toward the opposite side.

"Gu Erge!"

"Gu Erge! I am Xie Danqiong, I am coming and hurting..."

"Gu Erge! Hahaha... How are you doing now..."

The volume of Dong Wu’s speech is the loudest. At this moment, finding the joy of the brothers has already covered everything.

It is a strong feeling of loss, and it is truly true.

He firmly believes that somewhere in the opposite side, Gu alone is there.

The feeling of the Black Dragon Sword Spirit is definitely not wrong.

He is closely related to Gu’s own soul. How can he be wrong in this kind of thing?

At this moment, Xie Danqiong, who has always been calm and elegant, also has an impulse to dance.

Even, there is a feeling of tears.

Thank goodness, my second brother is innocent!

In midair, the white cloud slowly drifted slowly, followed Dong Dong and Xie Danqiong, and floated to the other side. Invisible, a figure has gradually formed in the cloud...

But Dong Wujue and Xie Danqiong are now in an unparalleled ecstasy, and they are completely ignorant.

Not only did they come to Gu Zhixing, but they also brought death!

The deadliest death, the most terrible nightmare, the most horrible devil!

At this moment, the ink tears that followed the hurry to catch up suddenly felt an unprecedented suppression, and the heart inexplicably caused an uncomfortable feeling... This extremely negative feeling made her in this kind of ecstasy atmosphere. In the middle, I actually stumbled.

"What happened to me?" The tears in the heart are naturally very strange.

Gu is not only the second brother who is not hurt, but also his second brother. He has always admired this iron man who is not bent.

Now that he finally found his whereabouts, he came to his invisible land. Why did he actually get up?

This should not be.

Ink tears shook his head and forcibly expelled the negative feeling that made him extremely uncomfortable. His face was filled with a smile and flew away.

Behind him, the three guards of Mo Yuntian followed closely, and everyone had a smile from the bottom of their heart.

His wish was finally reached.

After the robbery, the brothers reunite, this is undoubtedly the most celebrated thing!


In the past few days, Gu has been steadily absorbing aura from the water. After the first half of the day, he felt a huge aura, drawn from the ground, from the source of the water, in an endless stream, in an orderly manner. Enter your body.

This feeling is completely different from the absorption of aura from the sky.

After accepting the thickness of the soil and the gentleness of the water, the meridians that have been nearly dry have gradually become warm and solid. Although the injury suffered by the body still exists, there is not even a slight improvement, but it is no longer like It was so uncomfortable before.

In addition, Gu Lianxing felt more clearly about his own shortcomings.

It is because of this condensed earth feeling and the gentle and gentle feeling of running water, which makes him feel that ... before he walked, there was some deviation.

I am eager to pursue the fierce and fierce pursuit of the loneliness and loneliness of the loneliness, itself... is a relatively wrong direction!

"No water... no sword!"

This is the first sentiment that has been born since Gu Daxing’s heavy blow.

It seems that I saw a sword from scratch, and then began to forge constantly. During the whole process of quenching, all of them needed quenching water. Every time the quenching water, the impurities in the blade body were extracted.

A little bit off... Then, in the end, it still comes out in the water... to form a complete, perfect sword.

"Without water, there will be no swords! The brutal forging will only burn a piece of steel into a pile of garbage." Gu said in his heart.

"So, the sword can't really leave the water." Gu alone meditated: "And my previous swordsmanship, but there is no water at all... So, I want to improve. But ... specifically need to start from which side ?"

Gu alone thought about it and sighed with a deep sigh.

Because, the softness of the water in the sword, Chu Yang once said to himself, and more than once said. And at that time... I also accompanied Chu Yang to find the softness of this water for a long time...

But then, just let go.

"Why do you want to sigh? Isn't the effect of healing therapy unsatisfactory? This is an urgent need to make a sudden move." Gu Miaoling, next to him, asked softly.

Gu alone is a bit embarrassed: "There is nothing wrong with the injury. Although it has not improved, it has not deteriorated. I have another feeling. It really is... not personally experienced, but what makes sense, it is also a wind, scraped, even if Yes... I was actually regretting one thing in the past... Once there was a martial law, it was clearly in front of me, and it has formed a norm, but I did not cherish it and let it be missed."

............(To be continued..)

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