Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 796: Born to heart!

Gu alone said with a wry smile: "Only I can track my own knowledge... this common sense, I don't need to say more."

Dong Wuju, Xie Danqiong, ink tears at the same time pupil contraction.

Since the person in front is the only one who is my sage, this battle will be the battle of death!

The unbeatable enemy is in front, but the people have no fears. Instead, they are madly fighting for the death of the stock, but they suddenly rise!

It is a fierce and violent, murderous murder!

"It turns out that you are the only one of us!" Dong did not hurt the ink knife, the blade was shining, a faint glow, formed at the tip of the knife, slowly said: "It is you, hurt my brother!"

Shengjun sneer: "It’s ridiculous, it’s arrogant, and the momentum is so full, it’s ridiculous!”

Dong is not hurting his eyes, but his clothes are windless and automatic. The whole person is like standing in the wind. He said: "You admit it, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. You are not a holy prince, you are a bastard! You It’s a holy prince, or a bastard!”

"Wang Ba Gu!" Dong did not hurt Yang Tianxiao: "Death!"

The holy prince was left by him, and the right one was the bastard. He was so angry that he was about to take the shot, but he saw that Dong Wu has already taken the lead!


The ink knife makes a loud tremor!


Dong did not hurt the head of the bundle release burst suddenly bursting, full of black hair, a root erect, four scattered dance!

In the next moment, Dong did not hurt the whole person and rushed out!

Step out!

Crashing down!

The moment when his foot stepped on the ground; suddenly the wind raged and the mountains and rivers were turbulent!

In the eyes of the Holy King. Dong Wu is not only the first step, but also takes a black hole in the violent space, mountains and rivers. Shocked together! A start to swing!

This majestic momentum is as straight as a mountain! Let people's vision, with the soul together, violently beat!


Dong’s unscrupulous eyes are extremely persistent, with the spirit of death, without stopping, the second step is followed.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be suddenly overcast. Flashing thunder in an instant!

霹雳Thunder, at this moment, as crazy as it sounds, deafening!

In the real world. All of this has not happened, but everyone who saw Dong did not take these two steps, but at the same time has this feeling! This is not an illusion, but a true feeling from the senses!


Dong did not hurt the third step. It has already reached the top of the sacred monarch. Sheng Jun’s pupils shrink.

After this step, I obviously feel it!

The mountain river is concentrated! Gathered on the knife! Rush!

Concentrated in the earth! Gathered on the knife! Rush!

Thunder concentrated! Gathered on the knife! Rush!

Lightning enrichment!

Concentrated in the sky!

Star concentration!


Ink knife!

Mount Lushan, carrying thunder lightning, waving the sun and the moon, connecting the vast land!


Blowing in the face!

Dong did not hurt a shout: "Look at this Dong Youye's knife!" When it comes to the word "Dong Siye", Dong Wuju suddenly remembers the brothers' righteousness, and his heart is full of love!

In the past, I used to call myself ‘Tang Erye’. But I don’t know when it’s changed to ‘董四爷’, it’s even more slick!

Nine robbery. I am the fourth!

The burly body suddenly vacated, and even the people took the knife, just like the whole sky suddenly smashed in a flash of lightning!

There is a shimmering color in the eyes of the holy king!

This knife is a long-awaited battle in the countless battles of the more than one million years that St. King spent!

So crazy and powerful! This is the spirit of the world!

Between the worlds, since the ancient times, only the eyes of Dong are not hurt, can make such a power! !

Open the world to the first knife!

In the face of this knife, the Holy King pays great attention to it!

In the prejudgment of the Holy King, Dong Wushou and other people, Gu Zhixing seriously injured, but at this moment, although reappearing, but can form combat power, other people, Dong Wuju, Xie Danqiong and the wife of the non-injured emperor is the strongest. Anyone is no longer under Wu’s madness, but that’s it.

As for the three big seven-star guards of Mo Yuntian, although there are also the strength of the saints, but it is threatening, it is far less than Dong Wushou and others. This is the difference in the realm, not by the number of people.

However, Dong did not hurt this shot, so that the Holy King lost the budget. At this moment, Dong was not hurt, at least it was better than Gu’s singularity when he was violently fighting with Wu. In other words, Dong Wushou was also able to pose a threat. The knife just now can prove this!

As the judgment of the Holy King, the current Dong Wushou really wants to be slightly better than Wu’s singular war when Wu also fought.

In fact, Gu Zhixing and Dong Wushou have always been in the middle of the squad, repaired to be similar, the realm is similar, the combat literacy is very close, but recently, Dong has no more than two independent experiences, one, with The battle of the sacred princes, the other, is the guidance given by Chu Yang after making a breakthrough. These two experiences have made Dong no savage and have a considerable improvement, and it is indeed necessary to win the battle against Wu. Gu alone.

The sacred wrist turned over and stepped back. A brilliance shot from his hand, a long sword with a strange shape appeared in his hand, and then he was on a sword.

This sword has driven all the momentum of this world, and it is facing the front!

He changed his appearance, and naturally he would no longer use the signature weapon Yamahe Sword representing the Holy King. However, even if he does not use the Shanhe Sword, the Holy King has absolute confidence! Can beat Dong without injury!

Even if it is such a peerless knife, the Holy King still has the confidence to destroy it positively!

In the face of such confidence and bursting out, it is full of the sword of the spirit of the spirit, only the frontal break, can strike the opponent's heart!

In fact, Dong’s knife is completely natural, and there is no second way to deal with it except for the positive confrontation and hard battle!

This is the most appropriate method for the holy prince!

Behind, Gu alone took care of Gu Mianling's waist. Xie Danqiong and ink tears will know and fly back.

In an instant, it has already emptied the lake. Going across the lake.

It’s just that everyone is not escaping.

The holy monarch's mind has already locked in them at this moment, and once dispersed, it will be more easily broken by each.

Everyone will not escape.

Everyone will not be so stupid, and it is because Dong is still hurting here, fighting!

Everyone just looked at it. Did not join hands, because Dong did not hurt this knife, it was natural. If you join forces, it will only destroy the perfection of this knife! This is the most powerful and the most extreme knife since Dong was injured.

This knife. Unless it is today's Gu Zhixing to restore the peak strength. In order to be qualified to join hands with it, or if Chuyang arrives at the right time, it will be able to achieve icing on the cake.

In addition, even if it is repaired as the snow and tears that are far beyond the damage of Dong, it is absolutely impossible to enter!


A knife and a sword finally hit together!

No flowering collisions together!

This moment, the feeling seems to be the sky of the sky, the comet crashed into the vast earth!

Dong's wounded knife is the sky comet!

The sword of the people on the cloud is the vast land!

This fight. The ultimate touch!

The small island at the foot of the Holy King cannot withstand such hegemony. Suddenly split from the middle, the water flowed up!

After a fight, Dong did not hurt and gave a sigh, his body volleyed and retired, slanting toward the back of his body, fluttering straight to the opposite!

The Holy King also made a sigh of sorrow, but his feet were not retreating. The land under his feet had turned into a lake, and it was not affected at all.

Even immediately followed by the volley, turned into a Jianguang Changhong, and pursued the attack on Dong Fei, who was shocked.

When the sky comet bombards the vast land, it will always bear the resurgence of the vast earth!

However, in the heart of the Holy King, I can’t help but admire!

Although the people on the cloud decided not to praise the opponent, but Dong did not hurt this knife, but it has already reached the point where the Holy King has to admire!

Because Dong was injured, although he was repulsed, he turned back toward his own speed, but the ink knife in his hand still pointed at himself, without any confusion.

And as he retreated, it seems that the vast mountains and rivers on his side are also retreating with him! Concentrated, followed by Dong without injury, and withdrew.

At this moment, the Holy King faintly felt that Dong was not hurt by a comet, is changing to the earth, and gradually moved to his height!

Although Dong’s knife was repelled, it was inevitably seriously injured and defeated; but his own blow did not destroy his heart! Even, even a little influence!

Although the repair of Dong’s injury is far from being the only one, I am sturdy, but it is impeccable!

Even if it is the only sacred king who condenses the whole world and the strength of the sword, it will not help!

Or for Dong’s injury, the power of the Holy King may be powerful and may be unparalleled.

But even if you can destroy my ** and destroy my soul, you can never destroy my heart!

"Born heart!"

Only the four words in the heart of my holy king, the murder in my heart is even more blazing!

Another genius!

A genius that is more annoying than being alone!

That Gu alone, because of the natural Jianxin, is a threat to himself! I did not expect that among his brothers, there is actually a harmless emperor who is born with a heart!

Fortunately, these two geniuses are going to die, just today, they are on the road together!

These two people must die!

Otherwise, but only the joint efforts of these two people, in time, can be more than the snow and cold and purple tyrants of the year!

Enough to pose a threat to yourself, a deadly threat!


The sword of Shengjun turned into Changhong, chasing Dong without injury, and then sent it first, obviously intending to kill!

In the lore!

Dong’s unharmed body is still in the air, still in the sky, but the chasing of Changjun has arrived!

Dong did not hurt and shouted, suddenly the ink knife smashed a round circle, a thick five-color ray with a big circle, just in the back, suddenly smashed out!

This knife is really at the limit! (To be continued.)

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