Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 798: sacrifice!

Gu alone closed his eyes and forced himself not to care about the situation. Although the brothers were in extreme crisis, now they have no strength at all.

If you can collect some of the power of the earth from here, you may be able to resume the power of the shot once. At that time, you will not be able to stand by as you are now. Just a burden.

In these critical moments of crisis, countless light blue, dark red energy, almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, rushing toward the body of Gu Zhixing!

With regard to these vitalities, Gu Zhixing all refused to do so, like the Heiner River, the power of the pure and pure earth sprayed out of the volcano was all included in his own Dantian.

Gu Miaoling’s face is quietly guarded by Gu’s side, no sadness and no joy.

Occasionally, when I saw a stone smashing down, I took a slap in the face and maintained the calm and stability of Gu’s own moment. This thing, Gu Miaoling still has the ability to do it.

Since Gu did not give up, how can he give up? !

Listen to the fate of human beings, and that's it.

If the brothers are dead, the younger brother will not live, then I will go with him.

If you are lucky, everyone will survive, then I will spend the rest of my life with him.

That's it.

it's not a big deal.

The battles in the air became more and more fierce. As everyone was injured, Dong Wu and Xie Danqiong and the tears of the three people violently at the same time!

At the same time, I started a desperate fight!

On the style of the move, on the experience of combat, the Holy King has accumulated for millions of years. It may not be stronger than the crowd; but it is the turn to be deep...the two sides are simply unmatched!

This is an irreparable gap!

However, this item is the most influential factor in the battle!

Six people, Dong did not hurt a shot. However, it is to smash the sword of all the spirits of the whole god, destroying the lore of the sacred king!

That knife is a crucial trick!

If Dong is not hurt, it can't break open. Only the holy prince is in control of the world's unparalleled power. Then, in the next moment, everyone will be killed!

And Dong Wu’s injury is an earth-shattering knife, but it’s completely sent out with a knife!

If you don't succeed, you will be married!

If not, if not. Let me take a step first!

Even if it is the only holy prince, in the face of this, in order to defeat the enemy, he will not hesitate to exchange a knife for death. The first step is to win a knife, and the mind is worth it!

And just in the moment when his mind was taken for a moment, the momentum of 'control' suddenly weakened!

Dong did not hurt a knife. Successfully strive for a first chance!

Next. Xie Danqiong’s Qionghua, which belongs to a little bit of abrupt blooms, interrupted the chasing of the Holy Spirit. The second time to shake the confidence of the Holy King.

Although these two strikes have not damaged the strength of the Holy King, the momentum of the Holy King is weak and weak.

Then there was the full blow of the ink tears, slamming and hurting, hurting and hurting, leaving another scar on the saint. Such an attack naturally does not pose a threat to the Holy King. But it really makes a scar more.

The trio attacked, even though it was as strong as the holy king. Still hurt!

And this result also makes the Holy King really realize that these people have joined hands to actually have the ability to threaten their lives. As long as this idea rises, it will be more cautious.

And this cautiousness, to a certain extent, will weaken the momentum of the sage of the sage!

To make a vulgar example, if a person is urinating, half of the urine is suddenly caught by people... What is it like?

Although the other half can still be so sly... but I have always lost the feeling of hearty after one-shot...

So at this time, it is the moment when everyone is together and comprehensively besieged!

Even if you can't kill the enemy, you can continue the battle time to the maximum!

In the current situation, if we can continue the battle, it is already a great victory!

Dong did not hurt the arrogance like a thunder, the ink knife turned into a shocking rainbow, in the volcanic eruption, desperately attack! Xie Danqiong Qionghua flutters and dances, it seems to be inexhaustible, inexhaustible; everything in heaven and earth, in my hands, is Qionghua!

Ink tears warm snow sword to no trace, no teeth, biting his teeth, suddenly east and west suddenly left and right, and thousands of afterimages attack at the same time!

The three guards also struggled to participate in the siege.

However, this attack mode has a great drawback, that is, it will accelerate the physical skill of consuming everyone. In a short time, everyone has already felt that they are unable to do so. Although they can support them, they will never last.

The only sacred monarch who is in the state of being besieged is like a mountain that can't be shaken; let six people work hard, but it is like a banyan tree, it doesn't move, it doesn't work!

The counterattack of the Holy King is getting slower and slower, but each hit is mixed with the tyrannical power of the laws of heaven and earth!

Whether it is Dong's innocuous ink knife, or Xie Danqiong's Qionghua, in the face of this heaven and earth law, the end is only a glimpse!

Six people are besieging, the offensive is endless, one after another, and reciprocating, but the only one who is at the core of the siege is the one who really takes the initiative!

The six people's offensive has already fallen into an infinite loop. As long as there is any loop and flaws, it will be broken by the holy monarchs.

The first person in the world for millions of years, this strength is truly unveiled today!

Although he changed his appearance, he refused to recognize his identity.

But... this strength is still the best in the world!

At least in the entire Nine Heavens, there is really no one can compare!


A scream, a seven-star guard was unable to catch a force, was kicked in the lower abdomen by the Holy King, and suddenly the five internal organs were broken, and the seven bloodshed, unable to fall from the air.

"Keep it up, aren't you brothers?" The saints still kept on their hands, calmly welcoming the enemy, and the hoarse voice mocked: "One of your brothers has gone down...under my feet, The chance of living, I believe it is very embarrassing... Don’t you care about it?”

"How do we do it, it has nothing to do with your bastard." A seven-star guard has a deep face and a gnashing fangs, and his men are still fighting for a normal attack.

"Well, really it doesn't matter? Don't see it, let me be a good man, send you a ride and send you to reunite with your brother." In the eyes of the Holy King, the murder flashed, the body turned, and the same five in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the figure appeared at the same time, facing five people at the same time!

A ring is broken, and the continuous offensive of the cycle has also appeared flaws, and the undisciplined Saint Jun immediately launched a counterattack!

Xie Danqiong Dong did not hurt and shouted, ink knife Qionghua at the same time on a real long sword, the mouth can not help the blood squirting at the same time ... that seven-star guard chest has been instantaneously in the 37 palm!

Thirty-seven palms are like a mountain sledgehammer in the chest, and the entire chest is completely collapsed. A fierce wind came, and the seven-star guard had a blood hole in his forehead.

The screams of the death of the singer were too late to come out. The seven-star guard looked at the sage with a look of resentment, and finally flew down.

"Another brother is gone." St. Jun sneered, extremely ridiculous and cruel, said: "Brothers are deep? Hehehe... Brothers are deep, can resist the boundaries between life and death? Your feelings are so deep, can you ... can save him?"

The remaining four people are red at the same time!

Hundreds of thousands of miles of peers, get along with each other, now, just beside them, two people have fallen one after another!

Next, Gu Miaoling is already full of tears. She catches the bodies of the two seven-star guards and places them in the side of Gu Lianxing, not being damaged by the volcanic eruption...

The air slammed in a row, and suddenly, the violent temper was great!

The only seven-star guard left the scream: "Your Majesty!"

Suddenly, the madness generally rushed out.

"The brothers who have gathered together for millions of years have taken the first step, and I am sorry for this!" The seven-star guardian squatted out of the fiery flame, completely ignoring the sacredness of the sacred squad, and fell on him at the speed of the storm. Going up, actually clinging to the waist of the Holy King!

Only when I was biting my teeth, I took a palm and put it on his head. He sneered: "Bloom?"

The whole head burst like a watermelon, but the seven-star guard still sneered at the last moment of his life: "It's the self-explosion of the soul! Holy lord... die!"

A group of green gas rushed out of his bursting head and turned into a small circle.

Then, a bang!

Suddenly exploded!

The holy screamed, spit out a blood, and said: "Even if the soul blew, can you help me?"

The body flew back, but the body of the seven-star guard was still holding him tightly. At the moment he flew back, suddenly the ** that had lost his life suddenly exploded.

This is the real self-destruction!

This is the long-awaited final lore attack!

The soul blew itself, aiming at the soul of the other party, the seven-star guard has long been dying, and in the early days will integrate most of his cultivation into the **, each silk muscle.

The shock of the soul explosion is the fuse that detonated this last explosion!

Such a means can be described as the means of the first extreme in the sky.

Even if it is interrupted midway, or there is no enemy, this person can't live anyway!

St. Jun snorted, the meteor generally rises to the sky, angered: "The rats will dare to make tricks!"

His chest clothes were completely shattered, revealing a small breastplate with a shimmering light!

This breastplate has been blown out of several holes after the huge explosion, and blood has been sprayed from these holes.

The singer’s mouth sighed, and it’s obvious that the injury was not light, and his eyes were almost mad. Full of squandering killing! I can't wait to save this seven-star guard and kill 10,000 times!

But even if he is a holy prince, he can't do this.

Because that **** is already extinct and will never die! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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