Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 804: What are your plans for the future? [Second more! 】

Snow tears pretend not to see, "as if" inadvertently continued: "And another wife of Chu Yang, you have also seen, that is the iron-filled Tian who is very king, her cultivation is flat, also It is quite the same as Qian Qianqian. It is too distracting to help Chu Yang and delays her own practice. I am really sorry for her talent, Bing Xin’s physique, but only the legend, the chance of coincidence and coincidence is likely to appear. Of course, this is not even known to them."

"Bing Xin emperor physique!" After the devil said: "Snow and tears, do you want to blow me to death today? Is there any, there is wood?"

Snow tears cold smile: "You see you, I am not telling you about the strength we have here? The stronger the strength is not the better! The rest is nothing, there is another important, you Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Is it more important?" After the demon took a breath, he calmed down and said: "You say, I am sure to listen, I can still hold it!"

"When I say this, I have to praise the son's eyesight again. Another wife of Chuyang is the girl that your son had been pursuing in the first place... Purple evil." Snow tears: "That The woman, nowadays, has reached the level of being absolutely inferior to Chu Yang and others, that is to say, even if it is away from us, it is only a line away."

"This ah? I know this." After the demon, he said with a sigh of relief: "On this, stay until the end? No pressure?!"

Finally, I pulled back a journey at the last level?

"Do you know?" Snow tears like a smile and smiles at her: "No, no, you don't know, what I really want to say is that this purple evil is the original Purple Emperor Zihao." The biological daughter; you don’t know this? The eyesight is really brilliant, but why didn’t you stick to it? If you persist, why didn’t he stick to it...”

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..." After the demon coughed up violently, I couldn't help but be shocked. The mood limit fluctuates: "You, you... what do you say? Cough and cough..."

She was seriously injured. Now that her injuries have been healed, her mood is still unstable. At this moment, her mood has been touched one after another, and she can’t stop coughing for a time.

The snow and tears waited for her cough to calm down for a while before she slowly said: "You didn't get it wrong. I didn't make a mistake."

After the demon squatted for a long while, only a burst of ecstasy: "The original ... purple scorpion actually has a post! Originally, Piao Ping sister... I still left the descendants... Hahaha... It’s really a good man!"

Then suddenly realized: "I said how strange her genius was, it turned out to be a purple empire... no wonder, no wonder... oh, that poor gimmick. Eat so much bitter..."

Then there was another sigh: "It’s a pity... my son who didn’t have a good time, why didn’t the boy do it, and he’s on it, why don’t he stick to it, and then stick to it all... maybe! It’s really mad at me!”

In the pursuit of his son's pursuit of others, the pursuit of so many years, and ultimately defeated. After the demon, there is an impulse to catch the demon Ningning and beat it.

"After the mother... How are you doing today?" Who said who was there; at this time, the demon prince demon Ning Ning Xing rushed to ask Ann.

"Donghuang adults praised you again and again in front of me, and did not roll in to the old lady!" The demon screamed.

Demon Ning, the second monk in the Ning Ning moment could not touch the mind: I have performed very well during this time... Yesterday was praised... How is this tone today? Did the East Emperor praise me? Since it is praise to me, how do you still have this attitude? What is the situation?

Carefully walked in and smiled at the face: "After the mother, are you stunned? The East Emperor said that I am jealous? You must not be serious!"

After the demon glared at him, and then listened to what he said, the gas did not hit one place: "You are this... you have no eyesight, no knowledge, no persistence. No interest, no wrists, no IQ, no EQ The bastard... you, you, you... you want to be angry!"

I thought of my friendship with the Purple Emperor, and the deep sisterhood of the Piao Ping Goddess Ling Piaoping. There was a colic in the heart of the demon.

A friend's daughter, if she is a daughter-in-law, and does not say that she is right, at least she can be treated like her mother; not only her daughter-in-law but also her daughter.

But this son of a goose-like geese, giving people a younger brother, will not be able to pursue a woman! The opportunity to make yourself as a friend disappears...

It’s really unbearable!

However, the snow and tears will come together in a lively way: "I said that after the demon, you can talk about it, so that the son is still called no eyesight, no knowledge, no interest, no wrist, no intelligence, no IQ? You are too Modesty, I think that the son is just too eye-catching, insightful, wrist, and emotional intelligence. You look at the friends he makes and the lover he chooses. It’s just too good...”

I was shocked to see that all the demon Ning Ning was dull.

What the **** is this? ! Donghuang is really boasting me? What is wrong with the mother?

I didn’t understand what happened, and I laughed with it: “After the mother, I’m angry... You can play with a baby, and you’ll have a baby. Just... just... this is a bastard... Your old man’s anger is angry. ...ah!~~"

Then there was a scream.

However, the voice is not falling, it is just on the fire, the head of the black line of the demon is angry and angry, and one foot will be thrown out.

Snow and tears laughed, almost straight to the waist.

This son, after the demon, is really the first living treasure in the world. Don't pay as much praise as you have just!

"I really mad at me!" After the demon is still a black line, the anger has not disappeared.

When I was angry, I saw Bai Shizhen walked in and said softly and whispered: "Mother and wife."

After the demon, he suddenly smiled and said: "I still understand the poetry, see you, and what is going on."

To the white poetry, after the demon, it is one hundred and twenty thousand points of satisfaction, good temper, good character, good looks, as for the birth of the cockroach... I am so dear, do you still care about what happened...

"I don't understand why you are angry and discouraged? To be honest, I really admire you have such a good son." Snow tears really envious of the road: "I have spent so much, my home A few little **** are not able to get on the line, your son can pour well, and the people who have worshipped the handles, what is the eyesight, what insights. In the future, you have more than thirteen four emperors After the completion of the peak of the master to do the background ... you can actually retire now, it is no worries."

After the demon heard the East Emperor say this, he finally disappeared. He felt that his son was really eye-catching. He was very emotional and intelligent. He was modest and laughed. "Ningning this guy, where is the eyesight? However, it is a stupid person who has a stupid blessing. But when you say this, I am really relieved; those few people, I can see that they are all true and serious people. Very reliable."

The snow and tears will smile.

After Bai Shizhen retired, Snow Tears finally took a deep breath and said: "Hey, I have one thing, I want to ask you."

After the demon stunned: "What's the big thing? Is it worth it?"

Snow tears and a smile, said: "That, the demon king brother ... has not seen for hundreds of thousands of years, he ... is still healing? How is the injury? Is there a place where I can help?"

After the devil’s sad smile, “Snow and tears, you said this sentence, it’s...”

She sighed long: "I have always announced that he is still there, but... with your knowledge, wouldn't you know that with his injury at that time, he had carried out the transfer of the kings... How could it still be Live down?"

Snow tears stunned: "Ah? You mean?"

"As early as 900,000 years ago..." After the demon, he smiled and said: "He will be free..."

"It was already 900,000 years ago..." The snow and tears were really stunned.

For a long time, I never talked again.

After the demon eyes look at the distance, stunned, I do not know what to think.

It’s been a long while, and the snow and tears are hard to say: “Oh, this, I really don’t know... this... I’m sorry.”

"Nothing to be sorry." After the demon faintly said: "Life and death have a rich life in the sky, he is relieved one step earlier, and it is not a good thing for him. It is necessary to save the world's black smoke and resurgence!"

Snow tears and cold road: "Not bad, this world, but also really does not mean anything..."

After the demon snorted, holding his knees in his hands, silently.

"This... I actually want to ask, my heart... You see, the battle of the demon is about to break out, and Chu Yang, these people, have finally become a climate step by step... According to my speculation, this battle We should not lose."

Snow and tears are awkward and say: "Do you have any specific plans?"

After the demon frowned, "Is there any specific plan? When I go to the battle, I will fight! When I have a specific plan, I have to have a specific plan for snow and tears. It’s not your style?"

Snow tears and smiled and said: "This is the case. After the war, you and I will have nothing to do. The children have grown up. Donghuangtian and the Emperor Heaven, for so many years, it is time to change the Lord... ... Wait until then, do you have any other plans?"

After the demon said softly: "If it is true that day... After the Battle of the Devil, I have not died... I will pass the position of the demon to Ningning, what will I do after that?" She sighed deeply. Breath, his face was awkward, said: "So long-term things, I really have not thought about it."

Snow and tears are a little anxious: "That's not too far, you have to think quickly."

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