Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 807: The elves play!

"As for no injury and Dan Qiong, there are tears in the tears, and it is not a big problem."

After checking Dong no injuries, Chu Yang is more open-minded. Dong did not hurt three people, although heavier, but not a death syndrome, only need a super nine heavy Dan, you can quickly recover; after giving the three drugs, Chu Yang came to the cloth to stay in front of the situation.

Can't help but frown.

"How is the situation of Bu Lao now?" Gu Miaoling asked.

Different from Chu Yang and Gu Duxing, it is customary to call the cloth for the old cloth, but Gu Miaoling is the respected cloth for the old cloth. On this point, Gu and his and Gu Guiling have corrected each other for a long time. Anyway, no one has corrected the other party. It is.

"The situation of the old cloth is a little bit troublesome...but it doesn't matter." Chu Yangdao: "He doesn't have the feeling of being alone, and his life potential is too expensive... So the injury is definitely a short time to heal. ...but still recover, don't worry."


In the following period of time, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and others were all adjusting their interest rates and restoring their status, while Ji Mo and Rick Enemies were concentrating on the protection of the law. Seeing the current situation, both of them are fortunate, fortunately, they did not really fight.

Almost five of all the brothers lost their power... and added a tearful ink that stood no better than their brothers. Really fight, I am afraid it is unimaginable.

Until the evening, the talents gradually recovered.

And now that everyone is standing, it is already a safer place.

"What to do next?" Everyone looked at Mo Tianji.

Including Gu Lianxing and others who are gradually recovering.

Nine robbers, don't ask who you ask? !

"Next step..." Mo Tianji looked at the news from the Tianji Intelligence Department. The brows are wrinkled again, making it difficult to choose.

For a time, it was really hard to choose. The whole world is in great chaos...

"We can't be so exhausted. Otherwise, there is a big chance to give the enemy a chance to take advantage of it..." Mo Tiandao said: "And now the Holy King is in Daxitian... The main force of the Holy Palace is mostly in Daxitian. This situation is equal to Give us the opportunity."

"Xie Danqiong should immediately return to Mo Yuntian and prepare for the next big battle. He is committed to suppressing all opposing voices. Dong Wuju and Mo Yan can now go back to Zhongjitian. As for other people... stay here for the time being, and Gu Relocate the rivers and mountains and collect the old days of Tianbingge.

"Well. Wait." Mo Tianji looked at the latest news from the Ministry of Information, and some said awkwardly: "Da Xitian has no action? Why? And the Holy Palace master... There are signs of shifting to the demon day?... Why? How could this be?"

"According to the latest line report, the emperor of the emperor. Now is also in the demon king day, the strength of the saints rushed to attack, not much chance of winning ..."

Mo Tianji can't help but scratch his head: "How suddenly I can't understand..."

"It is true. Do you judge whether the Holy King will go to the Emperor's Day?" Chu Yang meditated: "It is no wonder that the Holy King has left here since yesterday. He has not launched any siege offensive. With his strength in Daxitian, I want It’s not difficult to launch some large-scale encirclement campaigns. It’s more reasonable. I’ve been worried about this before, but I’ve never waited for any changes... and the Emperor’s side, since the East Emperor is also there, ... If the Holy King does not move out in person, there is no chance of winning, even if he kisses him. At the same time, after the East Queen, will he have a chance of winning?!"

Mo Tianji said: "The holy prince is going to... This is for sure. I just thought that after discovering the tyrannical strength we gathered, the holy prince not only did not deal with us, but also rushed to the enchanting sky in the night, it must be the map. It must be big, I believe, there must be a bigger conspiracy, and that is, we speculate that the East Emperor is in the same place, the strength is better than the Holy King, but is this really true? If the Holy King is not quite prepared, how can it be rash? Hands-on, so there must be another conspiracy in this!"

"But what exactly is this conspiracy? I can't think of it." Mo Tianji thought hard: "If I am a saint, what is the way... can you destroy the emperor and the demon at the same time? Before the absolute strength What kind of intrigues can still work?"

This problem has been plaguing Mo Tianji. The object of the past is the holy prince. The sacred prince is an absolute strength. Nowadays, after the object is replaced by the emperor and the demon, the strength of the combination is better than the holy prince. How can we beat this pair? In the next few days, Mo Tianji was always thinking hard, but there was no clue.

This made Mo Tianji really frustrated, so he seized the question and thought about it persistently - if you can't think of it, it means that I am not as good as the holy king!

How can it be!

Under the meticulous treatment of Chuyang, cloth staying in love, but also woke up, as long as you wake up, you can self-medicate, so that the treatment is greatly reduced, no doubt good news.

On the second day, the injury was also greatly improved, Dong Wuju and ink tears brought the Jiu Dan, who was given by Chu Yang, to leave immediately and return to Zhongjitian. At the same time, Xie Danqiong returned to Mo Yuntian. Although the three of them have not yet fully recovered their strengths, the actions are no longer necessary. As long as they carry out their own efforts along the way, the injuries can be healed.

At the time of the departure, Xie Danqiong deliberately asked Mo Tianji: Once there is news, immediately inform him, among the people,;; on the friendship with the East Emperor, naturally Chuyang is the most, followed by Xie Danqiong, Xie Danqiong has been I missed the snow and tears that helped him in the morning on Mo Yuntian. This time I heard that the East Emperor may be in danger. I am worried about it. If it wasn’t for Mo Yuntian’s need to sit in the town, I just wanted to go directly to the Emperor’s Heaven to help.

Xie Danqiong, too, is never willing to owe people.

Three days later, Gu Duxing used his own cultivation to completely suppress the law-related injuries that originated from the Holy King. Even his own strength recovered to a small half. In addition to continuing to eliminate hidden dangers, he began to gather the old department and resume the Daxi Tiantianbing Pavilion. vitality.

With Chu Yang and others to make suggestions and helpers, this action went very smoothly.

Moreover, according to the meaning of Mo Tianji. Directly on the high mountain next to the battlefield, the flag of the lone emperor was re-established!

This call for the deployment of the assembly back!

"The lone emperor recruited the old department; the Tianbing Pavilion people quickly returned; any forces will stop it and destroy it!"

This absolutely shocking news quickly spread. Spread throughout the Great Western Heaven, its posture of Zhang Weiba is clear!

Faced with such arrogant news that it is almost equivalent to a public challenge, Daxitian official quickly responded, blocked the passage, and came to the hill to fully encircle.

But this comes. It really is a mess of horses!

Ji Mo, Rock Enemy, Yu Niang. Chu Leer, Mo Tianji, Mo light dance, Chu Yang, nowhere, and so on!

This time I started. But no mercy. It’s a one-sided slaughter!

For half a month in a row, all the ones who had stopped the Tianbing Pavilion from returning to the team were killed by the countdown, without exception!

And when they came to annihilate the Tianbing Pavilion, they were also turned upside down, and the corpses were horizontal and the generals of the team often disappeared in the middle of the night.

- With these people's hands, those ordinary soldiers will be shot. Even the little test of the knives can’t be said, it’s really... too bully.

It was in the siege of Daxitian. The Tianbing Pavilion, which was broken up by Gu Lone, quickly recovered, like a snowball. The army that had been broken up returned from all directions!

The lone emperor returned.

This is undoubtedly a deterrent message that shocked the entire Daxitian!

For the Daxi Tiantiange, it is even more inspiring news. Everyone who survives in Tianbingge is like a drug that screams and breaks through the blockade!

Ji Moluo’s enemy couldn’t help but split up and attack. Sometimes it’s directly impacted thousands of miles, and one road was taken out. The Tianbinge team’s people continued to come in...

In the first half of the month, for example, miracles have gathered together three million soldiers in abundance!

Such a figure is simply a miracle, a legend, a myth!

During this time, Gu’s injury was getting better and better. On the tenth day, Gu Zhixing successfully used the earth's gas to completely eliminate the damage caused by the sacred rule!

Next, it is natural to start a full recovery...

And this time the recovery, the speed is simply shocking!

However, in just one day, one third of the repairs have been restored!

Seeing this recovery speed with your own eyes, Chu Yang is a bit stunned: Because, this is completely the recovery of the operation of its own strength, the process did not eat Jiuzhong Dan or other Tiancai treasure, with the help of drugs to recover!

The huge underground vitality is absorbed by the people who are alone in the business, and they are absorbed into themselves!

For this kind of situation, the savage sword world Wu also madly jumped from the foot, but there is nothing to do!

Because... no matter who it is, even if the holy prince is still here, there is absolutely no way!

Because... nowadays, the masters gathered by the independent side of the line, there are more than a dozen of the level of the Emperor of Heaven!

Almost equal to the nine emperors, all the members are here!

Who can resist such a luxury lineup?

The most terrible... The sacred monarch left before the rush of the fire, and took away most of the masters of the Holy Palace...

This is even more painstaking.

Wu also madly even suspected that if he appeared rashly, would it be coerced on the spot and directly broken into slag...

For the entire half-month, there is no news at all about the Holy King!

This situation makes the Mo Tianji a little anxious.

Xie Danqiong has already asked several times, but even though it is the intelligence network of the Ministry of Information, there is no new news about the movement of the Holy Spirit, which makes everyone feel even more, there is a huge conspiracy, in the process of brewing, May detonate at any time...

On the day when Gu’s injury was completely restored, the injury of the cloth’s sentiment was also restored by half. Although the potential of life was consumed before the cloth was left, there was an unlimited supply of life spring water and two Jiu Dan’s treatments, and the potential was not only complementary. Even growing.

Then, finally, a very unexpected news broke out.

It has always existed in the Emperor's Day, and it has always been a slobber, and this does not obey the elves who are not embarrassed, even went out!

Moreover, it is still facing the front of the demon king day!

It is even more fired with the Tianbing Pavilion hosted by the Emperor Tianzi.

This news, let everyone directly shocked the petrochemical!


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Warmly recommended, our good friends, the new book of the month, the history class, "Night Son"! Just looking at the title of the book, I seem to see a master hegemon who hides in the dark to master the world!

I sincerely believe that this book will never let us down! I have already collected it... everyone collects it.

The new book is tough, everyone is holding it! ! Thank you very much!

Portal: /wave ok/>

Seeking a monthly ticket! ! (To be continued.)

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