Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 815: Donghuang, Arrow God [second! 】

Even if the heart is full of anger and hatred, the arrow **** can't help but sigh!

This momentum is really worthy of the reputation of the East Emperor!

If there is a choice, I really don’t want to be with the people in front of me!

"You want to fight with me? Don't die?" Snow tears cold and held hands, eyes like lightning breaking through the night sky.

"Snow and tears cold." Arrow God stood with a bow, eyes stunned ancient Xuanbing, sharp and absolutely cold, staring at the snow and tears, said: "You have nothing to say?"

Snow tears and cold laughs: "In the face of provocation, even if you want to say, you have to say it after the war!"

"Sell it well!" Arrow God sneered: "If you don't say it, you have to fight. If you don't say it, what's the difference!"

At this point, no one can afford to lose their dignity!

Since the matter has reached this point, even though all misunderstandings have been released, the battle is already doomed to be inevitable!

No matter who gives in, they will face the consequences of the reputation of Jiuzhong Tianyi after that!

These great shame, no matter which of the two is destined to be unbearable.

Even if I am innocent, there is no misunderstanding, and there is a conspiracy; but I will also explain the Central Committee after winning the game! Before the battle, I will not explain, disdain, and explain! - This is the pride of the East Emperor!

Even though I hate you, even though I know all your sins, I have to show you the world after defeating you! Worship the undead: I have already revenge for you, snow hate! - This is the pride of the Arrow God!

Right and wrong, just now, no longer important.

Important, always the strength of this battle!

This is not a reasonable reason, everyone understands. I understand that everything is clear and everything is clear.

The big fist is the reason, this is the essence of the nine heavens!

Never been a little easier!

"The long-awaited elves are proud and conceited. They have no eyes on the sky and the sky. Today, it is finally seen, and it is better to be famous than to meet. It is more famous to meet." Snow tears and hands stand. I looked at the arrow **** coldly: "The elf four gods, the emperor has long wanted to teach! Arrow God, simply ask the other three to come out."

The arrow **** screamed: "To deal with you, I am enough!"

The snow and tears squinted and said, "You are not a person! You are an elf!"

Not a person, an elf!

The arrow **** suddenly burst into a soul. The boundless hatred rushed out, seemingly realized what was in the moment, gnashing his teeth and said: "In the beginning, you used this reason to harm Joan?"

Snow tears and chills in the heart are even more irritating, hate the channel: "To fight and fight! What? After the war, I will naturally tell you. All the truth! But now, facing you, no matter what, I have no comment. !"

Arrow God is making a loud laugh, screaming: "Snow and tears, good! Let us use a battle, announce the world! On this million years is right and wrong! This million years Resentment and hatred! With both hands, you can never forget the sky!"


After the demon finally arrived, the white clothes floated, suddenly fell into the field, just standing between the two. Emei slightly, said: "How? If you haven't finished the three sentences yet, you have to start playing? I really don't know what you guys think!"

"Demon!" Arrow God turned his head and looked at the woman in front of this enchanting, nationally beautiful. I was shocked to see the light, and then I was angered by the anger. I hate the voice: "You are here too!"

After the demon said coldly: "This is my site. Is it strange that I am coming to you?"

Arrowhead slowly nodded, saying in a word: "Good! Good! Good!"

Looking at this bright and incomparable woman, the arrow **** seems to have seen it. How is his most favorite Joan, who lost in this woman's hands, and was dejected! How was it being chased and killed, and the end of the world, even the elves of the forest can not go back.

In the end, how is the heartbreaking, the fragrant jade disappears, and the smashing!

The arrow **** shouted, the voice was fierce, breaking through the sky, but forcibly interrupting his own thoughts, restraining himself from thinking about it anymore, screaming: "East Emperor! Come to war!"

The whole body fluttered, but suddenly exploded in the air as an explosion of fireworks!

After the fireworks in the sky, the original standing in the air, belonging to the figure of the Elf Arrow God, disappeared!

Only the entire sky has suddenly appeared in countless green longbows, densely numb... until the end of the heavens and earth, especially the end!

In a twinkling of an eye, the sky in the sky is like a sky.

This kind of momentum has made all the masters who have noticed this battle, and put their eyes on it all!

Arrow God to the East Emperor!

For Jiuzhong Tianzhu, this will be the most peak of the century!

Whether it is the Elves, the Emperor's Day, or the Tianbing Pavilion, or the Holy Palace... all notice the vision of the heavens and the earth, and naturally focus all of their attention here.

Arrow God is not worried that the demon will join forces with the East Emperor.

In this case, even if the East Emperor was killed on the spot, the demon can not shoot!

A shot, the reputation is destroyed!

So Arrow God has no such scruples at all.

A shot is the best effort!

The East Emperor stepped forward and suddenly looked up.

At this moment, the two people's warfare, filled the world, and suddenly collided in the air; and murderous, also at the same time impact in one place! Draining!

A loud bang of "Boom."

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers under the feet of the two men actually ignited a big fire at the same time!

The two men’s warfare murderously directly ignited thousands of miles of land under their feet!

In the midst of the fire, the snow and tears are isolated from the sky, facing the boundless longbow that has spread to the end of the sky.

At this moment, everyone is holding their breath.

Just when everyone hadn't seen anything yet, the East Emperor moved, and slowly took a step, and took a hand and squatted in front of him.

With a bang, an arrow emerged, but it has broken into two!

It turns out that Arrows has already shot!

One arrow slammed, silent!

The East Emperor, but has also resolved the other side of this silent.

The long bows in the sky are arranged too densely, and no one even sees which arrow the arrow is shooting! No one even sees which bow the arrow **** is in the end!

In the air. The snow and tears are like a walk in the air, just one arrow after another, crushing one by one in his palm.

But the longbow in the air is not seen at all, but the frequency of arrow feathers is getting faster and faster!

Snow and tears are always in a hurry. It seems that he has mastered the rhythm of the shooting of the arrow god; even though the arrow is full of rain, he just gently raises his hand and throws it, then all avoid it, or it is, crush it.

"Arrow!" Snow tears and leisurely stop, the three arrows are again turned into powder in front of him: "Take out your true skill! If it is just such a battle. Today's battle, there is no need to continue Go on!"

There was a whistling sound in the air.

The voice of Arrow God came: "The East Emperor really deserves to be the East Emperor, and indeed has the power to be mad!"

Immediately, the hundreds of millions of long bows in the air, especially at the same time, pulled the bow at the same time as the full moon. At the next moment, hundreds of millions of arrows were off the strings at the same time!

this moment. The arrow rain is denser than the rainstorm!

Snow and tears with a smile, actually did not evade, but stood up in the air, letting hundreds of millions of arrows rain.

Everyone sees the difference is very different: the other party has to go all out, how do you not move? Is it to see people's large-scale indiscriminate offensive, scared not to move! ?

Certainly it won't be scared to move, because in the next moment. Everyone saw an incredible scene!

I saw those lightning-like arrows flying fast!

But in fact, it is back in the air!

It seems that the entire universe is attracted by a mysterious force and is completely irresistible!

The strange power has completely pumped this piece of heaven into a vacuum, forming a special funnel!

And the tip of the funnel is somewhere in the distance!

All the arrows that are lightning-fast, the final point of the drop is to go backwards toward the funnel tip!

This kind of strong visual difference makes everyone who notices this scene feel as if they have been slammed by a sledgehammer!

Many of them are very upset. "Wow" spurted a spurt of blood, and did not dare to watch the battle again!

People with insufficient strength, even if they want to watch this century, are not qualified!

Sure enough, the fist is big and the world is big!

The arrow quickly retreated and the longbow disappeared and disappeared. It finally disappeared. Everything is so dense. The moment that the naked eye can be seen, it turns into a star in the sky!

The figure of Arrow God still did not appear, and the traces did not appear.

Between heaven and earth, empty!

On the battlefield of two people, it seems that there is only one person with snow and tears!

In addition to the East Emperor still, the vacuum funnel in the air is also there.

The snow and tears are standing on the edge of the funnel at this moment, squinting and watching the tip of the funnel!

Feeling indifferent, with caution, but never nervous!

Elf Arrows is indeed an unprecedented enemy!

This point, snow tears does not deny.

But, there is no fear!

An arrow has not yet been shot, but it has already gathered all the arrows that have been shot and returned.

It will turn all the previous arrows of the string into the momentum that has not yet been shot!

These arrows are all shot by himself!

This is how earth-shattering, incredible and incredible!

Everyone who is qualified and has the ability to watch here is unconsciously holding his breath!

Waiting, the earth-shattering moment arrives!

I don't know if there will be more incredible scenes!

The sky is long!

Fengyun seems to be completely stagnant!

at last……

The sky is still the sky, and it seems that nothing has changed.

Only, everyone is subconsciously a little bit, Arrow God shot!

Although I can't see where the arrow is, I am very aware of it!

Because, everyone's heart, at that moment, suddenly shocked, everyone is like this!

It is a strong feeling of palpitations.


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