Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 823: Halloween Real Spirit Base

After the demon waved, Qiankun was clear.

With the dusty smoke in the sky, it is also cleaned in an instant, no dust.

Everyone is focused and looks together.

Below, it is really a neat house complex, a cave, and a square!

And now, the people below are also looking up from their horror.

“Where is this?” Everyone above is confused.

The sky and white clouds drifted.

The holy white whirls and flies in front of everyone, with a smile: "Under this, there is still a hole in the sky, there is such a small world... This is... unprecedented."

He smiled and said: "I can't think of this war, but it has disturbed the rest of the world... This is our sin."

There is some guilt on the face of Shengjun, and he sincerely said: "Or else, we will cast this land for them again, and it will make up for it."

Different from the indifference of the Holy King, both the East Emperor and the demon are heavy-faced, quietly watching the sudden emergence of the world below, and the two look a little nervous.

This world can make these two great powers move at the same time, and even the facts of nervous things are too little and too little. What is the place below and what is it? !

"Compensate?" Snow and tears and a cold laugh: "On the cloud, you are confused?"

Shengjun said with a sigh: "What is the solution?"

"At best, it is just a manor. It can't be regarded as a small world. Why is it so alarmist and swearing!" The demon said coldly: "The sacred priest, such a place, don't you feel very much Are you familiar?"

St. Jun frowned: "Familiar? After the demon, you said this..."

Snow and tears in the eyes of the eyes of the sharp cold, faintly said: "On the cloud, why should such a pretending gesture, arrogant words ... ... more than a million years ago, such a small underground world, we have teamed up to destroy a lot Is it true that the experience of the saints has been completely forgotten?!"

The face of the person on the cloud looked a bit stiff and laughed and said: "Donghuang, you mean..."

The snow-tears are smashed and said: "The Ming people did not say slang before, here, it is not the base for cultivating the true spirit!"

When this sentence is exported, everyone around them suddenly exclaims at the same time!

"The base of the true spirit!"

These seven words are simply like a slap in the face.

Especially for the masters who are qualified enough to watch the game today, these seven words are directly equivalent to the nightmare!

Today, it is a veteran figure who is enough to be qualified enough to come to watch the battle...

No one does not know the origin of the true spirit!

Even if I have not experienced that era, I have heard from my predecessors!

That is definitely the darkest part of the entire Nine Heavens!

Everyone is at risk!

I don’t know when I am, I may become someone else’s embarrassment! Even the prostitutes who have been killed by their own, they will not change their colors!

The darkest evil! The most extreme evil!

And here, is it a base for the true spirit of the Holy Spirit?

"Is this not to be seen? There are thousands of opinions, which vary from person to person." Shengjun looked dignified and looked at the crowd below. "This seat is more like...the person who hides from the world... ”

There is endless sorrow in the snow and tears, and there is an endless sigh: "Why do you have to argue, the truth is that seeing is true, let's go and kill a few people, why is the truth not clear?"

After the demon faintly said: "Why kill so much, I believe that only need to kill one, you can prove that everything is true and false!"

The face of Shengjun changed again, staring at the crowd below, whispering: "If this is the case... This is really possible, it is the true spirit of the sun, this kind of thing, even if it kills thousands of people, I can't care about putting one wrong. It's because I am too much for a woman."

Immediately, in his gaze, suddenly revealed the murder of Sen Han, such as suddenly realized the general way: "Good; the original true spirit of the original, is indeed such a base!"

The emperor and the demon looked at the saints and made a sneer.

What equipment is installed? Isn't this your place?

At this time, the arrow **** had already arrived in front of the East Emperor, but before they could ask for anything, they were brought into the circle of discussion. The reason for the big day, when facing this, was only to let go first.

For a time, I couldn’t help but stunned: "Under this, is it the legendary true spirit? How has this thing been annihilated?"

Shengjun turned his head and looked at him.

This eye does not seem to have any other meaning, but the arrow **** somehow feels that it is cold.

Immediately, St. Jun frowned and said with a blank expression: "The evil place of the Holy Spirit Base must be completely eradicated and eradicated! Please also be with me to take the shot and completely destroy this evil base!"

This passage is really righteous, fearless and fearless!

There are a lot of people in the moment, it is necessary to group up accordingly.

I didn’t care about it at this time, I only listened to the East Emperor: "My Majesty, my two talents with the Arrow God have just been seriously injured. After the demon, the old wounds are still unhealed and the strength is incomplete. This time, the task of killing the true spirit of the Holy Spirit It is fully entrusted to the masters of the Holy King and the Holy Palace. Wanwang Shengjun takes the eternal life as a thought, and does not let any of the true spirits get rid of it, please!"

St. Jun hurried back and looked at the snow and tears.

Snow and tears smiled and nodded: "His sacred priest is the spokesperson of Scorpio justice, and the extinction of the true spirit of this place, it is not a word, but the number of real spirits here is not a minority, in order to be safe, please use the Shanhe sword I believe that this will definitely eliminate the true spirit of the place and the hidden dangers of the world. The power of the Holy King will certainly not let us down."

After the demon smiled, he said: "Yes, let us know the surnames of the true spirits, even if they kill the growing true spirits of this place, their true spirits will still return. Their masters have turned into a force, and the fire has turned into... In the end of the world, the only ones who can completely eliminate the aftermath are the Shanhe swords under the saints. If you don’t make the second choice, please ask the saints to stop the hidden dangers. Don't make the Tao disappear, and it will be difficult."

She smiled softly, but when she was not aware of it, she looked at the clouds coldly: "I waited for the wounds to be unhealed, but the strength is not complete, but I can also help, and all the true spirits in this place will be produced." However, at the time of execution, it is still necessary to sway the river and river swords under the saints and completely destroy the spirit of the true spirits."

"The demon is arrogant and eloquent! All of us here are doing our best to help, and never kill one person! All are left to the Shanhe sword to deal with! Extinction hidden!" Everyone was excited.

It is really good news that there is such a good way to stop the troubles and not to make the Tao go up.

St. Jun was silent, and smiled softly: "In this case, how can this seat let these evils exist? According to everyone's words, let's do it together, and finally I will execute it!"

The snow and tears of the cold smiled and said: "The holy priest is really a heroic man, do not let it! Admire!"

Shengjun glanced at him and said: "The injury of His Majesty the Emperor, don't you tighten it?"

Snow tears and cold smile: "Why don't you tighten, Arrow God has no mercy at all, and now I have a transparent hole in my body... and it is accompanied by the wounds of the soul, this war, I can only watch the battle, please The Holy King took more effort and brought my part out, and the Emperor thanked him..."

Sheng Jun said with a deep heart: "You are welcome, you can take care of your body. It is a great pity if you die young."

Snow tears cold smile: "The Holy King has a heart, we are good brothers, the Holy King has not returned to heaven, I am snow and tears, dare to go alone."

"Ha ha ha ... good! Good! Good!" Sheng Jun laughed, and even called three sounds 'good', then the swordsman flashed, and the swords of the mountains and rivers were pulled out. The whole man flew murderously and murdered. Nothing to hide.

Suddenly someone shouted: "The Holy King is a mighty!"

I will go on and help.

Snow tears and frowning said: "You guys are so ignorant... Do you think that the sacred priest, the first person of Scorpio, can't even pick up these true spirits? If the saints are shot, the place is holy. The true spirit is broken and there is no way to live."

After the demon, he frowned and said: "If you don't pay attention to the hand, kill those who are the true spirits, don't let their true spirit escape, help the magic flame... Can you afford this responsibility?"

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone suddenly stopped and no one moved.

Look down on the holy prince? What kind of joke?

Who dares to move?

That's really... daring!

As for the responsibility that fuels the magic flame, I can't afford it even more!

Snow tears smiled and said: "They are a little bit stunned. At the moment, only the Shanhe sword in the hands of the holy prince can truly eliminate the true spirit of the Holy Spirit. I suggest that we do not need to ask for the surname, but the holy priest will kill each A true spirit, let us cheer and cheer, cheering for the holy priest! How?"

The crowd shouted loudly: "The Emperor of the East is wise!"

After the demon began to summon the manpower: "Come here...stay in all directions, as long as you find that there is a real spirit to escape, let us immediately take it, but we must not kill it. Then our main task is to cheer for the holy priest! Come, listen I ordered, shouting together: Saints are under the mighty!"

"The Saints are under the mighty!" Everyone screamed and screamed.

"The Holy King is invincible! Kill the demon, kill the true spirit!"

"The Holy King is invincible! Kill the demon, kill the true spirit!" Cheers together!

“Work in the present! Benefit in the ages!”

“Work in the present! Benefit in the ages!”



"Do not leave one! Let's kill it! Eliminate the aftermath, the evil will disappear!"

"Do not leave one! Let's kill it! Eliminate the aftermath, the evil will disappear!"


When the saints fly down, they are so angry that they are black, and they are staring at Venus, and almost all of their teeth are broken!


(To be continued.)

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