Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 826: Got a cheap sale

The holy king almost vomited blood.

The treasure inside? Still a little?

It’s just a group of bastards. Inside, every base has a collection of countless heavenly treasures that have been collected for millions of years... and all kinds of strange metals, and even a heart of stars...

Can this be a treasure in the ordinary sense? Losing you so lightly. The loss that dares to be inside is not yours... but that’s really mine!

"If you really care about the things inside, then give me the Shanhe sword, I will kill you, you go in and collect treasures." Snow tears a smile.

"The true spirit of the Lord is not allowed. This is a matter of the world..." The snow and tears are heavy.

Saint Jun snorted coldly.

However, the words of the demon and the emperor accounted for the great meaning.

Yes, no matter what, what is important in the inside is not as important as the destruction of the true spirit!

So many people here are watching it, and under the circumstance, it seems that only his own Shanhe sword can effectively kill the true spirit of the sun, and it is impossible for him to squat down here and go to the quietest. The important things are put away.

And the Shanhe sword must not fall into the hands of the demon and the East Emperor.

Then you don't kill, who will kill?

The only hope is that Xie Danqiong does not know the goods, no knowledge, first go to get those ordinary things, but how can a Tiandi not know the goods, and quickly kill to stop it...

At this point, the Holy King suddenly violently screamed and thoroughly exerted his strongest fighting power!

A section of magnificent Jianguang, suddenly exploded!

"Boom". Even the many buildings around it have been smashed into pieces by a sword!

The true spirits that have been slaughtered to less than 5,000 are being swayed by a sword. Kill all! No one is still alive!

Many of them have a strong, confused color on their faces.

Do not understand, anger, fear!

These people are really not the true spirit of the Holy Spirit, but the coach of the true spirit.

These people are the characters who have seen the sacred princes, and naturally recognize that this crazy executioner looks exactly the same as the sacred prince. Even the temperament is the same, clearly is the master of his own, the real return of the true spirit!

but. Why did he suddenly kill his own people?


There is no reason for this!

Perhaps they will not understand until they die, and they are dying for what they are. We sacrificed everything for you in this dark place. For you to cultivate the power of the world. Provide you with continuous power support...

But today, you are so crazy, so spare no effort to kill us?

Moreover, in an instant, all control is first, and everyone can no longer speak and cannot ask questions. It’s like a group of dumbs, facing a **** hand like a **** of death!

This feeling. Let them really die!

Reasons why you don't give us, just stop.

But why don't we even have a chance to ask questions?

Everyone is looking around and seeing it. This base of true spirits is really half a living person!

When St. Jun flashed, he would rush into the building to stop Xie Danqiong from collecting his "trophy". The snow and tears coughed and said: "You are so embarrassed to forget an extremely important thing!"

Shengjun asked: "Well? What is extremely important?"

Snow tears and laughed, said: "You will not see it yourself!?"

The sage looked up and looked at nothing, but found nothing, impatiently said: "What is it?"

Snow tears sighed and sighed: "So obvious things, you didn't see it? You won't be confused?"

St. Jun is even more impatient: "I am confused, what are you doing?" Say it out!"

The snow and tears are very strange and said: "The saints of the world are under the sacred priests. You are killing the enemy below, and you are full of prestige. So many of us have screamed for you in unison. Now you have won such a brilliant victory with the sword of Shanhe Jian. It’s enough to load the annals of the Scorpio. Isn’t it something to tell us? You’ve been very tired just now.”

The holy monk’s words are really suffocating.

Immediately understand, Snow Tears said that this unconstrained rhetoric is simply trying to win more time for Xie Danqiong. Delay your own steps.

Simply no longer talk, and when the body moves, it will rush into the building complex.

But before the white shadow flashed, the demon had already stopped in front of him, faintly said: "On the cloud, you answer me a question."

Sheng Jun’s seven-year-old smoke: "What problem?"

This problem has to be asked by the Holy King. After the demon, this woman is more aggressive than the East Emperor. If she is hard-nosed, she is very likely to fight with herself immediately. This is not a good time to do it.

After the demon, his face was cold and cold, and he asked with a loud voice: "I rushed back to the demon king day from the middle of the sky. The ambush that happened in the middle of the road was not done by you? Is it your hand?"

A sacred monarch, angered: "Nonsense, demon, are you crazy?"

After the demon, he asked: "Respond to me, I only ask you, is it you!"

"It can't be me!" The Holy Spirit rushed to the cow: "The devil, you are going to be under the slogan, red mouth and white teeth forcibly planted with me?"

After the demon, I said: "You said that it is not counted. Is it because of you? I will check it sooner or later, but there is a saying that in front, if I grasp the evidence and prove that you are doing it, then I will definitely kill. you!"

The Holy King is in a hurry, there is no mood to entangle with the demon, and when he sees the demon and speaks for a while, he has to rush in.

But after listening to the demon, he said: "No matter how secret it is, you can hardly cover the mouth of the world! The sky has eyes, it will not let one thing forever sink into the sea! People are doing, the sky is watching, holy Jun, you are ready."

The Holy King ignores it and the path will pass.

However, another figure flashed, and I saw that Qionghua Emperor, who was in white, had already walked out of the ruins of the building complex, such as walking in a leisurely walk.

The holy prince stunned and suddenly stopped.

Since Xie Danqiong came out, the resources must have been looted. At least those important things must have been taken away. Now, if you go in, there is no use.

Seeing everyone watching themselves, Xie Danqiong made a very very free-spirited expression, spread his hand, and said with a smile: "The real surprise is that the base of this true spirit is in such a big place, inside. Empty, nothing... This is too surprising."

Snow tears and amazed face asked: "Nothing? Qionghua the Great, you will not be wrong, or find the wrong place? Wansheng Zhenling base, how can there be no material?"

This question also utters the doubts of some people at the place.

Xie Danqiong said with a smile: "I really haven't, how can I find the wrong place? Every house here, I have searched every underground secret warehouse. It is true that except for some food, what materials are there. No……"

"This is really strange..." After the demon frowning and meditating: "Is it all eaten, drunk, used, and all consumed by the Holy Spirit!"

"This seems to be the most reasonable and most likely explanation." Xie Danqiong frowned fragilely and nodded again and again: "I heard that the true spirit of the Holy Spirit eats anything, not to mention the strange metal of the heavenly earth, even the stool. ...or it would not be so notorious."

"It makes sense to say that Qionghua the Great has a wide knowledge, and I have opened another ear today." The East Emperor and the demon often nodded, and the big table agreed.

Others are stunned, stunned, and stunned!

What is this nonsense? What is this with?

Does the true spirit of the Lord eat even the stool? And this sentence is still said from the status of the supreme generation of the Emperor of Heaven, and such absurd words, there are actually the East Emperor and the demon look a serious side to prove ...

Everyone is a little dizzy.

Is this true or false?

Is it true that it is true? !

Otherwise, will the three kings not make such jokes?

It should probably be maybe or almost the same!

There are already good people who are eager to fly in and look at the circle. After they come out, they shake their heads again and again: "All of them are empty... there is only some food left, and the others are not... the base of the true spirit, the real It’s too poor.”

The sage of the holy sage rushed, and his face was flushed; almost it was really bleeding.

Which one is not in the field? Everyone knows that Qionghua’s Majesty is sure to take it away; but now it’s obvious that the Eastern Queen’s demon is supporting it. Who has the ambition of the leopard who is guilty of the three masters?

Isn't that living impatient?

So everyone has echoed: "Yes, yes, this base of true spirits is too poor!!"

"I really didn't think that the true spirit of the Lord is such a bunch of poor ghosts."

"Crap, can you be a true spirit?"

"There is a reason for this..."

"You, today's story proves that the true spirit of the Holy Spirit is a strange existence! They do not have their own souls and thoughts..." Xie Danqiong said to the people, solemnly said: "In particular, the true spirit of the Holy Spirit The master, is a typical hybrid animal who has no niece, and the devastating bastard! Everyone must pay attention to it in the future. Don't take it for such a beast. Be careful."

"Once it is controlled by it, it becomes a true spirit, that is... being controlled to kill the one you love the most, knowing that it is painful, but it is still in the hands of the Lord... that is the world, The most tragic and cruelest thing!" Xie Danqiong said a long time.

Snow and tears nodded again and again, reminding: "Yes, as far as I know, the base of the true spirits will definitely not have only one. Since there is such a place here, there is still such a scale, there must be other existence. When we extinct the real magic, we destroyed a lot of such bases and confirmed that they would be completely killed!"


These three chapters, the evil sage, I feel super pleasure... hahaha (to be continued.)

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