Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Scorpion mother jade [eighth! 】

The seventh fifty-fifth chapter 鸳鸯子母玉 [eighth! 】

A burst of laughter sounded, Sha Ying’s bald head appeared in front of Chu Yang, hurriedly ran down, grasping Chu Yang’s hand with both hands: “Little brother hahaha, how come back in such a short time? Come, let's go in for tea, eat here in the morning, let's have a good drink. St."

Saying, instead of Chu Yang talking, he took his hand, and the infinitely enthusiastic life dragged the door and pulled it into the door.

The eyes of the two law enforcement officers at the door shift suddenly popped up.

**! Is this our shady collar with a cold face? The leader of Sha Tong has always been a black face. Anyone who sees them is ignorant. Even if the owners of the three great families come, the sand collar is also the nose, and the cattle are incredible.

How can I see this boy today just like seeing a relative? Even if the last time the general law enforcement came, the Sha Tong collar would be like this?

Hearing the news of the arrival of Chu Yang, Qin Baoshan, who has been staying here for the rest of his life, also haha ​​smiled and greeted him. He clung to Chuyang with great strength. He had a kind of surprise that 'I don’t see three days in a day': "Brother! Hahaha, my little brother, you can come, old brother wants to die you..."

Chu Yang has a layer of goose bumps: I just went out from here, but not one day and one night...

Sha Xinliang is already making a good tea. He smiled and said: "Little brother, come sit, sit, I am playing chess with Lao Qin, this old bastard, lost the game, and played with him. ”

Qin Baoshan anger said: "It is clear that you stole one of my cars!..."

Chu Yang quickly waved his hand and interrupted the quarrel between the two people. He frowned and worried: "I said... two old brothers, how are you doing this? Your medicine... what an eagerness, there are still thoughts at home. Chess? This is this..."

Chu Yang is a bit irritated, and he squats: "This...what is this system!"

It turned out to be angry and rushing to the crown!

Qin Baoshan and Sha Xinliang saw that Chu Yang was really anxious for himself. He looked at him with a glance at his eyes. Qin Baoshan said warmly: "The little brothers must be anxious, huh, huh, as the two of us, the district medicinal materials, where to personally Hands-on? It has already been arranged. St."

Sha Xinliang smiled and said: "If the arrangement is not good, neither of us has the heart to play chess."

Chu Yang eyes bright, this time is a real surprise, said: "The nine petals of Yulingzhi and Jiutian Yuling liquid, also found?"

Qin Baoshan nodded and said: "The two medicines are really difficult to find, but we also have some such channels."

He smiled proudly and said: "The nine-petal jade ganoderma lucidum and the nine-day jade spirit liquid are the elixir of the heavenly treasure level. There is nowhere to look elsewhere. We both contacted the drug valley and the Zhuge family overnight. Among them, there are just nine days of Yuling liquid! And the Zhuge family has prepared for the Wanpin family over the years, and among the herbs collected, there are two nine-petal jade Ganoderma lucidum!"

Sha Xinliang sighed and said: "The two of us said that we also used power to seek personal gains. They took the name of the law enforcement hall and went to buy medicine. Some people also sold some face of the law enforcement hall. This is a bit better, if not, Just looking for yourself, looking for a year to go..."

"It turned out to be the case." Chu Yang nodded and smiled broadly: "Then I am relieved, the two old brothers must have spent a lot of money?"

"Flowing money? Spending money can't be done!" Sha Xinliang was quite a bit of a painful saying: "That's all Amethyst! The nine-petal jade Ganoderma lucidum has some to say, only spent five thousand amethysts. And my nine days. Yuling liquid, medicine valley, the smashed mouth will have a million amethyst! Say nothing to cut prices, a whole 10,000 amethyst! I have been greedy for all the years, the greedy law to use the power of the private amethyst all put in, also borrowed Old Qin three thousand."

Sha Xinliang gnashed his teeth and cursed the black heart of Yao Gu. He sighed: "My old brother, I am now a debtor!"

Qin Baoshan gave him a glance and said: "Hey, you said it is hard to hear, I didn't ask you for an account! Besides, in front of the little brother, what do you say about the power to seek greed and greed? The little brother is a person of integrity and integrity. Chapter .com"

Sha Xinliang laughed and said: "Because the little brother is not an outsider, I can only say it directly! Otherwise, you let anyone talk about it, we both, the annual Lulu only three hundred amethyst, is it not necessary? In this case, where do you want to get 10,000 pieces of amethyst?"

Chu Yang laughed and said: "What is said! Qin is indeed a concern. To be honest, the law enforcers have been in charge of the nine heavens for so many years, not greedy, how many people? Then again... This thing is really normal. Everyone knows well, why should they hide it? Not to mention that the two are still my old brother. Isn’t the younger brother in the eyes of Qin’s brother, so little about the world?

Qin Baoshan haha ​​smiled: "It is my fault, I said the wrong words, I will drink, and I will punished myself!"

The three people laughed relatively.

Chu Yang's heart is a fierce one: nine petals of Yulingzhi, five thousand amethyst! Nine days of Yu Ling liquid, ten thousand amethyst! This is much higher than the price I originally estimated.

You must know that the remaining six flavors of poison, each of the same price, can definitely be much higher than the nine days of Yuling liquid.

This is a long way to go to collect the elixir.

"Amount, two old brothers, how do you contact so fast?" Chu Yang suddenly remembered one thing, could not help but swear: "This... Medicine Valley and Zhuge family, should be far away, even the fastest flying eagle It’s also... It takes a few days to post a book?”

"Ha ha ha..." Sha Xinliang laughed, and shot Chu Yang's shoulder: "Little brother, if you rely on that to pass the message, don't say a few days, even for a few months, you may not receive it. Maybe halfway They were smashed down and baked. The law enforcement halls of our law enforcement agencies have branches all over the place. Moreover, they are associated with all major families. Each branch has a scorpion mother jade. The news relies on the scorpion mother jade. In this way, the news is sent here, even if it is tens of thousands of miles away, it will be no more than one hour, and it will be received there."

"Scorpion mother jade? What is this? It is really the size of the world, no wonder!" Chu Yang exclaimed: "The more with the two old brothers, the younger brother feels that he is a frog at the bottom of the well. I don't know. ......"

This time it was really amazing.

Sha Xinliang laughed and patted his thigh. He said: "The scorpion mother jade is a strange jade, and its own connection is a strange thing between heaven and earth, even if it is separated by thousands of miles. There are also inductions between the two mothers and jade. As long as there are several masters of more than eight grades, they are sent to the mother Yu Xuan Gong and placed at the headquarters. The other sons are distributed everywhere, when they are used, they only need to enter into the jade. A little bit of Xuan Gong, you can achieve the effect of communication."

He smiled slightly: "This thing is unique to our law enforcers! We all use this. And the blood is used for the mouth, it is also such a thing. Otherwise, how can we spread the news to Wanli within one day? Outside? Isn't that nonsense? Hahaha..."

Chu Yang convinced orally: "It's a good thing."

"It’s good to tell the little brothers that our Amethyst is now in place. That is to say, the money and the goods are two, the two-legged Yulingzhi and the nine-day Yuling liquid on both sides are being escorted by the blood reward master. On the way here..." Qin Baoshan smiled: "Our request is a hundred thousand fire! Or else, where do we have any thoughts to play chess?"

"It's really fast." Chu Yang marveled, and immediately questioned: "But you two are still here, how is Amethyst in place? That scorpion mother jade... Shouldn't you transfer Amethyst?"

"The little brother is really cute." Sha Xinliang couldn't support it: "Don't our two old men have a few brothers who have a life of friendship? Let them pay for it first, and we will pay back the account. This time the **** person Bring the elixir over, and by the way, send Amethyst back..."

"It turns out that." Chu Yang finally knows a secret: Scorpion mother jade!

This is a good thing.

A thousand miles away, can pass the news... This is his mother's, faster than any speed. If you provide a lot of this thing to Mo Tianji, from the hands of Mo Tianji, use this thing to establish an intelligence network... How terrible?

Chu Yang secretly remembered in the heart.

The three people laughed for a while, or Qin Baoshan looked out and said: "The little brother came here today, shouldn’t it be a special trip to find out about us? Look at your face with sorrow, what is wrong with it, even the little brothers are bothered. Not?"

As a result, Sha Xinliang was also concerned about it. "If a little brother has something, he may wish to say that as long as we can do it, we will all be killed."

Chu Yang sighed and said: "This incident is really difficult for me to say."

"In front of us, there is something hard to say!" Sha Xinliang waved his hand: "The little brother's business is our business, even though it does not matter!"

Chu Yang said: "The two old brothers should also know that the younger brother is very lacking in Amethyst, so he opened an Amethyst Huichun Hall..."

The two nodded again and again.

Chu Yangdao: "But today I went to the medical center to see it. I suddenly found out that my store was actually smashed by people! Even my uncle, who was there to watch the house, was seriously injured..."

"What?!" The two suddenly jumped up in anger: "In my jurisdiction, there is such a lawless thing?!"

Chu Yang sighed, disheartened: "I did not expect..."

Qin Baoshan violently thundered: "There is a reversal! It is just the opposite of the day! Bullying my little brother, it is just playing the face of Qin Baoshan! It is unbearable!"

Sha Xinliang was very angry: "It is also playing the face of my heart! This is such a big courage?"

"I don't know who it is. These people are very high-powered!" Chu Yang said with distress: "And, after the store was smashed last night, I once said that I will come back tonight, if I can't get Amethyst, Let the Chu family wait for me to collect the corpse..."

"What!" Both of them are angry and their hair is erected! Suddenly thundering!


Eighth! What do I want, everyone knows.


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