Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 60: You have to pay compensation

Chapter VII, Chapter 20, you have to pay compensation

The hook of the hook nose nose held a black token in the hand. In the middle of the token, it was a **** red glittering 'Fa' word. The loud voice: "By the law enforcement hall, catch the evil gangster Xiao Yulong! If anyone dares to block it, let’s talk about it!

Several law enforcement officers brushed out the sword with a strong murder. They looked at the nearly 100 masters of the Xiao family, with sneer on their faces and no fear. (.com)

Obviously, as long as the Xiao family dares to move, the law enforcement will dare to kill!

Moreover, law enforcement officials are not guilty! When Xiao Jia moves, it is to resist law enforcement and sin plus! Even the entire Shaw family can't escape.

Xiao Yulong dared to take such a heavy crime and hurriedly shouted: "All are not allowed to do it! This is a misunderstanding with several adults. This is a misunderstanding. If it is clarified, it will be fine."

Give him a courage to be a day, and Xiao Yulong is absolutely afraid to openly confront the law enforcers. This will bring the inconvenient trouble to the Xiao family! If the family knows, no matter who is right or wrong, you can immediately smash the skin of Xiao Yulong!

The Xiao family slowly retreated.

Xiao Yulong made a calm expression and walked up. He put his hand behind his back and smiled. "The law enforcer is an adult, please do it."

The two law enforcement officers smiled a little and suddenly went out at the same time. They rubbed their feet on the corner of his leg and snorted. Xiao Yulong was thrown out of the ground and squatted on the floor, sweating on his face.

A law enforcement person strode over, one hand picked up his hair, the other hand slaped back and forth, while he snorted: "Fuck you ***, the old people are coming, what kind of styling you are posing! When I was still thinking about the style, I really didn’t know **** the ball! Killing you is a fool!"

The slap in the face, the one is mad, and the face is full of resentment.

Then take out a rope that is soaked in water. The bundled pigs will usually tie Xiao Yulong's five flowers. Xiao Yulong just recovered from the shock and severe pain. He just wanted to open his mouth and scream, a stinky cloth. The group was rudely stuffed into his mouth, and then the back of the head was beaten, and he fell to the ground. He was dragged up by the students, and the ropes tied to him were left for a length of two feet and hovered over the horse's tail.

The eagle-hook nose law enforcement officer sharply swept through the Xiao family, and the majestic said: "In addition to Xiao Yulong, there are several accomplices, I clicked on the name and automatically stood up. .com has one who does not stand out, at the place , all the company!"

Speaking loudly: "Xiao Changyu! Li Chafeng! Liu Meng!..."

I even ordered the names of three people.

Three people walked out of the crowd with a sullen look, and the law enforcers rushed up like a wolf, and treated them with Xiao Yulong. In an instant, these Xiao family who were good at Pingshaling were brought to justice. They are all on the horse's buttocks, waiting for the opening.

The head of the eagle hook nose law enforcement whistle: "Go! Receive the team!" A whip squatted on the horse's back, but another whip was slammed on Xiao Yulong's back!

Make a horse ride.

The other three law enforcers, according to the law, are two whippers per person, and the horses eat long and screaming, and the people are screaming, the skin is fleshy, and the cloth is flying.

After Xiao Yulong and other four people were dragged into the horse's buttocks, they were sealed and repaired. After two steps, they were pulled down to the ground. All the way screaming was dragged out.

Only dragged less than twenty feet, there was a clear blood mark on the ground...

The hooves are fast and the rumbling disappears.

The rest of the Xiao family face each other, everyone is shocked and fearful: What happened to Xiao Yulong? Actually treated like this! The set of law enforcement officials just came from the treatment of the death penalty, and even exceeded it!

What did Xiao Yulong do when he was angry? Actually caused law enforcement people to be so angry! ?

But everyone understands in their hearts, no matter what, this situation must be serious, or the law enforcement will not be so rude! After all, here is the site of the Xiao family, Xiao family still has a few face.

If it is not the sin that is really intolerable, can the law enforcement officials be so ignorant?

Everyone’s heart is filled with an unknown feeling: maybe Xiao Yulong’s crimes are committed... even the family can’t keep him...

"Hurry to inform the family!" One of them screamed eagerly. Everyone awake as they dreamed, and they ran in. Everyone was stunned and sweaty on his face. It was terrified...

Xiao Yulong, no matter what you have done, don’t be tired of us...


Xiao Yulong was arrested by law enforcement officials. (.com)

This news whirlwind has spread throughout Pingshaling.

When Xiao Yulong was arrested, it was in the morning, when the people on the street were the most, and the law enforcement officers were so arrogant, they still circumvented a road, specializing in the place with the most people, dragging the dog and dragging Xiao. Yulong swayed!

Can people not immediately blow up their nests?

Suddenly, the three great families got the news. Everyone was carefully sent out to inquire: Is Xiao Yulong guilty of something wrong? It’s so serious, so don’t leave a face...

So there was a lot of discussion on the street. Some people said that Xiao Yulong raped the prostitute's niece. Some people said that Xiao Yulong had the wife of the law enforcement... Some people said...

All in all, everyone is very excited.

People are always like this. Seeing that the big people they once looked up to are being rectified so much, no matter whether they have hatred or hatred, they will feel the joy of the people and the gloating fun of happiness. What's more, Xiao Yulong smashed the skin here, and the popularity is not good... At this moment, the people who fell into the well suddenly came one after another...

Many of them have been oppressed by Xiao Yulong, actually went straight to the law enforcement hall to complain...

Falling water dog, and it is extremely angry, falling water dog, who does not want to fight?

What is completely different from Xiao Yulong’s treatment is that Chu Yang Chu, a big boss of Amethyst Huichuntang, who is a bitter master, has been invited by law enforcement in the early morning, and is currently in the lobby of the law enforcement hall. Drinking tea with Erlang’s legs and leisurely...

As for the special detour, it is naturally the idea of ​​the boss of Chu. At that time, the boss of Chu said: "Sha brother, to fight a person, it is best to let him lose face first, peel off his confidence and pride, just fine. Dealed with..."

Sha Xinliang took it for granted. So Xiao Yulong did not know how much bitter he ate under this sentence...

The sound of the horseshoes came from far away, and Shaxin’s face suddenly turned up. Going out with Chu Yang and heading straight to the torture office. Chu Yang whispered: "Xiao Yulong is still in the dark, it is best to separate the two sins... so... oh..."

Sha Xinliang hearted the gods, smiled, and nodded.

Chu Yang was naturally interested, turned into the torture hall, stood at the side door of the corner, and put on a sincere and fearful expression, nodded and stood on one side, looking sad and angry.

The hooves stopped, and several squeaks of the mouth were suppressed and passed in.

Then, it seems that the cloth in the mouth was taken away, and a voice shouted: "I am! I am not guilty! You are a grasshopper! I want to go back to the family... I want to..."

With a slamming sound, it seems that there is a punch or a kick on the mouth.

Immediately after seeing several law enforcement officers dragging the dog, they usually dragged Xiao Yulong into the ground and slammed into the ground. Suddenly the blood splashed.

Chu Yang’s eyes did not move and he glanced.

The current Xiao Yulong, directly with Xiao Yulong that night, is not the same person. What kind of arrogance Xiao Yulong was that night, dressed brightly, handsome and handsome.

Look at the present, ragged, hair unkempt, both eyes are black and blue, his face is blue and purple, some places are bleeding outside, the nostrils are like two blood holes that can't stop, DDT in the mouth Oh, it’s all blood. The body is even more...can't read it, on the back and on the chest, almost exposed to the bones.

What a terrible word?

The other three are also similar, a miserable.

"Xiao Yulong, you know sin!?" Sha Xinliang no expression, asked with a negative hand.

"Don't ask Sha Tong, Xiaomou... What crimes have you committed?" Xiao Yulong groaned, although the words were ambiguous, they were finally explained.

"You don't confess?" Sha Xinliang's eyes were cold.

"Please also ask Sha Tong to show clearly!" Xiao Yulong looked up reluctantly.

"Hahaha... You make people pretend to be gangsters and robbed the Chu hospital. Can you admit it?" Sha Xinliang asked, not too slow.

"This..." Xiao Yulong never imagined that he had caught himself here, but it was because of the small things like sesame mung beans!

I almost vomited blood for a while: How much has it been done before? Every time, twenty or thirty amethysts are flattened. How come this time you actually become a big case?

Ming knows that this is probably a refusal. Xiao Yulong simply admits: "There is this!"

Sha Xinliang asked: "It is said that you have also said that you can injure Chu Feiyan. If he is not interested, he can also be disabled. Just leave a life, but you will grow up as a worker. It’s okay to kill the Chu family’s young masters? Is that what you said?”

Xiao Yulong knew that the six people had already offered themselves and simply nodded: "I did say this!" This is not a big deal...

He finished the sentence and suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the hall was different from the one just now, and the whole chill was getting cold. The heart bursts, looking up, I saw Sha Xinliang a face black as the bottom of the pot, chest ups and downs, eyes in the light, murderous.

Can not help but jump in the heart: Is this Sha Xinliang and the little beast actually still have a relationship?

Sha Xinliang cold face, said: "So, that is, you admit it?"

"There is this!" Xiao Yulong said: "Since it is Sha Tong’s face, I am willing to pay compensation."

Sha Xinliang cold and cold road: "The case is now pronounced, Amethyst Huichuntang first cured the injury for Xiao Yulong's people, Xiao Yulong not only not grateful, but instead robbed, graceful enemies, wolf heart dog lungs, pigs and dogs are not as good! The nine-day law, the rebellious nine-day ethics, without severe punishment, is not enough to alert the world!"

He took a breath and said: "Calling Xiao Yulong is equivalent to committing a fortune stick to forty sticks, compensating for all losses of Amethyst Huichuntang, and compensating for the loss of reputation of Amethyst Huichuntang, the injury compensation of the doctors in the medical hall, and the other A group of people's spiritual compensation for Chu Leer... Xiao Yulong, this is a penalty, can you be convinced?"

Xiao Yulong sighed and said: "There is compensation in the next place."


Thunderstorms and winds, from 7:00 am to 1 pm, the power outage is almost a day. Fortunately, when I was in a power outage, I was sleeping. When I woke up, I called early. I suddenly found out that I was sleeping so easily...


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