Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 85: Fight the throne! [Second more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

The eighth chapter of the eighty-fifth chapter fights the throne! [Second more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Ma Laosan’s heart is like an ice cave!

In front of this boy, he was able to detect his own tracking, and deliberately tempted himself to come here, and was waiting for himself to vote for himself!

Look at this, clearly is well-informed!

What is the waste there? Where is the repair to be scrapped?

The other person's eyes are as sharp as a sword. He stands there, like the emperor on the Nine Clouds. He is on the verge of death, standing with his hands on his hands, his eyes are indifferent and ruthless, and he ruthlessly pronounces his life in this world!

Binocularized sword, a shocking thunder!

This is at least the cultivation of the emperor in the sword! The lowest... is also the sword emperor! And yes, the high-order swordsman!

The most terrifying thing is that if he is a master of the three grades, he will stand in front of him and he will not see his cultivation!

Ma Sansan’s heart sank, and an incredible thought suddenly surged: Is it... This is the trap that Chu Feilong’s heart is worried about? Is it to kill yourself?

He is trying to talk, but the opposite of Chu Yang has already begun to speak. The latest chapter of the church

"I am Chu Yang. You must know me?" Chu Yang's eye center sharp swordsmanship recovered, and became the warmth of spring water.

"Yes. I am here to kill you!" Ma Laosan did not want to say this, but he did not know how, but he boldly said this sentence.

When this sentence is said, he wants to slap his own slap in the face: how can I talk like this?

"I know you are coming." Chu Yang nodded and said of course: "You are coming! I am in need of someone to accompany me to practice the sword! Your cultivation is not bad, not high or low, Very suitable for this task."

Come right, accompany me to practice the sword! ? ......

What is this nonsense?

He knows that I am coming? Why do you know that I am coming?

At this moment, Ma Laosan’s inexplicable emptiness in his heart, there is an impulse to escape.

The next moment, his heart sank even more. ("")

Because in front of this young man who is unpredictable, the singularity of the squatting squatting out of the sky is everywhere!

Sword rushing to the North!

The whole person of Chuyang stood in the whole sword.

The long sword between Ma’s three waists suddenly bursts with a loud bang without warning. The pilgrimage generally sways gently.

Ma Laosan was shocked!

The other party did not even have a sword. It was just the shock of the air machine, which created the effect of the sword-wrapped body. It also created the momentum of 'Wan Jian, I am the king' with the air machine, and let the enemy who has no life and no spirituality belong to the enemy. Sword, made such a worship of the supreme attitude!

After three steps, hold the hilt and press the long sword back. This is a dignified look at Chu Yang. He looks at Chu Yang with a heavy look. He said infinitely: "Who are you?"

At the moment when the other side's sword was unsheathed, Chu Yang had already seen the shape of the sword: the blade was slender, and the blood channel in the middle was subtle, but it gave the color of the night. In the three inches of the blade near the hilt, the word "Dragonfly" is engraved: Night!

Chu Yang heart move: the night family!

Then he suddenly thought of the people who had been besieging Chu Feiling in the middle of the three days, and what Chu Feiling said. Then he thought of Chu Feilong.

"Who am I?" Chu Yang smiled: "I didn't tell you about my uncle?"

Ma Laosan took another step and his eyes became certain: "Chu Feilong?!"

"The night house... It seems to have died a few... Well, the last time in the middle of three days, called... What is it? Night dyed ink?" Chu Yang frowned, randomly stretched: "This time, You are the one!"

Ma Lao Santong body is cold!

The night dyed the collar led the brothers to besiege Chu Feiling. Of course, he knew that even the night was not waved, and he personally arranged it!

The night dyed ink and others did not return, this incident has also become a mystery.

I did not expect the truth here!

Sure enough, it is the conspiracy of Chu Feilong!

"Night home, is a terrible family!" Chu Yang smiled slightly, meaningfully said. The latest chapter of the church

Ma Laosan is considering the meaning of this sentence. Suddenly, the sword light flashes in front of him. Chu Yang has no idea when the sword is coming out, the sword is one, the sword in the sky is rushing, and the wind and thunder are turbulent!

If the sword is a meteor, it has already reached the throat!

In this sword, it seems that with the blood of the Dead Sea, the waves of the waves of the sky are always coming, and the whistling screams of hundreds of millions of souls are in the middle!

Under the sword, the blood is flowing over the waves!

Since Chu Yang has created these four-sword swordsmanship, today, he has truly played the power of his own swordsmanship!

Ma Laosan screamed, his thoughts were chaotic, his body was flat and swaying, while the long sword was squirting, point, dial, thorn, cut, pick! ......

When the Dangdang slammed, Ma’s old man screamed, his face slammed with blood, and the fountain was shot out. But he did not dare to deal with the wound at this time, and even did not even dare to look at it.

Ma Laosan tried his best to stabilize his breathing rhythm. His eyes were dignified and looked at the terrible young opponent opposite. On the forehead, the cold sweat dripped and fell into the eyes!

The eyes were irritated by tears and stinging, but he didn't even dare to squat.

In the face of this terrible opponent, Ma Laosan knows that he only needs a blink of an eye, or after this blink of an eye, he will never need to blink in his life.

Opposite the robes of the robes, Chu Yang volley a somersault, and then standing in the air under the feet, the eyes suddenly become indifferent and ruthless.

The blood of the long sword in his hand shines, with the cruelty and indifference of the world.

Then, Jianguang screamed and seemed to suddenly spread a Jianguang Avenue in the air!

Red dust is ruthless!

Ma Laosan’s pupil suddenly slammed Zhang Da. At this moment, he had completely lost his heart of victory. The only thought was: escape! If you can't escape, I am afraid that the 13th lord and others will be wiped out under the calculation of Chu Feilong.

He screamed, his body feathers generally floated, and the long sword screamed out, while resisting, while going backwards!

The ruthless red dust road Jianguang is like the galaxy that sheds in nine days, and rushes over.

From the air, Ma Laosan floated into the ground, and his feet continued to retreat. The dust was soaring, and he plowed out two deep gullies.

The blood was flashing again, and Ma’s third shoulder was again a sword.

Two consecutive swords, all on the left shoulder, are in the same position! In the midst of blood spurting, Ma Laosan’s shoulders had horrible white bones and jumped out of the skin. The two broken veins did not retract, but they were cooked so that they would be exposed. up in the air.

Broken shoulder bones, broken tendons!

Ma Laosan’s left shoulder has been scrapped!

Ma Laosan’s eyes are sore, and his eyes are eagerly searching for the way to get out of himself.

His heart is cold and his timidness is cold.

If you wait any longer, I am afraid that I will be killed here!

In the dusty opposite, a fierce spurt to the extreme, more than a few times the previous two strokes of murderous face, only heard an indifferent and ruthless voice long shouted: "Don't stop the world!"

The other party’s killing is only at this time!

Ma Laosan is very cold!

He screamed desperately, and the long sword madly waved, and instantly opened a huge white lotus composed of a sword light, and then he slammed it out!

Jianguang Lotus suddenly blooms!

The horrible sword of the opposite side slammed into the air. In this dusty storm of the gloom days, Ma Laosan unexpectedly saw the other party’s indifferent cold and cruel scorpion, flashing the cold. .

The sword light ruins and smashes the general rush, and the lotus flower of the horse's third generation is suddenly broken!

Ma Laosan’s heart is cracked, and he screams from the throat. The sword light laps the defensive sword light, and the body quickly retreats, surpassing the speed of streamer!

But the opposite of the sword is shining, the mountain is pressing, and his laps of sword light are crushed!

The long sword shines, the sword is on the tip, and the sword is light and vertical!

The tip of the sword is his own throat!

Sharp can't be!

Ma Laosan’s heart is sad and desperate, and there is no way to spur all his potential. He bites his **** flash, squirts a blood, squeezes out all his vitality, and injects it into his sword. At a glance, the long sword slammed and brought up a light curtain that connected the heavens and the earth. Then Ma Laosan turned the long sword into a skylight sword and threw it out!

Then he did not hesitate, and his body retired, then turned around and used his highest speed, and did not want to escape!

When he has not turned around, he feels a cold forehead!

Then he turned around and only felt that his left hand was cold again, and his right shoulder was cold.

After he ran out for 30 feet, he only felt the coolness of his heart, and then it was a warm and comfortable!

Then his body shook with the sky, and disappeared into the mountain road. When he got into the grove, he felt pain in the vest, pain in the chest, pain in his shoulders. Pain on the forehead!

The vitality within the body is rapidly dissipating.

A feeling called death rushed into his heart.

At the last moment, Chu Yang took a sword and broke his forehead. On his forehead, he made a blood hole! After he turned around, the two swords smashed his two arms together; when he rushed out thirty feet, the warmth of comfort after a pleasant cold was a sword penetration of Chuyang. His heart, smooth before and after.

The blood in the body is poured into the five internal organs, which is the short warmth and comfort. This is the last enjoyment that death gives to humans!

Ma Laosan’s eyes are blurred, he is desperate, and he knows he is dead.

Even if all the Supreme in the world deliver all the repairs into their bodies, they are absolutely hopeless to survive!

But he is not reconciled! I am not willing to die like this in the calculation of Chu Feilong, a despicable villain, not to mention that there are thirteen lords and their own brothers!

Are in danger!

Even if you die, bring the message back!

He never dreamed that this time, the ‘18-year-old boy’ that he faced “repairing to waste” was such a terrible role!


Second, I ask everyone to support the monthly vote! I continue to go to the third word of the code... Now it is 2,680 votes. I hope that when I update the next chapter, I can see two thousand seven hundred and five...


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