Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 109: Huang's reaction [second more! 】

The seventh chapter of the seventh chapter of the Yellow House's reaction is second!

Several ladies saw Huang Xia Liu, suddenly a burst of heart and soul, called up, long and short, care and ready. Huang Xia Liu saw her loved ones when she was most uncomfortable in life. She suddenly burst into tears, met and rolled, and lived like a grievance. She burst into tears and asked several ladies to tears.

There were a few eyes that couldn’t stop and turned around with Chu’s bad eyes, some of which meant to bite.

Chu Yang finally understood, how the deaf brother got it... Look at this, Huang Xia Liu is simply holding his hand at home, afraid of being small, and it is afraid of being in his mouth... Who would dare to train him?

The two wives of Huang Gongzi stood on one side, seemingly embarrassed, and their faces were red.

Chu Shen doctor at first glance, I saw Huang Xia Liuzi's two wives are beautiful and beautiful, although it is not a dumping country, but it is also graceful and graceful.

Although the young woman is dressed up, but looking at her face, it is clearly a yellow flower prostitute. His face is a bit sorrowful...

When Huang Gongzi saw his wife, he suddenly felt guilty. He didn’t even cry when he cried, squatting, laughing, and occasionally secretly sighing... helpless...

Chu Shen doctor suddenly had a deep feeling: the greatest helplessness in life is not to say that you can't make money, you can't gather strength; but you can see that there are two widowed wives who can let themselves do whatever they want, but they say What is powerless...

At this moment, Chu Yang’s true sympathy, Huang Xia and Liu Huangzi, in such a situation, actually survived for so long without suicide, and Huang Gongzi’s endurance is also the best in the world.

How many lives can you have? Just like the wife of a wife like a flower, Huang Xia Liu! If the Huanggongzi is on the Qinglou, it will be even more embarrassing!

Among the people who came here this time, Huang Jiazhu also brought a master of pharmacy to study the condition of Huang Xia Liu together with Chu Shen.

The master of pharmacy is also surnamed Huang, who is known as the yellow pharmacist, without knowing his name.

Huang Yaoshi is studying the medicine soup that Chu Shen doctor has allocated. The gods have been drumming for a long time, and finally sighed on the side of the Huang family’s ear: "This medicine soup... life is only seen... and there is a mysterious power. It seems to be very good for men... It seems that Chu Shen doctor is making a fortune for the son of the son..."

The Huang family suddenly smiled and put their hearts down.

Huang’s master was thin, and his son was like a twin. When he saw Chu Yang’s first sigh, he only sighed and laughed. “Chu Shenji? Hahaha... Thanks to the doctor’s care for the dog, the little dog gave this time to the doctor. Adding trouble."

Chu Yang smiles: "Huang Jiazhu is polite." Xindao, the Huang family owner is much smaller than his son's shelf.

"Old aging Huang Shang, huh, huh, is the current owner of the Huang family..." Huang Jiazhu blew his name.

Chu Shen doctor and tiger body shocked, almost to bow to the head: "Imperial?"

"Hehehe, Huanghuang's yellow, noble Shang." Huang Jiazhu saw this expression, the name does not know how many people misunderstood, simply do not mind, said: "Not the emperor of the human king."

"It turns out that." Chu Yang wiped the sweat: "The yellow house owner please sit."

"Chu Shen doctor is not polite, old people come today, in addition to restless children, I also want to ask Chu God doctor a word." Huang Shang's skinny face squeezed a smile, said: "Chu Shen doctor, you have a few grasp To cure children's injuries?"

Without waiting for Chu Yang to answer, Huang Shang then added: "Let him return to normal... man, that kind of... cough and cough, that kind of strength?"

Chu Yang Shen Yu said: "But I don't know the kinds of key drugs. How can Huang Jia have a certain grasp?"

Huang Shang handcuffs beard, said: "These kinds of drugs, the first time in the first time through the law enforcement hall query, have asked the five major families! Finally have a fall; that knife tip stinging iron cucumber, we have yellow home. And nine vines, now there are three strains of medicine; nine dead without water, in the nine families of the Ling family, there are storage. And ... nine life pangolin, there is such a thing in Zhuge family... as long as Chu Shen doctor said Be sure, then, the old will immediately send people to take 200,000 Amethyst to go to the drug valley, Zhuge family, and Lingjia, at any cost, buy the drug back!"

Chu Yang’s heart is shocked, heart, mother, and man can’t be compared; Laozi is now ignoring the name of 30,000 amethysts, and the Huang’s family is actually 200,000...

Sure enough, the financial atmosphere is so thick.

But it is also a concern for my son, to the extreme...

Chu Yang show Yan Dao: "As long as the Huang family can get these medicines and complete them, then you can guarantee that: today, the medicine will be ready, and tomorrow Huang Gongzi can return to normal, not only that, but also its ability... Better than ordinary people!"

"Good!" Huang Shangyi clap his hands, his face was filled with red light, said: "Is this statement true?"

"There is no such thing as a false statement!" Chu Yang smiled slightly: "If I deceived the Huangjiazhu... Then, our Chu family does not seem to be the opponent of the Huang family..."

Chu Yang opened a joke.

Huang Shang laughed and said: "The Chu family now is also rising. The old man admire the hand of the Chu family from the heart!"

"Huang Jiazhu has a reputation." Chu Yang held a smile.

Huang Shang put aside his heart and went out to whisper with a few ladies for a while, and suddenly several ladies were full of joy. Then, Huang Shang issued a command with a stack of sounds: at all costs, with the fastest speed, with the shortest distance, use... In any case, be sure to get the medicine!

Immediately, among the large number of accompanying people, several people flew out and flew away...

Arranged properly, Huang Shang’s face came in with joy: “Chu Shenji, this poison, is that the hand of the broken grandson is right?”

Chu Yang is not happy: "Can I still see the wrong?"

Huang Shanghehe smiled and licked his hand, then thought of something, his face was gloomy, and said: "I don’t know what to do with the doctor. After receiving the news, the old man immediately made a ruin on the life of Tianzun Sa. survey……"

Chu Yang turned over the eyelids and made a gesture that was not in the heart. "Oh?"

In fact, it is erected and the whole **** pays attention.

"In the past, Sa was nothing more than a sacred day, no evil, no one knows how many people's descendants have been cut off, and finally caused public anger! Two of the two families, sending people to cooperate with the world's blood, join forces to encircle!"

Huang Shang said.

"Is that two families?" Chu Yang asked casually.

"There are the nine nights that dominate the family night house! At that time, it was the night master who was the first master of the younger generation. It was also the ancestor of the night family, the supreme master, and now, I don’t know if I am still there. Human world..."

Huang Shang said that the name "Night Emperor" was full of respectful tone.

"Night Emperor..." Chu Yang mouth muttered to himself, remembering the name.

"And the other is the Xiao family! The same is the Xiaoshu young master who was the first master of the Xiao family at that time! And when the sorrow later achieved the holy nine products, the mysterious disappearance, at that time, was seven thousand and one hundred years ago!"

Huang Shang said slowly.

"And as far as I know, Sa is nothing but the first hit by the night emperor, wounded and escaped, and then was killed by Xiaosi!" Huang Shang voice heavy.

Chu Yang Shen Yu said: "That is to say, the last kill of Sa is nothing but a bleak. The first one to get the body of the sorrow is also bleak!"

"This is the case." Huang Shangzhong focused on the head.

Chu Yang is silent, he knows that there are many things at the moment, and Huang Shang himself needs to infer it! I said it myself, but I didn’t have that effect.

"If this is the case, it is the sorrow of the sorcerer's cheats!" Huang Shang said with a dignified voice.

"In the seven thousand years, the Xiao family must have many people practicing."

"Since the rise of our Huang family, Xiao Jia did not pay attention to it at the beginning. Until that generation, our Huang family had a thrilling yellow wind. The ancestors of the Yellow Wind were fascinated and inadvertently saved the night. Characters, worshipping brothers, helping each other. So the first time, the Yellow House is slowly growing from a small and medium-sized family to a giant in three hundred years..."

"Later, the descendants of the Huang family were quite competitive, and they were passed down from generation to generation."

"Until four hundred years ago, the Huang family suddenly began to decline and decline. The important figures in the family, once they go out, there is no news; there is no trace... and the children of the family are also rare."

"I found out later, but it was a small family poisoning... Since then, it has been calm for a few years."

"In the last two hundred years, it has become even more intensified... The Huang family has already had several people, and this strange disease that can't be heard... has led to no. There are people who have been killed inexplicably... To the generation of the old man, it is more and more rivers; my four sons The three people were killed accidentally. In the end, this one actually..."

Among Huang Shangxuan, there is a strong hate in his eyes: "I have doubted Xiaojia more than once, but I have never had any evidence. Today I finally realized it! The origin of all is in the hands of this great child!"

"Xiao Jiazhen is a good calculation, a poisonous trick! As long as the Huangjiatun bloodline is cut off, the Huang family will not break through! And, so slowly decline, it does not attract attention... it is more conducive to their calmness. The power after the decline of the Yellow House..."

Huang Shang gritted his teeth: "Xiao Jia, is letting our Huang family break the grandchildren!!"

"So, the Huang family is already determined." Chu Yang faint.

"Not bad."

"In this case, Huang Jiazhu came here today, but it brought me a lot of trouble!" Chu Yang sighed.

"The trouble... is doomed." Huang Shang sighed: "When the Chu Shen doctor took Xia Liu, it was doomed..."

Chu Yang snorted and gave him a meaningful look. He said: "This sentence is not bad."

Huang Shangmeiyu raised the color of violentness. He said: "Since Xiao family can start with our Huang family for no reason, why can't our Huang family start with them!"


Seeking a monthly ticket! I continue to code words...



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