Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 111: massacre! [Fourth! 】

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The seventh part of the eleventh chapter of the massacre!

Sword spirit smiled lightly, and the smile was filled with a murderous murder. "Do you really want to kill?"

Chu Yang smiled coldly: "Not only to kill, but also to kill a happy!"

Sword Spirit Road: "If this is the case, then the massacre!"

Chu Yang smiled. (full text e-book free download)

"Sword Spirit, this time, you have to remember, our mission is"

Jian Ling nodded deeply: "Do not worry! Absolutely foolproof!"


In the window that has been opened, a black shadow, like a black cloud, floats out quietly, turns with the wind, slams into the nine squats, flashes in the air, disappears without a trace.

In the wing, the two sacred masters of the Huang family were meditating, and one suddenly opened their eyes and cried: "There is movement!"

The next moment, the two had arrived silently in the yard, and the figure flashed. One of them had already blown the roof with a breeze.

Extremely far-sighted, but see a silence around. Only the stars are shining, and the moon is in the sky.

"No one!" said the gentleman on the roof.

"Quirks." The man below frowned.

Then the two did not speak at the same time, listening to the movements in the various rooms.

In the room of Chu Leer, Chu Leer’s low and low-pitched breathing sound came out. This little girl, even if she fell asleep, her breath was soft and weak; Huang Xia’s room, Huang Gongzi was sleeping in the room. The snoring sounds one after another, occasionally blowing a whistle and grinding two teeth...

In the room of Chuyang, a low-pitched breathing sound continued to sound, indicating that the owner of the sound fell asleep, and that the sleep was infinitely calm and calm.

"There is really no abnormality."

The two masters looked at each other and immediately entered the room. After a while, the two men flew out again from both directions at the same time, flying around the Amethyst Huichun Hall, and then ascending to the height, still no Any exceptions.

The vigilance and experience of the two men were undoubtedly revealed in these two actions.

But there is still no discovery, and it is not surprising.

"It’s really weird. It’s clear that there is such a bleak and sharp vicissitudes of vicissitudes and sorrows. Why is there no vision?”

One of them wondered and frowned.

"It’s also true that the breath is not just for you, even I feel it... If a master comes, then this person’s cultivation is absolutely above us...just the invincible loneliness. Surprised us... Is it just passing by?” Another person is also puzzling. (full text e-book free download)

"Can't you... so late in the night, will there be such a master passing by?" The sage master who spoke earlier whispered.

"It’s a quirk. The first night I came here, I encountered this unsolvable thing... The Chu God doctor lived here every day, but he was used to it, Huang Long was lying high..."

"That guy... It’s estimated that the dry thunder will not wake up on a sunny day. You listen to the fragrance of sleeping, don’t know how to make a good dream.”

The two men shook their heads and walked into the room. This night, the two men became more vigilant and did not dare to close their eyes. But there has never been any discovery.

What they didn't know was that the unusual atmosphere that caused them to be vigilant was already in the dozens of miles!


Xiao family is in the hall.

Since Xiao Yucheng came back from the Chu family, it was like a smashing scorpion. The eyes are skewed!

Just taking office, I was thinking about what means to stand up in this Pingshaling generation. As a result, Liwei did not stand up, but instead he was hit with a crunchy ear.

Chu Yang’s sorrow, until now, Xiao Yucheng felt his face burning and lost his face in front of his subordinates. However, the situation was special at the time, but it was really impossible to attack.

This dumb loss is eating!

Xiao Yulong kicked over the door of a dozen families on the road!

After returning, I drank a few cups of stuffy wine, and I was more depressed in the chest.

Next to it, eight emperor masters are ugly.

Four of the eight people were brought by Xiao Yucheng, and the other four were the four remaining after the Xiao Yulong incident.

"I can't bear it!" Xiao Yucheng was a cup of wine, and he lifted a fox and his hips, biting it. Most people eat meat and like to eat some other places, but Xiao Yucheng is another quirk. Whether it is pork, chicken and mutton, he likes to eat ass...

The fragrant fox is the delicious food of the nine heavens; but the meat of the fox fox hip is also more difficult to eat: as everyone knows, all foxes have a scent gland in the body; um, the scent gland of the fox is in the ass... Naturally, The meat in other places is of course delicious, but the **** meat, do not say that there is a smell, even if there is no smell, it is really a suspicion.

But Xiao Yucheng still likes to lick ass.

And chewing sound!

Eight of his men had to accompany him to eat... Actually, watching him eat...

"A yellow mouth child! Actually so arrogant! I dare not look at Xiao Yucheng in my eyes!" Xiao Yucheng was full of face, big mouthful biting the fox fox buttocks, and there was a sound in his mouth, and he never forgot to swear.

"This humiliation, my Xiao Yucheng will have to double back!" Big mouthful of ass.

"This little bastard, with the support of the law enforcement, can not be perfect!" Big mouthful of ass.

"Xiao Yulong's hatred, I must report! Xiao Yulong can not die!" Big mouthfuls ass...

"Little bastard! Ah ah ah..." Xiao Yu has some crazy madness, and madly tears the fox fox ass, chewing and licking his eyes.

The eight royal woods are usually sitting there.

Eight people have never seen Xiao Yucheng's anger, saying that he can't think of Xiao Yulong's anger, but he will vent in this way!

Looking at a table of pig butt, chicken butt, duck butt, sheep butt, cow butt, fox fox ass...

Eight people felt that the throat was awkward.

At the beginning, I could still make a few words with Xiao Yucheng, but now, the angry emotions of the people have been completely dispelled by the feat of the Xiao’s madness.

Everyone’s throat seems to be swallowing something...

"You said, this is not irritating!" Xiao Yucheng raised his neck and a glass of wine, and threw away the fox-like buttocks of his bones. He grabbed a large duck **** and bite it.

Just then, suddenly a sharp scream rang out loud!

With this scream, the entire Xiao family was suddenly confusing.

Xiao Yucheng is still somewhat confused, but the eight masters have already rushed out of the lobby. At this moment, there are even a kind of mood in the minds of eight people who are finally liberated.

Damn, go out and fight with the enemy, and look at this guy crazy eating **** here!

I really don't understand, don't understand, this ass...has something delicious! ***, don't know the guy's ass, this guy can't eat? Losing him is still a character of the Xiao family, there are so strange...

I heard that some people are free to have a mother who loves the woman’s chest... but have never heard of someone who lacks **** love since childhood...

It’s really disgusting!

Xiao Yulong yelled and slammed the duck's butt, and strode out of the lobby, shouting: "What is the ghost of the middle of the night!"

But the next moment, he stopped his mouth!

I saw a ghostly black shadow, killing from the direction of the gate, the action is not slow, it seems to walk in a leisurely pace, a long sword in the hand flashes.

Even when the black man saw the warriors of the Xiao family desperately killing, they would wait for a while.

Behind him is a corpse of slanting! There are already forty or fifty!

Everyone is not a sword in the throat, but a sword in the chest.

The blood whispered silently on the ground of the night, and at the gate of the gate, it merged into a pool of blood.

In the blood of a piece of corpse, the black man came slowly.

Hundreds of people in the Xiao family’s warriors flooded the tide, and the fierce siege could not stop this person’s footsteps! I will stop and wait for someone to come and die!

"Who are you?" Xiao Yucheng screamed.

The black-faced masked man was strangled in a figure, but he looked up and looked at Xiao Yucheng on the steps and took a deep look.

This eye is like breaking through time and space, connecting the ancient times!

On the steps, together with the nine people including Xiao Yucheng, at the same time felt a bleak and indifferent solitude and solitude, and it seemed that they suddenly hit the heart of nine people!

As for the individual, I feel a lonely loneliness that I want to cry at the same time! At this moment, this strange heart touched, so that nine people even forgot the fear and anger.

After a while, the spirit seemed to stop at this moment, and it seems to have entered a wonderful realm.

Then I heard a series of screams ringing again.

Nine people are at the same time!

What is this magic? What is this repair?

In a mess, the black man laughed loudly and said faintly: "It's time to talk to you!"

Suddenly, the black robes were raised, and a sly sword light spread like a moon in the sky. The long, slow, and drawn circle of a full circle of fifty feet!

The Xiaojia warrior who is besieging around is still holding it!

like a statue!

The black man smiled and took a step and walked easily toward the steps. After he walked out ten steps, there was a loud bang, and the only remaining hundred warriors fell to the ground at the same time.

The power of his sword has killed more than 100 warriors at the same time!

Everyone is in the same position in the sword!

Everyone is standing upright in the lower body, but the upper body flies out of the body and falls neatly at his feet! Even the direction of blood splashing is even the same! Even if it is rehearsed thousands of times, it will definitely not be so uniform!

The black man went out a dozen more steps and suddenly sighed: "People are dead, standing and doing?"

The sound rushed out, and there was a shock behind him. The lower half of the 100 warriors stood up and fell down in the pool of blood.

The black man looked up and looked at the nine people on the steps. He smiled faintly and said, "Don't go, don't worry, I will pass right away."


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