Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 173: Soft water sword! [The seventh! 】

With the battle, Chu Yang’s own understanding is more.

He discovered that his own set of soft water swords is absolutely different! As the sword began to expand, the power was gradually getting bigger and bigger, especially in the battle. With the strength of the enemy, it gradually progressed from oysters to ease.

He was originally because he had absolute certainty that he could not be injured, and he was worried that the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship would be recognized, and he would have the temptation to use his own set of soft water swords.

At first, it was awkward for a while, but as the sword began, Chu Yang was more and more free.

In particular, the first soft sword gas with a curvature, like the undercurrent in the deep water, surging out, Chu Yang suddenly became cheerful.

This set of swords is realized in the water.

In the water, it is completely surrounded by water, just as it is now surrounded by enemies. same!

In the face of this situation, it is impossible to break through or win with violence. The only thing that can be done is to use the power of the water to guide it with its own strength.

Let the enemy attack their own strength, and with the direction of their swords, it will naturally be harmless.

Chu Anode is a careful long sword. In the encirclement of four people, it is like a duckweed drifting along the waves, drifting in the storm, ups and downs on the cusp of the wind, but no matter how big the wind and waves, this duckweed is not affected at all. hurt.

His movements are light, the sword is slow and soft, but every sword goes out, which inevitably constitutes a tangled, gentle and gentle force, and the strength of the enemy's attack is subtly biased to the side.

At the beginning of the war, there was a collision between weapons and weapons, and the sound of screaming was endless.

However, as the battle became more and more fierce, the sound of such weapons collided slowly, and in the end, it completely disappeared.

Until the end, there was a strange phenomenon in the war.

Chu Yang's lightly fluttering sword turned to the left, and six weapons in front of him were about to stab him, but I don't know why. With the tip of his sword, the six weapons involuntarily changed direction. At the same time, one finger to the left.

Chu Yang a sword to the right one; so four people are full of red eyes and desperately control their weapons, but still can not stop to follow the right finger...

The movements are neat and uniform.

Five people are dancing in a group dance, and Chu Yang is in the middle, but is a lead dance.

He swayed his sword and twisted his ass. The four men followed the weapon and twisted their clothes...

The long sword was placed again, and then the two buttocks were twisted; the four men were again like the ones to twist the two farts...

This scene is very funny.

Chu Leer even watched the performance in general, and the laughter was not good: "It's so fun; what's going on? Why do they follow the big brother? They are fighting... How do you fight?"

Wei Wuyan’s face was shocked and his eyes were shocked!

I didn’t hear Chu Leer’s words at all.

That is, Chu Leer is so simple, and the little girl who has no understanding of the martial arts is ridiculous to this scene. Wei Wuyan looks in the eyes, but only feels the back is cold.

This battle has been clear from the beginning to the present.

When the other party shot, Wei Wuyan saw it. These are the four thrones; and each has its own school. Two of them are six and two are four.

It is reasonable to say that such strength, such cooperation; Chu Yang is only a five-product sword emperor; it is not difficult to get out of nature, but if you want to win, you must pay the price.

This is also the case at the beginning of the battle.

Under the encirclement of the other party, Chu Yang is somewhat overwhelmed. His swordsmanship seems to be unable to cope with such siege. When Wei Wuyan was in a hurry, he saw that Chu Yang’s situation was changed after a sword.

That sword goes out, or others feel that there is nothing, but what is the eyesight of Wei Wuyan? It has been clearly seen that the power of that sword has turned the direction of the most peripheral, farthest sword from Chuyang.

From this moment on, Chu Yang’s situation began to improve step by step.

It can be seen that when Chu Yang was in the practice of this set of swordsmanship, it was still very raw and unfamiliar.

However, in such a battle between life and death, Chu Yang was quickly and skillfully used, quickly applied, swift counterattack, rapid checks and balances, and then even in such a fast, but in a subtle way, led The attack of the other party!

From the very beginning, I was so busy, and now I have no trouble, I only used less than two incense time!

The situation now has no need to worry at all.

Now, the four people are as deep as mud, and even if they want to escape, it is absolutely impossible! Chu Yang wants to insert the tip of the sword into which throat, which one can be inserted!

This is just a matter of heart and mind, and the tip of the sword.

But Chu Yang clearly does not want to kill them.


Wei Wuyan frowned, watching Chu Yang's sword move, the next moment, he finally lost his mouth.

He saw that Chu Yang went out with a sword, a flat sword, stabbed forward, and the sword tip slightly picked.

But the other four people have six weapons, but at the same time they can't help but pick them up!

Pick it up in a void of air!

Seeing Chu Yang's sword can't see the mystery of this sword, but from the other's weapon reaction, I can see that the sword of Chu Yang is a big violation of the common sense of martial arts!

This is clearly one of the people who use the double hooks! This is the hook method, not the sword method!

But Chu Yang, but with the sword made it out!

Not only did it come out, but it also led to four masters who were not much different from their own strengths, and at the same time they could not help themselves! This time, the captains of the four men are all empty!

In the eyes of four people, even completely desperate!

Because Chu Yang only needs a light sword, they can cut off their four people!

Now the four people are already regretting the most: what is the little ancestor doing? This is really the old birthday star hanging, it is too long to be ... ... no longer good, when the old man died, everyone will sneak away, but not want to revenge...

Now you can pour it down, and you are directly caught in the gas field of the other party. If you want to let you dry up, you will dry up and want you to look up. You dare not kneel. You want to lift your sword and smash yourself. You dare not Wipe your neck...

Don't say that life and death have been manipulated in the hands of others, even if they fall into action, their hands and feet, do not listen to their own calls...

What a strange trick this is...

How could this be like this?

Four people want to cry.

But in the next moment, the four people really cried, because their fantasies suddenly became true in an instant:

Chu Yang did not break them, but let them go.

Then there was a sword, and the four men bent involuntarily, and the weapons in their hands were hooked on one side.

That makes the double hooks do the same, but the other three do it, but it is like fishing in the river, and it is a slow-moving fish...

Everyone's face is twitching, sweating, and the eyes are full of fear.

Chu Yang Changjian pointed to the bottom.

Four people also cut the weapons into their crotch.

For a time, four people screamed together, the muscles on his face twitched, the tears in his eyes, full of fear and resentment... but the weapons in his hands did not hesitate - "Cut in his pants !

It is like the last curtain call of a group dance. Very well trained and tidy!

With a bang, the blood is shining.

The four persimmons, the persimmons that were cooked in the crotch of four people, generally fell.

The four men then followed the same movement: the weapon remained in the downward position, the body bowed slightly, the buttocks squatted slightly, then they jerked their heads up, opened their mouths, and screamed at the sky.

"Ah, ah~~~~"

It’s better to use the sword, go straight to the sword, and the words fall neatly. The one with double hooks and long needles is almost torn off underneath...

How painful is this?

It’s no wonder that the voices they call are extraordinarily bright, extraordinarily high-spirited, and their expressions are particularly distorted...

Just like their illusions, they were actually being commanded by the other side in an incredible way... they smashed themselves...

Immediately, Chu Yang made another action.

He smiled, his palm stretched out, the little finger moved, and a sword turned around in the palm of his hand. In the meantime, he had already turned out a big halo, the sword light was vertical and the halo slowly dispersed. It makes people feel cold.

The fat man with a long needle is in a painful pain, but he can’t help but stunned!

This... Isn't this the use of long needles? How come to him and use a long sword like this?

Immediately, Chu Yang screamed: "Kill!"

"Tonic!" Four people shouted for mercy in their lives, panicked, and actually ‘not want’ to brush up and shouted into a 'tonic'...

I heard that Chu Yang had a sigh of relief, and said: Is this the unique dialect here?

He just flashed this thought, and the long sword in the palm of his hand had been quickly stabbed and retracted, and then stabbed and recovered: just as the fat man used the long needle to attack exactly the same way!


Four people are screaming on their necks, which is too convenient.

The voices of the four people came to an abrupt end!

A small red dot appeared on everyone's neck, and it seemed to be pinned.

Four people looked at him with a sly look, and the eyes slowly began to succumb to death. Dangdang, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Lost breath.

Chu Yang Changjian turned, turned into a windmill in his hand, stood on the sword, turned his head and looked at the shadows around him.

In the shadows, a screaming voice rang in a hurry, and those who were hidden in the forest disappeared one by one. Under such incredible swordsmanship, those who did not dare to show up, at this moment, dare to stay here.

Wei Wuyan sneaked up and looked at Chu Yang with shock and unbelievable eyes: " are actually fighting while learning each other's exercises?"

In Wei’s voice, there is an incredible kind of seeing a fairy.

Chu Yang said: "Yes, what's wrong with this?"

Wei Wuyan is speechless.

Looking at the innocent expression of this goods, Wei Wuyan almost wants to kill him!

What is wrong? What do you say is wrong? !

Lose what you said this sentence!

(Five hundred votes plus more!! Yesterday, at zero, when I got the secret ticket, I was here to update five hundred votes, and I will stop yesterday. I started again today, everyone has no opinion?)

(Seeking a monthly ticket!!!)

(To be continued)


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