Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 203: Heart machine

The seventh chapter of the 203th chapter

"I can't stand it anymore..." The purple evil sentiment quietly, and the beautiful face actually showed a whisper of white: "I heard the sound and smashed the body... The scalp tightened and wrinkled and numb. ......"

This powerful face with dozens of planes has a lingering heart: "I have been swaying for thousands of years... I have never been afraid of anyone, but this gentleman is really making me fear from my heart. The taste. ("") He... He can kill the Supreme with only one mouth... Disgusting death!"

Zhuge Wen smiled warmly and said: "Night brother, say business."

The night rain twisted and twisted, and snorted: "文文..."

Zhu Gewen finally shuddered and his lips turned green: "Night brother, you are like this again, I can say nothing."

The night rain obviously didn't care, raised his face, and said, "Resentment," said: "Written, my friendship to you, don't you really turn a blind eye?"

Zhuge Wen licked his teeth and finally couldn't bear it. He used a kind of gentle voice that almost made people feel bad: "Night brother, you have a crush on me, can you not know? Just in the world, you can care for others." The eyes, and you and I are all children... But, since the night brother, you have said this, the younger brother also shows a state. So, if you can convince the night family, I will tell you to pass the door. As the saying goes, three It’s not as good as a circle, haha...”

This time, it was the turn of the night, the rain could not stand, and the whole body was cold and straight, and the cockroach jumped up and gnashed his teeth: "Roll! You are dead!"

This loud voice is a man’s voice.

Zhuge Wen laughed and almost laughed and said: "You are a dead demon! Every day, you can use this method to tease others. Today, you finally taste this taste!"

The night smog looked at him for a long time, and finally he burst into laughter.

I sat back again.

The purple evil in the grass and Chu Yang and Chu Leer are already speechless from the mouth to the soul...

If the two men finally started to talk about business, the three almost fainted here.

At the same time, Chu Yang’s heart is also awe-inspiring. Zhuge Wen is really a figure out of the wise family. This trick uses his own way to cure his body, and he is very beautiful. Church

Let the thick-skinned people like the night rain, but also anger and anger.

This seems to be a joke, but it is the two big boys of the two families. The night rain is currently in a comprehensive downturn, because the means of his most disgusting person has been disgusted by people with more disgusting means...

Chu Yang’s heart secretly: I don’t know if Zhugewen is ranked in the Zhuge family.

If such a character is still not ranked first in the Zhuge family, then what is the first son of the Zhuge family? How terrible?

Chu Yang also thought in his heart: How is this Zhugewen, softer than the fifth?

After thinking about it, I still think that Zhuge Wen is a bit weaker.

Because the fifth gentleness will never change face whenever. However, Zhuge Wen, regardless of whether it is required or not, is always changed.

Just listen to Zhuge Wen said: "Night brother, the total law enforcement pursuit of Hong Wuquan has been hundreds of years, this time, clearly got the exact news, Hong Wuliang is here, but ... why does the total law enforcement not personally shot? Or Let the people of the criminal court take the shots? Instead, we must rely on the power of our three families... according to your opinion, how?"

The night smog and the eyebrows trembled and faintly said: "I must be the old guys of the family who have seized the handle by the law enforcement of the criminal court... This has to work for him?"

"Crap." Zhuge Wenbai white eyes: "Of course, he has seized the handle. But Lang Yilang and Hong Wuliang's grievances, the world knows; this time, I don't do it myself! This thing is too suspicious. I It is the motivation of Lang Yilang, not the reason he instructed us."

The night rain is rare and frowned, thinking: "Our nine families have a lot of handles in the criminal courts of the law enforcement. But... it has been like this for generations; it hasn't seen how... the law enforcers Although it is strong, it is not necessary to say that it has completely suppressed the nine families. But this time, Lang Yilang said that several ancestors immediately agreed, which is suspicious in itself."

Zhuge Wen nodded and said: "Not bad."

"As for Lang Yilang not to personally shot ... more definitely not because of embarrassment. "" "Night and rainy analysis.

"Crap!" Zhuge Wen can not laugh.

“Lang Yilang’s funeral of the innocent wife was so troublesome, and the two were emotional.” Zhu Gewen calmly analyzed: “At the end of the day, Lang Yilang smashed and killed Hong’s friends, and the two men met, life and death were Qiu. Whether it is Lang Yilang or Hong Wuliang, as long as he gets the news of the other party, he will immediately rush, and his life will be the other hand!"

"But this time, there was a drop in Hongquan, but Lang Yilang did not."

Zhuge Wendao: "There is a conspiracy in this!"

The night rains suddenly said: "Isn't it so insidious? You Zhuge family, everything likes to associate with the conspiracy, I really can't stand you..."

Zhuge Wendao: "Lang Yilang does not shoot, I think, there are two kinds of quanginal. The first one is that after a lot of years of squandering, the flood has disappeared. It has been a long time since today. Lang Yilang has come to find Hong Wuliang. But I ate a big loss and left... This only sent us."

The night rain frowned and didn't talk for a long time, said: "No."

Zhuge Wen also silenced, saying: "The first one is probably the most impossible. As for the second one... then Lang Yilang is now at a critical juncture...

The night rain has closed up the feminine attitude, the eyes are shining, and the voice is depressed: "You mean... he wants to promote the three products to the supreme? Is this the time to break through the bottleneck?"

Zhu Gewen looked at him strangely and smiled: "Night brother, are you testing me?"

The night rained and blinked, and laughed.

Zhuge Wen sighed: "Lang Yilang is already the supreme three products two hundred and seventy years ago! This matter is top secret, but... you ask, I know what you mean. Night brother, in our Zhuge family In front of you, you really dare to talk like this. It’s really admirable for you to be careful."

The night rain was revealed, and suddenly it was revived. He was ashamed and shy and twisted his waist and flew a wink. He said, "You hate it..."

Zhuge Wen smiled.

The two sons have their own minds; even if they are such conversations, they are also scheming. Dig each other for each other.

The night rain deliberately said three products, if the Zhuge family did not know; Zhuge Wen will naturally report this news back; then, the analysis of the Zhuge family against Lang Yilang will be greatly reduced. If there is any change in the future, the Zhuge family will suffer heavy losses because of the misjudgment at the moment. At the very least, it can affect one party's plan.

Zhuge Wen went on to point out that it was equal to breaking the night rain again.

What is really lost now is the night rain.

Because, Zhuge Wen analyzed, Lang Yilang may be breaking through the four products supreme. This news is crucial for the nine families.

But is this news true or false? Is it reported or not reported? Report it, what if there is a holiday? Don't report it, what if it is true?

If it is true, adjust the plan to face the waves. Then it is possible to lift things like sputum, smashing mosquitoes, and waste power, which will lead to weakening of strength in other places...

Four products supreme, can pay attention to him, how can it be mediocrity?

The two sons have their own minds, and there is a sigh of relief on the surface. You yell at me, and the **** are opposite each other.

Because everyone knows that the period of the nine-year-old reincarnation is about to come; and once the nine robbers appear, the law enforcers are fair, but they are still biased toward the nine masters.

As long as the Nine Robber Sword Lord appears, it represents the honeymoon period of the nine family and law enforcement officials.

Even if it is a big battle, it is not impossible.

Every 10,000-year reincarnation, there will be a big battle between the nine family and the law enforcers. This kind of thing... can you prevent it? What's more, it is now more than nine thousand years...

"What the bastard?" The night rain was unpredictable, and he had to change the subject, and the words, but the oil, but did not hide the disgusting color.

"The **** is teasing women." Zhu Gewen smiled and said: "In that case, when I used the heavens and the earth to listen to the movements of hundreds of miles, I just heard the **** talking."

"What is he talking about?" asked the night rain very interested.

Zhuge Wen took out a strangely shaped metal ear-like thing and said: "This heaven and earth listen to the urging once, it takes a lot of real money. I only listened a few words and heard Lan Ruoyun say: girl, or Do you want to go? Do you want to go to bed? Or just play here? Or go to the water? Or play in the tree?"

Zhuge Wen actually learned the voice of Lan Ruoyun, and it was so vivid that even the obscene meaning contained in it was the original taste of imitation.

"Now, it is estimated that the **** is there... fight it..." Zhuge Wen scorned.

The night was full of anger: "Then we are playing our weak women! What else did he say?"

"What kind of cost do I use to listen to the heavens and the earth? I have only heard these words and I have been disgusting." Zhuge Wen said with anger: "Do you think that I use the gods of heaven and earth to listen to tenderness? ”

The night rain is also furious: "The **** ruined the beauty, do you actually hear it? Let him do anything, give us a huge trauma to the weak woman?"

Zhuge Wen yelled: "I want to control, but... this time, isn't your family not telling you? Don't sin Lan Ruoyun? Don't you know who is standing behind him?"

The night was full of anger: "But I was angry when I heard this, and it was like he was **** me..."

"Rape you? He raped you?!" Zhuge Wen finally squirted out a cup of tea and coughed.


Today is the first. Ask for a monthly pass.

Yesterday's Tanabata, my wife bought me a pair of shoes, a pair of trousers, a dozen socks, a pair of underwear, a belt, a shirt, a watch, spent two months on her salary... I spent a hundred and thirty-eight I asked her to have a meal. Now the holiday is over. After the fall, the account is settled. At present, Yongzheng is being ordered to repent...

Yesterday, I placed a big oolong. In the afternoon, I found two boxes of chocolates on the table. The packaging was beautiful, and I suddenly had a big vinegar. Mom actually sent chocolates! So I quietly moved the chocolate into the study, eating it while typing, and eating the chocolate cleanly. Straight and full.

At night, my wife came back and couldn't find the chocolate. I wondered: Where did the chocolate I bought go? It turned out that she bought the trick to eat at night. She asked me if she was giving away.

I was stunned and stunned, and I squirted a chocolate flavor...

Currently being ordered to repent...

Oh, the weather is too hot, I took off the watch code word (the wife just bought it. 嘿嘿)



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