The comments under the post were mixed.

There are those who keep repeating the 24-character amulet of "prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony".

There is [Amitabha Buddha, unintentionally opened it, and the evil spirits retreated].

It's more about giving ideas to the poster.

[Go find a master and have a look! 】

【Don’t sleep at home tonight! go out! Must go out! 】

[Oh my god, the poster is similar to my experience when I was a child. After that time, I had a high fever for a long time. It was only after my mother went to a nearby temple to ask for a talisman to burn it and drink it that I got better. Or the poster would also go to the temple to worship. ? 】

A strange "clucking" noise suddenly appeared on the TV.

The sound was neither loud nor quiet, but it was enough to keep normal people awake.

Li Wu frowned.

Seeing Qingxiazi's perspective, the TV screen had returned to the evening news.

The reporter has checked into the hotel.

The time came to midnight.

Sure enough, there was a weird and strange noise in the hotel room.

It's like fingernails scratching on a blackboard.

The reporter on the screen looked in disbelief.

She walked out of the hotel room with the camera, walked throughout the hotel, and then walked out of the hotel, trying to find the source of the noise.

But in vain.

The noise disappeared the moment he walked out of the hotel room.

Even in the hotel corridor.

But once you enter any room, the noise will start suddenly again.

It seems to come from the void, and it seems to come from all directions.

In the end, the reporter was so frightened that his face turned pale.

But he still held back his composure and said to the camera.

"It seems that Uncle Liu is not lying. This kind of strange noise will appear in Guanyin Street every midnight, but where does this noise come from? We will visit relevant experts and continue to follow up."

The scene cut back to the brightly lit studio, where the host smiled and smoothed things over.

Li Wu's brows wrinkled tighter and tighter.

There is no other reason, just because the noise seems to be... somewhat... similar to the strange sound he heard in Gougou Village?

But... Blue Star, a strange thing?

Li Wu thought it was impossible.

However, he looked down at his phone.

Qingxiazi looked at the TV.

Whether it's the reports on TV or the apparent increase in various weird posts in the forums, they all seem to indicate something unusual...

Are you too sensitive?


The next evening, the fragrant garden.

Chen Xiaoxiao held her best friend's hand tightly.

My best friend walked in front, and she followed step by step behind.

The dim light of the setting sun shines into the long corridor.

Next to the security doors of some residents, there were bags of garbage that had not yet been thrown out.

The smell of food coming from unknown households floated in the air.

Everything is so normal.

But Chen Xiaoxiao is still very nervous, and the slightest disturbance can scare her!

Especially when passing by the security door of the two sisters.

She hugged her best friend tightly, trembling and wanting to cling to her, which made her best friend complain.

"Oh, don't hug me, I can't even move!"


"Is there a ghost somewhere? Look, there is a ghost somewhere! It's just a dream!"

As her best friend said this, she took out the key from Chen Xiaoxiao's bag and opened the door with ease.

Her voice and the sound of opening the door were loud, echoing in the corridor.

Chen Xiaoxiao almost burst into tears and kept saying: "Keep your voice down! Keep your voice down!"


Suddenly there was the sound of the security door opening next to him.

Chen Xiaoxiao's body suddenly froze!

I didn’t dare to turn around and look!

On the contrary, my best friend looked over and said hello with a smile on her face.

"Hello, auntie, are you going out to take out the trash?"

A few seconds later, Chen Xiaoxiao heard an answer from next to him.

"Yeah, I'm out of vinegar for cooking, so I went to buy a bottle of vinegar."

It was the voice of a middle-aged or older woman.

Only then did she dare to slowly turn her head to see the source of the sound.

It turned out to be an aunt who lived next door to her.

The aunt looked at their too close posture strangely and asked.

"Isn't this Xiaoxiao? What's wrong?"

My best friend quickly replied: "It's okay, auntie, she is sick, I will send her back."

Chen Xiaoxiao also made an ugly smile.

"Yes, Auntie, I'm sick."

Auntie is nagging.

"Young people, don't stay up late, don't eat takeout, go exercise in the park downstairs in the morning and breathe fresh air..."

She was nagging as she put on her shoes.

My best friend also opened the door of Chen Xiaoxiao's house at this time.

After saying "Auntie, I'll send her in first", he pulled Chen Xiaoxiao, who originally wanted to wait and watch at the door, into the house!

The security door slammed shut.

Auntie walked into the elevator carrying a garbage bag.

The corridor fell into silence.

As the sun sets, the sunlight shining into the corridor becomes a little weaker.


Chen Xiaoxiao curled up in the corner of the sofa holding a pillow.

Her long hair hung down and her expression was frightened.

Her best friend, who was busy helping her tidy up the house, saw her and sneered.

"Look at you like this, you look more like a female ghost than a female ghost. You really should take a picture and make an emoticon."

With that said, she went to get her mobile phone and wanted to take pictures of Chen Xiaoxiao.

Being photographed ugly is something that no girl can tolerate!

Sure enough, Chen Xiaoxiao threw down the pillow and rushed towards him, baring his teeth and claws.

"No shooting allowed!"

However, her best friend took advantage of her height and raised her phone high to deliberately anger her.

"I want to shoot, I want to shoot!"

As she spoke, she pointed the camera of her phone at Chen Xiaoxiao and pressed the shooting icon——

"Ding-a-ling, jingle-"

The iron-red landline phone next to the TV in the living room suddenly rang!

It was an old thing from the last century left by the landlord.

Since moving in, Chen Xiaoxiao has never touched it, and it has never sounded.

The sudden sound in this situation made Chen Xiaoxiao freeze.

My best friend used to come to her house to play, and she casually asked about this landline phone.

So at this moment, she frowned slightly.

"Ding-a-ling, jingle-"

The landline phone still kept ringing.

The duration of this ringing was a bit too long.

Ignoring Chen Xiaoxiao's obstruction not to let her answer the call, her best friend walked to the landline and picked up the phone.


There was no sound on the other end of the phone.

My best friend asked again: "Hello, how are you? Who are you looking for?"

Still no response.

But my best friend could vaguely hear breathing.

The breathing echoed.

It seems to be in an empty place.

Best friend: "If you don't say anything, I'll die."

In the microphone, the sound of breathing suddenly became heavier!

My bestie hung up the phone neatly!

Chen Xiaoxiao stumbled and asked: "What...what's wrong?"

My best friend flicked her hair and said, "It's okay, I must have typed it wrong."

After saying that, she walked to the refrigerator and opened it.

"What do you want to eat tonight? How about hot pot? How about turning on the air conditioner in the summer, eating a steaming hot pot, and some cold beer to drive away the bad luck all over your body?"

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