One, two, three...

When the northeastern ones were placed on the mahogany table next to the high seat, lined up in a row.

Not only did the shopkeeper's eyes widen and his breathing quickened.

Even Qingxiazi opened her eyes wide and looked at Li Wu in surprise!

The sunlight passes through the light and transparent window paper and falls on the mahogany table.

Brilliance flows.

The items placed on it are all kinds of jade!

Hetian jade bracelets, white marble jade pendants, chalcedony pendants, agate earrings, and jade rings as clear as water...

This was all something Li Wu spent a lot of hard work to hire someone to take him to their local jade market to select.

The real deal!

Of course, because of Li Wu's little thoughts, he also mixed two "modern artefacts" into these...

The shopkeeper's eyes were stunned and he didn't respond for a long time.

Qingxiazi couldn't help but ask: "Brother Xian, where do you come from with all these wǔ fū..."

Halfway through the question, he stopped again and couldn't help but sigh.

Isn’t it right for the little ancestor of Tianzi Mountain to carry many rare treasures with him?

Although these many jade rings are more precious because of their exquisite carving, they are not that precious...that's weird! ! !

Qingxiazi, even though she was Qingxiazi, had to sigh at this moment: Comparing people to each other is really irritating!

In the Shengui Continent, these jade stones are called "Jue Wan" and are important materials for monks to refine magic weapons.

Let's put it this way, the hardness, sharpness, and spirituality of a magic weapon forged with the addition of "玷玞" are much higher than the magic weapon forged without the addition of "玷玞"!

In short, Jue Wan can improve the level of magic weapons!

The more transparent and high-quality the jade is, the more it can increase the level of the magic weapon!

Therefore, Li Wu took out so many perfect-looking Jue Wan, and they were carefully carved into such exquisite and exquisite shapes.

Whether it is a gift or a collection, whether it is practicality or ornamental value, it has reached the top level!

If any one of them is taken out, it is enough to imagine that it will be robbed by others, with a price but no market!

The shopkeeper's breathing became more and more rapid.

Finally, he simply rolled his eyes and fainted!

It caused exclamations from the clerks and the ladies who crowded in the aisle to take a peek!


After a while of fussing, the shopkeeper got up from the ground shivering, bowed deeply to Li Wu, and spoke in a mute voice.

"The Immortal above, thanks to the Immortal's trust, I am self-aware. Although I have a heart for these jade pendants, I am powerless..."

After a pause, he continued.

"Let me tell you one more thing. Even in our entire Qingyang City, I'm afraid no one can eat it."

Li Wu frowned.

Does this mean you want to smash it into your hands?

Qingxiazi also interrupted.

"My dear brother, I'm afraid only 'Shout Leng Xing' can accept these jade rings at once."

Called Lengxing, it can be understood as a large chain auction house in the world of immortality.

Li Wu: "What should we do?"

Although the shopkeeper didn't have the strength, he really didn't want to let go of such a big business, so he hurriedly made supplements.

"I have a family friend who has some friendship with Ming Lengxing. If the immortal is at ease, I can make a connection..."

Logically speaking, the best way would be for Li Wu to bring his own things, call Leng Xing, and trade in person, so as to ensure the best interests.

But the priority right now isn’t making a little more money.

Instead, he quickly increased Qingxiazi's strength and returned to Blue Star to find out what was going on with those strange things that suddenly appeared!

So Li Wu nodded regardless of Qingxiazi's disapproval.

"That's okay, but I'd like to ask the shopkeeper to pay something in advance and give some collateral..."

Before he finished speaking, the shopkeeper said "Of course, of course" to his chubby wife, and went back to bring a mahogany box.

Open the double-layered small lock, then open the wooden box, and the shopkeeper takes out the items one by one.

"This is the title deed of Lao'er's Hengji Pawnshop."

"This is the three hundred acres of land in my hometown."

"This is twenty thousand taels of silver."

"These are three hundred mid-grade spirit stone tickets."

"By the way..." The shopkeeper took off a bunch of keys from his waist and handed them to the clerk, asking him to go upstairs and bring down a cassock.

While unfolding, speak at the same time.

"This is my treasure, the low-grade robe 'Seawater River Cliff Robe'. It is invulnerable to fire and like a fish when exposed to water. It can walk and breathe underwater, and it can withstand a full blow from the monks below the foundation!" "

Walking out of Hengji Pawnshop loaded with items.

Li Wu wondered whether the two "modern artefacts" mixed in the pile of jade could be seen.

At the same time, he took out another jade bracelet from his arms and handed it to Qingxiazi together with the "Haihai Jiangya Robe".

Qingxiazi was stunned.

"This... good brother?"

Li Wu: "They are all yours, dear friend."

Qingxiazi was shocked and refused again and again.

"No, no, no, I can't take it, I can't take it!"

Li Wu couldn't help but give it to him.

Then he counted the silver coins and spiritual stones in his arms.

"Now you and I are both prosperous and devastated. The improvement of your realm is equivalent to the improvement of my realm. Do you understand?"

After saying that, he walked forward.

"Let's go and see if there are any other suitable ones."

"By the way, are there any shops in Qingyang City that sell monks' magic weapons?"

"Why don't you go and temper your sword with a hammer first?"

"By the way, dear friend, how long does it take you to absorb one middle-grade spirit stone? Can you work hard today to absorb all three hundred middle-grade spirit stones?"

"Is it too difficult for you?"

"But I think, dear friend, you are talented and smart, and if you work hard, you should... be able to do it?"

Li Wu said that he hadn't heard Qingxiazi's movements for a long time.

Look around, no one is there.

When he turned around, he saw Qingxiazi standing there holding Hai Haijiang Yapao, with a stunned expression.

The sun was shining, Li Wu smiled heartily and shouted to Qingxiazi.

"What are you doing standing there? Let's go!"

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