Can this question be answered?

If you answer, prepare to go back and do a review, cut your salary, suspend your job, cancel all evaluations, and close the dark room first!

So Kuroko and the three of them looked at each other in tacit understanding.

Run away!

After all, in addition to instructing them to monitor and follow, their superiors also specifically ordered that there must be no conflict!

At that time, Sang Jun stupidly asked, "Can I take it down on the spot?"

As a result, I got a look from the leader like he was looking at a fool.

But the three of them did not expect that they ran out a few steps!

There was a "bang"!

It's like hitting an invisible wall!

Three people were knocked to the ground violently!

Severe pain rushed to his mind from where he was hit.

The pain was so painful that they couldn't relax for a long time.

When he regained consciousness, he saw Li Wu standing two steps away from them, looking down at them.

Cloud boots, Taoist robes, and high bun.

The light shines on the face, half-dark.

It's like a god overlooking the human world.

The captain put down the hand rubbing his forehead and stood up reluctantly, "What do you want to do?"

Heizi quietly pressed the headset next to his ear and made three short quick sounds.

That was the secret code between them.

It means the situation is urgent and support is urgently needed.

Li Wu looked at the captain and opened his thin lips lightly.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to know who sent you to follow me."

Sang Jun stood up from the ground, pointed at Li Wu and said sternly.

"You criminal, don't be too arrogant!"

It was too late for the captain to stop him.

Li Wu's eyes were clear, "Criminals?"

The angry Sang Jun threw away the captain's hand.

"I am talking about you!"

Li Wu smiled slightly, "Oh, I know who sent you."

Sang Jun was instantly stuck.

Li Wu asked again, "How to find so-and-so?"

At this time, even Sang Jun, who was full of regret, could no longer keep silent.

In the subway station, the messy sound of running "kick, kick, kick" echoed.

The captain turned around and touched the wall of air that still existed behind him, wondering how Li Wu could do it.

But obviously, this is not the time to dwell on this.

He looked at Li Wu and said, "Let us go."

Li Wu actually wanted to let them go at this time.

After all, he didn't want to conflict with Chinese officials.

What's more, he has great respect for these "heroes" fighting on the front lines.

However, in order to maintain the character he had already set for Qingxiazi as "a man who has been cultivating in the mountains for hundreds of years and has no knowledge of the world," he could only ask further questions.

"Of course I will let you go, but could you please tell me how you found me?"

After asking, without waiting for the three captains to reply, Li Wu began to answer in his heart.

How else to find it? There are so many people taking photos, and there is no cover-up along the way. Do you really think that the officials are just for free?

Alas, it would be better to contact them earlier. Just looking at the posture on Guanyin Street, this Blue Star is definitely going to change drastically.

Even Spider-Man can't save the entire New York. How can I save the 9.6 million square kilometers of China by myself?

Hmm... The officials shouldn't be stupid enough to arrest me and have me sliced ​​into pieces, right?


The messy footsteps stopped.

Support personnel finally arrived.

From a distance, they saw the three captains confronting Li Wu, but they did not dare to get too close.

They just raised their pistols and shouted: "Don't move!"

"Now I'm warning you..."

"Let our captain go!"

A few ordinary pedestrians were frightened by this battle and screamed at high decibels, running wildly!

Li Wu looked at them and knew that the group of people in front of him would rather die than reveal anything more.

Then he sighed slightly.

"That's all," he said: "Since you are official, you don't want to say anything, and you won't force yourself to do anything. It's just that the world is about to change drastically. In the future, you must be more careful in your actions and avoid being reckless. Avoid, avoid."

As his few words drifted away, the captain and all of them opened their eyes wide with shock on their faces!

Because, in their eyes, every time Li Wu said a word, he took a step forward!

And every step you take is a few meters away!

A second ago, there was still an afterimage in place.

The next second, his figure appeared a few meters away!

The afterimage is like the original animation painting, connected into a walking motion!

And when the words fell, the lingering sound was still lingering.

Li Wu's figure has long since disappeared!

Only the bright incandescent light was left, reflecting the smooth floor tiles.

Captain and others, you look at me and I look at you.

Turn around again and carefully touch behind you.

Are there any invisible obstacles?

"Team...Captain," Sang Jun's voice trembled, "I...was I dreaming just now?"

The captain didn't answer him.

Because he didn't know how to answer.

He kept taking deep breaths, closing and opening his eyes.

Sang Jun still couldn't stop mumbling.

"No wonder... no wonder the boss gave us such a weird mission. The usual targets were taken down immediately after they were discovered... We have to be able to take down this one!"

"A great change of heaven and earth? What does a great change of heaven and earth mean? Is it just like in the TV series, with demons and ghosts..."

"Shut up!" The captain turned his head and shouted.

He pointed at Sang Jun and cursed.

"If you don't change your mouth, you will cause big trouble sooner or later!"

After saying that, he turned around and gave orders to the other team members who were still confused.

"Do you still remember the confidentiality policy?"

Everyone’s instinctive answer is: “Remember!”

Captain: "Protect the scene, contact the subway staff, copy and monitor, report to the bureau, and control witnesses and related personnel!"

Everyone: "Yes!"


It’s so exciting to just show off and run away!

To ensure safety, Li Wu, who went home invisible for the rest of the journey, turned around in a circle after entering the door, clenching his fists happily.

You know, when we were ordinary people in the past, even if we had a little money, how could we enjoy such treatment?

Even if you go to a Taoist temple and donate tens of millions, people will just treat you to a cup of tea in a friendly manner and treat you as a distinguished guest.

And officials.

In the past, how dare you talk to officials like this?

I’m afraid I want to try the taste of three free meals!

Besides, he just wanted to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, once I tried it, it was unexpectedly successful!

When the strange thing is born, it will have the identity of a real walking interventionist.

You can also use your experience in Shengui Continent to guide and teach the officials.

But after being excited for a while, Li Wu suddenly thought of Guanyin Street, and his excitement gradually faded.

Such a thick black mist... A, B, C, D, Wu and Ji are definitely not E-level or J-level.




Li Wu didn't dare to think about it.

Through his observation and intuition, the strange thing on Guanyin Street will be born before midnight tomorrow at the latest.

Just when he was hesitating whether to return to the Shengui Continent for temporary rest.

A paper crane with fluttering green leaves and fluttering small wings hit the window twice.

"Ta, ta-ta!"

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