The heavy casualties in Guanyun Mountain were not Li Wu's original intention.

When he learned the news and rushed over, those missing people were basically buried in the belly of the Buddha's head.

But Qingxiazi is only in the later stage of foundation building.

No matter how powerful you are, you can't change your destiny and bring the dead back to life!

But at this moment, looking at the bustling crowds around, there are all living creatures.

Li Wu felt that if he could really watch so many people die tragically here.

Then what Blue Star did he save? What country of China are you protecting?

It's better to close your eyes, deafen your ears, retreat to the Shengui Continent, and become a wealthy man by buying and selling!

So, under everyone's gaze, he touched his hands.

There are more than ten small gray-yellow flags in the palm of the hand.

The small flags are each as big as a palm, and the surface of the flag is engraved with extremely mysterious patterns. The flagpole looks like gold and wood, and the dark light flows, making it impossible to identify the material.

In the afternoon, he returned to Shengui Continent. In addition to Xiaobai, he also brought over all the magic weapons he had collected during this period, as well as Qingxiazi's own magic weapons!

This [Flag of Four Seas and Eight Directions] is one of them.

As a formation flag, once formed, a protective barrier can be created to protect everyone within the barrier.

Just a little bit bad.

The attack power it can withstand changes according to the formation range.

In other words, the smaller the range of the formation, the greater the attack power that the formation can resist.

However, the larger the range of the formation, the smaller the attack power that the barrier can withstand.

Guanyin Street is not small and there are so many people.

If you want to protect everyone, this formation can only withstand a full blow from the monks in the early stage of Qi Refining.

But at this moment, there is no better way.

Li Wu's lips moved.

All the little flags slowly floated into the air!

In the drizzle of the night sky, dark light flows!

The eyes of the people around him were wide-eyed.

Some people even jumped on the spot twice involuntarily.

I want to test and see if Blue Star's law of universal gravitation has failed tonight?

But jumping around, he still has to fall to the ground.

There is no change in the height of the jump.

They had to admit that the rules of physics were still valid on Blue Star.

The only thing that didn't work was the person in front of me...or rather, this immortal.

With everyone watching, Li Wu simply drew a few symbols with his right hand.

The speed is extremely fast, leaving only afterimages!

When the last afterimage was fixed, more than a dozen small flags made a "whoosh" sound! Flying in all directions at the same time!

Causing a small exclamation.

But the exclamations were quickly muffled and swallowed back by their respective owners.


In the distance, two helicopters circled their propellers and flew towards this direction.


A fighter jet emitted a super sonic explosion and streaked across Guanyin Street at a very low altitude, leaving a white mark in the air.

People couldn't help but stir.

"Holy shit, look at that look, isn't it a 10?"

"I actually saw that it was really 10 years old!"

"Why do I have a bad feeling... Even fighter jets are dispatched. What's going on here?"

"Fucking swordsman! Swordsman! If anyone tells me to believe in science in the future, I will slap him twice!"

"I just said Guanyun Mountain is real! You still don't believe it! Hahahahahaha!"

"Guanyun Mountain...Guanyun Mountain! There are monsters here!!!"

"Go, go, go!"

There are also people with bright eyes and crazy faces who refuse to leave even if they are pulled hard by the people next to them.

"Don't drag me!!! It's written in the novel that in a world of great strife, the closer you are to danger, the more likely you are to become the protagonist of the era! I want to stay! You go on your own!"

Li Wu didn't pay attention to what was going on in the sky.

The men still drew signs calmly.

Then, suddenly!

In the sky, the small flags in their respective positions also glowed brightly into the sky!

Like beams of powerful searchlights!


The first small flag located at the intersection of Guanyin Street emits white light horizontally, connecting to the second small flag!

The second small flag is connected to the third small flag!

The third side connects to the fourth side...

The small flags are connected to each other by the white light they emit.

The last small flag is waiting to be connected!

A semicircular light mask with a flowing halo.

Just like a light curtain, it gradually fell and enveloped the entire Guanyin Street!


"Wow, oh, god! What a god!"

Many people who happened to run next to the mask were too busy to stop and move back!

The people behind didn't react.

A big fall!

Amid the commotion, Li Wu's faint voice sounded.

Like an echo, it resounded throughout Guanyin Street.

"This is a protective barrier. It will not hinder you. Something strange is about to appear here. I hope you will evacuate as soon as possible."

At the same time, as if to cooperate with Li Wu, loud horn sounds were heard from the two helicopters.

"Dear citizens, for your safety, please cooperate with nearby officials to evacuate this place as soon as possible!"

"Dear citizens, for your safety, please cooperate with nearby officials to evacuate this place as soon as possible!"


Police cars with flashing red and blue lights drew dark gray ruts on the road and stopped.

The car door opened and dozens of heavily armed police officers got out.

As if they had rehearsed it many times, their eyes invariably focused on Li Wu.

But in just a second, they looked away, quickly got into position, and started their work.

Some raised cordons.

"Please give way, please give way..."

Some evacuated the crowd.

"This way! This way! Don't crowd! Don't rush!"

Some were looking for spots, their eyes scanning the chaotic scene like hawks.

With a click, the door of one of the police cars opened.

A pair of feet wearing black leather shoes stretched out and got out of the car.

He has a short and chubby figure, small eyes, a face that has aged many years overnight, and gray hair.

It was Bureau Liu.

Director Liu took a deep look at Li Wu, who was standing in the center of the crowd with a flying sword.

The incident at Guanyun Mountain a few days ago resulted in heavy casualties in the Bureau.

It's impossible for the higher-ups to just sit back and watch.

I was ordered to investigate and found a lot of them from top to bottom.

He is one of them.

It turns out that at present, he is still in the stage of suspension and inspection.

But the incident happened too suddenly tonight, and the superiors could not find a replacement for a while, so they had to dig him out again.

After confirming that Li Wu was the swordsman who caused the Guanyun Mountain incident.

Bureau Liu suddenly felt his heart congested.

There are so many questions to ask.

There are so many things to say.

I don’t know where to start asking or talking about it.

Besides, now is not the time to ask questions.

He even had no identity to ask Li Wu questions.

He had no choice but to look deeply at Li Wu again, and when he turned around, he hid all his emotions and calmly commanded his subordinates.

"One team sets up defense."

"Team 2 blocks the intersection."

"All other detachments evacuate the people!"

at this time--


Screams suddenly sounded!

Looking around, I saw a large group of black mist-like bats, flapping their wings and swooping out of the office building!

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The overwhelming sound bites everyone's eardrums!

The bats swoop! Hit the mask!

The light mask creates water ripples like drizzle falling into a pool!

The bats were still flapping their wings one after another.

They have horrifying and ugly faces with wrinkled skin, big ears and pig noses, sharp teeth, and small red eyes.

It is clearly reflected in everyone’s pupils under the light mask!


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