With the sound of the clock.

"Chuck, cluck, cluck..."

Suddenly there was a "gurgling" sound on Guanyin Street that made people feel sad and tearful.

It seemed to be floating faintly from the small hole in the manhole cover on the ground.

It also seems to be rippling out to the streets from the loosely closed windows of office buildings, shopping malls, and residential buildings in all directions.

Residents of Guanyin Street are already very familiar with this sound.

But there were still many people who looked around in fright at the strange sound.

"what sound?"

"Did you hear that?"

Gradually, gradually, the "clucking" sound became louder and louder.

Jiang Ye, whose face was already pale, murmured.

"That's the sound! That's the sound!"

He suddenly raised his head and spoke loudly to Li Wu incoherently.

"That's the sound! In the building, this sound... the female ghost... Guanyin..."

Before he could explain why, Li Wu raised his hand and interrupted him.

Li Wu's eyes were fixed on the ninth floor of the office building.

Many people also followed Li Wu's gaze and looked towards the ninth floor.

But they saw nothing but darkness.

However, they heard Li Wu speak.

There was no emotion in the voice, only the orders from the superior to the inferior.

He said: "Get out of this street immediately."

After a second of silence.

The people are like burning oil boiling in a fire, boiling all of a sudden!

There was a man who picked up his baby with his right hand, dragged his wife with his left hand and ran away!

There were young lovers holding hands and running away on bat corpses.

There were passers-by supporting their injured brothers and family members, looking for hiding places everywhere.

There were also a few elderly people running out of breath and resting for a while.

There were also some people who were kneeling on the ground, holding their relatives who did not know whether they were alive or dead, and crying loudly in panic.

The police officers, following Bureau Liu's orders, helped people quickly evacuate Guanyin Street.

Help injured colleagues and people into ambulances.

Carrying women and children on their backs.

Standing at the intersection and giving instructions at the top of his lungs...

After what happened just now, no one would doubt Li Wu's words anymore.

In the chaos of the crowd, the little policewoman who watched Yunshan last time ran back to Director Liu against the crowd and asked him to evacuate with the crowd.

But Director Liu stood there and stopped her persuasion.

He kept his eyes fixed on the darkness of the ninth floor and spoke slowly, his voice hoarse.

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

The little policewoman was so anxious that she kept persuading and even asked questions with a blushing face.

"Director Liu, if you insist on staying here, apart from putting yourself in danger, what's the point of it!?"

Bureau Liu did not answer for a long time.

In fact, he didn't know why he insisted on staying.

But whenever he thinks of the hundreds of young police officers who were buried in Guanyun Mountain, he can't sleep at night and his heart is as sharp as a knife!

In the past few days, he had attended no less than twenty funerals.

In the police station, there are also relatives with tears on their faces every day, going to go through various procedures.

He hates it and blames himself!

Perhaps only by staying can he alleviate a little of his inner pain.

He wanted to see how powerful this mysterious and strange thing was, and how capable it was of being able to swallow hundreds of his outstanding and promising subordinates in one go!

In the end, the little policewoman had no choice but to leave first.

Liu Bureau was left alone, his feet were firmly nailed to the spot as if there were nails growing on them.

Within a minute, half of Guanyin Street was empty.

Only three people, Li Wu, Liu Bureau, and Jiang Ye, who also stayed behind for some reason, were left.

The drizzle is still falling mistily.

The stagnant water soaked in bat blood reflects colorful neon lights.

The night wind blew lonely confetti corpses on the ground.

Suddenly, the non-stop "clucking" sound turned into three thick and deep bells!




It seemed to echo from ancient times and hit everyone's heart hard.

Then, a low and heavy sound sounded, accompanied by their heartbeats.

"After ninety-one calamities..."

The voice was solemn and solemn.

But it looks like a woman but not a man, as misty as empty, as resentful as admiring!

The voice chanted to the beat of every heartbeat.

"There is the Buddha Vipa. Thirty-one kalpas ago, there was a corpse of the Buddha's name abandoned. In that kalpa, Vipa Tathagata appeared. In this virtuous kalpa, countless Navi years..."

Every time the heart beats, a new echo will grow in the ears!

Echo upon echo, one sentence upon the next.

But in the blink of an eye, Guanyin Street was echoing with thousands of voices!

"A person at the time of Visva's body has a lifespan of eighty-four thousand years. A person at the time of the body abandoning the Buddha has a lifespan of 70,000 years. A person at the time of Vaishvah has a lifespan of 60,000 years..."

Dense, scattered and noisy, falling like an overwhelming fishing net, covering and entangled in everyone's heart!

The policeman who was running and rescuing people a second ago suddenly felt like he was being shocked by electric shocks and stood frozen on the spot.

He heard the overlapping chanting, the beating of his heart like a drum, and the blood rushing through his body around his ears.

"Plop, puff, puff..."

""Vibhashi Tathagata, the corpse abandons Vishapa. This third level of enlightenment comes from the surname of Koliruo. Since the remaining three Tathagatas came from the surname Kassapa..."

The voice still chanted without stopping.

The ninth floor of the office building.

A figure slowly walked out of the thick black fog, revealing itself to the world.

He was a monk with lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes.

Wear plain robes, turbans, and straw sandals.

Can't identify male and female.

If it weren't for the black mist surging all over her body, even if Li Wu saw it, he wouldn't dare to confirm that she was a monster!

She stood in the air, billowing with the night wind.

Wisps of black mist melted from her moving lips.

This black mist can be seen by everyone.

Every time she recited a sentence, a wisp of black mist would emit from her body.

Black mist shrouded her brightly.

Shrouded in dim street lights.

Covered in misty drizzle.

she chanted.

"I am now the Supreme Being, guiding and controlling all sentient beings."

Then, everything in the world shrouded in black mist spoke in unison.

"This is what I say to everyone, you should listen carefully."

The office building opened a huge mouth and chanted.


The huge poster hanging in the mall emits a strange smile and chants.

"Born to sleep."

Countless drizzle threads struggled to grow out of their mouths and chanted.

"Sheng Ming."

The camphor trees covered with colorful lights in the green belt moved layer by layer, revealing two white and tender arms.

A mouth on one arm chanted loudly.


The other arm was spread out to caress the sluggish passers-by on the ground, chanting.

"Sheng Hui."

Every bat corpse lying on the road was swaying and tangled in the stagnant water, and a huge white lotus happily bloomed in its place.

Each lotus flower splits its two fleshy lips and chants in unison.

"Birth certificate."

Everything in the sky, the left, the right, the south, the north, and the earth follows the monk's path.

"Birth without cause, aging and death, no birth and death, so aging and death, birth and death without cause, birth and death without cause, birth and death without cause, existence and non-existence..."

"Taking and annihilation cause there is annihilation. Love has no reason to take. Love annihilates so it takes and dies. Feeling has no reason. Love has no feeling. Therefore love dies. Contact has no reason to receive. There is no contact and cessation is why suffering is annihilated..."

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