"There is an order from the superiors to select a few of the team that tracked the mysterious man last time to join a new department."

"I elected you."

After the captain finished speaking, he waited for Sang Jun's reaction.

Sang Jun suddenly raised his head!

So the captain looked at him helplessly, his face with strong features curled into a cry.

"Captain, do you not want me anymore?"

The captain was instantly numb and had goosebumps all over his body.

He originally wanted to explain it to Sang Jun, but now he simply waved his hand and stood up.

"Okay, okay, grown man, isn't it disgusting? The new department has many opportunities, great potential, and better benefits than ours. If it weren't for the fact that I can't get away from here, I would want to go!"

"Pack your things and report here next Monday."

After saying that, he handed Sang Jun a piece of paper with an address, and the captain walked out the door.

Sang Jun was left alone to shout from behind.

"Captain, you really don't want me? Captain! Hey, Captain, don't leave. You haven't told me the specific salary yet! Is anyone going with me? Tell me!"

It wasn't until the captain's back disappeared into the corridor as he walked faster and faster that Sang Jun lowered his head and looked at the note in his hand.

[Little Mao Hutong, Jianhua Road, Capital...]

"What the hell, the capital!?"

Sang Jun hurriedly opened the door and shouted.

"Will the air tickets be reimbursed, Captain!?"


Sitting back in the solitary room, Sang Jun picked up his cell phone.

First, I informed my family that I was safe and responded to some messages from friends and colleagues.

Then, he opened the short video software.

"Let me see if the dancing skills of the beautiful bloggers I follow have improved recently."

He whistled to himself.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the whistle stopped abruptly.

He looked at the screen in disbelief!

in the screen.

With exciting background music.

Dim street lights, drizzle.

The familiar street scene of Guanyin Street.

Bustling passers-by.

A golden light rises from the ground!

Rush to the office building!

Catch a falling person!

The camera zooms in.

The profile of the person stepping on the golden light is extremely clear.

It also made Sang Jun feel familiar.

"Fuck, this isn't... this isn't..."

He looked at the number of likes on the video.

It has exceeded...50 million! ?

Click on the comment area.

The number one favorite has actually exceeded 5 million likes!

【Fuck ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! 】

A simple sentence expresses this person's unparalleled complex emotions such as shock, grief, anger, excitement, joy, and disbelief.

and an extremely disturbed mental state.

It deserves to be the number one favorite.

The comments below are even more varied.

【real! ? real! ? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha] which

[I can’t get into this bad class! ! ! 】

[I'm afraid this is true, but I'm also afraid it's not true (crying)]

[Come, drink this bowl of wine, and let us all become brothers in Ten Thousand Soul Banners! 】

[Why are you cultivators hiding this from me! Now I'm the only one left running on the ground! Not too much! ! ! 】

[Everyone really thinks that the world can cultivate immortality, are you the proud man of heaven? (Smile)】

[Go and watch other videos! Cultivation into immortality is not as beautiful as imagined! terrible! ! ! 】

[Ah~ I was discovered~ Let’s show off, stop pretending]

Sang Jun held the phone tightly, trembling his hands, and slid to the next video.

The monk with lowered eyebrows stood in the sky and recited scriptures.

The surrounding buildings, posters, trees and other things all struggled with their mouths and hands, and chanted closely.

"Beget wisdom, be aware, be enlightened..."

Comment: [Oops, I seem to be penetrated by a demonic sound, and I am about to fall into the devil's path (vomiting blood)]

[Comrades, don’t be afraid! I am coming! ! There are thousands of heroes behind us! (Pictured: Military parade honor guard)]

[Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, patriotism, friendliness, integrity, and dedication...]

[It’s so spicy that I’m so scared that I’ll never go out at night again from now on! 】

[Ladies and sisters, don’t be afraid! Come and shrink into the arms of a big sports boy with 180 and eight-pack abs! 】

[Can I weakly apply to return to the previous world where everything followed the laws of physics...]

Next video.

The man in Taoist robes stood in the air without any wind.

His face was grim.

The hand technique left an afterimage in the air.

The moment the action stops!

Countless raindrops all around stopped instantly!

Golden light slowly overflowed.

Bright as stars.

The giant sword gradually emerged from behind the man in Taoist robes, like the sun rising.

It makes men look more like gods and Buddhas descending to earth!

Just when all the audience was immersed in this deep shock and couldn't help themselves, their whole bodies were trembling and their spirits were extremely excited.

The image swept across the ground.

Corpses littered the fields.

Monsters are everywhere.

Then, the earth trembled and roared violently!

A wall of golden light presses down from the top, annihilating every imaginable thing!

The black mist spreads layer by layer.

Finally, the scene freezes.

It freezes on a little girl lying in the rain.

The girl is about three or four years old, with pigtails and a chubby face. She is also wearing a white down jacket in the style of a princess dress.

However, she just lay quietly in the rain.

The white down jacket on his body was soaked through, and his hair was stuck to his pale face.

With his eyes closed, he seemed to have fallen into a peaceful sleep.

The rainwater flows in a thin stream, mixed with the deep red blood...

It was like being splashed with cold water, and the audience outside the screen was immediately stunned!

Boiling blood cools.

This video is even more popular, with more than 60 million likes.

Clicking on the comment area, the screen full of [(candle)(candle)(putting hands together)(putting hands together)] was mixed with a few comments with extremely high likes.

[The last person lying on the ground is my little niece, whose nickname is Niannian. She is very well-behaved and can eat by herself with a big spoon. She will share her favorite cheese sticks with me. Her favorite children's song is "Baby Shark". Her favorite thing to say is "Please". She likes it most when I bring it with me. She went back to her hometown to catch dragonflies. By the way, she also secretly liked a boy named "Xuanxuan" in their kindergarten. She would share with us every day what delicious food Xuanxuan gave her. Xuanxuan protected her, and Xuanxuan took her with her. She is playing eagle and catching chicks... Please remember that there once came a little girl in this beautiful world, and her nickname was Niannian. 】

Sang Jun felt his nose was sore and liked this comment.

The second most popular post also has a high number of likes.

[Flying with a sword, splitting mountains and chasing the sea... You only saw the elegant and splendor of the world of cultivation "Wandering toward the North Sea at Dusk and Cangwu", but you didn't see the withered bones and the trembling fangs underneath. Get ready to face the new world, and remember that every kiss in the world of cultivation can be fatal. 】

Just when people felt their blood was getting colder and were confused and doubtful, they saw another sentence.

This sentence brings together the roars of hundreds of millions of Chinese people over the past thousands of years.

It represents their determination and unwillingness to fight to the death without regrets even if their bodies are broken into pieces.

And everyone who saw this sentence couldn't help but be stunned!

The fire rekindled in his eyes.

This sentence is————

[Princes, generals, and ministers would rather have the seed! ! ! ! ! ! 】

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