After leaving the hospital, Li Wu returned to the small hotel to catch up on his sleep.

After waking up, I looked at the time and saw that it was almost the same, so I went to Shengui Continent to attend the city lord's banquet.

The jade steps are like Tongting, and the beauties are like clouds.

Then I thought of the hungry refugees outside the city.

Li Wucai had a deeper understanding of the saying "The wine and meat in the rich family smells bad, and the road is frozen to death."

At the banquet, the city lord kept making insinuations about Li Wu's identity.

Li Wu smiled but didn't answer.

Later, during the banquet, several people reached an agreement.

Li Wu gave the city lord some corn seeds and sweet potato seeds to try out.

In exchange, the city lord needs to be responsible for resettling the refugees outside the city and giving him some spiritual stones and magic weapons.

In fact, compared to these, Li Wu wanted him to introduce monks to the Golden Core Stage and even the Nascent Soul Stage.

But the city lord was confused.

"In Qinghe City, the only Golden Core Stage cultivator that I am familiar with is the head of the Ding family, 'Ding Lingyun', but he has been in seclusion to attack the Nascent Soul in recent years. I haven't seen him for a long time."

The head of the Ding family, Ding Lingyun.

Li Wu secretly remembered the name.

After the banquet, the city lord forced them to stay and invited them to listen to operas and music and play leaf cards.

After soaking in the warm fragrant nephrite for most of the day, it was already dark when I went out.

Behind him, the high vermilion door creaked shut.

Two red lanterns above the head swayed gently, casting dim light all over the ground.

Li Wu took a deep breath of the cold and snowy wind, and gathered up the black fox cloak around his body.

He took out some silver coins from his arms and handed them to several young prostitutes who were following behind him, holding various musical instruments in their arms.

The young prostitute looked a little surprised.

The city lord has already paid their money.

Li Wu smiled and said, "As a reward, you don't have to follow us. Go back."

"Thank you for your kindness."

The young prostitutes knelt down and bowed gently, then left together obediently.

Qingxiazi stood nearby, watching with those quiet eyes without making a sound.

After the young prostitute walked away, Li Wu turned to look at him and asked with a smile: "Are you going for a walk?"

Qingxiazi nodded slightly just now.

The two walked side by side on the snowy stone road.

The soft and thick cloud boots stepped on the snow, almost silently.

Li Wu: "I have a question."

Qingxiazi: "Huh?"

Li Wu: "Is there any technique that can be practiced without using spiritual energy?"

When Li Wu asked this question, he couldn't help but laugh.

This question is like, is there a car that can run without refueling, a TV that can be watched without electricity, and a girl that can cook without paying money?

Unexpectedly, Qingxiazi didn't smile. Instead, she looked up at the starry night sky and answered.


Li Wu: "!!??"

Qingxiazi turned to look at him and explained.

"If the aura you are talking about refers to the aura of all things in the world, then it does not exist, but if you only refer to the aura of heaven and earth..."

He smiled slightly and said, "Did you forget the bead?"


A few days later.

Blue Star, Jicheng.

As a senior high school student, especially a senior high school student in Jicheng, it was almost midnight when Gan Lin staggered home with his schoolbag on his shoulder.

When he reached the gate of the community, he was surprised.

The gate of the community, which should normally be deserted at this moment, is now parked with many police cars with red and blue lights flashing.

There were also some onlookers in pajamas.

what happened?

He stood behind the crowd and stood on tiptoe to look, but saw nothing.

But I heard the crowd discussing.

"I heard he died miserably."

"The blood is reaching the ceiling!"

"In the end what happened?"

"I heard from Mr. Wang that he saw a figure in black clothes and walked directly through this door! He was scared to death!"

"Isn't it the recent... that... that... weird thing?"

"Oh, don't talk about it, my back is freezing this summer."


Strange thing?

During this time, strange things have been a hot topic among their school classmates.

It’s just that most of the currently known monster incidents occur in the south.

Some students regret that there are no such places in the north.

Do those weird things look down on them from the north?

Is this coming?

Gan Lin became more and more interested and was about to listen for a while.

But his mother called and asked why he hadn't arrived home yet.

He left sadly.

There are still police officers guarding the gate of the community.

After confirming that he was indeed a resident of the community, he was let in.

I also gave a special reminder.

"Let me tell you, adults, if you can go out and stay in a hotel these days, you should go out and stay."

So Gan Lin, who was walking under the shadow of the trees, became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Whether it’s branches showing their claws in the dim light, strange-shaped trash cans, or big rocks in the green belt...

It looks like a weird thing!

In just one short walk, he almost scared himself to death!

Go under the building.

He saw that the building next door was brightly lit and cordoned off, with many police officers coming in and out.

He was stretching his neck, hesitating whether to pass by, when he heard the roar of a Hedong lion.


Gan Lin was startled and turned around to take a look.

It was his sister who was waiting for him downstairs in her pajamas.

My sister commanded expressionlessly.

"walk home!"

Gan Lin shrank his neck and quickly followed.

At home, the lights are bright.

My parents had already entered the bedroom, and there was a large bowl fastened with a plate on the dining table.

My sister put on her slippers and walked to her bedroom without looking back.

"After eating, wash the dishes by yourself. After washing, go back to the bedroom and sleep."

Sitting at the dining table, Gan Lin opened the plate.

Inside is steaming hot egg fried rice.

He was indeed hungry and stuffed a big mouthful into his mouth.

The aroma of eggs mixed with the aroma of rice warms the stomach.

He took out his mobile phone and checked the class group.

I was surprised to find that the whole group exploded!

[Holy shit, shit, shit! I will buy a plane ticket to go to the mountain city tomorrow! ! ! No one can stop me! 】

[Tsk, tomorrow is the final exam, let’s go through the hurdles of my parents first. 】

[Made, I just checked and the air ticket to the mountain city has already increased to this amount! You can afford it! 】

(Screenshot of air ticket prices in Feishan City, Jicheng, the red numbers show: 7896 yuan)

【I also need to go! Even if you can’t afford a plane ticket! I want to go by train for three days and three nights! 】

[(crying) There are no tickets for the train either! 】

(Jicheng Feishancheng train tickets, whether without seats, hard seats, hard sleepers, or soft sleepers, all show "ticket grabbing")

【Let’s form a group! Let’s go as a group! (excited)】

【You are crazy! ? 】

[Nearly four thousand kilometers, you go and walk, haha]

[Go, Saonian, I will remember to burn paper for you (silence) (silence) (candle) (candle)]

Gan Lin watched for a long time without knowing what they were talking about.

Scroll through the chat history as hard as you can.

At the top, the monitor shared a link to a website.

The name of the website is [Huaguo Abnormal Event Investigation and Processing Center]

Just seeing this name, countless exploding fireworks popped up in Ganlin's head!

Take another look at the web link title:

[Announcement of Immortal Selection]

The spoon in his hand clinked and fell to the ground.

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