A few days ago.

Capital, Xiaomao Hutong.

The people living in this alley are ordinary people.

Although in the third ring road where land is at a premium, owning a small courtyard house is no longer ordinary.

But in many courtyard houses in these alleys, two or three families still live together.

To be honest, the area for personal use is not as big as any rural farmer's house in China.

Even if you say you have money, you still have money.

Even if you say you have no money, you don’t have any money either.

In the deepest part of this alley, there is a courtyard house with the house number [43].

Two majestic stone lions stand at the door, and the red door is tightly closed.

If you ask the nearby residents, they only know that people come in and out of this courtyard house every day.

It seems to be some official organization.

But no matter how specific it is, it’s not clear.

And if you pass through the vermilion gate and turn around the "Five Blessings" screen wall, you can see a three-story building with gray walls.

This building occupies the main house position in the traditional courtyard layout.

The east and west wing rooms on the left and right sides are still traditional blue-tiled houses.

It looks a little weird.

But if you push open the right side room, you will find that there is actually a small canteen inside.

Sunlight shines through the old-fashioned green wood lattice windows and onto the six round wooden tables placed inside.

Sang Jun was sitting at a round table by the window, using chopsticks to pick up a large cluster of mixed noodles and stuffing it into his mouth.

After chewing it twice, he started to mumble.

"The mixed sauce noodles in the old capital are so bad? They are bland and tasteless. They are not as delicious as any noodle shop in our mountain city."

After saying that, he picked up the chili oil and vinegar on the table and added them to the bowl.

Chili oil is not spicy at all for him.

But the vinegar was too much, and it made him grin.

While he was wiping his mouth with paper, he was thinking about ordering some takeout and making do.

He caught a glimpse of a figure floating in the yard outside.

The familiar broad robe and big sleeves, the familiar tall and straight figure.

Wait until you see that face clearly!

Sang Jun's pupils shrank suddenly!

He dropped his chopsticks and rushed out!


There were two or three staff members in the yard, and they also noticed Li Wu.

While they were wondering.

A person suddenly appeared in front of Li Wu's eyes!

"Your Majesty!!!"

The man shouted with excitement, which inexplicably reminded Li Wu of a golden retriever.

He felt a little familiar.

But I don’t know him.

Sang Jun tried his best to introduce him.

"Me! That time in the Shancheng subway station!..."

After his reminder, Li Wu finally remembered.

"It is you."

Li Wu's voice flowed into Sang Jun's heart like a gurgling mountain spring.

It made him feel extremely satisfied.

"Why did your Majesty come to our Little Hetero Center?" Sang Jun asked.

Li Wu: "I have something important to discuss with your people in power."

Sang Jun heard this and volunteered.

"Okay, the big boss's office is on the third floor. Your Majesty, follow me!"


Sang Jun was walking in a dog-legged way in front.

Li Wu followed slowly behind.

From the first floor to the third floor.

There was a lot of excitement and excitement all the way.

By the time they reached the third floor, a large group of people had gathered behind them.

Everyone was discussing excitedly and quietly.

His eyes were glued to Li Wu's body, and he couldn't even peel it off.

But no one took out electronic devices such as mobile phones to take pictures.

It seems that the confidentiality training was done well.

Sang Jun knocked on Gu Xiaonan's office door from the front.

There was a voice coming from inside.


Sang Jun held the door handle and opened the door.

Behind the large desk, Gu Xiaonan was writing something with a pen.

He asked without raising his eyelids.

"What's up?"

There was still uncontrollable excitement in Sang Jun's voice.

"Leader, Qingxia Zun is here."

Gu Xiaonan didn't hear clearly.


Sang Jun raised his voice.

"Leader, Qingxia Zun is here!!!"

The pen in Gu Xiaonan's hand stopped.

look up.

His eyes happened to hit Qingxiazi who was standing at the door, her eyes as calm as a thousand-year-old cold pond.


Half an hour later.

Gu Xiaonan opened the office door.

All the employees guarding outside were squatting or standing, all raising their heads and looking at her with burning eyes.

she ordered.

"Xiao Xiang, go help me arrange a car, and also help me contact the President's Office and tell me that I have something important to report to the President in person."

A man standing by the window agreed and ran away.

Sang Jun poked his head around, wanting to look into the office.

Gu Xiaonan glanced at him.

"Stop looking, let's go."

Sang Jun said "Ah" with disappointment on his face.

Then, Gu Xiaonan ordered another person to enter the office and pick up three more password boxes that had appeared at some point.

"Come with me to see the president."

The person being told calmly responds with a "yes".

After all, Sang Jun couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked.

"Boss, what's in that box...?"

Gu Xiaonan paused.

Just when Sang Jun thought she wouldn't answer, she spoke up.

The voice was very soft and he said.

"A magic weapon to restrain strange things."


The business jet flashed its lights and flew in the dark clouds above 10,000 meters.

Sang Jun retracted his gaze from the black safe and came back to his senses.

"About to arrive."

Someone looked at the flight time and said.

The cabin is filled with dim night lights.

The sweet aroma of coffee wafts around.

Comfortable and quiet.

But Sang Jun knew that once he got off the plane, he would face a fierce battle on the tightrope of the cliff of life and death!

Even these people who came together...

His eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one.

He, who has always been out of shape, couldn't help but feel heavy at this moment.

"Is there any news from Master Qingxia?" he asked.

Since boarding the business jet, they used the paper cranes left by Qingxiazi to send him messages.

"No." someone answered.

"Okay," Sang Jun sighed, "Then we have to rely on ourselves."

After speaking, he repeated it again, as if to cheer himself up.

"Mountains will fall if you rely on them, and water will flow if you rely on them. Only by relying on yourself can you stand firm!"

"Comrades, get ready, Yoshiro is coming!"

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