Enter the mind space.

Qin Yang came to the observatory as soon as possible.

After three days of accumulation,

his imperial power has reached 240,000+.

[Ask the Earth] can be used 24 times.

However, Qin Yang's idea still starts with asking the sky.

"Ask the sky to know the general situation of the world. I wonder if the invasion of Hongwu City can affect the trend of the world pattern."

Qin Yang said in his heart, and started asking the sky.

Asking the sky does not need to be consumed, but it is limited to once a month.

Soon, three pieces of information appeared in front of Qin Yang.

[General trend 1]: The Queen of Lionheart Kingdom passed away, the nobles were eager to move for the throne, and a civil war was about to be launched. The era of overseas colonization of the sun never set began to end.

[General trend 2]: Unknown mutant monsters have appeared in the ocean, and the cherry blossoms of the island country will no longer bloom.

[General trend 3]: The city-state of Jiuzhou Federation was destroyed, and the major families vigorously developed military forces in the name of self-protection. The world will eventually be divided.

"The city-state of Jiuzhou Federation was destroyed?"

"Hongwu City fell?"

Qin Yang's eyes were stunned, and he was suspicious.

At present, only Hongwu City has been warned of invasion.

The city-state mentioned in "The Great Trend Three" cannot be anywhere else.

But, it shouldn't be.

After making so many preparations, it was still destroyed?

The defense of Hongwu City is not weak.

It is impossible to demolish it without 10 dragons.

Dragons are arrogant by nature. If there are 10 of them gathered together, it would be a big deal.

To command more than 10 dragons...

You need a strong leader.

Its strength must be able to defeat all dragons.

"Could it be an ancient dragon?"

Qin Yang guessed in his heart.

There are also levels among dragons.

The strength of ancient dragons is far stronger than that of ordinary dragons.

Generally speaking, it can match the human King Rank.

"If it is an ancient dragon, it makes sense."

"But, what is there in Hongwu City that can attract such a thing to come?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes.

Some monsters attack the city simply for food and killing.

And the purpose of monsters like dragons is definitely not that simple.

"If we know what dragons are, maybe there is a way to avoid this disaster." Qin Yang thought to himself. Looking at the observatory, he used "ancient dragon" as the keyword and opened "Ask the Earth". The mysterious magic circle floated, and the phantoms of stars emerged. Three prompts appeared in front of Qin Yang again. [Result 1]: The top ten ancient monsters, the last one is as old as the heaven and the earth. [Result 2:]: The Lighthouse Country secretly formed the "Dragon Knights" and prepared to launch a war against the Sand Country. [Result 3]: The ancient dragon Aka has been resurrected and is overlooking the Kyushu Federation. It wants to take back its dragon heart and activate it with human blood. "It is indeed an ancient dragon." Qin Yang took a breath. The ancient dragon has come, and no matter how much preparation Hongwu City makes, it can't solve the problem. This level of monster can only be faced by Lin Xiaoer. "The residents of Hongwu City will thank me." Qin Yang said in his heart. It's not easy to practice. A strong man of Lin Xiaoer's level would not take action easily.

Just like the powerful people in the world of cultivation, they would not gamble their long life for an irrelevant village or town.

But it was different when he was in Hongwu City.

Not to mention Lin Xiaoer, even the emperor-level grandfather behind him could be invited.

Of course, even if Lin Xiaoer took action.

The preparations made by Qin Yang were not in vain.

When Lin Xiaoer intercepted the ancient dragon, he certainly had no time to take care of other things.

The professionals in Hongwu City still had to face ordinary dragons.

Qin Yang thought and looked at the result of the question.

"The ancient dragon wants the dragon heart. This thing sounds familiar. It may be a forging material."

"No matter what it is, after successfully resisting the invasion, it should belong to the Qin Family."

Qin Yang muttered.

The first credit for defending the city this time must be the Qin Family, and it is not excessive to ask for some rewards.

"Wait! Dragon heart..."

Suddenly, Qin Yang's eyes widened.

He remembered that he had really heard of this thing!

The Guild's Forging Great Master, Gu Yu had said before.

To forge equipment of purple grade or above, it is best to go to Jingming City.

There is a magma pool called "Dragon Blood Furnace" there.

The success rate of using the magma there to forge equipment is much higher.

As for why this effect exists, no one knows.

The unanimous guess is that there is a dragon heart hidden in the magma pool.

"So, the dragon's real target is Jingming City?"

Qin Yang's eyes became serious.


Everything is wrong.

A giant dragon appears outside Hongwu City.

It does not mean that it will attack Hongwu City.

Or maybe, they came to survey the terrain.

Or, it's to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

"These lizards are still playing Sun Tzu's Art of War?"

Qin Yang's eyes became sharp.

This ancient dragon named Aka must not be kept!

"The high-fighting professionals from Jingming City have been transferred to Hongwu City. They must be sent back as soon as possible."

The situation was serious and Qin Yang used [Ask the Land] again.

This time I asked about the time of the dragon's invasion.

The results came out, which shocked his whole body.

[Result 4]: Tonight, the roar of the dragon will shatter the night sky.

"Tonight? Then in two hours?"

Qin Yang's pupils shrank suddenly.

This result was one week ahead of schedule.

"My calculation is definitely more accurate than Qimen Tianshi."

"Well, something big is going to happen."

With a thought in his mind, Qin Yang withdrew from the space of his mind.

Hongwu City, City Lord’s Mansion.

"What! Jingming City?"

In the conference room, the head of the Chu family couldn't control his emotions and stood up suddenly.

Just now, Qin Feng conveyed Qin Yang's prediction to the city lord.

The dragon may not be invading Hongwu City, but Jingming City.

Among the invading dragons, there was also an ancient dragon.

Moreover, the time to attack is tonight.

After hearing the news, even Level 80 elder Xu Nantian turned pale.

The level of the ancient dragon is at least Level 100.

Coupled with the potential of the dragon...

Without a strong King Rank man sitting in charge, it would be impossible to deal with it.

He patted Chu Mengchen on the shoulder to comfort him, and then looked at Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, what is the basis for Qin Yang to make this prediction?"

Qin Feng looked directly at Xu Nantian and said, "I don't know, but I believe him."

Xu Nantian nodded slightly, then looked at Zhong Yu'an aside: "Yu'an, I'm sorry, I also choose to believe Qin Yang's prediction."

Zhong Yu'an stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Xu, you don't have to apologize to me. Qimen's deduction may not be accurate. The Nine-Five Supreme is a legendary profession that is rare in a century. It is above the Qimen Celestial Master. I I’m also willing to believe Qin Yang.”

Because of the previous championship achievements.

A group of big guys in Hongwucheng all have a good impression of Qin Yang.

This person is uninhibited, but he will never act recklessly before big things happen.

Plus the aura of a legendary profession.

Qin Yang's prediction was not questioned.

Of course, no one dared to question it.

We cannot afford to offend this person, let alone take the blame.

Soon, everyone formulated a response plan.

Xu Nantian and Chu Mengchen both have the ability to fly.

They can take a group of advance teams and return to Jingming City first.

If everything goes well, it will take two or three hours to arrive.

Those professionals who cannot fly will also take the armored train to Cangxuan City, and then take the Cang Profound Immortal Sect's flying boat to Jingming City.

In this way, the large army can reach Jingming City in the middle of the night.

At the same time, Cang Profound Immortal Sect will also send two Sword Immortals to aid Jingming City.

Not to mention that this power can kill all the giant dragons.

At least, he could hold on until Lin Xiaoer came back from the Sea of ​​Annihilation.

After arranging everything, the sun has set.

Everyone remembered Qin Yang's prediction.

[Tonight, the roar of the dragon will shatter the night sky. ]

This "tonight" may be "in the second half of the night", or it may be now.

"There's no time..."

Chu Mengchen shuddered.

He was eager to save his daughter and planned to take the first step.

Just when he was about to make arrangements.

But a long roar was heard from outside.

Everyone looked up,

I saw a giant dragon looming above the clouds.

"Everyone, stay calm! The dragon roar is coming!"

Xu Nantian protected Chu Mengchen behind him and shouted in fear.


A thunder exploded in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the glass in the conference room was shattered.

Zhong Yuan, Zhang Qian, and Qin Feng were blown away by the huge airflow at the same time.

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