Chapter 119

“Well, I kind of understand your thoughts, you really don’t have an ordinary chance, so, just let you go, anyway, it’s not me to accept disciples, nor am I teaching others magic.” Qin Feng shrugged with a smile.

Then the two continued to pay attention to Stephen Strange.

One attention is half a day.

In this kind of attention, Qin Feng was very bored, but Gu Yi was very interested in watching it.

A look of relish.

“Are you ready to see when, I can see it when I am sleepy, and you don’t feel bored when I look at it all the time?” Qin Feng.

“Life is varied, watching other people’s lives, feeling life, feeling the magic breath, why is it boring.” Ancient one.

“I don’t understand your realm at all.” Qin Feng.

“So, you’re still too young, and you’ll understand when you’ve lived me so long.” Ancient one.

“Then let’s wait until I live so long, how long are you still going to watch, if you want to continue watching, then I will withdraw first.” Qin Feng Hache said day after day, patiently accompanying Gu Yi for a long time, which is already good.

Continuing to read, Qin Feng felt that he might die of boredom.

With this effort, it’s better to go home and play a game, watch an anime, make up for it or something.

Speaking of which, I don’t know if the anime in this world is good or not.

“Then you should withdraw first, in addition, aren’t you afraid that I will use mirror magic to spy on your privacy, in this case, do you want to learn mirror magic, if you want to learn, I will be able to teach you.” Ancient one.

“This…” Qin Feng hesitated.

To be honest, he was really interested in this mirror magic.

With this mirror magic, after transforming into someone else in the future, you don’t need to test your strength in the universe, and you can test it in the mirror space.

And in the mirror space test, under normal circumstances, do not need to care about being perceived by others.

“If you teach, I will learn.” After hesitating for a moment, Qin Feng followed and said.

“Huh!” Gu Yi couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Qin Feng’s words.

“What are you laughing at.” Qin Feng.

“Nothing laughing.” Ancient one.

“Cut…” Qin Feng.

Then, Gu Yi continued to watch Stephen Strange, but while observing, he also taught the structure of Qin Feng’s mirror construction, mirror magic.

With this teaching, he immediately saw that Qin Feng once again showed an extremely amazing magical talent.

Mirror magic is actually learned at once.

With his current state of King Debbie Luke, mastering this mirror magic is not difficult at all, although he has not been able to reach the height of Gu Yi all of a sudden, but he has definitely learned it all at once, and the other difference is just practice, precipitation, and proficiency.

King Debiluk’s three daughters are absolute geniuses and proficient in major fields, and King Debiluk is naturally the same.

Not only is it powerful, but also its talent, otherwise it would not have become the king of the universe.

Not only is he physically powerful, but so is his spiritual power.

Coupled with Gu Yi’s unreserved teaching, mastering it at once is actually not too amazing.

Of course, Qin Feng felt that it was not too amazing.

Gu Yi was still surprised to see such a situation.

“You’re really born with magic.” Gu Yi couldn’t help but say to Qin Feng again.

“Even so, you have two heirs who can inherit your Supreme Mage position, so you don’t have to worry about me anymore.” Qin Feng.

“Hehe, don’t worry, it won’t hit your attention, you think too much again.” Ancient one.

“I don’t want to be treated like that by you one after another.” Qin Feng pouted and followed: “Okay, I also learned mirror magic, even if I owe you a favor, I will pay you back in the future, I will not accompany you to continue reading, I will withdraw first.” ”

After saying this, I saw Qin Feng’s thoughts move, and a light gate appeared directly in front of him, and then stepped into it.

In the next instant, it was directly separated from the mirror space built by Gu Yi.

After separating, Qin Feng then moved and disappeared from the place.

It reappeared on the roof of a building.

After appearing here, Qin Feng rubbed his brows with his hands.

“Although all kinds of sugar-coated cannonballs restrained by Gu Yi, it seems that I can’t help but eat a sugar-coated cannonball this time.” Qin Feng sighed a little helplessly.

This person is too talented, and it is not a good thing.

Always remembered.

It’s not okay if your heart is too soft.

It’s always easy to fool.

If it weren’t for the discovery of Gu Yi’s mirror space, he could also project creatures in the mirror space, Qin Feng’s interest in mirror magic was not so great, but he knew such things.

Qin Feng really couldn’t suppress the interest in his heart.

“In the future, I will have less contact with Gu Yi, so as not to owe her more favors, and then I will run to Karma Taj without moving.” After Qin Feng sighed, he followed the thought and made a decision.

With such a decision, Qin Feng couldn’t help but think of someone again.


Since he owes such a favor to Gu Yi this time, it is even more because he should go to Dormammu’s trouble first.

If you can solve Dormammu in advance, then it can be regarded as returning Gu Yi’s favor.

Thinking of this, the spatial portal in front of Qin Feng appeared, and after appearing, Qin Feng stepped into it.

In the next instant, Qin Feng arrived at hell.

After appearing here, Qin Feng burst out with a powerful momentum.

The overwhelming coercion spread out in all directions.

Let hell shake for it.

A large number of necromancers, demons, shocked by it.

“What’s that?”

“What is this breath?”

“What is the hell recently, how can there be strong people fighting at every turn. Moreover, it is still the kind of strong person who cannot be dealt with at all. ”

“yes, who knows what’s going on? Is this still the hell I know? ”


It also exploded with the momentum on Qin Feng’s body.

Many demons who sensed such a terrifying momentum changed their complexions, and they were speechless.


As Qin Feng did this, he saw a flash of light in front of Qin Feng.

In a flash of light, Hela appeared in front of Qin Feng.


After Hela appeared, he greeted Qin Feng for the first time.

“Well, did you find the exact location of Dormammu?” Qin Feng nodded and followed.

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